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Photographs from event to celebrate Pioneers of Canadian Adult Education, John Friesen, Gordon Selman, Alan Thomas.

Photograph album with photographs and ephemera from an event organized to celebrate John Friesen, Gordon Selman, and Alan Thomas as "Pioneers of Canadian Adult Education." Also contains a CD-ROM with photographs of the event, the event website, and copyright information crediting the photographs to photographer Michel Gascon.

Carold Institute

Scrapbook : 2006-2009

File consists of one scrapbook documenting the history of the Concordia Club through the years 2006-2009.

Concordia Club

Scrapbook : 2003-2005

File consists of one scrapbook documenting the history of the Concordia Club through the years 2003-2005.

Concordia Club

Retirement and Mary Johnston Public School.

One scrapbook maintained by Mary Johnston with materials on her retirement, and the naming of Mary Johnston Public School in her honour. Includes photographs, correspondence, ephemera, and more.

Johnston, Mary

Memories of 1955 3rd grade class.

One scrapbook with memories from students in Mary's 3rd grade class of 1955 at MacGregor Public School. This book was given to Mary on her retirement and includes photographs, ephemera, and correspondence from her former students.

Johnston, Mary


One scrapbook with photographs and captions from Mary Johnston's retirement parties.

Johnston, Mary

Persons album.

Consists of coloured photocopies of an album documenting the 1985 ceremony at which Nazla Dane was awarded the "Persons Award". Originals retained by Nazla Dane.

Dane, Nazla L.


One scrapbook of Mary Johnston's final year at Keatsway Public School, where she served as Principal. Also includes a card signed by the students of the school.

Johnston, Mary

[Ontario Alpha, 1981.]

One scrapbook [binder], unfinished, containing photographs, ephemera, documenting Alpha Chapter of Ontario Alpha Delta Kappa history, events and personalities for the year 1981, including international convention 1981.

Alpha Delta Kappa. Province of Ontario Chapter

Gamma Chapter, 1979-1984.

One scrapbook, unfinished, containing correspondence, photographs, ephemera, clippings etc., documenting Gamma Chapter of Ontario Alpha Delta Kappa history, events and personalities for the years 1979-1984.

Alpha Delta Kappa. Province of Ontario Chapter


A scrapbook containing press clippings from a variety of publications primarily related to Youth in Conflict with the Law or issues affecting youth in Canada including unemployment, juvenile violence, and drug use. The scrapbook was possibly assembled by Andrew Telegdi.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Toronto Women's Press Club.

Scrapbook of news clippings, ephemera and photographs collected by the Toronto branch of the Media Club of Canada regarding their activities and members from 1975-1979. Included are news clippings regarding the Club's name change and affiliation with the Press Club, a cancelled debate between Eleanor Pelrine and Marshall McLuhan about abortion, the donation of the Club's archives to the Public Archives of Canada (now Library and Archives Canada), and the state of the Parti Quebecois. Also included is biographical information regarding Jean Hibbert, Lotta Dempsey, Helen Hogg, Beth Nealson, Estelle Craig, Helen Wood, Amalia Lindal, Susan Sommers, Edna Jacques, Mona Clarke and Jo Carson. Photos consist of headshot portraits of Helen Wood and Amalia Lindal, and photographs taken at an dinner part in honour of the publication of Edna Jacques' Up Hill All the Way.

Women's Press Club of Toronto

Album : Japan.

Untitled photograph album, presented to Nazla Dane by the president and members of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs of Japan.

Dane, Nazla L.

Scrapbook: Printed Materials by the Record.

This scrapbook contains a collection of ephemera, pamphlets, brochures, etc. put out by the Record. This includes materials printed for the Records "Newspapers in Education" program, 1st issue facsimile, Oktoberfest brochures (not present in the K-W Oktoberfest Collection), carol and song sheets, local historical pamphlets by Sandy Baird and Mabel Dunham, etc.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Professional development.

Scrapbook kept by Mary Johnston detailing professional development events attended and organized by her. Includes photographs, newsletters, correspondence, and ephemera.

Johnston, Mary

Souvenir of Zambia.

Consists of a copper-bound scrapbook: "Presented to Nazla L. Dane, President, I.F.B.P.W., by the Members of the National Association of Business and Professional Women of Zambia, On the Occasion of Her Visit, the 12th-14th March 1973." It contains clippings, ephemera, photographs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Album : Guyana.

Untitled photograph album presented to Nazla Dane by the president and members of the Guyana BPWC.

Dane, Nazla L.


Contains clippings relating to Nazla Dane's tour of South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in her role as President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Recuerdo de su Estada en Mendoza.

Tooled leather album presented to Nazla Dane to commemorate her visit to Mendoza, Argentina to the International Congress of the IFBPW, 1974. Contains signatures of delegates, photographs, correspondence, news clippings.

Dane, Nazla L.

Clippings : Costa Rica.

Consists of one package of loose clippings from an untitled binder containing materials relating to Nazla Dane's activities as President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Clippings : Mexico.

Consists of one package of loose clippings from an untitled binder containing materials relating to Nazla Dane's activities as President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Clippings : El Salvador.

Consists of one package of loose clippings from an untitled binder containing materials relating to Nazla Dane's activities as President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Clippings : Greece, Italy, Austria, Norway.

Consists of one package of loose clippings from an untitled binder containing materials relating to Nazla Dane's activities as President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Clippings : Guatemala.

Consists of one package of loose clippings from an untitled binder containing materials relating to Nazla Dane's activities as President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Clippings : Nicaragua.

Consists of one package of loose clippings from an untitled binder containing materials relating to Nazla Dane's activities as President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Clippings : Canada.

Consists of one package of loose clippings from an untitled binder containing materials relating to Nazla Dane's activities as President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.

Dane, Nazla L.

Brighton School.

Materials relating to the operation and history of Brighton Public School. Includes clippings, newsletters, photographs, ephemera, etc.

Waterloo District School Board

Brighton Public School.

One scrapbook of events, students, and staff at Brighton Public School. Includes photographs, clippings, realia and ephemera.

Johnston, Mary


File consists of one large scrapbook with five pasted-in photographs of Dana Porter and others at various events. No identification is given for the photographs.

Porter, Dana Harris

Canadian Women's Press Club, Toronto Branch.

Scrapbook of news clippings and ephemera collected by the Toronto branch of the Canadian Women's Press Club regarding their activities and members from 1963-1964. Includes obituaries for Toronto Telegram reporter Lillian Foster and Globe and Mail writer Peal McCarthy Sabiston, clippings of the Gladys Taylor column "Dissent", and articles about mystery writer Mignon Eberhart and astronomer Dr. Helen S. Hogg.

Women's Press Club of Toronto


Norman Schneider's scrapbook of clippings relating to Waterloo County, Schneider company, Schneider family and general interest clippings from 1962-1965.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Loose photo album pages.

Loose pages of a photograph album with various photographs and corresponding captions glued to to the pages. The photographs feature the IBM System 360 Model 44, the IBM 2260 display terminal, keypunched cards, a card reader, the Calcomp tape unit, the console panel and typewriter, auxiliary storage devices, tape drives, disk drives, storage drum, data cell, printer, and Red Room in the Computing Centre at the University of Waterloo.

Cowan, Donald D.


Norman Schneider's scrapbook of clippings relating to the Norman C. Schneider family, local history, local weather, personalities, sports, Kitchener downtown, J.M. Schneider Ltd., Waterloo-Wellington Airport, local postcards.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Gamma Chapter, 1961-1978.

One scrapbook, containing correspondence, photographs, ephemera, clippings etc., documenting Gamma Chapter of Ontario Alpha Delta Kappa history, events and personalities for the years 1961-78. Several photographs not present.

Alpha Delta Kappa. Province of Ontario Chapter

Rosa M.H. Clark: European trip album.

Album contains postcards and photographs documenting a trip made May 24 to July 31, 1960 by Rosa and Spencer Clark to Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland. Many items are accompanied by separate manuscript identifications folded in. Also included is a trip itinerary.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family


Norman Schneider's scrapbook of clippings relating to the Norman C. Schneider family, local history, Chicopee, symphony, local weather, personalities, sports, Kitchener downtown.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Scrapbook relating to Norman C. Schneider's career in politics.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


File consists of one large scrapbook with pasted-in clippings, magazine articles, ephemera and correspondence created and accumulated by Porter, relating to his work, family and interests.

Porter, Dana Harris

Joan M. Hollobon Daily Nugget North Bay.

Scrapbook with newspaper clippings written by Joan Hollobon while on the North Bay Nugget. Clippings are organized by section: editorials, features, interviews, spot news, civic affairs, meetings, court cases, columns, miscellaneous.

Hollobon, Joan

Scrapbook : election publicity.

File consists of a scrapbook with samples of election publicity for Dana Porter's 1955 campaign for re-election in the St. George riding of Toronto.

Porter, Dana Harris

Photograph album.

File consists of one photograph album with images from the Sales and Advertising Federation conference president's banquet held at the Westmount Golf and Country Club. Identifications supplied:

  • Moreau, Norm
  • Cote, [?]
  • Warren, Don
  • Preston, Lyle
  • McDermott, Andy
  • Knox, Jim
  • Tee, John
  • McWhirter, Howard
  • White, Dick
  • Bradbury, Joan
  • Turner, Speck
  • Wolff, Reva
  • Verpelis, Ilga
  • Perras, Leon
  • Conquer, Phil
  • Beach, Russ
  • Moody, Bill
  • Chambers, Bert
  • Walling, Phyllis

Kitchener Waterloo Sales and Ad Club

North Bay Nugget.

Scrapbook with newspaper clippings written by Joan Hollobon while on the North Bay Nugget.

Hollobon, Joan


Scrapbook relating to Norman C. Schneider's career in politics.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Scrapbooks relating to N.C. Schneider's career in politics. Includes a 1969 biographical article about his political career as liberal Member of Parliament for Waterloo North in Ottawa.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Contains ephemeral materials collected on a trip to Hawaii, including brochures, photograph, advertising ephemera, recipe booklets, and postcards.

Dane, Nazla L.


Contains material relating to Nazla Dane's travel overseas as a delegate to the Fifth International Congress of Business and Professional Women, London, England, July 31-Aug. 5, 1950. Contains correspondence, ephemera, maps, photographs, postcards, tourist literature, etc. documenting the Congress and N. Dane's travels with a group from the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women through Scotland, England, France, Italy and Switzerland.

Dane, Nazla L.

Scrapbook 1.

Scrapbook containing loose and pasted-in clippings, as well correspondence (letters and cards), speech notes, invitations, programs, photographs, and other ephemera predominantly relating to Dr. S.F. Leavine's election as Mayor of Kitchener in 1949. Included are notes of congratulations; coverage of the mayoralty race and Leavine's activities as mayor; his participation on various city boards and commissions, including the Service Welfare Committee; and a proclamation signed by Mayor Leavine declaring that "Brotherhood Week" is to be observed in Kitchener from February 19-26, 1950, along with a photo from a related event. Also included is a typed welcoming speech made by Mayor Leavine at an unspecified event.

One of the loose photographs depicts "The Walking Mayor", as he came to be known, pictured on his daily walk to work as Mayor of Kitchener. A second photograph appears to have been taken on election day in 1955 when Dr. S.F. Leavine ran as the Progressive Conservative candidate in the Waterloo North constituency. The final photograph was taken at the official opening of the Carmicheal School Addition on March 7, 1950 which was attended by Mayor Leavine.

The loose clippings cover: Leavine's recommended changes to the Criminal Code as a means of bringing youth gang activity under control; a Waterloo North Conservative Progressive picnic at Waterloo Park in August, 1952 which was attended; and Leavine's nomination to contest the Waterloo North constituency in 1955.


  • Letter (Dec. 9, 1949) to Leavine from city clerk, C.G. Lips officially acknowledging Dr. S.F. Leavine's election to the position of Mayor, and asking him to subscribe the necessary Oath of Office prior to the Council's inaugural meeting on Jan. 3, 1950.
  • Letter (Feb. 16, 1950) from H.E. McCallum, the Mayor of Hamilton, inviting Leavine to attend an evening event which will constitute part of the Third Canadian Sportsmen's Show in March, 1950. An invitation to the 43rd Annual Convention of the Canadian Gas Association in June 1950 is also contained in this file along with reservation forms for the event.

Leavine, Stanley Francis

Scrapbook 2.

Scrapbook containing loose and pasted-in clippings, ephemera, a photograph, and typed transcripts of speeches made by Dr. S.F. Leavine both during the mayoralty contest of 1949, and after his nomination as Mayor in December, 1949. Clippings describe the progress of the 1949 mayoral race Leavine and Ald. Harry Ainlay; advertising and promotional materials related to Leavine's campaign; coverage of Leavine's win, including reactions from his wife Desta and their two daughters; and Leavine's legacy following his death in 1958.

Loose materials in this scrapbook include clippings, some of which are undated, and others which are dated 1954-1955, and 1957-1958. These clippings report on Dr. S.F. Leavine's speeches in the Legislature as M.P.P for Waterloo North. They report on Leavine's recommendation that a royal commission be set up to investigate the whole field of curative arts and sciences. Another article reports on Leavine's statement to the Legislature that monopolistic practices among local hospitals are destroying the effectiveness of the general practitioner. In another article it is reported that Dr. S.F. Leavine stresses the need for more roads in the Kitchener-Waterloo area.

Among the scrapbook materials are clippings and a telegram relating to Leavine's campaign for re-election as M.P.P for Waterloo North in 1955. The telegram is dated June 10, 1955 and expresses the condolences of Hon. Leslie Frost on Dr. S.F. Leavine's non-reelection. In 1956 Dr. S.F. Leavine returned to civic politics as an alderman and several clippings in this scrapbook relate to his term of office as alderman from 1956-1957. Other loose clippings relate to Leavine's mayorality campaigns in 1949 and 1957.

The scrapbook also contains clippings which report on Leavine's admission to the K-W Hospital in 1958 following a heart seizure, while others are commemorative in nature, including an obituary, following his death on July 27, 1958. Two other articles report that Kitchener's new health department headquarters are to be named after Leavine. Present at the official opening of these new headquarters were Dr. G. E. Duff Wilson, medical officer of health; Dr. Desta Leavine, who unveiled a portrait of her father; Health Minister Dymond; and Dr. Louis V. Lang, health board chairman.

Also in the file is a photograph from [1950?] that appeared in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record.

Leavine, Stanley Francis


Contains ephemera, correspondence, photographs relating to Nazla Dane's activities in connection with the Toronto Business and Professional Women's Club, including her presidency from 1949 to 1951.

Dane, Nazla L.


File consists of one large scrapbook with pasted-in clippings and magazine articles on Porter, his work, and related interests.

Porter, Dana Harris

Results 1 to 100 of 228