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Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 2] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan.
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office.
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans.
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA.
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation.
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room".
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors.
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?].
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920.

Kaufman Footwear

Electrohome Facility File.

File consists of two copies of a document entitled Electrohome Facility File, a reference guide to information on the company's facilities prepared by Onorio Cicchini, Facilities Planning. Includes 25 folded lot, plot, and floor plans (scales differ). One copy includes a memorandum annotated "C.A. Pollock".


809 Wellington Street property.

File consists of material relating to the property at 809 Wellington Street in Kitchener, ON; a zone change application and the potential purchase of parts of the property by Northport Landing (Waterloo, ON); and the purchase of parts of the property by First Gulf Development Corporation (Mississauga, ON).

Includes correspondence and memoranda, ms. notes, maps and folded site plans (and some photocopies of same), photocopies of extracts of zoning by-laws, copies of forms, a draft purchase agreement, and other material. Plans depict part 2 of lot 32 and 34, reg. plan 763, reference plan 58R-3130, in the City of Kitchener.


Electronic organ.

File consists of material relating to publicity for electronic organs (including Electrohome's first electronic organ, the Allegro), the license for Kinsman electronic organs, and the product line for 1968/69. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda, draft and final versions of news releases (some edited) ms. notes, press clippings, several Kinsman brochures, schedules for a press conference and exhibitions, and four blueline drawings of organs. File also includes six photographs of people playing and posing with organs.


Ground breaking, September 14, 1993.

Contains one architectural drawing of the Southland plant. The drawing was done by The Haskell Company and is a watercolour, pen and pencil crayon drawing of the exterior of the Southland plant.

Dare Foods Limited

New building for Dare Foods Limited : Holt Kennedy Site : Surrey, British Columbia, February 1962.

Contains sheets 1, 9 and 10 of 17 of architectural and technical drawings relating to Dare Foods Limited building in Surrey, B.C. The drawings are by Dominion Construction Co. Ltd., engineers and contractors, Vancouver, B.C. All three are drawn by Sorensen. The architectural drawing is a plot plan for the plant. The technical drawings consist of septic tank, structural steel, and miscellaneous steel details.

Dare Foods Limited

Radio wiring : diagrams and notes.

File consists of material relating to the design and production of radio receivers. Includes 35 blueprints of wiring diagrams, typed descriptions of the diagrams, and typed parts lists.


10" fan development : blueprint.

File consists of a graph relating to the development of a 10-inch diameter fan blade. Graph depicts the maximum watts consumed by the fan and the free air flow.


Ratz, Elmer, estate : blueprints.

Blueprints illustrating property owned by various members of the Ratz family including John Ratz, George Ratz, Simon Ratz and Daniel Ratz.

Ratz Family

Municipal building, Kitchener, Ontario.

File consists of architectural drawings of the proposed municipal building for the city of Kitchener. Plans are unsigned but are probably by W.H.E. Schmalz. Sheet one shows the ground floor plan, elevation of comfort station, comfort station floor plan, mezzanine floor plan. Sheet two shows the basement floor plan and the comfort station basement floor plan.

Schmalz, W.H.E.

Proposed municipal building for Kitchener, Ontario suggested by Mr. W. Harttung.

File consists of architectural drawings of the proposed municipal building for the city of Kitchener. Plans were drawn by Hall & Duerr, architects and industrial engineers. Sheet one shows a presentation drawing, section thru council chambers, section thru assembly room, ground floor plan, first floor plan, second floor plan. Sheet two shows a first floor plan (in situ) a second floor plan and a third floor plan. Sheet three shows King st elevation, rear elevation, longitudinal section, basement floor plan and perspective view.

Schmalz, W.H.E.

American Water Softener Company Proposal

File consists of material relating to a proposal by the American Water Softener Company (Philadelphia, PA) to install a filtration system for water from Shoemaker's Lake. Includes the proposal, operating instructions, and technical drawings of various components of the system.

Pequegnat, Marcel

Dominion Tire blueprints.

File consists of one blueprint for the Dominion Tire factory on Strange Street in Kitchener. Blueprint shows the front and side elevations. Design by Albert Kahn, architects.

Dominion Rubber Company

Dominion Tire powerhouse blueprints.

File consists of one blueprint for the powerhouse for the Dominion Tire factory on Strange Street in Kitchener. Blueprint shows the front elevation and floor plan. Design by Albert Kahn, architects.

Dominion Rubber Company

Purchase of lots from Maple Heights Limited.

File consists of material relating mainly to the purchase by Westmount Enterprises Limited of lots from Maple Heights Limited. The lots are in the proposed subdivision Maple Hill Acres No. 3 in the City of Waterloo. Includes correspondence, memoranda, agreements of purchase and sale, amendments to agreements, offers to purchase, plans of the subdivision (some showing redivisions of lots), handwritten notes, lists of lots with costs and prices, a copy of a grant of easement, etc.

Dixon, Ross

House plans.

File consists of material collected by Dixon relating to house plans and building trends. Includes brochures, articles, and advertisements clipped from magazines and newspapers (for builders, housing developments, etc.; some with annotations) and handwritten notes. File also includes plans for the Maple Heights and Beechwood Park subdivisions in Waterloo (some with annotations) and other architectural drawings, as well as a photostat list of lot prices for Beechwood Park.

Dixon, Ross

Miscellaneous (file 1 of 2).

File consists of miscellaneous material relating primarly to the activities of the Westount Construction Co., house plans, and housing developments. Includes brochures and magazine clippings, advertisements, plans and drawings, charts and forms, a letter, and other material.

Dixon, Ross

Sketches and plans.

File consists of material relating to building houses and house plans. Includes architectural drawings, clippings from magazines and newspapers, and brochures.

Dixon, Ross

Apartment building by Ray Haffner Construction Ltd.

File consists of plans for an 11-unit apartment building at 45 Avondale Avenue South, Waterloo by Ray Haffner Construction Ltd. File also includes a leaf of typed information about the building and units (rental rates, expenses, amenities, etc.).

Dixon, Ross

Belmont building plans.

File consists of material relating to Job #67-14, an office building on Belmont Avenue in Kitchener. Includes proposed, revised, and accepted architectural plans and drawings for the building as well as plans from previous jobs of a similar nature. Some plans contain handwritten annotations. File also contains some handwritten notes.

Dixon, Ross

Built-ins sketches.

File consists of architectural drawings for cupboards for Job 63 (Dr. & Mrs. G.F. Watson). Duplicate drawings are present.

Dixon, Ross

Drawings by Frank Adams.

File consists of three pencil drawings of houses by Frank Adams, del., for the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 11 : Darling plan.

File consists of house plans by N.O. Hipel Ltd. (Presten) for the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 23.

File consists of house plans.

Dixon, Ross

Job 24.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 24.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 27.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 30 : office copy.

File consists of house plans by C.E. Voelker for the Westmount Construction Co. Duplicates present.

Dixon, Ross

Job 32.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co. Duplicates present.

Dixon, Ross

Job 34.

File consists of house plans by C.E. Voelker.

Dixon, Ross

Job 35.

File consists of several sets of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co. Two sets labelled "office copy." Duplicates present.

Dixon, Ross

Job 36.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 36.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co. and Eamon Crowley & Associates, Building Designers (Toronto, Ontario). Drawn by E.A.P. Design no. 63-200.

Dixon, Ross

Job 38.

File consists of two sets of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co. One set labelled "office copy." Duplicates present.

Dixon, Ross

Job 40.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 45.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 48.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 51.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 65.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 72.

File consists of two sets of house plans (revised) by the Westmount Construction Co. Duplicates present.

Dixon, Ross

Job 73.

File consists of two sets of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co. Duplicates present.

Dixon, Ross

Job 77.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 81.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 84.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 87.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 90.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 93.

File consists of two sets of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Job 119.

File consists of plans for the Avon model house by the Westmount Construction Co. Duplicates present.

Dixon, Ross

Job 120.

File consists of house plans by the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Plan #9353.

File consists of a set of reproduced house plans (most likely ordered by the Westmount Construction Co.). Basic desgin by Edward R. Tyler. Rudolph A. Matern, Architect (New York, NY).

Dixon, Ross

Proposed apartment complex.

File consists of a plan for a proposed apartment complex in Lindsay, Ontario, for Job 65-23 by Westmont Enterprises Limited. Drawn by G.W.H.

Dixon, Ross

Roseneath : plans.

File consists of architectural drawings for the resort proposed for the Roseneath property. Plans created by Strong and Associates Architects and Planners. Includes a site plan for the property and drawings of the various buildings (administration, staff, restaurant/athletic centre, housing units, etc.).

Muskoka Lakes Association

Lake Joseph Club settlement agreement.

File consists of a signed agreement between the Lake Joseph Club and the Muskoka Lakes Association regarding a condominium development by the Club. Also present are a master plan of the development and a plan of Phase 1 of the development as schedules to the agreement.

Muskoka Lakes Association

Proposal for front entrance.

Architectural drawings for the building of 178 Claremont Avenue, drawn and stamped by architect Theophilus Hughes Wells. Includes two drawings with a proposal for the front entrance and detail.
File arrived in archives with handwritten note by donor that read: “Theo Hughes Wells, architect. Blueprints (stamped T. Hughes Wells). Note front entrance did not include portico, only recessed panel door w[ith] side windows & pan window over door (one cancelled cheque).”
Cancelled cheque mentioned in note is located in file 6.

Reive Family

Architectural drawings.

Architectural drawings for the building of 178 Claremont Avenue, drawn by architect Theophilus Hughes Wells and tube packaging sent by Wells to Dr. Reive.
File arrived in archives with handwritten note by donor that read: “T. Hughes Wells working drawings to scale for building Reive home, 178 Claremont Ave. Kitchener ON N2T 2C2. 1951. Scrolls.”

Reive Family

Western Division.

Consists of material relating to the Dare Foods Limited biscuit plant in Surrey, B.C. File contains invitations; programs; newspaper clippings; agenda; speeches from the plant opening 1962; three b&w photographs each 20.5 x 25.5 cm, 1961-1962; one promotional pamphlet for new plant 1962; and one plan by the Canadian Industrial Risks Insurers plan of Dare Foods Ltd., Surrey B.C. plant 1981.

Dare Foods Limited

Biscuit Division plant tour.

Contains records pertaining to the Biscuit Division plant tour. File consists of notes on the company profile of Dare Foods, notes on the role of Dare Foods in the Quebec economy, notes on the purpose and objectives of Dare Foods, a plan of the Kitchener biscuit plant, and descriptions of each area, special rooms and machines in the biscuit plant.

Dare Foods Limited

Spooner Machinery (Canada) Limited specifications and tender.

Contains correspondence between Ronald L. Panton of The Spooner Machinery Company Limited and Jack Russell and C.M. Dare regarding the purchase of a Sandvik Steel Band Oven with Terminal Length for biscuit manufacturing. File includes price listing, specifications, tender, and 5 sheets of technical drawings of the biscuit plant, biscuit oven, and zone control cubicle.

Dare Foods Limited

Sales and technical information : fans.

File consists of material relating to technical specifications and sales information for fans and their motors, and pricing for merchandise (including furniture and home entertainment products) manufactured for other stores. Includes product literature for fans; typed lists of prices, discounts, distributors, and agencies; memoranda and correspondence; four photographs of fans; and two blueprints of graphs relating to motor operations. Material is divided into the following tabs: Electrohome motor, Eaton's, Simpson's, Hudson's Bay, and Macleod's Limited (latter three tabs are empty).


Operations and Environment Committee meeting : May 20, 1970.

File consists of material relating to a meeting of the Operations and Environment Committee on May 20, 1970 to discuss a proposal for a new facility and other business. Includes a meeting agenda, a memorandum, a proposal and other information for the meeting, and two folded lot plans.


Plans for Dominion Rubber Company.

Plans for Dominion Rubber Company plots and tire stores. Includes the plot plan for Windsor (Ontario) from February 1962, and the preliminary sketch plan no. 1 ground floor plan of Dominion Tire Store for Vancouver (British Columbia) from May 1959.

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan (3 copies).
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office (3 copies).
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans (3 copies).
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA (3 copies).
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation (1 copy).
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room" (3 copies).
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors (2 copies).
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?] (2 copies).
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920 (2 copies).

Kaufman Footwear

Results 1 to 100 of 370