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Schantz Russell family fonds.
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Schantz Russell family fonds : 2005 accrual.

Textual and graphic material created or accumulated by Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White) during her enrollment as a student at the Kitchener and Waterloo Collegiate Institute and the Toronto Normal School, respectively, from 1916 to 1921. Also contains miscellaneous material created or accumulated by Etta Lydia Mary White (nee Schantz), including school certificates, provincial and county school examination papers and ephemera such as advertising and greeting cards. Includes as well, material relating to the Schantz Russell family; among these are publications and clippings.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2003 accrual.

Textual and graphic material belonging to or created by Dorothy Russell, including her diaries, correspondence and photograph albums. Also includes a small amount of Schantz Reunion material such as the 1913 register. The photograph albums originally belonged to different members of the family.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds.

Material created or accumulated by members of the Schantz Russell family including correspondence, photographs, ephemera, maps, artifacts and more.

The records document the education, interests and activities of members of the Schantz Russell family. In particular, the correspondence files notably detail the lives of the Schantz women who were well-educated, and travelled. Their letters record details of domestic activities, local and national affairs. The photographs add to the known body of work of local photographers, most notably Denton, and include some images of important local events, such as the visit of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The many very early local maps and plans provide significant insight for area research.

The records, originally stored in the attic of the Schantz Russell family home at 43 Schneider Avenue in Kitchener, were kept in trunks, boxes and desks, some belonging to individuals, and some containing general family papers. The arrangement of the fonds has been determined largely by the way the material was stored.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2017-2 accrual.

Records related to the Schantz Russell family. Includes photographs, ephemera, drawings, a floor plan of the Schantz family home in Kitchener, Ont., correspondence and family histories written by Harold Russell.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2017-1 accrual.

Material created and accumulated by members of the Schantz family. Includes primarily ephemera including an early indenture, a tax bill, and school work of Tobias Schantz. Also includes notebooks kept by Dorothy Russell while a student at Kitchener–Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational School, also known as Kitchener Collegiate Institute.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2014 accrual.

Textual, graphic and artefactual material created and accumulated by members of the Schantz Russell family, primarily Orpheus Moyer Schantz. Includes photographs of members of the extended family, correspondence, artwork, ephemera, and material relating to the professional and leisure pursuits of Orpheus Moyer Schantz.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2013 accrual.

Textual and graphic material created or accumulated by members of the Schantz families. Primarily includes photographs of members of the extended Schantz family and friends. Also contains ephemera, and school notebooks.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2011 accrual.

Textual and graphic material created or accumulated by members of the Schantz families, primarily photographs of extended Schantz family members and material created and accumulated by Orpheus Moyer Schantz. Also contains family correspondence, material relating to homestead land holdings, and ephemera. Textual records were loose when material was donated.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell family fonds : 2009 accrual.

Textual and graphic material created or accumulated by Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White) and other members of the Schantz and Russell families, primarily correspondence received by Dorothy and some of her diaries and notebooks. Also contains miscellaneous materials created or accumulated by Franklin Abram Schantz, family correspondence, and ephemera.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer.

Full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz seen looking off camera with left arm resting on a [tree stump?] prop and left ankle crossed over the right.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Eddie.

3 letters.

Date and Place from: September 15, 1923 Markham [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Eddie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: October 14, 1923 Markham [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Eddie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: June 13, 1924 Markham [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Eddie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Moyer, Mary Emma.

One upper body studio portrait of Mary Emma Moyer seen looking at camera. She is wearing a lace collared top with leg of mutton style sleeves.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer.

Full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz, age 2 years and 5 months. Orpheus is seen seated in a high back chair, dressed in a long gown and jacket.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Dot.

2 letters.

Date and Place from: May 6, 1921 Guelph [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Dot Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: November 1, 1922 Cambridge [Massachusetts] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Dot Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Moyer, Marguriete.

Studio portrait possibly of Marguriete Moyer (daughter of Edward A. Moyer, son of Anna Moyer) as an infant. Marguriete is shown in a gown, bonnet and cape, seated in a chair.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Connie.

4 letters.

Date and Place from: January 2, 1923 Mount Forest [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Connie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: June 26, 1923 Preston [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Connie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: July 13, 1923 Mount Forest [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Connie Attachments: No envelope.

Date and Place from: July 22, 1923 Mount Forest [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Connie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Moyer, Mary Emma.

One head and shoulders studio portrait of Mary Emma Moyer seen looking off camera in partial profile.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer and friend.

One full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz with an unidentified friend. The two are shown in front of a backdrop of Roman columns. Orpheus is seated looking at a photograph while his friend stands looking over his shoulder.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer and Carrie Flagler.

Full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz and Carrie Schantz (nee Flagler). Orpheus is seated in a chair, dressed in a suit, with legs crossed. Carrie stands to his left in a long dress with right hand on back of Orpheus' chair.

Schantz Russell Family

Moyer, Louise.

One upper body portrait of Louise Moyer seen leaning over the back of a chair and wearing a dress with a lace collar.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from E. Bannerman.

1 letter, and 1 post card.

Date and Place from: December 30, 1923 Toronto [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Bannerman, E. Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: July 18, [192-] Toronto [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Bannerman, E. Attachments: No envelope, post card stamped. This is a post card of Victoria University, Toronto.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence. Includes a receipt for bronchitis containing Indian Turnip, goldthread and whiskey.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus and Kitty Cole.

Full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz (at right) and Kitty Cole. The two are shown seated in front of a backdrop of a house window. Kitty is looking off camera and Orpheus is looking directly at it

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus and friend.

Full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz (at left) with left arm around the shoulders of an unidentified friend. The two are shown seated in front of a backdrop of a door to a house and are holding an upside sign that reads "two for 5¢."

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Julia Arnew.

2 letters.

Date and Place from: November 6, 1919 James River Bridge [Alberta] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Arnew, Julia Attachments: No envelope. Julia is identified as Julia Arnew by someone else's notes on the letter.

Date and Place from: May 6, 1923 James River [Alberta] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Arnew, Julia Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Anne.

2 letters.

Date and Place from: March 4, 1923 Mount Forest [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Anne Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: July 31, 1923 Painters Bay [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Anne Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence. Includes a transcription[?] of the "Family Register" starting with Isaac Schantz in 1774. Also notes: " Cousin Benjamin Shantz started for the North West on Monday 13 March, 1893. Cousin Benjamin Erb with Family started for the North West on Tuesday 14th March 1893. Moved. 15-3-93 Very Cold and Stormy. Walked from Dundee to Mannheim, to Petersburg & home, froze ear and tips of fingers..

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to [unknown] from Mrs. J.H. Coleman.

1 letter.

Date and Place from: August 30, 1933 September 9, 1933 To [unknown] From Coleman, Mrs. J.H. Attachments: No envelope. This is an introductory letter for Frank Schantz and Geo Ambrose to fish in Mrs. Coleman's creek. The letter is for two different days, and is folded over with a note for August 30th on one side, and a note for September 9th on the other.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park rear island and channel

Photograph of rear island and channel in Victoria Park, featuring a large leafy tree and a partial view of a wooden bridge. An automobile is visible in background, at left.

Schantz Russell Family

Diary : 1926.

One bound pocket notebook with entries by Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White) for 1926.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Dorothy: Personal.

Material created or accumulated by Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White) that does not fit into any other series previously established. Includes ephemera and clippings.

Schantz Russell Family

Unidentified teenagers.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of two unidentified teenagers seen looking at camera. Both are wearing outdoor coats and fancy hats.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer.

Material created and accumulated by Orpheus Moyer Schantz and family. Includes ephemera from Orpheus and his wife Carrie Schantz (nee Flagler).

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz family.

A snapshot of members of the Schantz and Hamilton families and a dog standing outside and smiling at camera. From left to right: Charles C. Hamilton, Ruth Schantz, Ruth Hamilton, Elizabeth Joan Schantz (back), Sally Schantz, and Worth Flagler Schantz.

Schantz Russell Family

Maps and plans.

Maps and plans collected by members of the Schantz family. Includes maps of the greater Waterloo region, as well as other areas of Canada and the United States. Some of the maps show homesteading areas in which members of the Schantz family owned property.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Donald Richard Russell from Mary Moyer Schantz and Florence Annie Catherine Schantz.

1 birthday card.

Date and Place from: February 24, 1930 Kitchener [Ontario] To Russell, Donald Richard, 1929-1989 From Schantz, Mary Moyer, 1840-1935 and Schantz, Florence Annie Catherine, 1879-1938 Attachments: Contains an unstamped envelope. This is a birthday card for Donald Russell's first birthday.

Schantz Russell Family

Property : Edmonton.

Material related to Franklin Abram Schantz's land SW 3 30-5-5 near Edmonton, Alberta, primarily tax notices and tax receipts.

Schantz Russell Family

Unidentified group skating at Victoria Park.

Image of three adults and two children posing for the camera while standing in skates on a frozen body of water. The adults are standing in the back row and the children are standing at front, one of whom is holding a hockey stick horizontally.

Schantz Russell Family

Unidentified children.

Upper body studio portrait of two unidentified children wearing matching polka dot outfits and seen looking off camera. They are posed with heads together, one with arm around the shoulders of the other.

Schantz Russell Family

Nash, Agnes.

Head and torso studio portrait of Agnes Nash seen in partial profile looking off camera. Nash is wearing a top with lace edging around the collar and a cross on a choker necklace.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Herbert and Florence.

One full length studio portrait of Herbert Cecil Palmer Schantz and Florence Annie Catherine Schantz. Both are shown standing up leaning against a column. Identification from album.

Originally on page 15 of album 3.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Sophie Emma Schantz from Etta Lydia Mary White.

2 letters.

Date and Place from: April 20, 1898 Leamington [Ontario] To Schantz, Sophie Emma, 1869-1958 From White, Etta Lydia Mary, 1866-1900 Attachments: No envelope.

Date and Place from: January 10, 1900 Leamington [Ontario] To Schantz, Sophie Emma, 1869-1958 From White, Etta Lydia Mary, 1866-1900 Attachments: No envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Herbert and Florence.

One full length studio portrait of Herbert Cecil Palmer Schantz and Florence Annie Catherine Schantz. Both are shown standing up leaning against a column.

Originally in page 5 of album 1.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information, and more in one chronological sequence. This 1889 notebook contains an account of Tobias' bad dream about his wife joining the Salvation Army, recipes for jelly cake, and a receipt for liver complaint.

Schantz Russell Family

Correspondence to Sophie Emma Schantz from Clarke Russell.

1 letter.

Date and Place from: July [15], 1924 Highgate [Ontario] To Schantz, Sophie Emma, 1869-1958 From Russell, Clarke, 1903-1954 Attachments: No envelope. This letter was folded with a letter from Dorothy to Frank dated July 15, 1924, and were together in the same envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: notebook.

One of a series of daybooks kept by Tobias Schantz containing personal and business accounts, calls made, orders taken, diary entries, notes to self, recipes, family information, and more in one chronological sequence.

Schantz Russell Family

Moyer, Levi Nash and Mollie.

Full length studio portrait of Levi Nash Moyer and Mary Elizabeth "Mollie" Moyer later in life. Mollie is seated in a chair and Levi is standing at left

Schantz Russell Family

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