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Clare and Harold Clark.

Materials related to Clare Clark and Harold Clark. Includes photographs of their lives, materials related to the funeral of Harold Clark, an invitation to their fiftieth wedding anniversary, speech "Towards better communities. Address of president W. Harold Clark to National conference Community Planning Association of Canada" (October 6, 1950). Also contains a published copy of the QAAL Newsletter (Fall/Winter 2009) with an article in celebration of the life and work of Alan Thomas and materials related to Annswell Park in the town of Markham.


File consists of three letters, two in German. One is from Catharine's son William Henry, one from Mrs. Hofius[?] in Buffalo. One is in English from "Emma", a letter of condolence on the death of Catharine's daughter Catharina Louise, who died April 14, 1886.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of three letters in German written to Catharine Briethaupt in London, Eng., one from S.L. Umbach, one from from Mrs. Mylius and one from son Albert[?]

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of a letter and a greeting card. The letter is in German from an unidentified correspondent and the card is in English, sending Christmas well wishes, from M.G. Murphy.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of six letters in German, one from daughter Melvina, one from son William, one from Henry Wagner, one from son-in-law Frank Bauman, one from S.L. Umbach, one from Cath. Bates, Elgin [Goetz?].

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of 13 letters, some in German, one from an unidentified correspondent, one from Cath. Bates, two postcards and a letter from Henry Wagner, and a postcard and letter signed "Harriet". Letters in English consist of an invitation, a postcard, a letter from Mrs. A.H. Hellerone, one from the Burckleys, and one from granddaughter Laurine Catherine Augustine, writing from Racine, Wisconsin.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of six items of correspondence sent to Catherine Breithaupt: two postcards, undated, from Bremen and Venice and one letter in English, undated, from her daughter-in-law "Mattie", William Henry's wife. Also included is one postcard from Harriet in Sanger, California; a letter in German and a letter from son-in-law and daughter Albert and Caroline Augustine.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of three letters in German. Two of the letters are from Henry Wagner on Zion Evangelical Church letterhead and one of the letters is from Thomas Bowman in Chicago.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of two letters in German to Catharine Breithaupt in Racine, Wisconsin. One is dated May 27, 1897 from [_] Racquet, writing from Detroit, Michigan. The other is dated May 31, 1897 and addressed to "Mutter" from "Emma" [her daughter-in-law?], writing from Berlin, Ontario.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of three letters in German: one letter from an unidentified correspondent; two letters from A.L.B. (in German) to his mother, with enclosure (from Fr. Breithaupt in Cassel?).

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of three letters in German from Catharine's children, one from Melvina, two from "Henry" [Wagner?] at Bismark.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of six letters in German from Catharine's children, one from Melvina, two from William Henry and three signed "Henry" [Wagner?] at Sebringville.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of four letters in German to Catharine Breithaupt from her sons William Henry (2) and Louis Jacob (1), as well as from Louis Henry Wagner(1).

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of two letters in German. One letter, dated June 13, 1880, is to Louis Breithaupt from [?] Knauff in Allendorf, Germany. The second letter is signed Catharina Raquet, Catharine's sister-in-law.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer

Communist Party of Canada (Marxist–Leninist) and Anti Imperial Alliance.

Correspondence and notes between members of the Dumont Press, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist–Leninist) (CPC M-L), and the Anti Imperial Alliance (AIA) of the University of Waterloo. The correspondence outlines a political disagreement between the left wing politics of those who worked at the press and the CPC M-L and AIA. The Dumont Press had been allowing the CPC M-L and the AIA to use the press to print their materials, but indicated that they had become uncomfortable with the division between the groups. Part of this disagreement was also what was happening with the Chevron, the student newspaper of the University of Waterloo, at the time. The Dumont Press printed the Chevron and indicated that they were finding it difficult to do their work under the political perspective of the AIA, which was the dominant voice of the Chevron at the time. Also present is one item of correspondence from Dr. Henry Crapo, professor in the Faculty of Mathematics, at the University of Waterloo. Dr. Crapo was requesting back the money that he had loaned the Dumont Press due to the press' political disagreements with the CPC M-L, the AIA and the Canada-China Friendship Society.

Dumont Press Graphix Limited

A beginner's guide to the struggle in Ireland.

Correspondence and notes regarding the publication of "A beginner's guide to the struggle in Ireland" which was printed at the Dumont Press and published by the Community Media Project of Kitchener-Waterloo in conjunction with the Chevron newspaper of the University of Waterloo. The publication outlines the key points of Irish history and of the The Troubles, and was a response to the Bloody Sunday in Derry, Northern Ireland. Much of the correspondence in the file is requests for copies of the publication, by other left wing newspapers, as well as by social groups. Some correspondence is critical of the publication and its sympathetic look at Irish Independence. Also includes one copy of the publication that has been annotated by a critic.

Dumont Press Graphix Limited


File consists of one letter in German from Louis Breithaupt to Catherine[?] from New York, 1863. A note on overleaf is signed by W.H. Goetz and the salutation is "Dear Caroline".

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of one letter [?] in German signed by Margaret Wagner, dated Berlin, February 28, 1862. Contains several references to Mr. Louis Breithaupt, "driving shed," etc.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of contains two documents in German. The first document is an undated poem signed by Catharina Breithaupt. The second document is a letter dated July 3, [1858?] written from Buffalo in three separate hands. The first is possibly that of Catharina Goetz Breithaupt, widow of Liborius, and is signed Catharina Breithaupt. The second is two lines by Catharine Hailer Breithaupt, signed by her. The page overleaf is written and signed by Margaret Wagner.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of three letters in German. Includes one letter from Jacob and Margaret Wagner in Grove [?], [New York], dated January 18, 1858, and a joint letter dated Berlin, August 29, 1858 with page 1 signed by Margaret Wagner and the overleaf signed by Jacob Hailer. This was probably written after the death of Jacob Wagner in Berlin that spring. A third letter, dated 1858, is written in an unknown hand.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of one letter in German from Jacob and Margaret Wagner in Grove __, N.Y., December 16, 1857.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of one letter in German from Jacob Wagner in Berlin, dated May 21, 1856, regarding the loss of a son who died shortly after birth.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of five letters in German from Jacob Wagner in Rochester, addressed to Louis Breithaupt. One at least is also signed by Catharine's sister, Margaret Wagner.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of two letters in German. One letter, intricately folded and dated July 11, 1853, is from [Margaret Wagner?]. The second letter, dated November 19, 1853, is from Jacob Wagner.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of two letters in German. The first, dated November 4, 1852, is from Jacob Wagner to an unknown individual. The second, dated December 31, 1852, is a joint letter to Louis Breithaupt in Buffalo, signed by Catharine Hailer, and possibly also by Jacob and Margaret Hailer. This is a letter from Catharine to her soon-to-be husband, written shortly before their marriage, which took place February 8, 1853.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including business correspondence, letters in German to and from Louis Breithaupt and M. Strauss, railroad freight receipts, etc. Also in the file are letters in German from Wm. Goetze and others, and two letters in German from Catherine Raquet, Buffalo; two letters in German by C. Raquet with letters enclosed by Catharina Breithaupt; seven letters in German from Catharina Breithaupt, Buffalo; one letter to Louis and Catharine Breithaupt from Jacob and Mary Burckle in Berlin, who are caring for the children while their parents are away.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes business correspondence, a contract with William Brower, May 1862, to tear down a warehouse and build a stable, correspondence with Jacob J. Vogt, and correspondence with the Singer Sewing Machine Co. Letters in German include those from M. and John Straus, some written on letterhead: "Breithaupt & Straus, manufacturers and dealers in sheep-skins and wool, Carroll St. . . . Buffalo, N.Y.",End of file: one letter in German from Catharine Breithaupt, dated Aug. 8, 1861 [marked C.B.]. A. and L. Klein, Wm. Schroeder, Samuel Moyer, Martin Anthes, F.A. Goetze and others.

Also of note are four letters in German from Catharina Breithaupt [marked C.B. Sr. = Catharina, mother of Louis Breithaupt?]; one letter in German to Catharina Breithaupt, sent from Germany, four letter in German from Catharine in Buffalo to Louis in Berlin.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including accounts, business correspondence, circulars, etc. Included are letters to and from Charles A. Ahrens and J.F. Schoellkopf. Letters in German include those from [?] Wagner, F.A. Goetze, P. Wentz, Jacob Hailer, Catharine Breithaupt, dated August 8, 1861 [marked C.B.], and others.

Also in the file is a drawing and notes of machinery, a bill for fruit trees, bushes and roses, and six letters from Jacob Burckle, and to Catharine Breithaupt, "Dear Sister", from M.A. Burckle. Jacob & his wife [Mary] were persuaded by L.B. to move from the U.S. to Berlin to help in the business and with boarders. Most of the letters are reports on the state of the business and on the charater of other employees.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including statements of accounts (including shoes and gaiters for Wagners, Hailers and Breithaupts), freight receipts, business correspondence, etc. Includes 22 letters from Charles A. Ahrens, Berlin concerning business and conditions in the tannery there. Letters in German include those from Margaret Wagner, Buffalo, W. Goetze, New York, A. and L. Klein, Rochester, Jacob Hailer, Ludwig Breithaupt, Th. Wagner, and others. Also in the file are documents relating to the Evangelical Association Church property, William and Emslie Sts. in Buffalo, circulars of F.A. Goetze, tobacconist, letters from Jacob Vogt, Nigara Falls and a letter from J.F. Schoellkopf, Buffalo.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including business correspondence, statements, rail road freight receipts, an ephemera. Includes documents relating to the tannery in Berlin, correspondence from Charles A. Ahrens, correspondence with Jacob J. Vogt, Niagara Falls (who is a relative and who has invested in the Berlin tannery), Hoffman & Weaver, J.F. Schoellkopf. Also in the file are letters in German from Jacob Hailer, A. Klein, F.A. Goetze, W. Brill. A letter from W. Mentz addresses L.B. as "Esteemed Brother" and comments on the dissolution of co-partnership with J. Vogt.

Also of note are business cards: "L. Breithaupt, manufacturer and dealer in leather, findings, hides, wool, oil, &c., Berlin, C.W.", a doctor's bill for 19 visits in June 1859 to visit child, and one one letter written on one side to L. Breithaupt from Jacob Burgley [i.e. Burckle], Utica, August 15, 1859, and on the other side to "Dear Sister", from M.A. Burgley.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, business correspondence, telegrams, railroad advice notes and freight receipts, notes receivable, tax notices, etc. Also in the file are documents relating to work done on the church and minister's house corner of William and Emslie Sts., letter from J. Long, Cleveland regarding 18 boxes of Universal Salve, written on the verso of printed instructions for the salve, correspondence between J.F. Schoellkopf and L. Breithaupt, letters in German from Rev. Jacob Wagner, August Klein, Jacob Hailer, Reinhold Lang, F.A Goetze (including cigar bill), statement from Hoffman and Weaver for land in Berlin. Also included is one letter in German from Louis Breithaupt, Berlin, November 6, 1857 to Catharine Breithaupt in Buffalo [last item].

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, raiload advice notices and freight receipts (one dated 1862 at Berlin Station), business correspondence, etc. Includes letters in German from F.A. Goetze, N.Y., recipe for lubricating compound, receipts for city, county, and school taxes, 1858-1859 (one receipt shows three properties in Buffalo), letter to Thomas Bowness in Woodstock, Ont. from J.F. Schoellkopf, November 15, 1861, letter to Louis Breithaupt from J.F. Schellkoepf, July 23, 1861, letter from Charles A. Ahrens, June 19, 1861, letters written jointly to L.B. from Jacob J. Vogt (in English) and Jacob Hailer (in German), Niagara, June 7, 1859 regarding business matters (salutation reads "Dear Brother, Father and Mother Hiler came to our plase...), receipt for household goods purchased for Jacob Wagner, April 30, 1859. Also contains an unbound day book in German with entries from December 19, 1859 to August 15, 1861.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, freight receipts, business correspondence, notes payable, etc. Includes one letter in German from J. Wagner, 3 letters in German from F.A. Goetze (one including a bill for cigars), and an agreement between J.F. Schoellkopf, Buffalo and McKay & Horner, Brantford, dated September 22, 1856.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of correspondence, freight receipts, individual statements of accounts and receipts. Includes one letter signed Catharina Breithaupt, a letter in German from F.A. Goetze, a statement of snuff and cigars purchased from him by Louis Breithaupt, a memorandum regarding Waterloo Township tannery rental from Wendell Bowman and Henry Bechtel, February 25, 1854, a letter, in English, from John B. Bowman, St. Jacobs, Ont., March 1854 regarding water privileges and land for tannery, and letters in German signed S. Merner.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of correspondence, one small account book 1851-1856, individual statements of accounts, correspondence to and from L. Breithaupt and J.F. Schellkopf, a letter to Liborius Breithaupt from a nephew in Allendorf Germany.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of a copybook containing copies of five letters written by L. Breithaupt in 1854 concerning tannery business.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family


File consists of three items of correspondence sent to the YWCA. Includes a letter from YWCA Karachi listing items that could be sent to help, a thank you card, and a card from a former YWCA member indicating she had sent some ephemera.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo


Series consists of Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo financial records. Includes accounting records, budget information, fundraising campaigns and events records, donations and bequest records, legal documentation such as indentures, leases, agreements, plans and correspondence, and audits, taxes, business plans and mortgages.

Correspondence received.

File consists of one piece of correspondence addressed to "Uncle Albert" from nephew "Edward", possibly John Edward Breithaupt, writing from Power Point School in Duxbury, Massachusetts.

Correspondence received.

File consists of seven pieces of correspondence, including three from S.L. Umbach in Naperville, Illinois, also a printed wedding invitation, and a notice in German regarding the death of Martin Anthes.

Correspondence received.

File consists of one piece of correspondence from Albert Breithaupt's brother Louis, writing more or less "in loco parentis." Louis J. was 15 years older than Albert and had assumed his role as head of the family at the age of 21 on the death of his father in 1880.

Transcription: "Berlin, Nov. 1/89. Dear Albert,/Yours 29th Oct / recd. & fully notes. / Am glad to note / that you are / progressing favorably / at school -- even / if you have turned / black smith. / Am pleased / with your / report this time / therewith return it / duly signed. / On Sunday I under- / stand you are, or / will be, 19 years of / age. Allow me to / congratulate you & / wish you Gods / blessing in every / sense of the word - / hope you will grow to / usefulness / & eminence & be / a man in every / respect. / Emma & I send you with Wm. $3.00 / for which but something as a memento from us. / Evelyn, Lily & Edna send kisses to you -/ With kindest regards / Your loving bro. / Louis."

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Albert Liborius Breithaupt fonds.

Fonds consists of material relating to the life and activities, both business and personal, of Albert L. Breithaupt from his 18th year on. Includes correspondence in German from his mother, Catharine Hailer Breithaupt. Includes correspondence, diaries, legal and financial documents, ephemera and photographs.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Breithaupt family.

Accrual consists of a family seal, biographical material about family members and business (clippings and obituaries), records relating to business between and among family members.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer.

Series consists of records related to Catharine Hailer Breithaupt including 91 pieces of correspondence received by Catharine Hailer Breithaupt between 1852-1863 and 1880-1910 and two diaries. The diary documents the first part of Catharine's first trip to Germany in 1888. The early correspondence provides further documentation of the establishment of Louis Breithaupt's tanning business in Berlin, Ontario; the later correspondence is primarily from her children, including her nephew Louis Henry Wagner.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer

Rieder, Margaret.

File consists eleven of items of correspondence addressed to Margaret Rieder. Includes primarily Christmas cards, with one birthday card. Correspondents include: Anthes, Carolina; Clarke, Evelyn; Edkins, Phyllis; Morley, Margaret Louise and Anna Elizabeth; Parry, Magaret; Rieder, Emeline Merner; Rieder, Margareth Anthes.

Rieder and Anthes family

Kaufman's strike clippings & letters.

File consists of materials relating to unionization and striking at the Kaufman Rubber Company plant. Includes materials relating to the 1937 and 1960 strikes as well as to unionization in other local and national factories. File includes clippings, correspondence from Kaufman Rubber Company, correspondence from the union and a sheet of paper with information on wage increases and decreases at Kaufman Rubber.

Good, Gordon

May 7, 1911.

One postcard from Minnie Roberts to William Nahrgang. The postcard shows the Mount Sinai Hospital, where Minnie was studying nursing. Minnie also notes in the postcard that there is a large park behind the hospital.

Deeds and deed memos.

File consists of correspondence relating to cemetery lot deeds, manuscript notes and accounts relating to nos. 17 and 25, Margaret Ave., Berlin, Ont. Includes a contract and specifications for a porch to be built at 17 Margaret Ave., dated September 1900, as well as a sketch plan of lot 180 Margaret Ave.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

John Jay Chapman correspondence.

  • SCA289-GA324
  • Collection
  • 1923-1936

Consists of five items of correspondence from John Jay Chapman to others. Includes four letters to Edwin F. Edgett of "The Lookout" and one to the Boston Evening Transcript.

Chapman, John Jay

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert.

Accrual consists of correspondence, postcards, ephemera and photographs. The bulk of this accrual consists of 187 postcards received by Fred as a child, from his parents and grandmother Catharine, some written in German.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family


Series consists of material relating to A.L. Breithaupt's personal activities and finances. Includes a quantity of insurance premiums purchased by A.L Breithaupt and documentation of loans taken against value of the premiums. Includes correspondence, examinations, ephemera, receipts, policies and certificates.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

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