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Fewster, W. Jean.

Page torn from an unknown publication featuring the article "Our Personality of the Month" about W. Jean Fewster the food editor at the Dairy Foods Service Bureau.

Long, Elizabeth

Speeches and lectures.

Speeches and lectures given by John English at different events. Speeches included are:

  • Speech for Chris Snyder's book launch at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. Snyder's book is titled “Creating Opportunities: A Volunteer’s Memoir” (May 1, 2018).
  • Speech and information for an event the University Club of the University of Toronto. Speech is titled "Trudeaumania" and information about the event is on the publication From the outside in (April 2019) from the University of Toronto.
  • Speech given by English at Hurt House, as part of the Bill Graham Honorary Degree (June 2018).

English, John

Funeral program for Andrew Telegdi.

A program for Andrew Telegdi’s funeral service held on January 28, 2017 at Knox Waterloo Presbyterian Church in Waterloo, Ontario. The program includes a eulogy for Andrew Telegdi and outlines the order of the funeral service. The service included a traditional blessing prayer delivered by Oqwilowgwa Kim-Recalma-Clutesi, tributes offered by Bardish Chagger, Don Chapman, John and Jonathan English, scripture reading by Margie Telegdi-Smith, and family tributes by Paul Telegdi and Erin Telegdi.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Newsgirls promotion events.

Materials related to the promotion and launch of the book Newsgirls during different book launch and promotion events. Includes information for events at the North Toronto Historical Society, the Literary Table of the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, the Women’s Art Association of Canada, the S. Walter Stewart Library Auditorium, Belmont House, CBC Radio, the University Women's Club of Toronto, Victoria University Library, the Toronto Public Library, and the Toronto Hunt. Includes a promotional poster, bookmarks, and a nametag and lanyard. Also contains photographs of several presentations and events.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

History dep[artmen]t.

Materials related to James Walker's talk delivered as part of the series “History as it happens” lunch-time talks at the University of Waterloo, on January 12, 2017, titled “Viola Desmond, race, and segregation in the Maritimes.” Includes promotional poster, bibliography, and script.

Walker, James

Chair, Arctic 360.

Materials related to Arctic 360. Includes printout of “Harnessing Investment in the North American Arctic : Challenges and opportunities;” agenda; sponsorship package; poster; mission, message from director and the partners, and general and contact information about the organization; and printout of a presentation on “Arctic 360."

English, John

CIGI launch.

Materials related to the event “Celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination” at CIGI Launch on March 21, 2017. Includes James Walker's biography, a poster and schedule for the event, a list of attendees, and a script for Walker’s speech.

Walker, James

J. M. Abraham Atlantic poetry award.

Materials related to the J. M. Abraham Atlantic Poetry Award. Includes announcement card for the winner of the J. M. Abraham Atlantic poetry award for the year 2017, which was awarded to Julia McCarthy, and congratulating correspondence.

McCarthy, Julia

Canada: the story of US.

Materials related to John English participation in "Canada : the story of US." Includes fine cut, script, flyer for the program, episodes summaries, related correspondence, and schedules for dictation and scripts for the first episode.

English, John

RBC Taylor prize.

Materials related to the “RBC Taylor Prize. Recognizing Excellence. Awards ceremony & luncheon. A celebration of 16 awardings.” Includes speeches, travel information, program for the event, related correspondence, guidelines for the jury, flight information for English, and notes on books.

English, John

Speech to National Liberal Club London.

Materials related to a speech given by English at the National Liberal Club in London, on June 6, 2016. Speech and event were related to the Brexit Referendum in the United Kingdom. Includes program of the event and speech.

English, John

Regional Government in International Affairs conference.

Materials related to the "Regional Government in International Affairs Conference," organized by Munk-Gordon Arctic Security Program, at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. Includes partial speaker tracking and program of the event.

English, John

The Northern Institute: conferences focused on Canada’s North.

Materials related to the "Conferences focused on Canada’s North" organized by the Northern Institute. Includes a “Special Tribute to Terry Fence (1950-2015),” program, list of participants, and slides for John English's presentation. Organized by the Northern Institute.

English, John


Materials related to the "XXX German-Canadian Conference" (April 15-18, 2015, Brussels, Belgium). Includes business card for Eveline Y. Metzen (executive director of Atlantik-Brücke); break-out groups information; handwritten notes on the event; program; agenda for the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice board meeting (May 6, 2015); program report; agenda for the Regional Governments in International Affairs (September 17-18, 2015).

English, John

Canadian International Council and Bill Graham Centre conferences.

Materials related to conferences organized by the Canadian International Council and the Bill Graham Centre. Includes program for the conference “The North Korean Nuclear Challenge” (February 26, 2018) and a poster and conference schedule for the “Canadian Foreign Policy. Traditions and transitions” (May, 2015).

English, John

Election campaign.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his campaign to be elected as a Regional Councillor in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo in the Waterloo Region municipal elections held on October 27, 2014. Records include invitations, notes, speech transcripts, research material about the regional budget and Light Rail Transit (LRT) construction, a flyer, a business card, a biographical sketch of Telegdi, and other textual material. Also contains correspondence including a letter to Telegdi from Michael Harris, then Member of Provincial Parliament, thanking Telegdi for running in the 2014 municipal elections.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

UQUAM mobilizations politiques Montreal.

Materials related to the colloquium “Mobilisations politiques et prises de parole citoyenne au Québec et au Canada” where James Walker participated in the session 10 “Citizens as activists : transforming human rights in Canada, 1963-1971” with a talk titled “Toward a new definition of Canadian citizenship: the movement to criminalize hate propaganda.” Includes programme of the event, and script and draft of the script.

Walker, James


Materials related to the Atlantik-Brücke association. Includes related correspondence, cost breakdown, draft agenda, program for the "Future of Energy, XXIX German Canadian Conference hosted by Atlantik-Bruecke Canada and Atlantik-Brücke" (September 17-20, 2014), and a template for email introducing Atlantik-Bruecke Canada organization.

English, John

Remembering Jim Coutts.

Materials related to the event “Remembering Jim Coutts : an evening to honour Jim Coutts, his political life and his contribution to the Liberal legacy” (May 21, 2014). Includes poster and invitation list for the event.

English, John

The making of the modern world.

Materials related to the event “1914-1918: the making of the Modern World” (2014). Includes preliminary anticipated costs (July 31, 2014), meeting minutes (October 29, 2013), draft of program, business cards for John English from the Bill Graham Centre of Contemporary International History and for Janice Gross Stein from the Munk School of Global Affairs' and poster and information about the event.

English, John


Programs and invitations for several events. Events included are:

  • "A special convocation to confer an Honorary Degree on his Highness Prince Karin Aga Khan," at the University of Trinity College (University of Toronto), November 25, 2013.
  • "The global progress evening with Madeleine Albright in conversation with Lloyd Axworthy," organized by the Canadian Centre for Progressive Policy, April 1, 2014.
  • "A celebration of the life of the Honourable Donald Stovel Macdonald," October 19, 2018.
  • "A presentation of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals,” June 2012.

English, John

Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre’s equity and inclusion fundraising dinner honouring Andrew Telegdi.

Material accumulated by Andrew Telegdi related to the Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre’s equity and inclusion fundraising dinner held in his honour. Telegdi previously served as the President of the Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre and the dinner honoured his extensive contribution to the organization and the local community. The dinner was held on November 29, 2012 at Bingemans Conference Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. Records include a flyer invitation, itinerary, a guestbook, pin, program, and related correspondence including a letter from Justin Trudeau extending his congratulations to Telegdi. The file also contains a photograph of Telegdi and three unidentified individuals at an unknown event.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

U[niversity] of Matanzas.

Materials related to the event "Aporte de la comunidad Afro canadiense al multiculturalismo" at the University of Matanzas “Camilo Cienfuegos” in Cuba, on February 27, 2012, where James Walker participated with a talk titled “Black power, community politics, and the promise of multiculturalism in Canada.” Includes scripts of the talk, a certificate of participation in the talk, a programme for the seminar where the talk happened, information about the trip to Cuba, a card from a member of the Embassy of Canada in Cuba, and a note from the maid at his hotel.

Walker, James

Barbara Clague festival of song.

Materials related to the Barbara Clague Festival of Song. Includes related correspondence and ephemera. Also contains materials related to the Collingwood Neighbourhood House (Vancouver, British Columbia).

Carold Institute

Seventh international congress of Arctic social science.

Materials related to the Seventh International Congress of Arctic Social Science organized by the International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) and with title "Circumpolar Perspectives in Global Dialogue : Social Sciences beyond the International Polar Year" (June 22-26, 2011), Akureyri, Iceland. Includes program, abstracts, and possibly related invoices.

English, John

Canadian authors association literary awards.

Materials related to the 2011 Canadian Authors Association (CAA) Literary Awards in which Julia McCarthy was awarded the CAA Award for poetry. Includes pamphlet for the ceremony, certificate of the award, and medal and lapel pin in a box.
Also contains a congratulatory letter from Garfield Dunlop, Member of Parliament for Simcoe North and certificates of achievement from the City of Orillia.

McCarthy, Julia

Arctic Council ephemera.

Ephemera related to the Arctic Council. Includes flyers "PAME (Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment) Working Group of the Arctic Council, 2011-2013,” “Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic Council,” and “Arctic council Fact Sheet, Arctic council Swedish Chairmanship, 2011-2013."

English, John

Correspondence : 16 July-20 Dec. 2011.

File consists of 75 pieces of correspondence sent to Virgil Burnett. Also includes clippings, a syllabus, a trip itinerary, drawings by K.Y. Hanewich, and poetry by Arthur Morey and Jerome McGann. Correspondents include:

  • [?], Al
  • [?], Chris
  • [?], Melina
  • [?], Peggy
  • Culhane, John and Hind
  • Devrient, Michel
  • Ducornet, Rikki
  • Hanewich, K.Y.
  • Heller, Grace
  • Liidemann, Ryan
  • Magowan, Robin
  • McGann, Jerome
  • McInnery Burnett, Maud
  • Morey, Arthur
  • Morgan, Robert
  • Mulhallen, Karen
  • Shute, Laurence
  • Stefanescu, Isabella
  • Wilbur, Richard.

Burnett, Virgil


Materials related to the human rights workshop “Taking liberties: historicizing 20th Century human rights in the English speaking world” at McMaster University, where James Walker participated with an address titled “Decoding the ‘Rights Revolution:’ Lessons from the Canadian experience.” Includes a schedule of the event, related correspondence, an outline of the workshop, and notes for Walker’s presentation.

Walker, James

Election campaign.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his campaign to be elected as a Member of Parliament representing the Liberal Party for the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo in the 2011 Canadian federal election. Records include brochures, flyers, speech transcripts, handwritten notes, door hangers, correspondence, an invitation to a town hall event with Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party, and local liberal candidates including Andrew Telegdi. Also includes a program and Telegdi's speaking notes for an all-candidates debate held on April 28, 2011 that Telegdi participated in and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

From the Rwandan Genocide to R2P.

Materials related to conference “From the Rwandan Genocide to R2P: A Journey of Lessons Learned.” Includes program and notes by John English. Also contains information about Scholars Network’s Senior Fellows.

English, John

Correspondence : 11 May-26 Sept. 2010.

File consists of 49 pieces of correspondence sent to Virgil Burnett. Some of the correspondence has been annotated by Burnett to indicated the sender. Also includes gallery invitations, clippings, a theatre brochure, one letter from Jerome McGann to Robin Magowan, and poetry by Magown and Daryl Hine. Correspondents include:

  • [?], Al
  • [?], Chad
  • [?], Jospehine
  • [?], Peggy
  • [d’Almeida?], George
  • Culhane, John and Hind
  • Devrient, Michel
  • Ducornet, Guy
  • Ducornet, Rikki
  • Erenberg, Ellen
  • Goldman, Barbara
  • Hanewich, K.Y.
  • Heller, Grace
  • Magowan, Robin
  • McGann, Jerome
  • Morey, Arthur
  • Morgan, Robert
  • Shute, Laurence
  • Urquhart, Jane.

Burnett, Virgil

Correspondence : 18 Dec. 2010-8 Apr. 2011.

File consists of 65 pieces of correspondence sent to Virgil Burnett. Also includes clippings, brochures, photographs, excerpts from texts written by others, and poetry by Burnett and Deb Erb. Also includes one letter to Maud McInerney Burnett from Haverford College regarding a donation of her father's works. Correspondents include:

  • [?], Al
  • [?], Bill
  • [?], Chad
  • [?], Ford
  • [?], Peggy
  • [d’Almeida?], George
  • [Switzer], Dave
  • Culhane, John and Hind
  • Ducornet, Guy
  • Erb, Deb
  • Erenberg, Ellen
  • Hanewich, K.Y.
  • Haverford College
  • Heller, Grace
  • Horner, Judith and Hammond
  • Magowan, Robin
  • McGann, Jerome
  • Morey, Arthur
  • Nordley Beglo, Jo
  • Otter, Sandra
  • Pippin Burnett, Anne
  • Plaskett, Joseph
  • Roth, Martha
  • Shute, Laurence
  • Tahon, Jean-Luc.

Burnett, Virgil

Nouveau Gallery.

File consists of materials relating to the exhibition of works by Tony Urquhart at Nouveau Gallery. Includes correspondence from the gallery, a list of artworks and information on works sold.

Urquhart, Tony

Correspondence : Received

File consists of correspondence received by Virgil Burnett from friends and family. Includes ephemeral items found in the correspondence such as clippings, articles, poems, etc. Note that correspondence has been left in original order. Correspondents include:

  • [?], Al;
  • [?], Bill;
  • [?], Chad;
  • [?], Chris;
  • [?], Ford;
  • [?], Josephine;
  • [?], Kim;
  • [?], Marcella;
  • [?], Martin;
  • [?], Melina;
  • [?], Peggy;
  • [d’Almeida?], George;
  • [Lindsay], Marion;
  • [Switzer], Dave;
  • AIDS Committee of London;
  • Boegehold, Alan;
  • Cruz, Rienzi;
  • Culhane, John and Hind;
  • Devrient, Michel;
  • Ducornet, Guy;
  • Ducornet, Rikki;
  • Edmunds, Helen;
  • Erb, Deb;
  • Erenberg, Ellen;
  • Gallery Stratford;
  • Gentilli, Jeremy;
  • Goldman, Barbara;
  • Hanewich, K.Y.;
  • Harbringer Gallery;
  • Haverford College;
  • Heller, Grace;
  • Hine, Daryl;
  • Horner, Judith and Hammond;
  • Liidemann, Ryan;
  • Littlewood, Jill;
  • Magowan, Robin;
  • Manchester, Barbara;
  • Mavor, Susan;
  • McGann, Jerome;
  • McInnery Burnett, Maud;
  • Morey, Arthur;
  • Morgan, Robert;
  • Morgan, Thomas;
  • Mulhallen, Karen;
  • National Gallery of Canada Foundation;
  • Nordley Beglo, Jo;
  • Otter, Sandra;
  • Pippin Burnett, Anne;
  • Plaskett, Joseph;
  • Rago, Juliet;
  • Roth, Martha;
  • Salvation Army;
  • Shute, Laurence;
  • Stefanescu, Isabella;
  • Tahon, Jean-Luc;
  • United Way;
  • Urquhart, Jane;
  • Wilbur, Richard;
  • Yamashige, Lloyd.

Burnett, Virgil


Materials related to the "XXIV German-Canadian Conference" (October 23 to 25, 2009, Freiberg/Sachsen, Germany). Includes the delegation list, program, and “Speech by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Georg Witschel German Ambassador in Canada ‘Political and Economic Factor that Shape Canadian and German Approaches to Globalization.’”

English, John

Return from Erebus promotional materials.

Materials related to the promotion of book Return from Erebus. Includes poster of event “Read by the sea: bringing Canada’s finest writers to Nova Scotia’s North shore” (July 21, 2012); poster for “Reading series at St. Jerome’s presents Julia McCarthy” (March 8, 2012); poster for “Saint Mary’s University English Department Gallery Reading series” (November 16, [2012?]) and poster “Joi D’ vivre: a feast for the senses” (January 21, 2009). Also contains bookmarks about the book.

McCarthy, Julia

US National Archives.

Script of James Walker's talk at the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States, on January 22, 2009, and titled “The Black Loyalists and their flight to freedom.”
Also contains materials related to the workshop “Revisiting Human Rights in Canadian History,” including related correspondence and the programme for the workshop.

Walker, James


File consists of two clippings on Rienzi Crusz.

Crusz, Rienzi

A.K. Collings Fine Art Gallery.

File consists of materials relating to an exhibit of Tony Urquhart's works at A.K. Collings Fine Art Gallery. Includes four items of correspondence for Aurelie Collings, exhibit advertising, lists of art works, financial information and a clipping.

Urquhart, Tony

Election campaign.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his campaign to be elected as a Member of Parliament representing the Liberal Party for the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo in the 2008 Canadian federal election. Records include brochures, flyers, invitations, correspondence, speech transcripts and other textual material. Also includes signed letters sent to Telegdi after he lost the election from numerous individuals such as George Smitherman, Deputy Premier of Ontario; Carl Zehr, Mayor of Kitchener; Elizabeth May; Marie-P. Charette-Poulin; Maria Chaput; Céline Hervieux-Payette; and Terry Mercer.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Minister of Foreign Affairs’ visit to Hungary and Poland.

Material created and accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament when he accompanied Peter Mackay, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Budapest, Hungary to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Hungary Revolution and to participate in bilateral meetings in Warsaw, Poland between October 20-24, 2006. Records include invitations, programs, and correspondence such as a letter of welcome from Robert Hage, Canada's Ambassador to Hungary. Also includes tickets to events such as the Canada Salutes Hungary Gala in Budapest, Hungary, and a memorial publication published by the Hungarian Culture Centre Mindszenty Hall in Windsor, Ontario. In addition, the file contains a briefing book for Hungary and Poland as well as a presentation folder containing a program of events for celebrations in Hungary and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Memorial service program for Hilde English and related material.

A program for Hilde Maria English’s memorial service held on July 9, 2006 at the Centre for International Governance Innovation in Waterloo, Ontario. The program includes a list of participants and outlines the order of the service. The service included prayers, musical performances, and tributes. The Master of Ceremony was the Honourable Justice Patrick Flynn. Andrew Telegdi delivered a eulogy for Hilde English during the memorial service. The file also includes draft copies of Telegdi’s eulogy for Hilde English, handwritten notes, and related correspondence. Andrew Telegdi was close friends with Hilde English and her husband John English.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Invitations, programs, and tickets.

Invitations sent or received by Andrew Telegdi as well as programs and tickets for events he likely attended during his tenure as a Member of Parliament.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian-Hungarian relations.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament documenting his personal interest and political involvement in matters relating to Canadian-Hungarian relations. Material in this file is primarily related to the planning of events and activities across Canada commemorating the 1956 Hungarian Revolution such as conferences held by the University of Ottawa Institute for Canadian Studies and the University of Toronto, screenings of the film Freedom’s Fury and the CBC documentary The Fifty-Sixers, the opening of the NEW LIVES photographic exhibition curated by the National Arts Centre, and the development of a special stamp issued by Canada Post. Records include correspondence, invitations, brochures, press clippings, news releases, speaking notes, calendars, and other textual material. The file also contains programs for a state dinner in honour of His Excellency László Sólyom, then President of the Republic of Hungary, as well as a picture of Telegdi and Sólyom shaking hands during the event.

Moreover, the file includes a copy of a framework agreement between St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo, Ontario and Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, Hungary to develop co-operation between the two institutions in the fields of education and research.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Forty-sixth anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Cyprus.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to celebrations commemorating forty-six years of independence for the Republic of Cyprus. Records include a formal congratulatory statement to the members of the Canadian Justice for Cyprus from Telegdi and an invitation to Telegdi from the Canadian Justice for Cyprus Committee (PSEKA Canada) for a dinner celebrating the anniversary in Scarborough, Ontario.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Gallerie D'este.

File consists of materials relating to the exhibition and sale of Tony Urquhart's works at Gallerie D'este. Includes two items of correspondence between Tony and the gallery, a sample contract, handwritten notes by Urquhart, business cards, and promotional materials.

Urquhart, Tony

Official opening of six housing projects under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the official opening of six buildings in the Region of Waterloo that provided two hundred and forty-four units of affordable housing under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program. Andrew Telegdi attended this event and delivered a speech. Records include an invitation, event itinerary, a media advisory, a press release, speaking notes, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Twentieth anniversary of Andrew Telegdi in public office.

Material accumulated by Andrew Telegdi related to the celebration commemorating his twentieth anniversary in public office. Records include letters of congratulations from colleagues and friends such as David Johnston, President of the University of Waterloo; Chief Kim Recalma-Clutesi, Qualicum First Nation; and Karen Redman, Member of Parliament representing Kitchener Centre. Also includes invitations to Telegdi’s anniversary celebration sent by John and Hilde English, and Richard Clausi, President of the Kitchener Waterloo Federal Liberal Association.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter


Robert Shipley's journal for the years 2005 and 2006. Includes Shipley’s daily journaling, personal notes, drawings, and remarks, as well as related ephemera, received correspondence, and newspaper clippings collected and pasted on the journal.
Also contains a document created by Shipley identifying the people and places mentioned in the journal.

Shipley, Robert

Invitations, programs, and tickets.

Invitations sent or received by Andrew Telegdi as well as programs and tickets for events he likely attended during his tenure as a Member of Parliament.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Museum of Modern Art.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart related to the exhibit Transforming Chronologies at the Museum of Modern Art, in which his work "Summer Forms I" was displayed. Includes 11 items of correspondence, a clipping and promotional materials. Correspondents include: Gutierrez-Guimaraes, Geaninne; Perez-Oramas, Luis.

Urquhart, Tony

Don Domanski a conversation.

Wooden board with a serigraph printing of a poster of an event organized by Malaspina University-College. Event is the Ralph Gustafson Poetry Chair presenting Cape Breton Poet Don Domanski: "Don Domanski: a conversation" (October 19) and "Poetry and the Sacred" (October 20). Board is signed by Domanski to McCarthy.

Vimy and after : the drawings of Walter Seymour Allward.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to a traveling exhibit curated by Urquhart through Gallery Stratford titled "Vimy and After : The Drawings of Walter Seymour Allward." File includes correspondence, grant information, a budget, information on printing the catalogues, and lists of works.

Urquhart, Tony

Canadian-Hungarian relations.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament documenting his personal interest and political involvement in matters relating to Canadian-Hungarian relations. Records include invitations, a program, correspondence related to the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, a transcript of a speech likely delivered by Telegdi commemorating the forty-eighth anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Post-secondary research and education funding.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to post-secondary research initiatives and education funding. Records include correspondence, speaking notes, invitations, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Election campaign.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his campaign to be elected as a Member of Parliament representing the Liberal Party for the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo in the 2004 Canadian federal election. Records include business cards, invitations, flyers, pamphlets, questionnaires, correspondence, speech transcripts, a sticker, an unsigned candidate agreement, elections results summary, and a return of writ. Also includes letters of congratulations received by Telegdi after he was elected.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter


Robert Shipley's journal for the year 2004. Includes Shipley’s daily journaling, personal notes, drawings, and remarks, as well as related ephemera and newspaper clippings collected and pasted on the journal.
Also contains a document created by Shipley identifying the people and places mentioned in the journal.

Shipley, Robert

Conference papers & invited addresses.

Materials related to events where James Walker participated with papers and addresses. Events and materials included are:

  • Remarks delivered during Black History Month (February 24, 2016) at the Black Students Association (BASE), includes related newspaper clipping,
  • Speeches for the events "Larry Hill" at CIGI (October 7, 2015) and "Larry Hill Colloquium" (June 15, 2011),
  • Speech at the Association for Jewish Studies, Winnipeg, 2004,
  • Mark Zanna eulogy, 2020,
  • Keynote address titled “(Coloured) in context: the No. 2 and the White man’s war” at the Acadia Conference (October 2016), includes correspondence with a schedule of the event and a poster of a film screening
  • Remarks and workshop “Decoding the rights revolution: lessons from the Canadian experience” at McMaster University (March 2012),
  • Talk about The book of Negroes at Kitchener Public Library talk with Lawrence Hill (2009), includes correspondence nominating Lawrence Hill for an honorary degree from the University of Waterloo,
  • Presentation of Alan Borovoy for the Hon. LL.D. Convocation (2007),
  • Lecture “From Black loyalists to Black Panthers: a circular history” at Journey back to Birchtown 1st Anniversary Lecture series, Birchtown (May 2016), includes program and materials related to Burnley “Rocky” Jones Revolutionary. An autobiography by Burnley “Rocky” Jones and James Walker,
  • Talk “The Black loyalists and the Krio Diaspora: community, culture and politics” at Krio Descendants Union International Conference (2016),
  • Talk “The Black Loyalists in fiction and history” at PIER 21 (2016),
  • "Toast to 6T3!" at Trinity College 6T3 50th Anniversary, includes programme and correspondence.
  • U.E.L Association. Oakland, Ontario (2010),
  • Talk “Toward equal dignity: Canadian Jewry and the Hate Law of 1970” at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Canadian Studies event (2004),
  • Introduction to Alex Neve BSIA CIGI (2016),
  • Michael Craton's funeral eulogy,
  • Talk “Navigating the Black Atlantic: the trail of the Black Loyalists” at UNESCO conference “African diaspora” Halifax (2011),
  • “Toward a new definition of Canadian citizenship: the movement to criminalize hate propaganda” part of the panel “Citizen activism within the Human Rights movement, 1963-1971” with James Waler, Stephanie Bangarth, and Jennifer Tunnicliffe in the UQAM Conference, Montreal,
  • Memorial for Howard McCurdy written by James Walker and delivered by George Elliott Clarke, Ottawa (2018), includes correspondence,
  • History workshop Campinas Brazil (2007),
  • Talk “Campaign for racial equity: the national unity association, 1948-1956” at the John Brown festival, organized by the Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society (May 6-7, 2011), includes poster and program,
  • Remarks for the play “My place is right here” Elmira (2019),
  • Talk “Canada’s Black Battalion in a White man’s war” at St George’s Church: a lecture series to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the End of World War I, New Hamburg (2018), includes program,
  • Address “Behind The Book of Negroes and Twenty Feet from Revolution” to SSHRC National Staff, Ottawa (January 7, 2015), includes correspondence,
  • Remarks delivered to North Buxton Labour Day Reunion (2003),
  • Remarks to Black Loyalist Heritage Society, Halifax (2003),
  • Third Age lecture #1 “Flight to Freedom: Black migration to Canada from the American Revolution to the Civil War”, Waterloo (October 24, 2013),
  • Remarks “High Burnett and the National Unity Association” at the Unveiling ceremony plaque for Hugh Burnett & the N.U.A. Dresden, Ontario (2010),
  • Convocation Address “Human Rights – and us” (October 24, 2015), includes invitation and program.

Walker, James

Administrative correspondence.

Correspondence related to administrative matters. Includes a welcome letter to Access Copyright (the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency), a letter and cheque from the Public Lending Right Commission for the year 2004, and a welcome letter to the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia.
Also contains an invitation to the 2008 Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia Masterworks Arts Award.

McCarthy, Julia


Robert Shipley's journal for the years 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. Includes Shipley’s daily journaling, personal notes, drawings, and remarks, as well as related photographs, ephemera, and newspaper clippings collected and pasted on the journal.
Also contains a document created by Shipley identifying the people and places mentioned in the journal.

Shipley, Robert

Crime prevention.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to crime prevention in the Waterloo region. Includes documents highlighting Telegdi's involvement with the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council, correspondence between Telegdi and the National Crime Prevention Centre, and items related to a forum called, What Works: The Power of Prevention such as a program, itinerary, speaker bios, and summary sheets. Andrew Telegdi attended the forum as a guest speaker. The file also contains correspondence and a commemorative booklet celebrating the twenty-fifth Annual Justice Dinner of the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the planning and presentation of the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal to recipients in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Records include correspondence, a draft invitation, background information about recipients, ceremony and dinner programs, and other textual material. Also includes computer printed copies of pictures of some recipients receiving the medal during the presentation ceremony.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Underemployment of immigrants and refugees in Canada.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the unemployment and underemployment of immigrants and refugees in Canada. Includes articles with background information and news releases announcing changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations impacting the selection process for skilled workers immigrating to Canada. Also contains material related to two forums held in Kitchener, Ontario in 2003 addressing the unemployment and underemployment of immigrants and refugees in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Records include correspondence, an agenda, printed web articles and press clippings, an invitation, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Stormthrower promotional materials.

Materials related to book Stormthrower. Includes information related to public readings, leaflet for “Art bar Poetry Series,” newsletter from Wolsak and Wynn (Fall 2002) with information about the book, itinerary for Julia McCarthy and Deirdre Dwyer and invitation to reception for an event from them, photocopy of Poet’s corner, and bus ticket.
Also contains print-out of poem “Twa corbies” written by Don Domanski.

McCarthy, Julia

Liberal Party of Canada.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. Records include items related to the association's activities and events such as the 2003 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between November 12-15, 2003 in Toronto, Ontario and the 2009 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between April 30 to May 3, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia. In addition, the file contains items from the National Liberal Women's Caucus and Equal Voice, a multi-partisan organization dedicated to electing and supporting women at all levels of political office. Records include invitations, correspondence, certificates, agendas, forms, a 2015 election handout titled, Stand with Justin Trudeau for LGBTQ2 Rights, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian-Hungarian relations.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament documenting his personal interest and political involvement in matters relating to Canadian-Hungarian relations. Records include a possible speech transcript commemorating the 45th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution, an invitation to the Hungarian St. Stephen’s Ball, correspondence regarding meetings, trips, and events Telegdi participated in, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

High technology industry.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the development of the high technology industry and infrastructure in Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario. Records include correspondence and notes as well as invitations, agendas, programs, and other textual material created during the planning of Peter Harder and Allan Rock's separate visits to Waterloo in 2002. At the time, Peter Harder was Deputy Minister of Industry Canada and Allan Rock was Minister of Industry. Andrew Telegdi hosted both visits.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Post-secondary research and education funding.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to post-secondary research and education funding. The material documents efforts to secure additional funding for universities across Canada and specifically for the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University through scholarships, fellowships, donations, and the selection of Canada Research Chairs. Records include correspondence, news releases, an invitation, schedule, program, speaking notes, and other textual records.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Invitations, programs, and tickets.

Invitations sent or received by Andrew Telegdi as well as programs and tickets for events he likely attended during his tenure as a Member of Parliament.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian War Museum.

Materials related to the Canadian War Museum and the campaign "Passing the Torch." Includes business cards for Lisa Davey and Paul D. Manson (Canadian War Museum); flyers for the Museum; booklet “Canvas of War : Masterpieces from the Canadian War Museum” (2001); the executive summary for the museum; and flyer and magazine for the campaign “Passing the Torch : the campaign for a new Canadian War Museum" (Vol. 4, No. 3. Fall 2002).

English, John

Visit of a parliamentary delegation to Austria and Hungary.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to Telegdi’s participation in a visit of a Parliamentary delegation led by Peter Milliken to Austria and Hungary. At the time, Peter Milliken served as a Member of Parliament representing Kingston and the Islands and as Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada. Records include briefing notes, biographical information, parliamentary histories, and country profiles. Also includes programs, invitations, reports, correspondence, handwritten notes, a newsletter, pamphlet, menu, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Election campaign.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his campaign to be elected as a Member of Parliament representing the Liberal Party for the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo in the 2000 Canadian federal election. Records include brochures, flyers, speech transcripts, correspondence, quotes, an invitation, news releases, press clippings featuring election advertisements, biographical information about Telegdi, a summary of the election results, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter


A flyer invitation for the Kitchener-Waterloo Nomination Night held at the Transylvania Club in Kitchener, Ontario on October 19, 2000. This event was held to nominate a candidate to represent the Liberal Party in the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo in the 2000 Canadian federal election. The speaker and special guest of the event was Shelia Copps, Member of Parliament representing Hamilton East and Minister of Canadian Heritage. The flyer features a picture of Andrew Telegdi on the front and a form for individuals to submit if they wanted to participate in Telegdi’s subsequent election campaign on the back.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Pumphouse Visual Art Centre.

File consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to the exhibition of his works at the Niagara Pumphouse Visual Art Centre. Includes clippings, as well as seven items of correspondence between Urquhart and the gallery.

Urquhart, Tony

Business card.

A business card likely distributed by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the 2000's.

Dagg, Anne Innis

Local history : clippings.

Photocopy of a clipping of "An indelible print on community life," [by] Susan Chilton, Record, February 26, 2000 about Charles Belair who photographed the 80th birthday of J.M. Schneider in 1940.

Schneider family


Robert Shipley's journal for the years 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. Includes Shipley’s daily journaling, personal notes, drawings, and remarks, as well as related photographs, ephemera, and newspaper clippings collected and pasted on the journal.
Also contains a document created by Shipley identifying the people and places mentioned in the journal.

Shipley, Robert

Kitchener-Waterloo Federal Liberal Association.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Kitchener-Waterloo Federal Liberal Association. Records include correspondence, news releases, tickets, a phone script, as well as meeting notices, agendas, and minutes. Also contains material related to the Canada 150 Planning Committee, invitations received by Telegdi or sent on his behalf for events he hosted for the association, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

The spirit cabinet.

McCormack Eric. "Abracadabra in Las Vegas". Review of The Spirit Cabinet, by Paul Quarrington. The Globe and Mail (www.GlobeAndMail.CA), 10 April 1999.

McCormack, Eric P.

White on White: a cross-cultural collection.

Exhibition catalogue & ephemera, clippings, handwritten drafts and working papers re the exhibit and slide show "White on white: decorated needlework" held at Joseph Schneider Haus. Includes negatives.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou

Memorandum of Agreement - Librarians.

Correspondence and clippings regarding negotiations between the FAUW and the University of Waterloo regarding the representation of librarians by the FAUW in keepig with article 12.2(a) of the FAUW Memorandum of Agreement. Of note are memos exchanged by Fred McCrourt, FAUW president, and Jim Kalbfleisch, Vice-President Academic & Provost, regarding two November meetings between the negotiating teams, subsequent communications related to the outcome and disagreement about whether negotiations had, in fact, concluded.

Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo


Two pieces of ephemera accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his appointment as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. Records include a program for a Canadian Citizenship Ceremony held aboard Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Toronto in September 1998. The program is signed possibly by the Captain of the ship. Also includes a photocopy of the official declaration appointing Telegdi as Parliamentary Secretary.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Invitations and programs.

Invitations sent or received by Andrew Telegdi as well as programs for events he likely attended during his tenure as a Member of Parliament.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter


Robert Shipley's journal for the years 1998 and 1999. Includes Shipley’s daily journaling, personal notes, drawings, and remarks, as well as related photographs, ephemera, and newspaper clippings collected and pasted on the journal.
Also contains a document created by Shipley identifying the people and places mentioned in the journal.

Shipley, Robert

Canada-Cyprus Friendship Group.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to his involvement with the Canada-Cyprus Friendship Group. Records include a list of members, correspondence, meeting notices and agendas, invitations, speech transcripts, and other material. Also includes copies of the Cyprus Bulletin published between February 24, 1998 and September 13, 1999 as well as copies of the Cyprus Embassy Newsletter published between March 1998 and October 2000.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Results 1 to 100 of 1948