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Cameron Clare Hill fonds.

  • SCA195-GA424
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1939]-2017

Material created or accumulated by Cameron Hill and his family during the Second World War and in the years following. Includes records related to Cameron’s military training, uniform and personal gear, and service overseas. Also contains records related to Cameron’s time held in custody as a prisoner of war as well as his liberation and repatriation home to Canada and his life in later years.

Hill, Cameron Clare

Elizabeth Smith Shortt fonds.

  • SCA19-WA10
  • Fonds
  • 1829-1979

This fonds documents a social and family history spanning almost one century. It revolves primarily around three women: Elizabeth Smith Shortt, and her daughters, Muriel Clarke and Lorraine Shortt. The fonds contains family correspondence, 1880 - 1970, general correspondence 1876-1970, manuscripts, diaries, typescripts, pamphlets, clippings and photographs.

Correspondence includes Cecil B. and Senator E.D. Smith, the Smith and Shortt family letters, Adam and Elizabeth Shortt love letters, but primarily correspondence during and after the war period between Elizabeth, her daughters Muriel and Lorraine, until Elizabeth's death in 1949. Letters follow Elizabeth Smith through Queen's University, her role in formation of the Queen's Medical School for women, her concern with local and national councils of women, and a variety of clubs, commissions, and organizations. Correspondents includes Augusta Stowe-Gullen, Dr. Jennie K. Trout, Eliza Fitzgerald, Lady Ishbel Aberdeen. Also present are 15 manuscript diaries kept by E. Smith Shortt covering the period from 1872-1932 (typescript available for first 8 diaries). Diaries 1892-1911 are memoirs of Shortts' European trips. 23 diaries or day books kept by Lorraine Shortt from 1912-1943 are also present.

The fonds contains also approximately 50 manuscript addresses, reports and speeches given by Elizabeth Shortt, as well as speeches by Lorraine Shortt. About 100-150 pamphlets and leaflets on a variety of subjects document Elizabeth's interests and activities, especially war period and restoration, National Council of Women, Mother's Allowance Commission, etc. Also present are clippings from 1800-1960, original and photocopied newspaper and magazine clippings and articles arranged under about 50 headings dealing with the Shortt and Smith families, and with a multiplicity of organized groups that formed at the turn of the century. Miscellaneous documents include notebooks of Elizabeth Shortt's subjects at Queen's Medical School, certificates, records of investments, bank records, war medals, autograph books, and scrapbook belonging to the family. Photograph albums and approximately 100 loose photographs of family and friends complete this fonds.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Jardine family fonds.

  • SCA9-GA5
  • Fonds
  • 1797-1927

Fonds consists of seventeen documents relating to the Jardine family, dating from 1797 to 1927, including correspondence, character references, certificates of marriage, articles of partnership, and one will.

Jardine Family

Loring & Wyle collection.

  • SCA22-WA12
  • Collection
  • [19--],1957-1965

Collection consists of material regarding Frances Loring and Florence Wyle, their careers as sculptors, and their artwork. Includes clippings, photographs, and biographical information.

Sims Family collection.

  • SCA369-GA427
  • Collection
  • 1833-1963

The Sims family collection encompasses records of the Sims and Cook, Davidson and Garden families retained by members of the two family branches that came together when Harvey James Sims and Florence Katherine Roos married in 1902. Their Sims and Davidson forbears were equally significant in the history of the Waterloo-Wellington area and in the growth and development of agriculture, education, business and government. Harvey James Sims and Florence Katherine Roos were deeply involved in their local community of Berlin, (later Kitchener) Ontario and their own records contain significant additions to our knowledge of local personalities and affairs. Harvey was a childhood and lifelong friend of William Lyon Mackenzie King; they wrote and visited each other regularly. King's sister Bella was also a close friend of Florence from school days on.

Sims family

Olive Ruth Russell fonds.

  • SCA6-WA37
  • Fonds
  • 1939-1979

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Dr. Olive Ruth Russell during the course of her personal and professional life. Includes biographical information, publications and transcripts of speeches.

Russell, Olive Ruth

Lyle S. Hallman fonds.

  • SCA172-GA147
  • Fonds
  • 1956-2002

Fonds consists of material relating to the career and activities of Lyle S. Hallman, the history of Hallman Construction, and material relating to the history of the Hallman family. Includes correspondence, clippings, ephemera, photographs, and pamphlets.

Hallman, Lyle S.

William Kriesel fonds.

  • SCA179-GA154
  • Fonds
  • 1889-1905

Fonds consists of eleven day books and two ledgers listing daily sales and corresponding customer accounts for William Kriesel's stoves and tinware store (hardware store) from 1889-1905.

Kriesel, William

Ross Dixon fonds.

  • SCA220-GA207
  • Fonds
  • 1914-2009

Fonds consists of material accumulated and kept by Ross Dixon relating to his entrepreneurial interests, career, and personal life, and to the philanthropic activities of Ross and Doris Dixon. The material documents some aspects of his personal interests and childhood, his early career, and his career in industrial relations at Uniroyal Canada (formerly the Dominion Rubber Company).

A significant portion of the fonds relates to the businesses he formed outside of his professional career, the Westmount Construction Company and Westmont Enterprises Limited, for the period from the late 1940s to the early 1970s. These records document trends in suburban home-building and design during that time and include a large number of architectural drawings.

The fonds is not comprehensive, lacking documentation relating to the formation and administration of the Westmount Construction Company and Westmont Enterprises Limited and containing only a small amount of material relating the other area of his entrepreneurial activities, investment and financial services.

Fonds includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, advertising material, architectural drawings, legal documents, photographs, accounting records, reports, handwritten notes, certificates, speeches, company publications, minutes, financial statements, ephemera, and other material.

Dixon, Ross

Henry Fischer Schwaben Heimatbuch Collection.

  • Book Collection
  • 1918-2008

Original accession includes over 115 Heitmatbücher (German for "home books") that document the stories and histories of the villages that were inhabited by the Danube Swabians (German: Donauschwaben) in Central Europe: Romania, Hungary, and the former Yugoslavia. Many of these books also contain genealogies, some dating back to the 18th century. The Heimatbücher are a unique and rich resource for anyone interested in the history and migration of the Donauschwaben people.

An addition to the Henry Fischer Schwaben Heimatbuch Collection contains 13 items documenting the history and genealogy of Donauschwaben people living in southeastern Europe. Many of the titles are rare, having been created by and for the communities and published in only small print runs.

A genealogist, Mr. Fischer has devoted much of his life to documenting the history of his people and to collecting these Heitmatbücher.

Urban Planning Town Guide Collection.

  • Book Collection

Special Collections & Archives holds a variety of town guides from cities across the UK. Most significant urban centres in the British Isles are represented, and there is a comprehensive collection of guides to places which became Greater London in 1965.

The guides can provide a benchmark for assessing the very substantial changes which have affected British urban places in the past 60 years, and may be of interest to researchers in a variety of disciplines.

The town guides vary in size from a slender brochure of 30 pages for a small Urban District to large-format volumes of over 300 pages for a major City and County Borough such as Liverpool.

Department of Indian Affairs land grants.

  • SCA324-GA365
  • Collection
  • 1886-1915

Five land grants from the Department of Indian Affairs granting promised Indigenous lands. The grants are made out to Benjamin Franklin Mutchmor (200 acres), Elizabeth Mutchmor (175 acres), Charles Woodward (100 acres), and Mary Rowe (100 acres). The lands granted were to be for the use of the Ojibwe and Odawa of Manitoulin Island.

Canada. Department of Indian Affairs

Jeanette Harper journalism for women scrapbook.

  • SCA327-GA371
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1941]

Fonds consists of one scrapbook created for a class by Jeanette Harper. The scrapbook deals with journalism as a career for women and includes sections on writing, types of columns, where to get information, ways of presenting stories, national journalism associations, qualities required for an editorial assistant position, suggested reference books, and more.

Harper, Jeanette


  • SCA328-GA372
  • Collection
  • 2017

Fonds consists of four prints titled "A.R.H." by Olivia Carvalho. The prints feature a portrait and handwriting of Alice Riggs Hunt.

Carvalho, Olivia

Senior wand work.

  • SCA341-GA386
  • Collection
  • 1906

One photograph album with 67 black and white photographs showing various callisthenic movements using a "wand." Each photograph includes a caption with the movement and position of the wand indicated. 5 photographs are missing from the album. The album is titled "Senior Wand Work" and dated 1906 by M. [Lucile] Adams.

Adams, M. Lucile

Dominion Rubber Systems photographs.

  • SCA262-GA279
  • Fonds
  • 1906-1955

Fonds consists of 29 photographs documenting the employees, buildings and events of Dominion Rubber Systems.

Dominion Rubber Systems

Dorothea Palmer collection.

  • SCA31-WA17
  • Collection
  • 1931-1937

Collection consists of F.W. Wegenast's material relating to the trial of Dorothea Palmer. It contains correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts of court examinations, arguments used in court, research materials, documents, printed and published items, and clippings relating to the case Rex vs. Palmer.

Wegenast, Franklin Wellington

Elaine M. Catley fonds.

  • SCA1-WA1
  • Fonds
  • 1926-1975

Correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts of poetry and prose , clippings of published work and reviews. Correspondents include Nellie McClung (2 letters), Laura Goodman Salverson (1 letter) and Charles G.D. Roberts (1 letter).

Catley, Elaine Maud

Beulah Misener Alloway fonds.

  • SCA5-WA3
  • Fonds
  • 1954-1960

Fonds consists primarily of correspondence, 116 letters, from Beulah Alloway to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Misener of Brantford, Ont. The letters describe her journey to Africa and her daily life and work as a missionary in Kenya. Also included are newsletters sent out by the Alloways, correspondence relating to Beulah's death, and 4 photographs.

Alloway, Beulah Misener

Colin Rankin fonds.

  • SCA6-GA3
  • Fonds
  • 1799-1968

Fonds consists of correspondence, documents, journals, and a photograph relating to Colin Rankin's activity as a Fur Trader for the Hudson's Bay Company. Included are three journals kept by Donald McKay, Fur Trader, between 1799 and 1806, which were acquired by Rankin probably during his stay in the Temiskaming district.

Rankin, Colin

Claire Wallace fonds.

  • SCA29-WA16
  • Fonds
  • 1930-1962

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Claire Wallace. Includes scrapbooks which contain radio scripts, correspondence, clippings and other material relating to her career as a broadcaster and also to her travel bureau.

Wallace, Claire

Dr. Stanley Francis Leavine fonds.

  • SCA143-GA116
  • Fonds
  • 1896-1958

Fond consists primarily of textual records relating to Leavine's political career as mayor of the City of Kitchener and as an M.P.P. (PC) for the constituency of Waterloo North, and his medical career as a doctor in Kitchener. Included are speeches, notes, news clippings, and scrapbooks related to his professional activities, as well as collected ephemera, photographs of Leavine and his family, and material related to his studies at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.

Leavine, Stanley Francis

Ethel Carol and Anne Sewall Longfellow scrapbook.

  • SCA42-WA23
  • Fonds
  • 1902-1906

Fonds consists of one scrapbook assembled by Ethel and Anne Longfellow during their attendance at Smith College, Massachusetts between 1902-1906. The scrapbook contains correspondence, photographs, programmes, clippings, notes and ephemera detailing the academic and social life of the sisters.

Longfellow, Ethel Carol and Anne Sewall

Naomi Gladys Royde-Smith play typescript.

  • SCA58-WA33
  • Collection
  • 1929

Typescript play written by Royde-Smith titled "Mafro: A Comedy in Three Acts." The play is dated March 1929 and was apparently unpublished. An inscription on the cover page reads "To W. Graham Robertson from Naomi Royde-Smith."

Royde-Smith, Naomi

Victoria Mary Sackville-West letter.

  • SCA64-WA36
  • Collection
  • 1944

Fonds consists of one holograph letter dated March 9, 1944 from Sackville-West to Mrs. Leslie Hotson discussing the effects of war on South-West England.

Sackville-West, Victoria

Letter to Joseph Jefferson from Jan Larue.

  • SCA45-GA25
  • Collection
  • [18-?]

Collection consists of one undated typescript letter to Joseph Jefferson from Jan Larue in Iberia Parish, Louisiana. The letter requests Jefferson put in a good word for Larue. Also included is an undated photograph card of Joseph Jefferson, taken by Gilbert & Bacon studios in Philadelphia.

Eugene Ferrin Clark fonds.

  • SCA50-GA27
  • Fonds
  • 1894-1922, predominantly 1920-1922

Fonds contains autographs collected by Eugene Ferrin Clark from various British and American actors. Correspondence from Clark to various people soliciting autographs and autographed photographs are included.

1. Granville Barker also G. Barker’s autograph
2. John Randolph Bolling; November 23, 1921
3. Witter Bynner, New York; December 12, 1921/December 21, 1921
4. W. L. George, New York; October 22, 1920
5. B. Roland Lewis, University of Utah; December 14, 1919/December 19, 1919
6. Joseph Pennell, London/Philadelphia; June 8, 1913/November 16, 1919
7. G. Rollin, Chicago; May 10, 1919

Autographs collected by Clark:
8. George Arlis, Walter Hampden, Victor Herbert, William Hodge, James Hunellar, Oliver Lodge, Nance O’Neil, Eugene O’Neill, A.C. Read, Chauncey Brewster Tinker

9. Floral Tributes on Grave of Actor James O’Neill, 1920 and photographs with autograph signatures of:

  • Nazimova, n.d.;
  • Henry Irving dated 1894;
  • Anton Lang as Jesus dated 1922;
  • Anton Lang dated 1922;
  • Guido Moyr dated 1922.

Clark, Eugene Ferrin

Dion Calthrop Clayton letter.

  • SCA53-GA29
  • Collection
  • January 21, 1936

Contains one letter dated January 21, 1963 and addressed to "My Dear Jean" from Dion Calthrop Clayton regarding his book. Underneath the body of the letter is a drawing in black ink of a person blowing on a trumpet. There is also a separate, folded leaflet included with the letter titled, "In Memoriam 1881-1937". Inside the leaflet is a black and white profile shot of Calthrop.

Calthrop, Dion William Palgrave Clayton

Photograph collection.

  • SCA83-GA53
  • Collection
  • [186-?]-[19--?]

Collection consists of 169 19th century American photographs. Included are 115 carte-de-visites, 40 cabinet portraits, 2 albums, 11 miscellaneous photographs and 1 envelope of miscellaneous business and greeting cards.

Most are albumen type photographs depicting various people including infants, children, and adults. The photographs come from various studios across the United States though the majority come from studios in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Illinois. The photographs, since rehoused, were originally housed in two albums decorated with an intricate relief on the cover and a metal clasp lock.

Margareta Riehl birth certificate.

  • SCA284-GA319
  • Collection
  • 1807

Fonds consists of one birth-and-baptismal certificate (Geburts-und-Taufschein) for Margareta Riehl. The certificate is written in German and is a fraktur text featuring examples of decorative calligraphy and artwork.

Lily Dale scrapbooks.

  • SCA300-GA336
  • Collection
  • 1890-1925

Collection consists of two scrapbooks maintained by William Phillips. The first includes clippings from newspapers and magazines that date from 1890 to 1914. Included are articles on topics relating to spiritualism, advertisements for mediums, and advertising for spiritualism products including the Ouija board. These materials are glued into "A History of Europe" and most clippings feature underlining of important sections.

The second scrapbook includes both clippings as well as handwritten notes from the spirit world. The notes were sent from friends and family of William Phillips including his wife Elizabeth, sister Fanny, brother John Edward and father Joseph. The notes primarily came through medium P.L.O.A. Keeler at Lily Dale. Most of the clippings are advertisements for publications relating to spiritualism and the occult.

Phillips, William

Barker's Powder puzzle pictures.

  • SCA304-GA340
  • Collection
  • 1902

File consists of nine puzzle picture advertisements for Barker's Powder. The advertisements were snipped from a newspaper and feature a short story with a puzzle picture. The versos show astrology charts as well as letters of recommendation for Barker's Powder.

Barker's Powder

Roy Mitchell typescript.

  • SCA67-GA38
  • Collection
  • 1913

One typescript of "The Blue Bird", written by Roy M. Mitchell. The typescript has been hand bound and a manuscript note, in Mitchell's hand reads:
"This impression of the “Blue Bird” is limited to three copies on superfine linen record, typewritten and made into a book. The copies have been disposed of as follows:
1. To Georgina Helen Saunders of Toronto
2. Reserved
3. Offered to the Forum Magazine of New York for publication.
This copy is number 1., and signed this sixteenth day of February 1913. Roy M. Mitchell."

The typescript is an essay reviewing Maurice Maeterlinck's play "Blue Bird".

Mitchell, Roy Matthews

Account book.

  • SCA71-GA40
  • Collection
  • 1800-1809

One unidentified English account book with entries from 1800-1809 for wages paid, property taxes, debts, etc.

Arthur Wellesley Wellington letter

  • SCA76-GA46
  • Collection
  • 1842

Contains one letter from Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington addressed to Francis Fane, the 12th Earl of Westmorland.

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley

William Kindree fonds.

  • SCA218-GA204
  • Fonds
  • [ca 1966]-1990, predominant 1967-1971

Fonds consists of material relating to William Kindree's involvement in the WATFOR 360 group and material relating to the 25th anniversary of WATFOR. Includes Kindree's notes (design and general) and draft documentation, guides and other publications about WATFOR, photocopied conference proceedings and published papers, correspondence, a newsletter, and a photograph of the WATFOR team.

Kindree, William

Manuscript cookbook.

  • SCA236-GA235
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1800]

One vellum bound manuscript cookbook of unknown origin. Cookbook features approximately 50 recipes in at least fifteen different hands. Most recipes are for desserts, although a few are for savoury dishes and household products. Some recipes are signed. Signatures include: M. Moore, Mary Dawson, and S. Lowels. Also included in the file is an index of recipes and the original seller's note.

Auna Krems notebook.

  • SCA350-GA401
  • Collection
  • 1865

One notebook kept by Auna Krems with passages from the Bible. The notebook is almost entirely in German with the exception of the last page which is the English lyrics to the gospel song "Room Among the Angels." It is possible that Auna was living in Austria, as the surname Krems comes from the town of the same name.

Jane Stuart Larrington fonds.

  • SCA134-GA107
  • Fonds
  • [1915?]-1986

Contains ephemera relating to the Toronto Women's Press Club, [1915?]-1922, information about Jane Larrington's membership in same, 1982, 1986, as well as photographs and ephemera from the 1955 Canadian Women's Press Club "Overseas Tour".

Larrington, Jane Stuart

Paul S. Burtness and Warren U. Ober Pearl Harbor research collection.

  • SCA251-GA261
  • Collection
  • 1960-2013

Collection consists of materials created and accumulated by Paul S. Burtness and Warren U. Ober relating to their research on the events surrounding the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II. Includes correspondence with prominent members of the U.S. Forces during World War II, as well as published articles that came out of the research.

Burtness, Paul S.

Angolan missionary letters.

  • SCA429-GA500
  • Fonds
  • August 23, 1887-July 22, 1902

Three letters written by Marion Webster during her time as a missionary in Angola for the Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola. Her letters detail the history and geography of Angola, as well as activities undertaken by her. Also includes 5 envelopes from Marion Webster that do not correspondence with the letters.

Webster, Marion

Robert Hanselman fonds.

  • SCA423-GA493
  • Fonds
  • 1957-[1961?]

Materials used or accumulated by Robert "Bob" Hanselman during his time as a student at the University of Waterloo. Includes photographs of the University's first buildings, a slide rule, a book with mathematical tables used by Hanselman in his courses, two yearbooks, and Hanselman's briefcase.

Dumont Press Graphix Limited fonds.

  • SCA448-GA524
  • Fonds
  • 1970-2017

Materials relating to the creation and operation of Dumont Press Graphix Limited.

Dumont Press Graphix Limited

Ralph Chou fonds.

  • SAC447-GA521
  • Fonds
  • 1977-2015

Materials relating to the research and teaching life of Dr. Ralph Chou. Includes materials on ocular safety, viewing solar eclipses, and safety standards and regulations. Also present is a collection of materials from the Science Teacher's Association of Ontario of which Dr. Chou was a member.

Chou, Ralph

James Walker fonds.

  • SCA408-GA475
  • Fonds
  • 1965-2021

Materials created or accumulated by James Walker during his professional and personal life. Includes materials created during Walker's student life both as part of his Master's degree at the University of Waterloo and his Ph.D. research and dissertation at Dalhousie University; materials created as part of his teaching position at the University of Waterloo; scripts and papers written to participate in talks and events he was invited to or helped organize; records accumulated as part of his role as Chair of the History Department of the University of Waterloo and other materials related to the University's administration; and correspondence sent and received by Walker to different people and institutions.

Walker, James

WAVES scrapbook.

  • SCA418-GA487
  • Collection
  • 1944-1953

One scrapbook kept by Ruth Beardsley, a member of the United States Naval Reserve, known as WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service). The album includes 86 photographs showing Ruth and classmates at training at Hunter College in New York a well as Oklahoma A&M College; Ruth with family and friends; the USS Woodworth; and a trip to Washington. Also included in the scrapbook are three wartime ration books from members of the Peterson family, two postcards to Edwin Peterson, a Petty Officer training manual for John Peterson from 1950, a clipping regarding Ruth visiting the factory where her father worked, an invitation to a party on the USS Kearsarge (CV-33) issued only to women, an Easter card, a certificate for Beardsley from the Maryland College of Engineering in Engineering Drawing, and a transcript of a broadcast given on CBS by Eric Sevareid on the day of the truce in the Korean War. The scrapbook itself features a drawing of WAVES on the cover.

Beardsley, Ruth

Woman's Christian Temperance Union collection.

  • SCA419-GA486
  • Collection
  • 1892-1901

Materials created by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and collected by member Elizabeth P. Nichols. Includes materials from their activities in America as well as from the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union Conventions in London, England in 1895 and to the British Women's Temperance Association.

Woman's Christian Temperance Union

Glass plate negative collection.

  • SCA436-GA509
  • Collection
  • ca. 1900

21 glass plate negatives showing people and buildings around the former town of Newbridge, Ontario.

Buchanan family fonds.

  • SCA431-GA532
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1850-1986

Materials related to the history of the Buchanan, Woelfle, Cook, and McEwan families as well as to extended family members and friends in Waterloo Region. Includes family documents, photographs, information on the family home, ephemera and more that document multiple generations of a Waterloo Region family.

Buchanan, Barbara

Mary Quayle Innis fonds.

  • SCA154-GA127
  • Fonds
  • 1954-1995

Contains materials by and about Mary Quayle Innis. Includes correspondence written mostly to her daughter, Anne Innis Dagg from 1956 to 1968, notes kept while Dean of Women at University College, 1954-1961. Also present are files compiled by Anne Innis Dagg, including a biographical essay on Mary Quayle Innis and files relating to a proposed collection of her short stories and pieces with an introduction by Anne Innis Dagg.

Innis, Mary Quayle

John Walter fonds.

  • SCA43-GA23
  • Fonds
  • 1920, 1925, 1930-1937

Material documenting John Walter’s term as President of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (C.C.F.) Party’s Kitchener branch during 1930 to 1937. Included is correspondence concerning William Daum Euler, leaflets regarding an election campaign and anti-war messages, as well as various reference materials.

Walter, John

Stark Brothers Nurseries collection.

  • SCA362-GA415
  • Collection
  • 1919-1921

Materials published by Stark Brothers Nurseries for the purposes of advertising and selling their fruit trees, particularly apple trees.

Stark Brothers Nurseries

E. Cora Hind collection.

  • SCA8-WA5
  • Collection
  • 1926, 1945, [196-], 1973

Consists of biographical information, two audio reels entitled "Between Ourselves", correspondence regarding purchase of same, and one autographed photograph.

Hind, E. Cora

Mauritana Smith fonds.

  • SCA17-WA9
  • Fonds
  • [18--]

Fonds consists of two scrapbooks compiled by Mauritana Smith containing material written by leading 19th century American writers and articles written by her mother, Damaris Isabella Smith.

Smith, Mauritana

Emily Murphy fonds.

  • SCA24-WA13
  • Fonds
  • 1917-1989, predominant 1917-1933

Material by and about Emily Murphy, particularly relating to the "persons" case, her work as a police magistrate, material relating to a biography of her by Byrne Hope Sanders, as well as biographical material assembled after her death. Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, notebooks and petitions.

Murphy, Emily Ferguson

Elizabeth Long fonds.

  • SCA25-WA14
  • Fonds
  • 1949-1971

Fonds consists primarily of materials accumulated by Elizabeth Long relating to women and women's issues. Includes clippings files on famous women and women's issues, radio letters from her programming, correspondence and materials relating to her activities.

Long, Elizabeth

Kenneth G. Murray fonds.

  • SCA194-GA169
  • Fonds
  • 1967-2004

Fonds consists of texts of speeches given by Ken Murray from 1967 to 2004.

Murray, Kenneth G.

Henry H. Crapo Dance Collection.

  • Book Collection
  • 1604-1985

The Doris Lewis Rare Book Room houses a sizeable special collection of rare materials related to the history of dance and ballet. The nucleus of the dance collection is the 150 items donated in 1975 by Dr. Henry Crapo, a former University of Waterloo faculty member. Dr. Crapo has continued to support the collection over the years.

Dr. Crapo's donation contains some rare and beautiful works on ballet: works by Negri, Caroso, Noverre, De la Cuisse, Arena, Dumanoir, Blasis and Bakst. The subject strengths of the collection reflect Dr. Crapo's interests in choreography and dance notation.

Of the seventeenth-century materials found here, some of the finest are Negri's Nuove inventioni de balli (Milan: 1604); Caroso's Nobilita di Dame (Venice: 1605), and Du Manoir's Le mariage de la musique avec la dance (1664).

The largest addition to the dance collection was the 300-volume collection acquired with the assistance of a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant in 1982. This collection, with imprints ranging in date from 1687 to the mid-twentieth century, adds a new research dimension in the form of illustrated works containing lithographs and engravings of the period of the Romantic ballet. The provenance of the majority of works in this collection--a portion of the personal library of George Chaffee--a leading dance writer of the twentieth century, accounts in part for its strength. Many of the books Chaffee consulted in his research for his most famous writings on ballet are now a part of the Waterloo collections.

In 1985, another grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council made it possible for the Library to purchase over two dozen books supportive of the Crapo Collection.

Special Collections & Archives has prepared a digital exhibit featuring some of the items from the Henry H. Crapo Dance Collection.

Painting of Dana Porter Library.

  • SCA336-GA381
  • Collection
  • 1975

Fonds consists of one painting by Peter Etril Snyder of the Dana Porter Library. The work was commissioned in 1975 for the home of the then President of the University, Burt Matthews.

Snyder, Peter Etril

Alice Mary Hagen fonds.

  • SCA7-WA4
  • Fonds
  • 1893-1975

Fonds consists of Alice Hagen's correspondence, clippings, articles and ephemera relating to her work in pottery and ceramics. Includes correspondence with Elizabeth Long regarding her part in painting plates for the Canadian Senate's gift of hand-decorated china to Lord and Lady Aberdeen at the emd of the former's term as Governor General of Canada in 1898.

Hagen, Alice Mary

Annie Elizabeth May Hewlett fonds.

  • SCA10-WA6
  • Fonds
  • 1911-1974, predominant 1952-1955

Fonds consists of material created, published, and accumulated by Annie Elizabeth May Hewlett. Includes a scrapbook and correspondence.

Hewlett, Annie Elizabeth May

Barbara Smucker fonds.

  • SCA95-GA65
  • Fonds
  • 1965-1997

Materials created and accumulated by Barbara Smucker relating to her professional activities. Primarily includes materials relating to her various published works including research, reviews, and manuscripts and typescripts.

Smucker, Barbara

B.M. Bower Western Novels Collection.

  • Book Collection
  • 1910-1950

The B.M. Bower Western Novels Collection, acquired in 2015, consists of over 70 American western novels written by Bertha Muzzy Sinclair (known as B.M. Bower) and her husband Bertrand Sinclair. Many of the books in this collection also feature pictorial cover art.

Bower, B.M.

Canadian Suffrage Association letters patents.

  • SCA267-GA288
  • Fonds
  • 1910-1912

Fonds consists of two letters patents for the Canadian Suffrage Association. One is dated October 20, 1910 and incorporates Suffrage Headquarters Limited and the other dated April 12, 1912, incorporating the Canadian Suffrage Association.

Canadian Suffrage Association

Charles Bickerstaffe and Norman Atwood indenture.

  • SCA272-GA293
  • Collection
  • 1669

Fonds consists of one indenture dated May 17, 1669 between Charles Bickerstaffe and his brother William, and Norman Atwood and his brother John.

Bickerstaffe, Charles

Central Ontario Art Association fonds.

  • SCA222-GA209
  • Fonds
  • 1944-2005

Fonds consists of records documenting most aspects of the development of the Central Ontario Art Association, the events and activities of the association, and its administration and membership in the period from its formation in 1954 to about 2000, with some gaps in coverage. The records were accumulated by various members and some organization was imposed by the association for the purpose of researching its history.

Fonds includes correspondence, membership lists, flyers, announcements, programs, newsletters, exhibitors' catalogues, minutes, reports, the association constitution and by-laws, histories, forms and questionnaires, clippings, lectures and articles, photocopied information, photographs, slides, and other material.
Fonds is arranged in the following series:
Series 1: Administration and Membership
Series 2: Files of Gordon Couling
Series 3: Events and Exhibitions
Series 4: Publications
Series 5: Subject Files
Series 6: History Working Files
Series 7: Photographs.

Central Ontario Art Association

Report by Rear-Admiral Charles Holmes, Sept. 18, 1759.

  • SCA167-GA141
  • Collection
  • 1759

Manuscript report dictated by Rear-Admiral Charles Holmes for his superiors, recounting in detail the events of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. Major-General James Wolfe captured Quebec on Sept. 13, 1759, but died on the battlefield. His opponent, the Marquis de Montcalm died the next day. Holmes dictated a detailed account of the battle and sent two copies on separate ships to the British Admiralty. This document is the second copy of that report.

Holmes, Charles, 1711-1861

Percy R. and Gertrude Wells Hilborn fonds.

  • SCA158-GA131
  • Fonds
  • 1907-1959

The fonds consists mostly of files relating to some of Percy R. Hilborn's areas of service to the community, including Freeport Sanitarium, Preston War Service Association and Waterloo College and Associate Faculties fundraising. Several Havergal College notebooks belonging to Gertrude R. Wells, who became P.R. Hilborn's wife, are also present.

Hilborn, Percy R.

Waldo Thompson correspondence.

  • SCA55-GA31
  • Collection
  • 1884-1889

Two letters thanking Thompson Waldo for providing a copy of his book, "Swampscott: historical sketches of the town". One letter is from C.B. Tillinghast, Acting Librarian at Boston, dated August 18, 1884 and the other is from Howard B. Nicholson, a librarian at Bodleian at the University of Oxford, dated November 19, 1889.

Thompson, Waldo

German prayer books.

  • SCA81-GA51
  • Collection
  • 1783-[188-?]

Collection consists of three manuscript German prayer books dating from 1783 to the late 19th century. Each book contains a series of prayers such as communion, confession, morning, and evening prayers, in addition to examples of Fraktur (folk) art in ink and watercolour.

William Morton fonds.

  • SCA90-GA60
  • Fonds
  • 1850-1851

Manuscript poem entitled, "On Parting from My Sister and Her Children." Also included are two pencil drawings, one of which depicts a church and graveyard scene in a village located three miles from Dublin. The poem and drawings have been bound into a book. In the front cover of the book is a newspaper clipping of an obituary for Isabella Jane and Caroline Olivia Clare.

Copy of Arthur Lang's diary.

  • SCA123-GA96
  • Collection
  • 1820

Carbon typescript transcript of Arthur Lang's diary prepared as a Christmas souvenir in 1907 by T.A. Lang in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. It includes a copy of a letter from one of Arthur Lang's granddaughters, giving some family background. Arthur Lang describes the sea voyage, scenery, and passengers on trip from Montreal, through the Lachine Rapids, to Prescott, Ontario. The diary also discusses Lang’s experiences inspecting land near the townships of Ramsay, Lanark, and Dalhousie in Lanark County, Ontario.

Lang, Arthur

Isobel MacKay fonds.

  • SCA124-GA97
  • Fonds
  • 1978-1983

Material kept by Isobel MacKay during her association with Community Resources for Women. These include annual reports, correspondence, minutes and agenda of the Steering Committee, news clippings, newsletters, and papers relating to workshops.

MacKay, Isobel

Lloyd Stamp fonds.

  • SCA125-GA98
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1995

Four large albums, entitled "Pan Politae and Friends", that contain photographs, ephemera and text, both original and copies, relative to the history of the Pan Politae Club, as well as photographs and biographical information about its members from 1938 to 1995.

The history of Pan Politae is documented through current and historical portraits, as well as photographs of activities such as reunions. The albums include photographs of fundraising projects like the Christmas tree sales and service projects events held with the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) camps. Photographs depict service work done primarily in Camp Wabanaki at its original location on Beausoleil Island, Georgian Bay, which was destroyed by fire in ca. 1970.

These albums were compiled to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA. Included are portraits of and information about K-W YMCA Presidents, influential members, former staff, and information about awards and recipients. Also included is correspondence addressed to Lloyd Stamp from former members of the Pan Politae Club where they discuss their experiences and reflections from their time in the club.

Stamp, Lloyd

Percy S. Keeting photograph album.

  • SCA283-GA318
  • Collection
  • 1897-1922

One photograph album owned by Percy S. Keeting with 120 photographs of daily life in Britain.

Keeting, Percy S.

Handkerchief of King George V.

  • SCA302-GA338
  • Collection
  • [before 1914]

File consists of one mounted handkerchief showing a portrait of King George V in military dress [possibly wearing the Order of the Medjidie]. The portrait is surrounded in each corner by images of the Royal Dragoons, Gordon Highlanders, Bengal Lancers and Irish Guards and a border of flags, British, French, Russian, Russian Imperial, Belgian, and one unknown flag [possibly Serbian?].

George V, King of Great Britain

Little Women postcard.

  • SCA315-GA351
  • Collection
  • [19--]

One postcard showing a scene from the Boston Majestic Theatre production of Little Women.

Christian Enslin : Letter to Fredrick Heinitsch, M.D.

  • SCA200-GA177
  • Collection
  • August 27, 1849

File consists of one letter from Christian Enslin, bookseller and bookbinder, Waterloo, Ontario to Fredrick Heinitsch, M.D., Lancaster, Pennsylvania requesting the right to "Mother Drops", a medicine created by Dr. Heinitsch on which he held the patent.
The letter also includes information on bookbinding and printing practices in Upper Canada and makes reference to local figures such as Benjamin Eby, Bishop of the Mennonites.

Enslin, Christian

Armistead Churchill Gordon letter.

  • SCA70-GA39
  • Collection
  • 1923

Contains one holograph letter from Armistead Churchill Gordon to C.C. Pinckney discussing John Drinkwater's book "Robert E. Lee."

Gordon, Armistead Churchill

Arthur Lismer drawing of Elizabeth S. Nutt.

  • SCA287-GA322
  • Collection
  • [191-?]

Fonds consists of one charcoal drawing by Arthur Lismer of Elizabeth Styring Nutt of Halifax. Elizabeth was principal of the Victoria School of Art and Design in Halifax (later NSCAD) in the period immediately following Lismer's time there.

Lismer, Arthur

Hartley Coleridge poem.

  • SCA78-GA48
  • Collection
  • [18--?]

Manuscript poem that was found in "Poems: Songs and Sonnets" by Hartley Coleridge (1796-1849). The poem is written in an unknown hand and the title reads "Lines (unpublished) written to a friend after a discussion on [points] of faith - by Hartley Coleridge."

Helen Edmonds sketchbook

  • SCA183-GA158
  • Collection
  • July 1991

Sketchbook belonging to Helen Edmonds, dated July 1991, containing sketches in the style of Virgil Burnett. Most sketches are drawn with brown ink and feature people, landscapes, buildings, and sculptures. The sketchbook also includes watercolour sketches accompanied by notes and quotations.

Edmonds, Helen

H.B.N. Hynes fonds.

  • SCA219-GA205
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1990

Fonds consists of material relating to the career of H.N.B.Hynes, from his work as a student at the Univeristy of London in the late 1930s through his time as a professor of biology at the University of Waterloo until his retirement in the 1980s. Includes material relating to his work on stonefiles in the British Isles, his work for the British government in Trinidad and East Africa, his time at the University of Liverpool including work on river pollution, and his career at the University of Waterloo, including his sabbaticals in Australia.

Fonds includes notebooks containing field notes, ms. and ts. notes, publications authored by Hynes and by others, reports, correspondence, maps, and photographs.

Hynes, H.B.N.

Gordon Good fonds.

  • SCA247-GA250
  • Fonds
  • 1925-1976

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Gordon Good, primarily during the time he was employed by The Kaufman Rubber Company. Includes materials from Kaufman Rubber, as well as local and national history materials accumulated by Good. Fonds contains time books, ephemera, clippings, catalogues, rubber information and strike materials from Kaufman Rubber as well as materials relating to World War Two, Kitchener history and Canadian politics.

Good, Gordon

Yvonne Crnko fonds.

  • SCA135-GA108
  • Fonds
  • 1934-1970

Two scrapbooks containing newspaper and magazine clippings which trace the lives of the Dionne quintuplets from 1934-1970.

Crnko, Yvonne

John D. Detwiler fonds.

  • SCA32-GA18
  • Fonds
  • 1914-1965

Fonds consists of material relating to biology, zoology and conservation interests and activities of Dr. John D. Detwiler from to 1919-1965. Includes documentation of Ontario fish hatchery investigations and brook trout feeding experiments. Includes correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts by himself and others, offprints and reprints, teaching materials, newspaper clippings and glass slides.

Detwiler, John D.

Ken Ledbetter fonds.

  • SCA216-GA195
  • Fonds
  • 1989

Fonds consists of a typescript script by Gary and Ken Ledbetter, based on stories by Ken Ledbetter.

Ledbetter, Ken

Neyle family fonds.

  • SCA235-GA234
  • Fonds
  • 1854-1880

Fonds consists of two manuscript recipe books belonging to the Neyle family.

Neyle Family

Edgar William Pyke coin collection.

  • SCA367-GA423
  • Collection
  • 585 BCE-1935

Collection of coins ranging from the Persian Empire of the 6th century BCE to 19th century Britain. The coins reflect the development of the monetary systems, art, religion and shifting borders of the world. Also included are a coin weight and various electrotype coin reproductions.

Pyke, Edgar William

Results 1 to 100 of 212