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Archival descriptionPutting down tracks on King St., Waterloo.
Putting down tracks on King St., Waterloo.
Waterloo, Ont.: Silver Lake, Waterloo Park
Waterloo, Ont.: Silver Lake, Waterloo Park
Waterloo, Ont.: Central Street from bell tower of Central School.
Waterloo, Ont.: Central Street from bell tower of Central School.
Steam-powered pump of fire engine.
Steam-powered pump of fire engine.
Waterloo Park, Nov. 12, 1905, view 2.
Waterloo Park, Nov. 12, 1905, view 2.
Waterloo Fire Hall with horse-drawn fire trucks.
Waterloo Fire Hall with horse-drawn fire trucks.
The wedding party, 1900's.
The wedding party, 1900's.
Waterloo Park, Nov. 12, 1905, view 1.
Waterloo Park, Nov. 12, 1905, view 1.
Waterloo Park: panorama of pavilion with family group.
Waterloo Park: panorama of pavilion with family group.
Waterloo Park: panorama showing Albert St., Silver Lake, grandstand.
Waterloo Park: panorama showing Albert St., Silver Lake, grandstand.
Labour day parade, 1905, King St. between Benton & Queen St., Berlin, Ont. (Kitchener).
Labour day parade, 1905, King St. between Benton & Queen St., Berlin, Ont. (Kitchener).
Waterloo Park, Oct. 29, 1905, 4 p.m.
Waterloo Park, Oct. 29, 1905, 4 p.m.
Waterloo Park, Oct. 29, 1905, 4 p.m.
Waterloo Park, Oct. 29, 1905, 4 p.m.
Waterloo Park: cutting ice on Silver Lake, Feb. 15, 1906.
Waterloo Park: cutting ice on Silver Lake, Feb. 15, 1906.
Waterloo Park: Silver Lake? Jan. 21, 1906.
Waterloo Park: Silver Lake? Jan. 21, 1906.
Waterloo Park: cutting ice on Silver Lake, Feb. 15, 1906.
Waterloo Park: cutting ice on Silver Lake, Feb. 15, 1906.
Unidentified: two couples posed on a log over a stream, location Buffalo?
Unidentified: two couples posed on a log over a stream, location Buffalo?
Unidentified: group portrait in Waterloo Park?: Waterloo, Aug. 11, 1907.
Unidentified: group portrait in Waterloo Park?: Waterloo, Aug. 11, 1907.
Indiana: mill race.
Indiana: mill race.
McGinty Band.
McGinty Band.
Tobacco shop: interior.
Tobacco shop: interior.
Picnic at Waterloo Park.
Picnic at Waterloo Park.
Company of Neighbours fonds.
Company of Neighbours fonds.
Waterloo County Scenic Calendar: prints.
Waterloo County Scenic Calendar: prints.
The Sunday picnic has troubles.
The Sunday picnic has troubles.
King St., Waterloo., looking North from Erb. St.
King St., Waterloo., looking North from Erb. St.
Waterloo Hotel bar: interior.
Waterloo Hotel bar: interior.
King St., Waterloo.
King St., Waterloo.
Seagram's distillery.
Seagram's distillery.
Barber shop interior.
Barber shop interior.
Barber shop exterior.
Barber shop exterior.
Waterloo Meat Market, King St.: shop interior.
Waterloo Meat Market, King St.: shop interior.
Tobacco shop: interior.
Tobacco shop: interior.
Roesch's Grocery Store, King and Dupont, Waterloo: l-r, Rolly Plantz, Andy Roesch.
Roesch's Grocery Store, King and Dupont, Waterloo: l-r, Rolly Plantz, Andy Roesch.