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Elaine M. Catley fonds.

  • SCA1-WA1
  • Fonds
  • 1926-1975

Correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts of poetry and prose , clippings of published work and reviews. Correspondents include Nellie McClung (2 letters), Laura Goodman Salverson (1 letter) and Charles G.D. Roberts (1 letter).

Catley, Elaine Maud

Annie Elizabeth May Hewlett fonds.

  • SCA10-WA6
  • Fonds
  • 1911-1974, predominant 1952-1955

Fonds consists of material created, published, and accumulated by Annie Elizabeth May Hewlett. Includes a scrapbook and correspondence.

Hewlett, Annie Elizabeth May

Virgil Burnett fonds : 2012 accrual.

Accrual consists of material relating to the artistic and literary career of Virgil Burnett. Includes sketchbooks with illustrations and life drawings; commonplace books with original works as well as copied quotations, passages and ephemera; manuscripts; poetry and plays; as well as writings by others given to Burnett.

Burnett, Virgil

Virgil Burnett fonds : accruals.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Virgil Burnett that relate to his professional and personal life. Includes correspondence to and from Burnett, artworks and writings by Burnett and others, materials relating to the creation and publication of books written and illustrated by Burnett as well as those published by Pasdeloup Press, and other ephemera.

Burnett, Virgil

Virgil Burnett fonds.

Fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, illustrations, clippings, sketchbooks, and other materials created and accumulated by Virgil Burnett that document his personal and professional life. Includes materials relating to his work with the Pasdeloup Press.

Burnett, Virgil

Tony Urquhart fonds : 2009 accrual.

Accrual consists of material relating to the artistic career of Tony Urquhart as well as his personal life. The materials in this accrual are arranged according to the series set out in the original finding aid, with some exceptions.

Urquhart, Tony

Tony Urquhart fonds : 2014 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urqhart relating to his personal life and his work as an artist. Includes materials showing his creative process; materials relating to his involvement in arts organizations; materials relating to exhibition and sales of his work; and materials related to his personal life. Includes correspondence, ephemera, advertisements, clippings, photographs and idea books.

Urquhart, Tony

Tony Urquhart fonds : 2015 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to his professional life. Includes primarily slides of images of graveyards taken largely in France. Also includes material relating to the exhibit "Vimy and After: Drawings by Walter Seymour Allward" curated by Tony Urquhart.

Urquhart, Tony

Tony Urquhart fonds : 2015-2 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart, relating to his personal and professional life. Includes correspondence, clippings, notes, typescripts, etc.

Urquhart, Tony

Tony Urquhart fonds

The fonds documents Tony Urquhart's work as a painter, sculptor and teacher of art. Included is information on his earliest exhibited work as well as early correspondence and information on his activities relating to the arts in Canada. Of importance are his personal financial records as they relate to his work in lobbying to change the tax treatment given artists in Canada. A small amount of original art, i.e. working drawings, Christmas cards etc. is included.

Urquhart, Tony

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo fonds : accruals.

Accrual consists of records of the Kitchener-Waterloo Young Women's Christian Association relating to its staff and board, programs, operations, residences, and history. Includes minutes, correspondence, clippings, scrapbooks, photographs, reports, ephemera, financial information, etc. with a focus on records from the 1970's-2000's.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo fonds.

Fonds consists of records of the Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo relating to its incorporation, activities, programs, operations and history in the Community from 1905 to 1995. Includes minutes of the Board of Directors, standing and other committees, correspondence, clippings, scrapbooks, photographs, ephemera, reports, financial statements, etc.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

Wagner Hailer family fonds

  • SCA105-GA77
  • Fonds
  • 1822-September 16, 1988

Correspondence, legal documents, photographs, ephemera and genealogical records, relating to Jacob Hailer (1804-1885), Henry Wagner (1793-1867), Jacob Wagner (1824-1858), Louis Henry Wagner (1857-1945), their families and the related Staebler Family, Biehn/Bean Family and Breithaupt Family.

Wagner Hailer family

Motz family fonds.

  • SCA107-GA80
  • Fonds
  • 1848-1990

Materials relating to the personal and professional life of the Motz family spanning over one hundred and fifty years and four generations. Also included is materials relating to their family work in the newspaper industry in Kitchener. Includes personal records of John Motz, his son William John, and his grandchildren John George and John Edward as well as their respective wives. Also includes materials related to Rittinger and Motz, and the various newspaper that were owned and operated by the company. Materials include photographs, biographical records, correspondence, clippings, legal documents, stationary and a scrapbook.

Motz Family

Jo Davis fonds.

  • SCA108-GA81
  • Fonds
  • 1959-1990

Fonds primarily focuses on Jo Davis' work as co-founder, vice-president, etc., of the Canadian women's group known as the "Voice of Women". Davis was actively involved from 1960 to 1963. The group still exists but Davis is no longer involved.

Included here are correspondence, memos, briefs, speeches and clippings which document the change in focus of the group from its early years--a change which ultimately resulted in Davis' resignation (January 22, 1963). Included on many folders or individual pieces of correspondence are Davis' notes, done in 1990, which reveal a unique perspective of early events.

The fonds also contains groups of papers documenting Davis' interests prior to her work with the Voice of Women (World Refugee Year), projects concomitant with VOW activities (Canadian Peace Research Institute and lnternational Cooperation Year) and projects subsequent to VOW activities (Harold King Farm and French Week). Small amounts of materials relate to Davis' current interests such as The Turnaround Decade Group.

Davis, Jo

Clement Bowlby Family fonds.

  • SCA109-GA82
  • Fonds
  • 1831-1988

Fonds consists of textual and graphic materials created or accumulated by members of the Clement and Bowlby families, largely photographs of extended family members and materials created or accumulated by William Pope Clement and Florence Grace Clement. Also contains clippings, correspondence, genealogical records and research, textiles, artifacts including First World War medals, and other ephemera.

Clement Bowlby Family

Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest Inc. fonds.

  • SCA110-GA83
  • Fonds
  • 1969-1997

The records of K-W Oktoberfest document all aspects of the growth and day-to-day operation of the festival from its beginnings in 1969. They consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, committee minutes and reports, publications, ephemera, audio-visual materials, and other material created or received by the Corporation in the course of its business. Records from 1969-1983 are incomplete.

K-W Oktoberfest Inc.

Marie Stopes collection.

  • SCA111-GA84
  • Collection
  • 1911-1985

Collection consists of materials relating to the personal and professional life of Marie Stopes as well as to the history of birth control. Includes biographical materials, articles and ephemera related to birth control, correspondence, and ms. drafts of a biography of Stopes by Ruth Hall.

Stopes, Marie

Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association : 2018 accrual.

Draft speeches written by Joseph Connell between 1963 and 1966, and audio cassettes containing recordings of some speeches and sessions delivered during the Young Men’s Christian Association’s (YMCA) annual meeting held in Halifax, Nova Scotia on June 13-17, 1984. Also includes two audio cassettes featuring a recording of the salute to Joseph Orr Connell on his retirement from the YMCA in May 1976 and one audio cassette containing a recording of remarks given by Charles Greb at the opening of a new Waterloo Family YMCA on June 10, 1971.

Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association

Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association fonds.

Material relating to the organization, administration and operations of the Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association from 1906 to 1992. Includes annual reports, minutes of the Board of Directors and its committees, financial records, legal records relating to land transactions, returns to the Provincial Secretary, correspondence, and other records relating to buildings and facilities, staff and programs. Includes material relating to the K-W Y's Men's Club, Delta Phalanx, the Spokes Club and Pan Politae.

Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association

Canadian Coalition on Acid Rain fonds.

Fonds consists of the records of the Canadian Coalition on Acid Rain documenting all aspects of its activities and operations during its 10-year existence from 1981-1991. These include correspondence, minutes and reports, research files, financial records, legal records, publications, ephemera, audio-visual material, realia, and other material created or received by the CCAR and CAPF in the course of their business, and constitute a study in Canada-U.S. environmental relations.

Canadian Coalition on Acid Rain

Robert Dorney fonds.

  • SCA115-GA88
  • Fonds
  • 1948-1992

Fonds consists of textual and visual materials created and received by Dorney over the course of his career, including drafts and reprints of most of his published writings, teaching and course materials, audio-visual materials, framed items, ephemera and realia. Of interest is an original map by Dorney which attempts to reconstruct the original vegetation patterns in North Dumfries Township in Waterloo County in the 19th century. Dorney's collection of slides is particularly significant in its documentation of natural vegetation, urban impact and areas of ecological interest both locally and elsewhere and includes extensive documentation of the "mini-forest" at his home at 124 Amos Ave. in Waterloo.

Dorney, Robert

Kitchener Waterloo Sales and Ad Club fonds.

  • SCA117-GA90
  • Fonds
  • 1934-2000

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by the Kitchener Waterloo Sales and Ad Club relating to their services, events, organization and history.

Kitchener Waterloo Sales and Ad Club

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2009 accrual.

Textual and graphic material created or accumulated by Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White) and other members of the Schantz and Russell families, primarily correspondence received by Dorothy and some of her diaries and notebooks. Also contains miscellaneous materials created or accumulated by Franklin Abram Schantz, family correspondence, and ephemera.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2011 accrual.

Textual and graphic material created or accumulated by members of the Schantz families, primarily photographs of extended Schantz family members and material created and accumulated by Orpheus Moyer Schantz. Also contains family correspondence, material relating to homestead land holdings, and ephemera. Textual records were loose when material was donated.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2013 accrual.

Textual and graphic material created or accumulated by members of the Schantz families. Primarily includes photographs of members of the extended Schantz family and friends. Also contains ephemera, and school notebooks.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2014 accrual.

Textual, graphic and artefactual material created and accumulated by members of the Schantz Russell family, primarily Orpheus Moyer Schantz. Includes photographs of members of the extended family, correspondence, artwork, ephemera, and material relating to the professional and leisure pursuits of Orpheus Moyer Schantz.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2017-1 accrual.

Material created and accumulated by members of the Schantz family. Includes primarily ephemera including an early indenture, a tax bill, and school work of Tobias Schantz. Also includes notebooks kept by Dorothy Russell while a student at Kitchener–Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational School, also known as Kitchener Collegiate Institute.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2017-2 accrual.

Records related to the Schantz Russell family. Includes photographs, ephemera, drawings, a floor plan of the Schantz family home in Kitchener, Ont., correspondence and family histories written by Harold Russell.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds.

Material created or accumulated by members of the Schantz Russell family including correspondence, photographs, ephemera, maps, artifacts and more.

The records document the education, interests and activities of members of the Schantz Russell family. In particular, the correspondence files notably detail the lives of the Schantz women who were well-educated, and travelled. Their letters record details of domestic activities, local and national affairs. The photographs add to the known body of work of local photographers, most notably Denton, and include some images of important local events, such as the visit of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The many very early local maps and plans provide significant insight for area research.

The records, originally stored in the attic of the Schantz Russell family home at 43 Schneider Avenue in Kitchener, were kept in trunks, boxes and desks, some belonging to individuals, and some containing general family papers. The arrangement of the fonds has been determined largely by the way the material was stored.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2003 accrual.

Textual and graphic material belonging to or created by Dorothy Russell, including her diaries, correspondence and photograph albums. Also includes a small amount of Schantz Reunion material such as the 1913 register. The photograph albums originally belonged to different members of the family.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2005 accrual.

Textual and graphic material created or accumulated by Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White) during her enrollment as a student at the Kitchener and Waterloo Collegiate Institute and the Toronto Normal School, respectively, from 1916 to 1921. Also contains miscellaneous material created or accumulated by Etta Lydia Mary White (nee Schantz), including school certificates, provincial and county school examination papers and ephemera such as advertising and greeting cards. Includes as well, material relating to the Schantz Russell family; among these are publications and clippings.

Schantz Russell Family

Kitchener-Waterloo Record fonds.

Fonds consists of material relating to the history and operations of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, from its beginnings in 1878 to 1988. Also consists of historical materials on the history of Waterloo County and the Region of Waterloo including newspaper articles, slides, photographs, and negatives. Includes legal documents, clippings, ephemera, publications, artifacts, office files, photographic materials, and films.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

118th battalion, Kitchener, Ontario.

Film features scenes of the Kitchener fire department equipment including cars and horse-drawn fire vehicles leaving the station and traveling down an unidentified street. Crowds on a street, a street car, automobiles. The 118th Battalion on parade with crowds lining either side of the street and the downtown Kitchener area. Soldiers leaving a building and exercising on a field, possibly Victoria Park.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

William Dickson collection.

  • SCA12-GA7
  • Collection
  • 1818, 1831-1834, 1839

Collection consists of seven legal documents regarding the sale of land in the Township of Dumfries in Southern Ontario.

Dickson, William

Nancy-Lou Patterson fonds.

Fonds consists of material documenting Nancy-Lou Patterson's career as an "creative author" of both fiction and non-fiction, as well as poetry from 1950 to 1995. It contains correspondence, ephemera, manuscripts, typescripts and published pieces, as well as some photographs and artwork.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou

Nancy-Lou Patterson fonds : 2000 accrual.

This accrual continues to add to the holdings of Nancy-Lou Patterson's most recent activities, writing and design work. Of particular interest, however, is the presence of a significant amount of "juvenile" and young adult work, both written and artistic. Compositions and notebooks from public and high school, short stories, poems, scrapbooks, projects created for art courses, all demonstrate her very early interest in art and writing.
The development of an artistic style is documented in her experiments in female "superhero" comics, her cartoon rendition of Tennyson, serious drawings to accompany poems, and illustrations for text.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou

Women's Press Club of Toronto : 2017 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulate by the Women's Press Club of Toronto for the years 1976-1981 that document their organizational operations and activities. Comprised of three binders kept by members of the executive committee which include business meeting minutes, executive meeting minutes, correspondence, newsletters, and more.

Women's Press Club of Toronto

Women's Press Club of Toronto fonds

Fonds contains materials collected by and sent to Kay Rex for the purpose of writing a history of the Canadian Women's Press Club, as well as records of the Toronto Branch given into her keeping when the Club ceased operation. These were intended for eventual deposit at the University of Waterloo to join the book collection of the C.W.P.C. which was donated to the Doris Lewis Rare Book Room in 1977.

The fonds consists of records documenting Toronto Branch operation during the period of the 1960's to 1980's, including constitution and by-laws, correspondence 1965-1991, minutes of regular and executive meetings, 1968-1989, a file on the closing of the Club's premises at 44 York St., Toronto, and scrapbooks of club activities and personalities. Historical materials include textual records, photographs, publications and scrapbooks. The earliest scrapbook is dated 1921 and contains biographies and photographs of members. Trips taken by C.W.P.C members in 1950 and 1955 to the United Kingdom, Europe and Russia are documented through members' files, photographs, and scrapbooks.

Women's Press Club of Toronto

Marion Conroy fonds.

  • SCA122-GA95
  • Fonds
  • 1941-1944

Consists of Marion Conroy's copies of material given to delegates at the National Conference of Regional Chairmen, Consumer Branch, Wartime Prices and Trade Board held in 1944, and includes the agenda and outline of issues for the Conference, as well as a separate report submitted by Kate Aitken, Supervisor of the Conservation Programme, on the establishment and progress across Canada of "Remake Centres." These centres were for teaching women to conserve new yard goods by making over existing garments.

The fonds also contains a scrapbook kept by Marion Conroy of clippings and ephemera dating from 1941-1944. As well as documenting Marion Conroy's activities, the scrapbook contains information on the organization and personalities involved in the Board and the Consumer Branch, such Donald Gordon and Byrne Hope Sanders. Also present are news accounts of the many rules and regulations applied to all aspects of the production and consumption of consumer goods, from fashion, food and drink, and housing, to the delivery and return of purchased goods.

Conroy, Marion

Isobel MacKay fonds.

  • SCA124-GA97
  • Fonds
  • 1978-1983

Material kept by Isobel MacKay during her association with Community Resources for Women. These include annual reports, correspondence, minutes and agenda of the Steering Committee, news clippings, newsletters, and papers relating to workshops.

MacKay, Isobel

Lloyd Stamp fonds.

  • SCA125-GA98
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1995

Four large albums, entitled "Pan Politae and Friends", that contain photographs, ephemera and text, both original and copies, relative to the history of the Pan Politae Club, as well as photographs and biographical information about its members from 1938 to 1995.

The history of Pan Politae is documented through current and historical portraits, as well as photographs of activities such as reunions. The albums include photographs of fundraising projects like the Christmas tree sales and service projects events held with the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) camps. Photographs depict service work done primarily in Camp Wabanaki at its original location on Beausoleil Island, Georgian Bay, which was destroyed by fire in ca. 1970.

These albums were compiled to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA. Included are portraits of and information about K-W YMCA Presidents, influential members, former staff, and information about awards and recipients. Also included is correspondence addressed to Lloyd Stamp from former members of the Pan Politae Club where they discuss their experiences and reflections from their time in the club.

Stamp, Lloyd

Luella Creighton fonds.

  • SCA126-GA99
  • Fonds
  • 1917-1990, predominant 1950-1990

Material documenting Luella Creighton's student days at Victoria College, University of Toronto, 1924-1926. Her personal life is further documented through a series of diaries, 1963-1990. Most of the textual material in the fonds, however, relates to her career as a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, and consists of correspondence with her publishers and readers, reviews, manuscripts and typescripts of both published and unpublished works.

Creighton, Luella Bruce

Muskoka Lakes Association fonds.

Records documenting most aspects of the activities of the Muskoka Lakes Association from 1894 to the 1990s, with some gaps in coverage. Materials present include correspondence, committee minutes and annual reports, financial records, legal records, publications, ephemera, audiovisual material, and artifacts.

Muskoka Lakes Association

Muskoka Lakes Association fonds : 2006 accrual.

Accrual consists of material documenting aspects of the administration and activities of the Muskoka Lakes Association and some of its committees, mainly during the period from 1978 to 2003. During this time, the primary political and environmental concerns of the association included land use and resort development, taxation, water quality, and relationships with municipal and provincial governments.

Accrual contains records created and accumulated by chairs of political, environmental, and land use committees and by several presidents, as well as records relating to office administration and other committees and activities of the association.

Includes correspondence and memoranda; reports; presentations; committee minutes and agendas; newspaper clippings; publications; handwritten and typed notes; notices and decisions of provincial judicial boards; official plans, by-laws and other municipal documents; maps and architectural drawings; ephemera; and other material.

Muskoka Lakes Association

United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area fonds

Material relating to the organization, administration and operation of the United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area from 1941-1994. Included are include correspondence, minutes and reports, financial records, publications, ephemera, scrapbooks, sound and moving image material, artifacts, and other material created or received in the course of business. The fonds includes material relating to the organization, management and results of yearly campaigns, as well as material relating to the allocation of funds to member agencies. Information about member agencies is present as well and includes their financial reports and ephemera. Publications issued by local, provincial and other social service agencies and United Ways help provide a context for understanding the larger framework within which the local organization functions.

United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area

E Palmer Patterson fonds.

  • SCA129-GA102
  • Fonds
  • [19--]-[199-]

Records related to E Palmer Patterson’s research and writings, both published and unpublished, primarily about Indigenous peoples in Canada. Includes manuscripts, typescripts, offprints, notes, press clippings, correspondence, publishing contracts and other material.

Patterson, E Palmer

Catherine Taylor fonds.

  • SCA13-WA7
  • Fonds
  • 1899,1917-1967

Fonds consists of material accumulated by Catherine Taylor throughout her career as a nurse. Includes correspondence, certificates, clippings, an autograph book, and other material. Correspondents include Viscountess Eleanor Sandhurst, wife of the Lord High Chamberlain of England and Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen, and Sir Thomas J. Lipton.

Taylor, Catherine

Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Ltd. fonds.

This fonds contains originals and copies of correspondence, legal instruments, licenses, manuscripts, photographs, ephemera, plans, reports, and topical files relating to the early history of the Seagram Company to 1911, and from its incorporation in 1911 to 1928, when it was purchased by the Bronfman family. The records of Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Ltd., actually stretch beyond the 1928 date, as many records emanate from the Waterloo plant and document certain of its activities to the 1950's and 1960's. The sousfonds contains information about the incorporation of the company under its various names, on imports and exports of alcohol to and from the plant, on registration of labels, and on subsidiary operations such as feed stuffs. It also includes information about the distillery site itself, in the form of topical files, reports, plans and photographs. Information on local history is also present, as the Seagram family and company figured largely in local business, political and social circles.

Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Ltd.

Seagram family fonds.

The contents of these files were assembled by Seagram Museum Staff from a variety of sources, and consist of original documents, including clippings, correspondence, ephemera, estate records, photographs, scrapbooks, wills, etc. Some documents are photocopies. Wherever possible the original Seagram Museum accession number is included in the descriptions. As the materials were acquired from several sources, coverage is uneven. The largest group of materials centres around Joseph Edward Frowde Seagram, grandson of Joseph Emm Seagram, with lesser focus on his father, Edward Frowde, and grandparents, Joseph Emm Seagram and Stephanie Urbs. A few documents are present relating to the estate of Octavius Seagram, father of Joseph Emm, as well as wills and associated correspondence of Wiltshire Seagrams. Photographs of the McLachlan family of Guelph, Ont., of the Bland Family, and of Warnock family members are present, as is biographical material pertaining to the Hespeler family as well as to the Seagram family.

Seagram Family

Seagram Museum fonds.

The materials in this collection were assembled by Seagram Museum staff from a number of sources and reflect the museum's focus on the beverage alcohol industry in the North American context. It contains articles, clippings, correspondence, ephemera, etc. and includes correspondence with wine merchants re shipments by sea, information illustrative of bootlegging, prohibition, temperance, etc.

This fonds also contains accession registers, correspondence, invoice copies, purchase order copies, and other materials relating to the acquisition of book and archival material by the Seagram Museum Library and Archives.

Seagram Museum

Haney, Haney, Kendall & Melville fonds.

The fonds consists of land transactions, mortgages, declarations, and power of attorney documents. Some seem to have been retained as they pertain to personal or family business of members of the firm, such as documents relating to the estate of Christian Kumpf, whose daughter married A.B. McBride.

Some documents relate to well known names in the history of the area, such as David Kuntz of Kuntz Breweries and John Hoffman, for whom a survey of Waterloo was done in 1855, Thomas Hilliard, Charles Noecker, Ford S. Kumpf, etc.

Evidence of printing activity is present in legal forms printed by local booksellers and stationers for the firm. The documents contain evidence of trades and occupations of the time, including marble cutter, tailor, hotel keeper, farmer, woolen mill employee, button turner, shoe merchant, cabinet maker, tobbaconist, cigar box manufaturer, brewer, pumpmaker, telephone agent, etc. Also interesting to note is the shift to the use of a typewriter and the appearance of a female employee described as a "stenographer." Interesting also is the relative level of literacy evident in the signatures of individuals, particularly those of husbands and wives, many of whom are represented only by their "mark."

Haney, Haney, Kendall & Melville

Haney, Haney, Kendall & Melville fonds : 2008 accrual.

Accrual consists of material relating to the activities of the Waterloo law firm Haney, Haney, Kendall & Melville under various former names (including MacGachen & Colquhoun, and Colquhoun & McBride), as well as material relating to the family history of some of the firm's members.

Includes mostly deeds of land, mortgages, declarations, and correspondence; a will, a marriage contract, a birth registration, an insurance policy, a grant of burial lot, and other documents are also present. Accrual also contains two auction sale posters. Most of the documents were created in the local area, and some were created in England and Scotland.

Several files contain deeds and mortgages for Lot 9 and part of Lot 10 in the village of St. Jacobs, showing transfer in ownership from Levi Cress to Christian Henrich in 1884, through several other parties, to John L. Horst and his wife Selina Horst in 1953. Several files also contain material relating to a Fred Kempf and his property in Elmira. Some of the documents seem to have been retained for their relation to personal or family business of members of the firm.

Haney, Haney, Kendall & Melville

Jane Urquhart fonds : 2015 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Jane Urquhart relating to her personal and professional life. Includes mss. and tss. of Urquhart's works, research materials, correspondence, biographical materials, and materials relating to other professional commitments.

Urquhart, Jane

Jane Stuart Larrington fonds.

  • SCA134-GA107
  • Fonds
  • [1915?]-1986

Contains ephemera relating to the Toronto Women's Press Club, [1915?]-1922, information about Jane Larrington's membership in same, 1982, 1986, as well as photographs and ephemera from the 1955 Canadian Women's Press Club "Overseas Tour".

Larrington, Jane Stuart

Frances Kathleen Montgomery fonds.

Correspondence, diaries, ephemera, manuscripts, photographs and artifacts, documenting the life and career of Frances Kathleen Montgomery. Also present is a small amount of material, primarily photographs, relating to the Montgomery and Havey families.

Montgomery, Frances Kathleen

Results 1 to 100 of 516