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Women and Work Collection.

  • Book Collection

The Women and Work collection consists of 74 contemporary British and European imprints which focus upon women and the workplace.

Included are autobiographical accounts, which range from Dorothy C. Keeley's The Crowded Stairs: Recollections of Social Work in Liverpool 1919-1940 (London: National Council of Social Services, 1961) to Sex work: Writings by Women in the Sex Industry (London: Virago Press, 1987). Other personal accounts include: The Life and Writing of a Working Woman (London: Virago Press, 1984) by Ada Nield Chew, which describes her work in the Women's Trade Union League and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; and Front Line Heroines: Stories of Ten Soviet Women (Soviet War News, 1945).

Commentaries on women in the workplace are represented by such titles as Women in Industry: a Marx House Syllabus (Southampton: Lawrence and Wishart Ltd., [n. d.]); Helping Women at Work: the Women's Industrial Council, 1889-1914 (London: Hutchison, 1985); and Willing Hearts and Ready Hands: the Labours and Triumphs of Earnest Women (London: Nelson, 1883).

Hogarth Press and Virginia Woolf Book Collection.

  • Book Collection

This collection is made up of 25 first or early editions of the 35 titles by Virginia Woolf as well as 62 titles printed by the Hogarth Press. 47 of the Hogarth Press items date from the 1917-1938 period during which Virginia Woolf was associated with the Press.

Highlights of the collection include a first edition of Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own, and its sequel, Three Guineas, and first editions of her last two novels.

This is a representative collection that contains one example from each of most of the different series (for example, the Day to Day series, Hogarth Letters, Hogarth Essays), and examples of very early printings of some 20th century writers, such as Robert Graves, Edith Sitwell, and Gertrude Stein.

Hogarth Press

Acadian Athletic Club ledger.

  • SCA321-GA362
  • Fonds
  • 1914-1915

File consists of pages from a ledger book from the Acadian Athletic Club. The book includes meeting minutes from the first meeting, as well as for subsequent meetings, and accounts information.

Acadian Athletic Club

William Blake Collection.

  • Book Collection

The William Blake Collection consists of more than 200 titles of which the majority are facsimiles of Blake's works or privately-printed reprints and editions containing facsimiles of the illustrations. The collection also forms part of a larger collection devoted to joint painter-illustrator-author books that include followers of Blake, e.g. Palmer & Calvert, William Morris, Eric Gill, and David Jones.

One of the highlights of the William Blake Collection is the 1951 Trianon Press edition of William Blake's Jerusalem.

Blake, William

Thomas P. Stowell mathematical notebooks.

  • SCA352-GA404
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1826-July 18, 1860

Three notebooks kept by Thomas P. Stowell with mathematical problems, solutions, and notes.

Stowell, Thomas Pollard

Emma Clough diary.

  • SCA337-GA382
  • Fonds
  • 1884

Fonds consists of one diary maintained by Emma Clough of Hudson, New York from the period January 10-March 19, 1884. Emma travels to Washington after visiting friends in New York city and her diary details her tourist activities in both cities. In Washington she meets President Arthur as well as Blanche K. Bruce the first Black Senator, Frederick Douglass, Belva Lockwood, Helen Gougar, Susan B. Anthony and others. Along with shopping, visiting acquaintances and attending social functions, in early March of 1884 Emma begins to attend suffrage meetings which are detailed in the diary.

Clough, Emma

Percy R. and Gertrude Wells Hilborn fonds.

  • SCA158-GA131
  • Fonds
  • 1907-1959

The fonds consists mostly of files relating to some of Percy R. Hilborn's areas of service to the community, including Freeport Sanitarium, Preston War Service Association and Waterloo College and Associate Faculties fundraising. Several Havergal College notebooks belonging to Gertrude R. Wells, who became P.R. Hilborn's wife, are also present.

Hilborn, Percy R.

Bill Thomson fonds

  • SCA271-GA292
  • Fonds
  • 1953-2009

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Bill Thomson relating to his professional life. Includes materials relating to projects that he consulted on, materials relating to teaching responsibilities at the University of Waterloo, and speeches given at a variety of events.

Thomson, William

R. Forbes & Co. Ltd. film

  • SCA316-GA352
  • Fonds
  • [191-]

File consists of one film reel showing the exterior and operations of the R. Forbes Co. woollen mill in Hespeler (Cambridge), Ontario. The mill would later become the Dominion Woollen and Worsted Mill.

R. Forbes & Co. Ltd.

Lyle S. Hallman fonds.

  • SCA172-GA147
  • Fonds
  • 1956-2002

Fonds consists of material relating to the career and activities of Lyle S. Hallman, the history of Hallman Construction, and material relating to the history of the Hallman family. Includes correspondence, clippings, ephemera, photographs, and pamphlets.

Hallman, Lyle S.

Bernt Vik fonds.

  • SCA177-GA152
  • Fonds
  • [194-]

Eight handbound volumes. Bernt Vik attended a textile school in Sweden, possibly in Gothenburg. He and his classmates created handbound books of their notes and handouts because affordable texts from Europe and Scandinavia were not available. The volumes consist of mimeograph handouts of text, plus pasted in diagrams and illustrations. Some of the illustrations are mimeograph handouts, some are published illustrations or photographs. Also included are hand-drawn weaving diagrams as well as textile and wool samples.

Vik, Bernt

William Kriesel fonds.

  • SCA179-GA154
  • Fonds
  • 1889-1905

Fonds consists of eleven day books and two ledgers listing daily sales and corresponding customer accounts for William Kriesel's stoves and tinware store (hardware store) from 1889-1905.

Kriesel, William

David R. McKnight fonds.

  • SCA151-GA124
  • Fonds
  • 1798-1901

This fonds consists of three groups of photocopies accumulated by David R. McKnight for research.

The first is a photocopy of Newmarket Cemetary Burial Records, 1869-1901, used for McKnight's publication Newmarket Cemetary Burial Records (1869-1901): a transcription from the Land Registry Office Records, York County Copybooks / transcription & production David R. McKnight, proofreading and editing, Rosemary Willard Ambrose. - [S.l.]: The Author, [1994].

The second is photocopies from an unknown source of documents relating to the Waterloo area. These include photocopies of official typescript transcriptions of land grants relating to land along the Grand River dated 1798, of a grant made to King's College in 1828, of maps from unidentified published works but originally from the National Archives of Canada, and photocopies of a number of 19th-century ms. agreements and indentures. Some of the items were originally stamped "Property of Registry Office, County of Waterloo". The third group of photocopies is a copy of a volume from the Archives of Ontario entitled "Crown lands" dated 1857, containing descriptions of same in Waterloo, Wellesley, Wilmot, Woolwich and North Dumfries townships.

Glow Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity fonds.

  • SCA318-GA358
  • Fonds
  • 2001-2015

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by the Glow Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity. Includes records created by the centre, promotional items, and materials relating to events and activities supported by Glow.

Glow Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity

Kenneth G. Murray fonds.

  • SCA194-GA169
  • Fonds
  • 1967-2004

Fonds consists of texts of speeches given by Ken Murray from 1967 to 2004.

Murray, Kenneth G.

Artists books

  • Book Collection
  • 1934-2017

Artists’ books (defined as: books or book-like objects over the final appearance of which an artist has had a high degree of control; where the book is intended as a work of art in itself) can be located using the library catalogue. Authors include Palmer & Calvert, William Morris, and David Jones.

All items in this collection are located in Special Collections & Archives and are non-circulating.

Fine bindings

  • Book Collection
  • 1630-1973

Many of the holdings of Special Collections & Archives represent fine bindings, unique bindings and the works of famous printers and binders. Examples include signed bindings, metal, velvet and papier-mache bindings, and bindings by well-known bookbinders such as Joseph Zaehnsdorf, and Sangorski & Sutcliffe.

Dr. Stanley Francis Leavine fonds.

  • SCA143-GA116
  • Fonds
  • 1896-1958

Fond consists primarily of textual records relating to Leavine's political career as mayor of the City of Kitchener and as an M.P.P. (PC) for the constituency of Waterloo North, and his medical career as a doctor in Kitchener. Included are speeches, notes, news clippings, and scrapbooks related to his professional activities, as well as collected ephemera, photographs of Leavine and his family, and material related to his studies at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.

Leavine, Stanley Francis

Arthur Gordon Shoosmith fonds.

  • SCA176-GA151
  • Fonds
  • 1911-1912

Fonds consists of two sketchbooks relating to A.G Shoosmith's studies at the Royal Academy Schools in London, England.

Shoosmith, Arthur Gordon, 1888-1974

John Ivan Rempel fonds.

  • SCA203-GA181
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1938]-1983

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by John Ivan Rempel that document his professional life and activities in architecture and architectural heritage, primarily relating to his work "Building with wood." Includes materials relating to his activities; manuscripts and research materials; and photographs of wood construction.

Rempel, John I.

Charles E. Greb family fonds.

  • SCA210-GA189
  • Fonds
  • 1878, 1884-2009

Fonds consists of records documenting aspects of the lives, careers, and interests of Charles E. Greb, his father Erwin C. Greb, and his grandfather Charles E. Greb Sr., as well as his siblings, Harry Greb, Clara May Greb, and Arthur Greb. Includes press clippings; correspondence; birth, marriage, and death certificates; wills; photographs; certificates and awards; ephemera; scrapbooks, and other material.

Greb, Charles E. family

British Women's Periodicals Collection

  • Book Collection
  • 1893-1977

The British Women's Periodicals Collection is made up of some 35,000 issues of British women's magazines published from 1893 to 1977. The majority of titles were published by the Amalgamated Press and publishers which it absorbed, and many copies are, in fact, copies from the publishers' own archives. Most titles in the collection are very rare.

Because these magazines were aimed at a mass market audience, the British Women's Periodicals Collection offers a unique opportunity to examine the interests and concerns of British women during the time period covered. The collection's content is primarily "popular" fiction written for a female audience, but magazines for children and youth are also well represented. Cooking, crafts, advice columns, fashion, health, and inspirational topics are also featured. Of particular interest are the advertisements, which illustrate contemporary attitudes in a vivid manner.

Bechler family fonds.

  • SCA153-GA126
  • Fonds
  • [18--]-1945

The Bechler family fonds contains records created and accumulated by the Bechler family documenting life in Berlin (later Kitchener). Records include textual records and graphic material, predominantly photographs from an album. Records also contain confirmation certificates, marriage certificate, press clippings, and cards.

Bechler family

Ross Dixon fonds.

  • SCA220-GA207
  • Fonds
  • 1914-2009

Fonds consists of material accumulated and kept by Ross Dixon relating to his entrepreneurial interests, career, and personal life, and to the philanthropic activities of Ross and Doris Dixon. The material documents some aspects of his personal interests and childhood, his early career, and his career in industrial relations at Uniroyal Canada (formerly the Dominion Rubber Company).

A significant portion of the fonds relates to the businesses he formed outside of his professional career, the Westmount Construction Company and Westmont Enterprises Limited, for the period from the late 1940s to the early 1970s. These records document trends in suburban home-building and design during that time and include a large number of architectural drawings.

The fonds is not comprehensive, lacking documentation relating to the formation and administration of the Westmount Construction Company and Westmont Enterprises Limited and containing only a small amount of material relating the other area of his entrepreneurial activities, investment and financial services.

Fonds includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, advertising material, architectural drawings, legal documents, photographs, accounting records, reports, handwritten notes, certificates, speeches, company publications, minutes, financial statements, ephemera, and other material.

Dixon, Ross

Canadian Suffrage Association letters patents.

  • SCA267-GA288
  • Fonds
  • 1910-1912

Fonds consists of two letters patents for the Canadian Suffrage Association. One is dated October 20, 1910 and incorporates Suffrage Headquarters Limited and the other dated April 12, 1912, incorporating the Canadian Suffrage Association.

Canadian Suffrage Association

Robert Alden Sanborn fonds

  • SCA4-GA2
  • Fonds
  • 1914-1962

Fonds consists of unpublished typescripts and manuscripts by Robert Alden Sanborn. Influenced by the work of Carl Jung, the unpublished works are predominantly related to Sanborn's interest in the social development of children and several of the drafts consist of narratives about young girls referred to as "Little Anna" and "Bunty". Also included is collected ephemera and correspondence between Sanborn and his family, colleagues and publishing contacts, including his editor Olive Burchfiel (1888-1960), as well as writing by Sanborn's mother, Mary Farley Sanborn, including a published version of "The Valor Ranch" (1914); a typescript version of the poem "My Eighth of May"; and a clipping of the poem "The Barrel-Stave."

Sanborn, Robert Alden

Canadian Obesity Network Student and New Professional University of Waterloo chapter fonds.

  • SCA330-GA374
  • Fonds
  • 2013-2016

Fonds consists of materials created by the Canadian Obesity Network Student and New Professional University of Waterloo chapter documenting their organizational history and activities. Includes constitution, meeting minutes, photographs, and more.

Canadian Obesity Network Student and New Professional University of Waterloo chapter

Sofie Gauthier collection.

  • SCA382-GA446
  • Collection
  • 1882-1977

The Sofie Gauthier collection contains records created and accumulated by Sofie Gauthier relating to Spiritualism. Records include lectures on Spiritualist practices, automatic writing, a newsletter from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches, and an OAHSPE bible.

Gauthier, Sofie

Sommer family fonds.

  • SCA344-GA393
  • Fonds
  • [1918?]-February 15, 2008

A compilation of personal correspondence consisting mostly of letters exchanged between members of the Sommer family, and occasionally their friends, in Canada or Germany. These letters are interspersed with details of family life and contain observations about the Sommer family’s immigration to Canada, educational pursuits, health and well-being, relationships, finances, businesses and careers, and more. Additionally, these letters contain commentary on contemporary social and political events including the aftermath of World War II, Quebec separatism, and German politics during the 1970s and 1980s. The fonds also incudes photographs, greeting cards, postcards, pamphlets and related ephemera likely exchanged alongside the letters between family members and friends.

Sommer family

B.M. Bower Western Novels Collection.

  • Book Collection
  • 1910-1950

The B.M. Bower Western Novels Collection, acquired in 2015, consists of over 70 American western novels written by Bertha Muzzy Sinclair (known as B.M. Bower) and her husband Bertrand Sinclair. Many of the books in this collection also feature pictorial cover art.

Bower, B.M.

Gustav Seide Jakob Lorber mysticism collection

  • Book Collection
  • 1961-[2015]

Collected by Gustav Seide, this collection includes primarily works by 19th century German mystic Jakob Lorber and his circle such as Gottfried Mayerhofer. Also included are works by other mystics including Emanuel Swedenborg and religious texts including the Bhagavad Gita. Of particular note is a complete set of Lorber’s seminal work “Das große Evangelium Johannis” of the Great Gospel of John.

Seide, Gustav

Forbes family fonds.

  • SCA388-GA453
  • Fonds
  • 1876-2017

The Forbes family fonds contains records related to the Forbes, Buck, Land, Wilson, and Kaufman families, predominately created, and accumulated by Betty Forbes. The material primarily documents the personal lives of Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Alexander Forbes and their twin daughters Betty Forbes and Peg Forbes in Hespeler (now Cambridge), Ontario. This includes items related to their education, careers, and recreational activities such as camping. In addition, the fonds contains material related to extended family members and friends. Records include correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs and photograph albums, press clippings, ephemera, diaries, and notebooks.

Forbes, Betty

1936 Olympics collection.

  • SCA386-GA451
  • Collection
  • 1936

A collection of materials relating to the 1936 Winter and Summer Olympics held in Berlin and Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany.

Charette family collection

  • SCA319-GA359
  • Collection
  • [19--]

Collection consists of a handwritten recipe book kept by members of the Charette family, primarily Helen Charette and Ann Lauzon. The book also includes pasted and set in recipes taken from magazines and newspapers. Many of the recipes are indicated as being from other women, and names include Mrs. Baker, Bertha, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. McCollough, Mrs. Duchene, Mémé Langlois, Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Laramie, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. McClelland. All of the recipes are for food, excepting one which is a remedy for rheumatism. The Five Roses Cook Book is also included. The collection also includes personal passports of Ann Lauzon and Helen Lauzon.

Charette family

Kaufman Family collection.

  • SCA173
  • Collection

Consists of fonds related to the personal and professional lives of A.R. Kaufman and W.H. Kaufman, and the family-run business Kaufman Footwear.

Kaufman Family

Schwaben music collection.

  • SCA260-GA272
  • Collection
  • 1927-1930

Collection consists of 11 albums of Schwaben music and sketches. Note that in the titles of the albums the word "Nazi" does not relate to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Nazi is an abbreviation of the name Ignatz, a colloquialism used to signify someone who is clumsy or foolish.

Spiritualist manuscript collection.

  • SCA372-GA431
  • Collection
  • 1924-1945, predominant 1924-1925

Includes a manuscript notebook that records the details of séances held by a group of individuals in Weston-super-Mare, England between April 16, 1924 and February 27, 1925. Also includes a handwritten poem and a photograph.

Pagesmith, Mr. and Mrs.

Waterloo County real estate transactions, 1897-1910.

  • SCA150-GA123
  • Collection
  • 1897-1910

File consists of photocopies purchased from the National Archives of Canada of a single volume described as "Waterloo County real estate transactions 1897-1910". The transactions consist of deeds and mortgages dated 1901-1910, with an index, relating primarily to parcels of land in Berlin [i.e. Kitchener], Ontario.

Imprint negative collection.

  • SCA354-GA406
  • Collection
  • 1967-2000

Collection consists primarily of negatives taken by Imprint and Chevron photographers documenting various aspects of campus life.


Etchings collection.

  • SCA285-GA320
  • Collection
  • 1564-1963

Collection of etchings from the 16th to 20th centuries covering a variety of formats and topics.

KCI scrapbook.

  • SCA320-GA361
  • Collection
  • 1936-[ca. 1945]

One scrapbook maintained by Eunice Gearard with clippings about people affiliated with the Kitchener Collegiate Institute (KCI) as well as about people from Kitchener-Waterloo who participated in the Second World War.

Gearard, Eunice

School of Pharmacy artefact collection

  • SCA334-GA379
  • Collection
  • [19--]-1978

Collection consists of artefacts from the School of Pharmacy, including pharmacy bottles and a register of poisons.

Also included in this collection were 36 historic pharmacy books that can be found in the catalogue

University of Waterloo. School of Pharmacy.

Commemorative coins.

  • SCA37-GA20
  • Collection
  • 1860
  • [Copper?] coin - Albert Edward Prince of Wales Visited Canada and Inaugurated the Victoria Bridge 1860.
  • 2 [Silver?] coins - The Victoria Bridge Medal Grand Trunk Railway of Canada 1860.
  • 2 [Silver?] coins - H.R.H. The Prince of Wales To Commemorate the Visit of Albert Edward Prince of Wales to Canada 1860.

Fried family geneaology collection.

  • SCA376-GA438
  • Collection
  • 1984-1988

Materials created by Murray Fried on the history of the Fried family. Includes primarily genealogy charts for the children of Sam Fried.

Fried, Murray

Rutherford family collection.

  • SCA325-GA366
  • Collection
  • 1856-1957

File consists of materials relating to the Rutherford family of Wellesley, Ontario. Includes a subscription list for building a church in Wellesley (dated 1856), a snapshot of Harriet Rutherford Hess and four mounted portraits of members of the Rutherford family. These are identified on the verso as William Rutherford, his wife Mary Jane Freeborn Rutherford, his mother-in-law Jane Freeborn Rutherford and a first wife Ellen Freeborn Rutherford.

Rutherford family

Stark Brothers Nurseries collection.

  • SCA362-GA415
  • Collection
  • 1919-1921

Materials published by Stark Brothers Nurseries for the purposes of advertising and selling their fruit trees, particularly apple trees.

Stark Brothers Nurseries

Autograph album.

  • SCA360-GA412
  • Collection
  • 1825-1854

One autograph album kept by an unknown person. The album spans from 1825-1854 and features biblical and literary passages written by those in England and Scotland. Locations include Glasgow, York, London, Newark, Rotherham and more. In the back of the volume is the Lord's prayer written in Malay by a Mr. Trout, Baptist missionary in Batavia, Java.

Canadian Society of Civil Engineers photograph album.

  • SCA391-GA456
  • Collection
  • 1906

One photograph album kept by a member of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers documenting a Canadian west coast trip through the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. The 120 silver gelatin photographs show images of interest to the engineers including elevators, irrigation works, mines, smelting works and power plants as well as the scenery of the Rocky Mountains and local people and wildlife. Of particular note is the fact that the party contained numerous women, not all of whom were wives. The front of the album has a pastedown listing all participants in the tour and the back a pastedown listing captions for all of the images.

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