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Barrett Autograph Collection.

  • SCA89-GA59
  • Collection
  • 1716-1827, 1841

Collection contains prints of Canadian landscapes done by William Henry Bartlett in 1841 and portraits of prominent 17th and 18th century politicians from Europe and Canada. Also included are letters from English prime ministers dating around the 1700s. The collection is arranged in one series consisting of print engravings, a file of Bartlett prints, and a scrapbook containing letters.

Bartlett, W. H. (William Henry)

Arthur Wellesley Wellington letter

  • SCA76-GA46
  • Collection
  • 1842

Contains one letter from Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington addressed to Francis Fane, the 12th Earl of Westmorland.

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley

John Keble fonds

  • SCA75-GA45
  • Fonds
  • 1860-1862

Fonds consists of two holograph letters from John Keble addressed to Henry Thomas Ellacombe [?]. The fonds also includes one photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Keble.

Keble, John

Armistead Churchill Gordon letter.

  • SCA70-GA39
  • Collection
  • 1923

Contains one holograph letter from Armistead Churchill Gordon to C.C. Pinckney discussing John Drinkwater's book "Robert E. Lee."

Gordon, Armistead Churchill

Amelia Alderson Opie letter.

  • SCA68-WA38
  • Collection
  • 1838

One holograph letter from Amelia Alderson Opie to an unidentified correspondent dated May 5, 1838 refusing an invitation.

Opie, Amelia

James Hoyes Panton letter.

  • SCA65-GA37
  • Collection
  • April 16, 1884

Contains one holograph letter from James Hoyes Panton to Drinkwater (C.P.R.) requesting a pass to travel free during the summer in order to do geological research, dated April 16, 1884.

Panton, James Hoyes

Victoria Mary Sackville-West letter.

  • SCA64-WA36
  • Collection
  • 1944

Fonds consists of one holograph letter dated March 9, 1944 from Sackville-West to Mrs. Leslie Hotson discussing the effects of war on South-West England.

Sackville-West, Victoria

Ontario Association of Architects register book.

  • SCA63-GA36
  • Collection
  • 1890-1913

One register book kept by the Ontario Association of Architects for the years 1890-1899. The book lists dues paid by each member of the association as well as money received for exam fees, filing articles, student fees and more. Also includes one item of correspondence from Mills & Hutton, architects asking the secretary for information on rates for architectural work. The register was kept by William R. Gregg.

Ontario Association of Architects

John Galt letter.

  • SCA61-GA35
  • Collection
  • [18--]

Consists of one holograph letter from John Galt addressed to "Croker." The letter requests that Croker publish the enclosed items in his magazine if they are not too late reaching him.

Galt, John

David Shannon Bowlby fonds

  • SCA57-GA33
  • Fonds
  • 1892-1921

Fonds consists of 28 items of correspondence between David Shannon Bowlby and his family.

Bowlby, David Shannon

Waldo Thompson correspondence.

  • SCA55-GA31
  • Collection
  • 1884-1889

Two letters thanking Thompson Waldo for providing a copy of his book, "Swampscott: historical sketches of the town". One letter is from C.B. Tillinghast, Acting Librarian at Boston, dated August 18, 1884 and the other is from Howard B. Nicholson, a librarian at Bodleian at the University of Oxford, dated November 19, 1889.

Thompson, Waldo

Sir Tyrone Guthrie letter.

  • SCA54-GA30
  • Collection
  • May 10, 1970

Letter written by Tyrone Guthrie to Marvin Brown, Associate Dean of Arts at the University of Waterloo. The letter is dated May 10, 1970, and discusses Guthrie's availability and services.

Guthrie, Tyrone

Dion Calthrop Clayton letter.

  • SCA53-GA29
  • Collection
  • January 21, 1936

Contains one letter dated January 21, 1963 and addressed to "My Dear Jean" from Dion Calthrop Clayton regarding his book. Underneath the body of the letter is a drawing in black ink of a person blowing on a trumpet. There is also a separate, folded leaflet included with the letter titled, "In Memoriam 1881-1937". Inside the leaflet is a black and white profile shot of Calthrop.

Calthrop, Dion William Palgrave Clayton

Eleanor Hallowell Abbott Coburn letter.

  • SCA51-WA28
  • Collection
  • July 25, 1924

One item of correspondence from Charles Gaston Smith Jr. of the Harvard Club of Boston to Eleanor Hallowell Abbott. The letter is dated July 25, 1924 and in it Smith asks Coburn if she knows of any girls in real life that are of the same quality as those in her books.

Eugene Ferrin Clark fonds.

  • SCA50-GA27
  • Fonds
  • 1894-1922, predominantly 1920-1922

Fonds contains autographs collected by Eugene Ferrin Clark from various British and American actors. Correspondence from Clark to various people soliciting autographs and autographed photographs are included.

1. Granville Barker also G. Barker’s autograph
2. John Randolph Bolling; November 23, 1921
3. Witter Bynner, New York; December 12, 1921/December 21, 1921
4. W. L. George, New York; October 22, 1920
5. B. Roland Lewis, University of Utah; December 14, 1919/December 19, 1919
6. Joseph Pennell, London/Philadelphia; June 8, 1913/November 16, 1919
7. G. Rollin, Chicago; May 10, 1919

Autographs collected by Clark:
8. George Arlis, Walter Hampden, Victor Herbert, William Hodge, James Hunellar, Oliver Lodge, Nance O’Neil, Eugene O’Neill, A.C. Read, Chauncey Brewster Tinker

9. Floral Tributes on Grave of Actor James O’Neill, 1920 and photographs with autograph signatures of:

  • Nazimova, n.d.;
  • Henry Irving dated 1894;
  • Anton Lang as Jesus dated 1922;
  • Anton Lang dated 1922;
  • Guido Moyr dated 1922.

Clark, Eugene Ferrin

Lester P. Breckenridge correspondence.

  • SCA47-GA26
  • Collection
  • 1912, 1918, 1921

Fonds consists of correspondence to Lester Paige Breckenridge from Anson Stokes, William H. Taft, A.T. Hadley and Hiram Bingham, dating from 1912 to 1921. Three of the letters have a Yale University header and are addressed to Breckenridge in New Haven, Connecticut.

List of correspondence:

  • Anson Stokes, New Haven, Conn. - November 1912
  • William H. Taft, New Haven, Conn. - March 19, 1918
  • A. T. Hadley, Yale University - May 16, 1918
  • Hiram Bingham, New Haven Conn. - December 1, 1921

Breckenridge, Lester Paige

Women writers manuscript letters collection.

  • SCA46-WA25
  • Collection
  • 1887-1925

Collection consists of 26 items of correspondence written by women writers, primarily of the 1920's. Many of the letters are addressed to Edward Marsh and St. John Ervine and concern a tribute to Thomas Hardy for his 81st birthday.

Letter to Joseph Jefferson from Jan Larue.

  • SCA45-GA25
  • Collection
  • [18-?]

Collection consists of one undated typescript letter to Joseph Jefferson from Jan Larue in Iberia Parish, Louisiana. The letter requests Jefferson put in a good word for Larue. Also included is an undated photograph card of Joseph Jefferson, taken by Gilbert & Bacon studios in Philadelphia.

Minnie Roberts correspondence collection.

  • SCA446-GA520
  • Collection
  • 1911-1915

A group of correspondence from Minnie Roberts, to her friend Eda Fuhrman. Minnie sent the letters to Eda who was still living in Kitchener, while she was living and working as a nurse in New York City. The letters detail her experiences as a nurse, her private life, and her thoughts on friends and family.

Angolan missionary letters.

  • SCA429-GA500
  • Fonds
  • August 23, 1887-July 22, 1902

Three letters written by Marion Webster during her time as a missionary in Angola for the Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola. Her letters detail the history and geography of Angola, as well as activities undertaken by her. Also includes 5 envelopes from Marion Webster that do not correspondence with the letters.

Webster, Marion

Correspondence to Maryse Choisy by a sex worker.

  • SCA427-GA497
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1962]

One item of correspondence addressed to Maryse Choisy by an unidentified sex worker, signed "a fan." The writer of the letter states that she has read Choisy's "Psychoanalysis of the Prostitute" and encourages her not to make the mistake of making generalizations about all sex workers. In specific, she points out that she does not consider her clients lovers and thinks of them as no more a customer than a waitress thinks of diners in a restaurant. She also states that she is engaged in sex work purely for the money. As well, the writer notes that she has a pimp and that they have a positive relationship, are married, and enjoy a healthy sex life. They met while she was already working as a sex worker, and he was already working as a pimp and had no desire to change each other's profession. She also notes that they did not sleep together until after they moved in together. The letter is ended by noting that they eventually would like to settle down, and that they are saving to open their own bar or liquor store one day.

Letter from Reverend Alfred H. Tyrer with birth control pamphlets.

  • SCA402-GA468
  • Collection
  • 1941

Materials related to Reverend Alfred Henry Tyrer’s books and publications on birth control, sex education, and marriage life.

Includes pamphlets and order forms for Tyrer’s books Where did we come from, mother dear? (Marriage Welfare Bureau, 1939) and Sex, marriage and birth control (Marriage Welfare Bureau, 1936), and ephemera related to the books and the Marriage Welfare Bureau.
Also contains booklet Marriage welfare : some facts about birth-control by Reverend Alfred Henry Tyrer which acted as promotional material for the book Sex, marriage and birth control. Booklet includes sections: Birth-control, the population problem, definition of birth-control, birth control and war, mothers who die in child-birth, infant mortality, birth control vs. infanticide, birth-control vs. abortions, birth-control vs. degeneracy and disease, birth-control vs. prostitution, economics and birth-control, divorce, religion and birth-control, the present status of birth-control, a prairie marriage.

Materials were enclosed in an envelope sent from Ontario on July 10, 1941, and with a letter addressed to Steve E. Chorney from Ranfurly (Alberta) acting as an introduction to the publications and explaining their importance.

Tyrer, Alfred Henry

Open letter from Québec feminists.

  • SCA401-GA467
  • Collection
  • [1971?]

Anonymous open letter created by a group of feminists from Québec outlining the outcomes from the October Crisis (Québec, October 1970) and the relationship between Québécois feminist movements and the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ).

Letter begins by explaining the relationship between the FLQ struggle and women’s struggle. It then moves to an overview of the events that lead to the October Crisis and the invocation of the War Measures Act, while calling for an independent Québec. Later, it covers the effects of the October Crisis for the citizens of Québec in general, and for women in particular (retelling raids, questionings, jailing, and overall police activities and attitudes). It continues with an exposition on women's inequality in government and society. The letter finishes by appealing for support to the FLQ and the women’s movement.

Letter seems to have been written shortly after the invocation of the War Measures Act in October 1970, and a year after the Women’s Movement in Québec began (possibly refers to the Québec Women’s Liberation Front (FLF) created on December 1, 1969).

Mabel Welma Fox scrapbook album.

  • SCA392-GA457
  • Collection
  • 1921-1923, 1925

Scrapbook album created by Mabel Welma Fox during her time at the University of Michigan (1921-1923).

Scrapbook is covered with correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, ephemera, physical objects, and annotations that guide the reader through Fox’s university life.
Photographs are of Fox’s house guests, parties, field trips, prom, graduation, and members of the Betsy Barbour women’s residence hall.
Newspaper clippings and full editions include Michigan Daily, College News, The Detroit News Mail edition, and Detroit Free Press, as well as others unidentified.
Ephemera includes posters, invitations, tickets, and programs for events; place, calling, membership, and business cards; envelopes with receipts (including for tuition, lodging and rent, transportation, raffle tickets, and memberships); report and grade cards; poetry clippings and pages stripped from books; notebooks with course notes; cards and napkins; materials related to 1923 Commencement; and booklets for the University of Michigan Women’s League.
Physical objects include decorations made with crepe paper for different events, a pencil tied to a notebook, and a mini frying pan from a dinner event, and rose leaves and petals.

Scrapbook is housed in a production scrapbook published by the College Memory Book Company from Chicago (Illinois, USA) with copyright from 1918, W.M.W. Clay, and with the title “National Memory and Fellowship Book.”
Fist 25 pages of scrapbook include pre-printed sections used by Fox and/or her colleagues. Preprinted sections include annotations, drawings, photographs and ephemera (by students from Michigan, the United States, Japan, and China).
Pre-printed sections are:

  • Register of friends,
  • Faculty and Campus,
  • Student Hall of Fame,
  • Comparative Athletic Record,
  • School and Social Functions,
  • My Favourites,
  • Entertainments, Lectures, Plays,
  • Memorable Trips,
  • Clubs and Societies,
  • Professors I Have Met,
  • Dates and Doings,
  • Things Worth-Wile Noting,
  • Lest you forget.

Rest of pages are part of the same production scrapbook but do not show section titles. Some pages are left unused. And some items look like they were clipped from another scrapbook (including several items that were inside an envelope pasted to backcover).

Fox, Mabel Welma

Lucy Stone letters.

  • SCA39-WA21
  • Collection
  • 1883

Collection consists of two items of correspondence from Lucy Stone to Mr. Michards. The letters are dated April 19th and 29th of 1893 and ask Mr. Michards to examine the records of his organization and see what arrangements Stone had made with them.

Stone, Lucy

Sims Family collection.

  • SCA369-GA427
  • Collection
  • 1833-1963

The Sims family collection encompasses records of the Sims and Cook, Davidson and Garden families retained by members of the two family branches that came together when Harvey James Sims and Florence Katherine Roos married in 1902. Their Sims and Davidson forbears were equally significant in the history of the Waterloo-Wellington area and in the growth and development of agriculture, education, business and government. Harvey James Sims and Florence Katherine Roos were deeply involved in their local community of Berlin, (later Kitchener) Ontario and their own records contain significant additions to our knowledge of local personalities and affairs. Harvey was a childhood and lifelong friend of William Lyon Mackenzie King; they wrote and visited each other regularly. King's sister Bella was also a close friend of Florence from school days on.

Sims family

Correspondence from Daniel Claus to Captain Matthews.

  • SCA363-GA416
  • Collection
  • March 23, 1780

Correspondence from Daniel Claus to Captain Matthews. The letter is regarding the capture of Peter Hansen and his servant as members of the rebellion by the Mohawk nation to be used to gather intelligence. The letter also mentions a contract for fresh meat, and that members of the village had been unwell. At this time Claus had been appointed deputy agent of the Six Nations in Canada under Frederick Haldimand.

Emily Bax correspondence.

  • SCA36-WA20
  • Collection
  • 1938-1939

Two items of correspondence from Emily Bax to a Mrs. Milner Wood of Woodman's Point on the St. John's River, dated June 3, 1938 and May 16, 1939. Topics discussed include Emily Bax's book, the World's Fair, the King's speech, and her daily life and plans.

Correspondence to Dr. G.C. Williamson.

  • SCA356-GA408
  • Collection
  • November 9, 1931-March 19, 1934

Three items of correspondence addressed to George Charles Williamson. The first is from Charles Walter Berry (of Berry Bros. & Rudd Wine and Spirit Merchants) and discusses Charles sending a bottle of Tokay for Williamson's wife and the fact that Charles read Williamson's article "Behind my Library Door" in the Spectator. The second and third are from the same unknown correspondent and mentions an article on wine and Monastic cellars.

Cyril Joad letter.

  • SCA35-GA19
  • Collection
  • February 16, 1928

Letter to Sir Oswald Stoll from Cyril Joad regarding Stoll's book "The Grand Survival" dated February 16, 1928 and addressed to Stroll at Hampstead in London, England.

Alexander McNeill fonds.

  • SCA346-GA14
  • Fonds
  • 1931

Consists of four items of McNeill's correspondence and some typed notes on Canadian poet William Wilfred Campbell.

McNeill, Alexander

Innis Family fonds.

  • SCA329-GA373
  • Fonds
  • [195-]-2002

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by members of the Innis family including by Anne Innis Dagg, Donald Innis and Harold Innis. Includes essays, photographs, clippings, and materials relating to the Mary Quayle Innis Foundation.

Innis family

Robert Southey letter to William Webb.

  • SCA322-GA363
  • Collection
  • November 8, 1826

One handwritten letter from Robert Southey addressed to a William Webb of Dublin. The letter was sent from Keswick and is dated November 8, 1826. Also includes an etching of Southey.

Southey, Robert

William Wilfred Campbell fonds.

  • SCA30-GA17
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1886 - [19-?]

Documents and published poems written by William Wilfred Campbell, dating to the late 19th century. Some of the poems are autographed while others have written annotations and corrections. Also a letter by J.S. McCuaig, dated May 17, 1886, about a request for the Crown's recognition of John A. Macdonald. The letter came with attached resolutions about a meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association at Town Hall Cherry Valley in 1886. Photocopy of pamphlet titled “The Dominion Campaign!: Sir John Macdonald on the Questions at Issue Before the People: The Premier's Great Speech Before the Workingmen of Toronto”.

1. to My Dear Sir from J. S. McCuaig re recognition by Crown of Sir John A. Macdonald. May 17, 1886

2. Untitled [part of "The Last Ride"]
3. "An August Reverie"
4. "The Children of the Light"
5. "A Day in June" [autographed]
6. "The Dread Voyage"
7. "Life"
8. "The Were-Wolves"[autographed, unpublished?]
9. "Winter"
10. "The Cloud Maiden" [autographed], 1892

Published material:
11. "Premonitions"
12. "The Dead Leader", June 10, 1891

13. Resolutions [Came attached to correspondence 1]

14. "The Dominion Campaign. Sir John MacDonald on the Question at Issue before the People. The Premier's Great Speech before the Working men of Toronto"

Campbell, William Wilfred

John Jay Chapman correspondence.

  • SCA289-GA324
  • Collection
  • 1923-1936

Consists of five items of correspondence from John Jay Chapman to others. Includes four letters to Edwin F. Edgett of "The Lookout" and one to the Boston Evening Transcript.

Chapman, John Jay

Letter to G.S. Payson from Patrick Foley.

  • SCA28-GA16
  • Collection
  • April 23, 1898

Consists of a single holograph letter from Patrick Foley to G.S. Payson dated April 23, 1898 and addressed to Boston, Massachusetts. The contents of the letter focuses on Nathaniel Hawthorne's book, "Doctor Grimshawe's Secret".

William Ralph Inge letter.

  • SCA273-GA294
  • Collection
  • [18--?]

One handwritten letter from William Ralph Inge addressed to "Dear Sir."

John William Dawson correspondence.

  • SCA26-GA15
  • Collection
  • April 17, 1878

Contains of a single holograph letter, dated April 17, 1878, written by Sir John William Dawson to an unidentified recipient about the conflict between science and religion.

Dawson, John William, Sir

Ross Hamilton letter to Miss Henstridge, Jan. 16, 1918.

  • SCA202-GA179
  • Collection
  • January 16, 1918

One holograph letter, written from the trenches in France during the First World War. Ross Hamilton is sending Miss Henstridge a book he has found in a ruined house, and is asking for news of his old school, Kitchener Collegiate Institute.

Hamilton, Ross

Christian Enslin : Letter to Fredrick Heinitsch, M.D.

  • SCA200-GA177
  • Collection
  • August 27, 1849

File consists of one letter from Christian Enslin, bookseller and bookbinder, Waterloo, Ontario to Fredrick Heinitsch, M.D., Lancaster, Pennsylvania requesting the right to "Mother Drops", a medicine created by Dr. Heinitsch on which he held the patent.
The letter also includes information on bookbinding and printing practices in Upper Canada and makes reference to local figures such as Benjamin Eby, Bishop of the Mennonites.

Enslin, Christian

David M. Netterfield correspondence.

  • SCA20-GA11
  • Collection
  • 1958

Typescript letter regarding lumbering on Lake Huron, Ontario written by David M. Netterfield. The letter describes the history of the Spanish River Lumber Company that operated near the Sauble River, between 1882 and the 1940's, focusing on the 20th century history of the company. Account makes reference to the Spanish River Indian Reserve, Wahnapitae, Ontario, the Great Lakes Storm of 1913 and the Mississauga Timber Reserve. Also included is a business card dated July 14, 1958, for Noranda Mines Limited located in Toronto, Ontario with a handwritten note that reads: Thought this might interest you. Hope you had a good trip. Hank. 14 July/58."

Netterfield, David M.

John Woelfle fonds.

  • SCA182-GA157
  • Fonds
  • 1895

Fonds consists of ten letters written by John Woelfle to his brother Edward in 1895. The letters describe the travels and activities of the writer and express interest and concern about the activities and lifestyle of the recipient and other members of the family.

Woelfle, John

Albert Liborius Breithaupt fonds.

Fonds consists of material relating to the life and activities, both business and personal, of Albert L. Breithaupt from his 18th year on. Includes correspondence in German from his mother, Catharine Hailer Breithaupt. Includes correspondence, diaries, legal and financial documents, ephemera and photographs.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Bowman family fonds.

Thirteen items of correspondence between members of the Bowman family. The topics of correspondence include updates on relatives, current issues and news in Waterloo Region, the American Civil War, and more.

The members of the Bowman family represented in the correspondence include children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Rev. Joseph O. Bowman (1766-1849) and Christian Bowman (1766-1824). Although the families share a common distant ancestor the commonality of families in the set of correspondence represented here comes from Elizabeth Bowman (b. 1844) and Nancy Bowman (1839-1925), both children of Samuel B. Bowman, marrying brothers Allan (1841-1928) and Simon (b. 1844) Bowman, children of Samuel W. Bowman. A more complete family tree is included in file 1 of the fonds.

Bowman family

Alice Riggs Hunt fonds : 2016 accrual

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Alice Riggs Hunt and her family. Includes correspondence to and from Alice, locks of hair, and photographs. The photographs document other members of the Hunt family including her mother Mary Osgood Riggs Hunt (1860-1953) and her brother Charles Warren Hunt Jr. (1888-1953). Also present are over 500 slides documenting Charles Warren Hunt Jr.'s trip around the world.

Hunt, Alice Riggs

Concordia Club fonds.

The majority of the archives of the Concordia Club were destroyed either as a result of the ransacking of the club by the 118th Batallion in 1916, or as a result of the fire of Nov. 17, 1971. As a result the earliest records of Concordia have largely been lost forever. A very small number of items can be traced back to the Concordia Male Choir (1873-1914). These take the form of two items of correspondence, programs for the "Sängerfests", clippings, and photographs. A small number of archival records also can be found which belonged to the "Deutscher Club, Kitchener" (1925-1930), and include a set of house rules, letters patent, and photographs. Some records from the 1930s have also been preserved to this day, and include artifacts, clippings, legal documents, a membership list, photographs, and programs of events. However, the majority of the materials date from the 1950s onwards. These materials document the history of the Concordia Club since the 1950s, and include artifacts, audiovisual material, clippings, correspondence, ephemera, financial records, legal documents, membership records, minutes of meetings, photographs, publications, and scrapbooks.

Concordia Club

Int[ernationa]l conf[erence] on Race relations.

Materials related to the International Conference “Race relations in the United Kingdom and Canada: policy, practice and research,” at York University, in 1990 where James Walker participated with a paper titled “‘Race’ and the historian: some lessons from Canadian public policy.” Includes synopsis and printout of Walker's paper, related correspondence, conference program, and pamphlets for the conference.
Also contains a synopsis and printout of Walker’s “‘Race’ policy in Canada: a retrospective.”

Walker, James

Felt syndicate.

File consists of material relating to a case brought by J.J. Westgate against Talmon Henry Rieder in 1911 regarding the consolidation of rubber companies, and material relating to the formation of a felt syndicate by Rieder, D. Lorne McGibbon of Montreal, A.J. Kimmel of Elmira, Ontario, and others. J.J. Westgate was connected in some way to the formation of the felt syndicate, possibly as a competitor.


  • agreements regarding the felt syndicate;
  • correspondence;
  • manuscript notes;
  • a writ of summons and plaintiff's declaration (carbon copy);
  • the typescript statement of Talmon Henry Rieder;
  • a reprinted series of correspondence between McGibbon and Rieder (Sept. 1906 to May 1907);
  • financial statements of the Berlin Rubber Manufacturing Company Limited and of the Merchants Rubber Company Limited for 1907, 1908, and 1909; and
  • a machine print-out of several linear feet containing data about the production of footwear from several companies.

File also includes a letter regarding water rights at the rubber company in Granby, Quebec [probably unrelated].

Rieder and Anthes family


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the years 1970-1973.

Dagg, Anne Innis

News : 1984.

File consists of page proofs for the association newsletter and flyers for 1984. File also includes flyers, a small amount of correspondence, and an agenda for the 1984 annual meeting.

Central Ontario Art Association

Communications comm[ittee].

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes correspondence, materials related to budgeting, strategy and minutes from minutes, and press releases.

Carold Institute

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Eddie.

3 letters.

Date and Place from: September 15, 1923 Markham [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Eddie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: October 14, 1923 Markham [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Eddie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: June 13, 1924 Markham [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Eddie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Sims, Peter Harvey to Kenneth Sims.

Letter from Peter H. Sims dated Toronto, November 7, 1915 to his grandson Kenneth Sims, congratulating him on passing first in his class (includes envelope).

Sims family


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the 1960's.

Dagg, Anne Innis

Estate : miscellaneous.

File consists of material accumulated by Martha Rieder during the process of settling the estate of Talmon Henry Rieder. Documents pertain to Rieder's investments, his life insurance policies, succession duties on the estate, Martha's financial affairs, etc. Includes correspondence, notices, invoices, manuscript and typescript notes, a bank book, a newspaper clipping, a German bond (Hamburg state bond, 1902 issue, 1000 mark), etc. Correspondence is from executors H. Milton Cook and Hugo Wellein, and others; outgoing correspondence from Martha is in draft form.

Rieder and Anthes family

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Dot.

2 letters.

Date and Place from: May 6, 1921 Guelph [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Dot Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: November 1, 1922 Cambridge [Massachusetts] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Dot Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Reception Ottawa.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes correspondence and lists of participants for the Alan Thomas Fellowship's reception organized by the Carold Institute in Ottawa.

Carold Institute

News : 1983.

File consists of material relating to the association newsletter and flyers for 1983. Includes newsletters, flyers, correspondence and memoranda, a list of members issued a cheque, the agenda for the annual meeting, etc.

Central Ontario Art Association

Medical assistance in dying.

Material accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the legalization of medically assisted dying in Canada. The material primarily documents the opinions of a member of the public. Records consist of an essay and correspondence including a letter to Telegdi from Elizabeth Witmer, Member of Provincial Parliament representing Waterloo North.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian Associat[io]n for African studies.

Materials related to the 19th Annual Canadian African Studies Conference organized by the Canadian Association for African Studies, in Halifax, in 1990 where James Walker participated in the panel “Black Diaspora Workshop (1): Round table on the Black diaspora: origins and diversity.” Includes printout of Walker's paper “Canada and the origins of the African diaspora,” related correspondence, handwritten notes about the conference, printout of “Commonwealth History Seminar, 29 October 1979,” printout of “Introductory remarks, African Diaspora session, 15 March 1979,” paper “Social and cultural relationships between diaspora and Indigenous groups in Sierra Leona,” memoranda related to travel expenses and organization of the conference, printout of “The challenge of public policy,” program of the event.

Walker, James


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more from the 1950's. Includes wedding announcement regarding marriage to Ian Dagg and letters to her mother, Mary Quayle Innis.

Dagg, Anne Innis

Sims, Peter Harvey to Harvey J. Sims

Letter from Peter H. Sims to his son Harvey J. Sims on March 3, 1812 from Mayagues [i.e., Mayagüez] (Puerto Rico). Peter H. Sims writes about his trip to Puerto Rico to assess risks on behalf of his company: he summarizes and comments on Puerto Rico's climate, landscape, history, people, American interest, Catholic Church, Spanish rule, agriculture, sugar cane production: "I thought I had retired from active work but I am at is as hard as ever and I enjoy it. I do not know if the trip will do the Co. any good. The conditions are all new to me."

Sims family

News : 1982.

File consists of material relating to the association newsletter and flyers for 1982. Includes page proofs of newsletters, flyers, correspondence, etc.

Central Ontario Art Association

Hard drive.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes digital files related to the Alan Thomas Fellowship, Board meetings, administrative records, correspondence, materials related to events, and photographs.

Carold Institute

Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Connie.

4 letters.

Date and Place from: January 2, 1923 Mount Forest [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Connie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: June 26, 1923 Preston [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Connie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Date and Place from: July 13, 1923 Mount Forest [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Connie Attachments: No envelope.

Date and Place from: July 22, 1923 Mount Forest [Ontario] To White, Dorothy Etta, 1900-2005 From Connie Attachments: Contains a stamped envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Estate : correspondence (file 2 of 2).

File consists of material accumulated by Martha Rieder during the process of settling the estate of Talmon Henry Rieder. Includes mainly correspondence among the executors of the estate, Hugo Wellein, H. Milton Cook, and Martha, as well as correspondence with other parties including law firm Foster & Mann (Montreal) and individuals at Ames Holden McCready. Outgoing letters from Martha are in draft form.

Also present are two tax assessments on property owned by Peter Rieder (part of lot 168 Grange-Maynard Avenue, and lots 97-8 Glasgow, in Kitchener) and a receipt to Peter Rieder.

Rieder and Anthes family

Via Rail service reductions.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to Via Rail service reductions along the Sarnia-Toronto corridor. The material documents the opinions of some constituents as well as Telegdi’s political involvement in the matter. Records include correspondence, itineraries, invitations, news releases, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian Ethnic Studies conf[erence].

Materials related to the 10th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association in Calgary in 1989 where James Walker participated with a paper titled “West Indians in Canada and the campaign for immigration policy reform, 1945-1962.” Includes script and abstract for Walker's talk, related correspondence, accommodation information, a program of the conference, Bulletin for the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association from Fall 1988 and for Spring 1989, call for papers for the conference, related forms, and receipts for expenses.

Walker, James

Book launch guest lists.

Materials regarding Newsgirls book launch. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Mike O’Connor (York University) and between MacKinnon and Julia Aballe (York University) about the event, as well as guests lists and checklists for the launch.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Fellowship evaluation stage 1.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes notes, statistical data, reports, and correspondence related to the evaluation of the Alan Thomas Fellowship (stage 1).

Carold Institute

Proposed prison for women.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the proposed development of a prison for women in Kitchener, Ontario. The material documents the opinions of some constituents as well as Telegdi’s political involvement in the matter. Records include correspondence, a public meeting notice, flyers, a press clipping, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Estate : correspondence (file 1 of 2).

File consists of correspondence received by Martha Rieder in the process of settling the estate of Talmon Henry Rieder. Much of the correspondence relates to the selling of the house at 610 Belmont Avenue in Montreal, as well as shares in Ames Holden McCready and Dominion Rubber, and insurance policies. Correspondence is among executor Hugo Wellein, executor H. Milton Cook, real estate agent John Findlay, individuals at Ames Holden McCready, and others.

Also present are drafts of some outgoing letters by Martha, a financial statement of the estate, an agreement regarding mortgage bonds of Ames Holden McCready, and a certified copy of a resolution passed at the April 26, 1922, annual meeting of Ames Holden McCready regarding the death of Rieder.

Rieder and Anthes family

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