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Twenty-two letters received by E.M. Catley. Correspondents include Nellie McClung (2 letters), Laura Goodman Salverson, Sir Charles G.D. Roberts. Most are in response to correspondence from Catley about her writing, with personal updates included throughout.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Elsom, John C.

Date: 1929.03.02 Place from: Toronto, Ont. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Elsom, John C.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Garvin, John W.

Date: 1935.05.07 Place from: Toronto, Ont. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Garvin, John W.

Response to letter from Catley regarding her poetry. Includes praise for "a marked improvement in [her] verse" and a request to have include some of her poems in a revised edition of Canadian Poets and Humorous Verse by Canadian Authors.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Greenham, Henry.

Date: 1927.05.25 Place from: Banff, Alberta To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Greenham, Henry

Response to letter from Catley regarding a poem by Greenham.

Catley, Elaine Maud

MacDougall, John.

Date: 1930.05.15 Place from: Connaught, Ont. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: MacDougall, John

Request for copies of Star Dust and Ecstasy.

Catley, Elaine Maud

MacMillan, Alexander.

Date: 1932.11.03 Place from: Toronto, Ont. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: MacMillan, Alexander

Response to letter from Catley regarding her writing. Includes a request to receive copies of her work.

Catley, Elaine Maud

McClung, Nellie.

Date: 192-?.11.12 Place from: Victoria, B.C. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: McClung, Nellie
Date: 192-?.03.29 Place from: Victoria, B.C. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: McClung, Nellie

Letters to Catley, one expressing praise for her writing and the other sharing personal updates and well wishes to the Cately family.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Neilson, Mary E.

Date: 1927.01.28 Place from: Columbus, Ohio To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Neilson, Mary E.

Letter to Cately with praise for her "prairie poems" that reminded Neilson of her birth city, Calgary.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Noyes, Alfred.

Date: n.d. Place from: London, England To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Noyes, Alfred

Response to Catley thanking her for sending a copy of her book of poems.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Palmer, George.

Date: 1926.12.25 Place from: Regina, Sask. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Palmer, George

Letter sharing Palmer's pleasure reading Catley's book of poem for the first time. Includes well wishes for the new year and the Catley family.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Pomeroy, Elsie.

Date: 1946.10.04 Place from: Toronto, Ont. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Pomeroy, Elsie

Letter from Pomeroy asking Catley to reconsider the decision to withdraw from the Canadian Authors Association.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Priestley, F.E.L.

Date: 1938.11.02 Place from: Toronto, Ont. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Priestley, F.E.L.

Response to letter from Catley expressing appreciate for book of poems and a request for 7 copies. Includes Priestley's thoughts about living in Toronto versus Edmonton.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Roberts, Charles G.D.

Date: 1927.03.04 Place from: Vancouver, B.C. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Roberts, Charles G.D.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Salverson, Laura Goodman.

Date: 1930? Place from: Port Arthur, Ont. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Salverson, Laura Goodman Notes: Re late pregnancy, 1930 or 33

Catley, Elaine Maud

Wood, Stanley N.

Date: 1926.12.07 Place from: Davidson, Sask. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Wood, Stanley N.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Allison, W.T.

Date: 1938.10.23 Place from: Winnipeg, Man. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Allison, W.T. Notes: + 1926 news clipping

Catley, Elaine Maud

Benson, A.C.

Date: 1913.11.19 Place from: Cambridge, England To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Benson, A.C.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Betts, Craven Longstreth.

Date: 1928.02.01 Place from: New York, N.Y. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Betts, Craven Longstreth

Letter from Longstreth regarding Catley's chap book Stardust and the desire to include the poem "Little breeze in the summer night" in an anthology.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Birkett, Lord.

Date: 1961.11.07 Place from: Chalfont St. Giles, England To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Birkett, Lord. Notes: + envelope. [no stamp]

Response to a letter from Catley regarding her writing. Includes Birkett's positive thoughts about Canada.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Brittain, Vera.

Date: 1961.09.02 Place from: 4, Whitehall Court. Westminster, S.W.1., England To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Brittain, Vera. Notes: + envelope.

Response from a letter sent by Catley regarding Brittain's poetry and the magazine "John O' London".

Brittain, Vera

Brockington, Leonard W.

Date: 1961.02.06 Place from: Toronto, Ont. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Brockington, Leonard W.

Response to a letter from Catley regarding her poetry.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Brown, Audrey A.

Date: 1947.02.01 Place from: Victoria, B.C. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Brown, Audrey A.

Catley, Elaine Maud

Correspondence (2 of 3).

File consists of ca. 120 items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others as well as accompanying documentation including exhibit promotional materials, an article, and a collection of comics. Correspondents include:

  • Brodzky, Anne
  • Burnett, Anne
  • Burnett, Virgil
  • Campbell, Helen
  • Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
  • Christansen, Michael
  • Coates, Ken
  • Cooper, Tony
  • Colby-Stothart, Karen
  • Cote, Marc
  • Cuber, Malgorzata
  • Davis, Ann
  • Diamond, Sara
  • Dickson, Mary Louise
  • Dobson, Ferne
  • Dryden, Ken
  • Duc Triano, Alice
  • Ducornet, Guy
  • Ducornet, Rikki
  • Dyck, Jennifer
  • Edmonds, Helen
  • Fraser, Ted
  • Fitzpatrick, Richard
  • GAllery 96
  • Green, Art & Natalie
  • Green, Trevor
  • Gu, Zhe
  • Guelph Jazz Festival
  • Hall, Joanne
  • Hamdullahper, Feridun
  • Hinchcliffe, D.
  • Kaplansky, Ronnie
  • Kinsella, Andrew
  • Le Nichoir
  • Mackinnon, Murdo
  • Manguel, Alberto & Craig
  • Marquis Who's Who
  • Matthews, Jane
  • Maureen Forester Trust
  • Mavor, Susan
  • McCauley, Eva
  • McKowan, Scott & Christina
  • Meehan, Brian
  • Morrisey, Merijean
  • Mossop, Andrea
  • O'Dea, Shane
  • Ondaatje, Kim
  • Orr, Wendy
  • Patten, James
  • Pearson, Landon
  • Peterborough Green Up
  • Phillips, Michael
  • Polk, James
  • The Porcupine's Quill
  • Pratt, Christopher
  • Pratt, Mary
  • Redinger, Marion & Walter
  • Rekke, Rajan & Pat
  • Riordon, Bernard
  • Rivard Le Moyne
  • Suzanne
  • Roberts, Gwilyn
  • Rosen, James
  • Rutherford, Erin
  • Sarazen, Heidi
  • Seligman, David
  • Shaw, Catherine Elliot
  • Shelter Valley Pines Golf Club
  • Shepherd, Heather
  • Siebel-Achenbach, Sebastian
  • Strausz, Ivan
  • Swan, Susan
  • Szilasi, Gabor
  • Taylor, David
  • Taylor, Jennifer
  • Thauberger, David
  • Thomson, Shirley, L.
  • Toppings, Iris
  • Urquhart, Aidan
  • Urquhart, Jane
  • Vallis, Bob
  • Varley, Christopher
  • Vastokas, Joan
  • Westra, Monique.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of thirty two items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Also includes a flyer for a show of Urquhart's works at the Centre Culturel Canadien in Paris from 1975. Correspondents include:

  • Ainslie, Jock & Hilary
  • Anderson, Bruce
  • Artcast Inc.
  • Balestrin, Marco & Sandra
  • Barlow, Maude
  • Bevelandre, Mieke
  • Bloore, Sula
  • Borst, Nicolette
  • Boudreault, Lolita
  • Breeze, Aldis
  • Bryant, Gary
  • Buntin, Barbara
  • Burnett, Virgil
  • Buyers, Jane
  • Fudge, Robert
  • Heath, Terrence
  • Kraehling, Jennie
  • Saunders Bellingham, Susan
  • Urquhart, Aidan.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of twenty two items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Downe, Susan; Ducornet, Guy; Hankin, Linda; Henry, Victoria; The Isaacs Gallery; Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery; McCabe, Nicole; McKeller, David; Moore Gallery; Spalding, Jeffrey; University of Waterloo Library; Urquhart, Aidan; Zimmer, David; [?], Anthony; [?], Cassandra; [?], Kelsey.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of six items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Hill, Charlie; Hill, Fran; Hinton, Jane; [H?], Elizabeth.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of seven items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Also includes an unrelated list of artwork shown in 2006 at Cahirsiveen library in Ireland. Correspondents include: [F?], Hanah; Jean, Michaelle; Marcus, Paul; Urquhart, Emily & Andrew; Zemans, Joyce & Fred; [?], Christina.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of five items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Dion, Stephane; Edmonds, Helen; Essar, Gary; Urquhart, Emily.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of one item of correspondence to Tony Urquhart from an unknown correspondent. Also includes nine photographs of Pere Lachaise Cemetery.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of two items of personal correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Lacroix, Nicolas; Listen up Canada.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of four items of personal correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Correspondents include: Issacs, Renann; Johnston, David; [?], Grace.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of two items of personal correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Grande, John; Turner, Wendy.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of three items of personal correspondence between Tony and Jane Urquhart, and others. Correspondents include: Ketcherson, Phly; Kirkton, Doug; Korp, Maureen.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Andreae, Janice.

File consists of one item of correspondence from Janice Andreae as well as two photocopies of a review of Tony Urquhart's exhibit at Bau-Xi by Andreae from artmagazine.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Governor General's Award.

File consists of six items of correspondence to Tony Urquhart congratulating him on winning the Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts. Correspondents include: Carson, Judy; McIntosh Gallery; Parson, Wayne; Triano, Larry & Alice; [?], Rosanne; [?], Andrew.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Oniakara.

File consists of one item of correspondence, with accompanying documentation consisting of an outline of Oniakara : The Niagara Sculpture Project.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Order of Canada (1 of 2).

File consists of 48 items of correspondence to Tony Urquhart congratulating him on receiving the Order of Canada. Correspondents include:

  • Adler, B&H;
  • Ainslie, Jock & Hill;
  • Banks, Robin;
  • Beynon, Aggie;
  • Black, Catherine;
  • Blain, Brad;
  • Burnett, Virgil;
  • Carson, Judith;
  • Downer, Roger;
  • Downey, James;
  • Brender a Brandis, Gerard;
  • Brox, James A.;
  • Burns, Ausra & Jeffrey;
  • Chilton, Al & Evelyn;
  • Dickson, Jennifer;
  • [Elmasry?], Abe; Flood, A.L.;
  • Gatenby, Greg;
  • Gold-Smith, Susan;
  • Hafermann, Adolf & Emily;
  • Jackman, Henry;
  • Linarf, Frederic;
  • Marsden, Lorna;
  • [Mitchusan?], Wendy and Lingwood, Rex;
  • Pearson, Landon;
  • Pratt, Mary; Quinn, Norah & Cliff;
  • Quinn, Ruth & Bill;
  • Rae, Bob;
  • Richardson, John;
  • Rosenblatt, Joe;
  • Saunders Bellingham, Susan;
  • Scott, Barry;
  • Shepherd, Murray;
  • Smart, Steve;
  • Somer, Mendel M.;
  • Stacey, Bob;
  • Stubbs, John;
  • Sylvester, [Gaitorne?];
  • Welker, Ron;
  • Witmer, Elizabeth.

Urquhart, Tony

A.K. Collings Fine Art Gallery.

File consists of materials relating to an exhibit of Tony Urquhart's works at A.K. Collings Fine Art Gallery. Includes four items of correspondence for Aurelie Collings, exhibit advertising, lists of art works, financial information and a clipping.

Urquhart, Tony

Exhibits : souvenirs: the cemetery landscapes of Tony Urquhart.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to his solo exhibition "Souvenirs: The Cemetery Landscapes of Tony Urquhart" held at the Stewart Hall Art Gallery. Includes correspondence relating to the exhibit, handwritten and typed notes on the exhibit and works, an arts council grant application, typed notes on the catalogue and a floor plan.

Urquhart, Tony

Gallerie D'este.

File consists of materials relating to the exhibition and sale of Tony Urquhart's works at Gallerie D'este. Includes two items of correspondence between Tony and the gallery, a sample contract, handwritten notes by Urquhart, business cards, and promotional materials.

Urquhart, Tony

Museum of Modern Art.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart related to the exhibit Transforming Chronologies at the Museum of Modern Art, in which his work "Summer Forms I" was displayed. Includes 11 items of correspondence, a clipping and promotional materials. Correspondents include: Gutierrez-Guimaraes, Geaninne; Perez-Oramas, Luis.

Urquhart, Tony

Nouveau Gallery.

File consists of materials relating to the exhibition of works by Tony Urquhart at Nouveau Gallery. Includes correspondence from the gallery, a list of artworks and information on works sold.

Urquhart, Tony

Pumphouse Visual Art Centre.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to the exhibition of his works at the Niagara Pumphouse Visual Art Centre. Includes clippings, as well as seven items of correspondence between Urquhart and the gallery.

Urquhart, Tony

Stewart Hall Art Gallery.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to his solo exhibition "Ambiguous Geographies : Unearthing the Work of Tony Urquhart" originally at the Stewart Hall Gallery. Includes correspondence, an exhibit catalogue, information on an Ontario Arts Council grant, information on the traveling history of the exhibit, a CD of images, lists of images with prices, promotional materials and more. Correspondents include:

  • Braistein, Marcel
  • Cubberley, Amy
  • Desjardins, Sylvie
  • Dyck, Sandra
  • Ferri, Laura
  • Fraser, Marie
  • Greer, Kristen
  • Gu, Zhe
  • McCabe, Nicole
  • Millar, Joyce
  • Spalding, Jeffrey
  • Stunik, Maia
  • Teitbaum, Matthew
  • Toppings, Iris
  • Wohrle, Lisa.

Urquhart, Tony

Vimy and after : the drawings of Walter Seymour Allward.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to a traveling exhibit curated by Urquhart through Gallery Stratford titled "Vimy and After : The Drawings of Walter Seymour Allward." File includes correspondence, grant information, a budget, information on printing the catalogues, and lists of works.

Urquhart, Tony

English-speaking Classes.

File records the activities of the Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Friendship regarding their program for English-Speaking classes, dating between 1967 to 1970. Includes blank forms on employee's tax deductions, employment contract forms, as well as citizenship employment with the Ontario provincial government for applications as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching position. There are also order forms for language textbooks and news clippings about registration for English classes with the YWCA in Kitchener. Correspondence in the file pertain to exchanges between Minnie Maines and the Ontario government's citizenship branch regarding the establishment of English classes for new immigrants to Canada.

Scholarship Fund.

File consists of records documenting activities related to the scholarship fund administered by the Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Friendship between 1958 to 1971 focused on providing financial aid to new, young Canadians for higher education purposes. Included are the names of scholarship winners; the name of contributors to the scholarship fund; as well as correspondence from the Council to contributors explaining how the funds were distributed among the winners. File also contains records regarding the rules and eligibility for the scholarship and some completed applications.

Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Friendship

Hailer, John Jacob to Jacob Wagner.

Correspondence from John Jacob Hailer to his son-in-law Jacob Wagner and daughter Margaret Hailer Wagner. The letter discusses the health of their family and local families, including an eye sickness that is going around. As well, John Jacob talks about the plight of their church and the bountiful summer crops. He ends the letter by sending greetings to new born Louis Henry Wagner and infant Catherine Wagner, and a post script indicates that Catherine Wirtz is supposed to come into a sum of money.

Wagner Hailer family

Hauch, J.R. to Louis Henry Wagner.

Correspondence from J.R. Hauch to Louis Henry Wagner. The postcard discusses Hauch having to go before a tribunal and would Louis Henry attend, and also bring a basket of grapes.

Wagner Hailer family

Moyer, S.N. to Louis Henry Wagner.

Correspondence from S.N. Moyer to Louis Henry Wagner. The postcard discusses a property that Louis Henry held the mortgage to on Golden Lake in Renfrew County. Moyer indicates that the Algonquins of Pikw

Wagner Hailer family

Moyer, S.N. to Louis Henry Wagner.

Correspondence from S.N. Moyer to Louis Henry Wagner. The postcard discusses plans for a children's day meeting of their church, as well as S.N. Moyer's health.

Wagner Hailer family

Nusbickel, Margaret to Margaret Hailer Wagner and Daniel Bean.

Correspondence from Margaret Nusbickel to Margaret Hailer Wagner and Daniel Bean. The letter discusses a failed attempt to send Margaret and Daniel a basket of peaches, her activities at Christmas and the American Civil War. She discusses Philip Wagner being a First Lieutenant in the state militia and that the war is affecting the price of goods.

Wagner Hailer family

Royal Military College to Louis Henry Wagner.

Correspondence from the Royal Military College to Louis Henry Wagner. The letter is in response to one sent by Louis Henry requesting a copy of the Militia General Orders from the Canada Gazette, which is included.

Wagner Hailer family

Staebler, Mary to Louis Henry Wagner.

Correspondence from Mary Staebler to Louis Henry Wagner. The letter discusses Mary's health and local goings on. It closes with Mary stating that she misses Louis Henry.

Wagner Hailer family

Staebler, Mary to Louis Henry Wagner.

Correspondence from Mary Staebler to Louis Henry Wagner. The letter discusses Mary's activities over the past week, and ends with Mary accepting an offer from Louis Henry, seemingly to move with him. The letter was written a few months before the couple married.

Wagner Hailer family

Stick to Louis Henry Wagner.

Correspondence from Stick to Louis Henry Wagner. The postcard implores Louis Henry to write to Stick and indicates that he misses him.

Wagner Hailer family

Wagner, Catherine to Margaret Hailer Wagner Bean.

Correspondence from Catherine Wagner to Margaret Hailer Wagner Bean. The letter indicates that Catherine has returned from Liverpool and is in Lyons, New York. She asks her mother to let her stay for the wedding of Liz Nusbickel (daughter of Elizabeth Wagner Nusbickel) to Emil Luesher and for money for a new dress and hat for the winter.

Wagner Hailer family

Wagner, Heinrich to Breithaupt family.

Correspondence from Heinrich Wagner to the Breithaupt family. The letter seems to discuss the handling of an estate and the care of the children of his son Jacob Wagner (Louis Henry Wagner and Catherin Wagner) by Heinrich. He references them needing a guardian as well as payment for their upkeep. Heinrich ends the letter by noting that Mary's 4 children (Heinrich's grandchildren?) are ill with scarlet fever.

Wagner Hailer family

Wagner, Heinrich to Jacob Wagner.

Correspondence from Heinrich Wagner to his son Jacob Wagner. The letter discusses Heinrich's health, and he entreats Jacob to disregard his own health concerns and continue to minister. As well, Heinrich makes mention of Jacob's brother Phillip Wagner and indicates that he expects a letter from him, in German, truthfully updating Heinrich on his life.

Wagner Hailer family

Wagner, Jacob to Hailer family.

Correspondence from Jacob Wagner to his brother and sister in-law. The letter discusses the purchase and repairs of a store, Jacob's health, and his intention to take on an orphaned boy. Jacob asks for advice on the terms that his in-laws took in Jacob Schidrunpf. As Jacob died less than six months after this letter it is unclear if he ever took the boy on.

Wagner Hailer family

Wagner, Louis Henry to J.F. Esher.

Correspondence from Louis Henry Wagner to Bishop J.F. Esher. The letter discusses the possibility of the Evangelical Church in Canada merging with the Methodist Church, and seeking Esher's thoughts on the subject.

Wagner Hailer family

Wagner, Louis Henry to Mary Staebler.

Correspondence from Louis Henry Wagner to his future wife Mary Staebler. The letter discusses the pressures Louis Henry feels with his roles in the church and his joy at being on a holiday. It closes with Louis Henry discussing how much he misses Mary.

Wagner Hailer family

Wagner, Philip to Jacob Wagner.

Correspondence from Philip Wagner to brother Jacob Wagner. The letter discusses Philip building a house and the work that is going on on his land, as well as the dry weather and the price of crops and meat. Also included is a carte de visite full body portrait of Philip dressed in military uniform. A note on the verso indicates that he is a captain. Philip would later fight in the American Civil War.

Wagner Hailer family

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