PAS Lounge grand opening, Food Services.
- UWA1-2012-06-2001-01-09-16
- File
- September 12, 2001
Part of Graphic Services fonds.
University of Waterloo. Central Photographic.
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PAS Lounge grand opening, Food Services.
Part of Graphic Services fonds.
University of Waterloo. Central Photographic.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Studio portrait of Lydia Anthes with daughters Ella Cook, Martha Rieder, Louisa Breithaupt and Carrie Breithaupt. Ella and Martha are seen standing, with Louisa and Carrie seated on either side of Lydia. Only Lydia and Louisa are looking toward the camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Upper body studio portrait of unidentified woman see looking at camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Scenic view of a tree-lined Grand River.
Rieder and Anthes family
Rieder, Talmon Henry and Martha Anthes.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Full length studio portrait of Martha Anthes and Talmon Henry Rieder standing side by side in their wedding attire. Martha, dressed in a white gown adorned with a veil and arm length gloves, is seen holding the back of a wicker chair. Talmon, dressed in suit with a three-quarter length jacket, is seen standing next to Martha with right hand behind back and holding a glove in his left hand.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of Dorothy Russell and her son, Harold, standing outside during the day, and holding hands. There is a street, trees, and houses in the background with some snow on the ground, and they are dressed for cool weather. Harold is smiling at the camera while Dorothy is smiling at Harold.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Studio portrait of an unidentified woman seen looking off camera in partial profile, wearing wire-framed glasses and a high-collar top with large leg of mutton sleeves
Schantz Russell Family
Dare sales wagon at H. K. Forler
Part of Dare Foods Limited.
Photograph of Ralph Doerr and William Kettleborne standing next to a horse-drawn C.H. Doerr & Co. sales wagon outside of the H. K. Forler storefront in Wellesley.
Dare Foods Limited
Report of a lecture given by Abudha Khan.
Part of Thomas Lacey séance collection.
A report of a lecture alleged to have been given by the spirit Abudha Khan through Thomas Lacey. The lecture was given at a séance held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sheldon in Waterloo, Ontario. The report states that the usual sitters were present at this circle.
Lacey, Thomas
Part of Rotary Club of Kitchener fonds.
File consists of 86 snapshots of the Rotary District Conference held at Rim Park.
Rotary Club of Kitchener
Part of Clement Bowlby Family fonds.
Unidentified Clement child, possibly Charles Bowlby, standing on the shore of a body of water and looking at camera.
Clement Bowlby Family
Clement, Florence Grace and Blanche Mildred Clement Kelly.
Part of Clement Bowlby Family fonds.
Photograph of Florence Grace Clement (left) and Blanche Mildred Clement Kelly smiling at the camera while standing on a train platform. Florence is holding a camera and Blanche a rolled up newspaper.
Asleep in the deep : on the Turtle Loop Trail at Limberlost near Huntsville.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Winter scene by Norman C. Schneider.
Schneider family
Advertisement trade card for Soapine by Kendall Manufacturing Company of Providence Rhode Island and illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a woman from behind dusting figurines that spell out Soapine on a mantel piece. Verso reads "Cleanliness in the house, laundry, kitchen and workshop is best secured by the use of Soapine. All wise people continue to use it after one trial. Kendall Mfg. Co. Established 1827. Providence, R.I."
Litchfield Steam Laundry letterhead
Correspondence from Litchfield Steam Laundry of Litchfield, Illinois. The letterhead shows women at work in the laundry engaged in tasks such as using washing drums, pressing, and folding clothes. The letter reads "...from 40 to 69 lbs. Also, the water is clear now to what is was one month ago. It is also a compound which if you would let stand one month no settling would be acceptable. But hoping you have a machine which can master it. [illegible] yours truly, Hugh Snell"
Part of Beulah Misener Alloway fonds.
Snapshot of Beulah and Ross Alloway on a front port with shipping containers.
Alloway, Beulah Misener
Birthplace of Hon. Mackenzie King, Kitchener, Ont.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Postcard featuring photograph of Mackenzie King standing at the front of his childhood home. He is seen standing with right hand in suit pocket and left on the cope of a walking cane. Top of postcard reads: Birthplace of Hon. Mackenzie King, Kitchener, Ont.
Schneider family
Buck, George and Emma Joachimi.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Wedding portrait of George Buck and Emma Joachimi [seated?] with Minnie Joachimi and Joe Neeb.
Schneider family
Part of Bray family fonds.
File consists of one trip diary kept by Florence Bray. The diary details trips to Europe (1926), California (1938 & 1939), New York and Atlantic City (1932), Virginia (1950), Florida (1930 & 1938), Scotland (1892), Gaspe (1946), Muskoka (1946). Also included in the diary are addresses of people met while on trips, a list of hotels stayed in and a fold out map of the United States and Mexico. The 1926 trip to Europe is of particular interest, with descriptions of major European cities and First World War battlefields.
Bray Family
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record fonds
Film approximately 7:20 minutes in length of Kitchener Mall a pedestrianized stretch of King Street East in downtown Kitchener during the summer months. Pedestrians and cyclists are seen moving along sidewalks and crossing streets, with the occasional trolleybus passing by. Parking spaces are painted in white hash marks with numerous tree-filled planters, flowerbeds, and benches positioned within and along them. Shots of flower beds, sculptures, a water fountain donated by the Big Brothers Association, and people seated on patios and benches appear through out. Buildings and storefronts visible include: Odeon, Eaton's, Kresge, Dutch Boy Food Market, Strand Bowl, Palladium Restaurant, Lyric theatre, Pennsylvania Kitchen, Goudies Department Store, the Walper Hotel, Queen's Restaurant, the Toronto Dominion Bank, Grafton's, Woolworth's, Sally's, Zeller's, Jack Fraser, Herman Lippert Mens Wear, Young's Jewellers, Samer's, and Frank's Mens Wear.
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Part of Glass plate negative collection.
Image of two adults in snow covered woods holding axes on either side of a felled tree.
One image of the exterior of the Ahrens Shoe. Co. building in Kitchener, Ont.
Belair, Charles
Rieder, Paul and Dorothy Scheifele.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Full length portrait of Paul Rieder and Dorothy Scheifele on their wedding day, seen looking at the camera dressed in a tuxedo and wedding dress. Dorothy has a veil on and is holding a large bouquet of flowers at front.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Four copies of a head and torso studio portrait of J.I. Frank Anthes dressed in a suit and seen looking off camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Upper body studio portrait of John S. Anthes seen in profile.
Rieder and Anthes family
Kaufman, Alvin and Emma Ratz with friends.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Studio portrait of Alvin Ratz (back row, far right) and Emma Ratz (seated, far right) with three unidentified friends or family members.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Upper body studio portrait of Peter Rieder seen looking at camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Small notebook with household accounts, expenses associated with Etta's death and burial, lists of expenses associated with "Baby" and "Dorothy", also "North West Accounts" listing expenses for Tobias and Austin in Alberta.
Schantz Russell Family
A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA addition plans.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
File consists of ten architectural drawings (bound together) showing proposed additions to the A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA. Plans are marked set no. 10.
Kaufman Family
Part of Schneider family collection.
Snapshots of the Schneider home, called "Buena Vista," at 145 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Ontario. Includes one shot of the exterior of the home and one of the dining room.
Schneider family
Part of Schneider family collection.
Aerial photograph of the country homes of F.H. Schneider and Henry Krug at Freeport, Ontario.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Schneider family collection.
Clipping of an article (ill.) from the October 4, 1966 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record titled "Memento of Kaiser bust given to Pioneer Village" and an undated clipping with caption: "The dunked bust of German emperor was salvaged from mud of Victoria Park lake."
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Schneider family collection.
Consists of Norman C. Schneider's remarks (manuscript, original) to the family on May 20, 1975 at the Charcoal Steak House on the occasion of his 50th wedding anniversary. It includes reminiscences about his family's history: the J.M Schneider home on Courtland Ave., births known as "Lantern night" with family members moving between four homes in a row bringing lanterns and hot water. Also includes a brief background on Ethel Schneider's family and how she came to live next door to Norman's family.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Schneider family collection.
Image of Ahrens family members seated and standing on the porch of a cottage with a "Berlin" sign affixed to the building siding taken at Grand Bend.
Schneider family
Part of Schneider family collection.
Studio portrait of an infant posed upright in a chair, dressed in a gown and lace cardigan. Possibly a cousin to Anna Elizabeth Metz Schneider.
Schneider family
Patterns in Canadian wheat farm in Saskatchewan after the grain has been cut.
Part of Schneider family collection.
One aerial photograph of a Saskatchewan wheat farm courtesy of Trans-Canada Airline.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Schneider family collection.
Maple leaf hand painted by Suddaby Public School students to commemorate the centennial of the school.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Schneider family collection.
One photograph showing J.M. Schneider and Charles Schneider standing on the outside front steps of the "first shop". A free-standing sign is visible with "J.M. Schneider" painted on it; J.M. Schneider is leaning against a large lantern on a pole.
Schneider family
Ahrens, Charles August and Emma.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Photograph of Emma and Charles August Ahrens, both wearing hats and standing outdoors, in front of a leafy backdrop. Emma is looking at camera with a slight smile on her face and arms at back. Charles is standing to her left, looking off camera with right hand on a [walking stick?].
Schneider family
File consists of four advertisement trade cards featuring women and girls working in the kitchen.
White Mop Wringer Co. advertisement
Advertisement trade card for the White Mop Wringer Company of Fultonville, N.Y. Serving as a business card for representative M.D. Alger. Recto shows a woman using a mop wringer and the verso shows illustrations of two mop wringers, one for family use and the other for hotel use.
How to wash and iron a man's shirt...perfectly booklet
A 23 page booklet titled "How to wash and iron a man's shirt...perfectly" published by General Electric and Manhattan men's wear.
North end of Dominion Tire factory.
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Two copies of a photograph of the north end of the Dominion Tire factory with [utility building?] and smoke stack visible at right.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of Sofie Gauthier collection.
A message from the spirit of Charles Darwin received through automatic writing in Montréal. The automatic writing details Darwin disowning his theory on evolution he made while he was living and asking people to strike it from the record due to its sinful nature.
Gauthier, Sofie
Louis Jacob Breithaupt: European trip album.
Albums contains photographs and postcards recording a trip to Europe made by Louis Jacob Breithaupt in 1900. Some items have manuscript identifications. One photograph is a photomontage of images of Berlin, Ontario., including an aerial view, industries, homes, etc., as well as an inserted portrait of Louis Jacob. The album begins with images of ships and progresses with images of England, France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.
Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family
Photograph of Emma Kaufman standing on a stone path outside. Kaufman is seen looking at camera, dressed for cooler weather and wearing a fur stole around shoulders.
Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family
Augustine, Albert William and Edna Louise.
Photograph of Albert William and Edna Louise Augustine standing outside of their home at 22 Margaret Avenue.
Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family
Part of Seagram collection
Three quarter length studio portrait of an unknown woman.
Seagram Family
Interview with Aaron T. Francis.
A sound recording of an interview conducted by Dr. Anne Millar with Aaron Francis, PhD candidate, for the Oral History Hub pilot project. The interview includes discussions about Francis's family background, their decision to come to Waterloo and the path that brought them here, as well as their thoughts about the institution and where it will be at 100 years old, in 2057. Additional topics include Jamaica, Leeds, England, immigration, COM DEV, art, political science, and Francis's PhD studies. The interview was conducted virtually from Waterloo, Ontario. File also contains a transcript of the interview.
University of Waterloo Archives
Northern Pacific : Yellowstone Park line.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of a souvenir menu card from the Northern Pacific Yellowstone Park line. Contains manuscript annotation: "Wednesday 6 p.m., Aug. 23rd, 1905, between Seattle and Portland."
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Studio portrait of John S. (seated left) and Lydia Anthes (seated right) with their children. Ella and Martha are seen posed between their parents with siblings (left to right) John, Louisa, and Carrie standing at back.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Full length studio portrait of Martha Anthes looking down at a flower held in hands, seen wearing a long white dress and standing in front of an arm chair with throw pillows. A side table with a potted plant is visible in the background at right.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Image of windblown trees along a rocky shoreline.
Schantz Russell Family
Training in the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP).
Part of Cameron Clare Hill fonds.
Snapshots likely taken by Cameron Hill during his time enrolled in the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP). The photographs feature Cameron Hill, fellow recruits, and aircraft at different airbases in Simcoe and Malton, Ontario as well as Rivers, Manitoba.
Hill, Cameron Clare
Birth, marriage, will and cemetery papers.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Birth, Marriage, Will and Cemetery papers related to Alfred Gofton and family. They include:
1. Birth certificate for wife Charlotte Braun;
2. Marriage certificate for Alf Gofton and Charlotte Braun dated June 6, 1923;
3. Will of Elizabetha Schneider dated Jan. 10, 1905 naming John Metz and Albert B. Schneider as executors;
4. Receipts for perpetual care at Mount Hope Cemetery from the 1930s
Schneider family
Advertisement trade card for Sapolio showing three women washing dishes with the caption "Wash dishes with Sapolio." Verso reads "There is no one article known that will do so many kinds of work in and about the house and do it so well as Enoch Morgan's Sons Sapolio. (Each cake is wrapped in Tin Foil, and surrounded with Ultramarine Blue-Band, and bears the above device) always note this. A cake of Sapolio, a bowl of water and a brush, cloth or sponge will make house cleaning a quick and easy job, will clean paint and all painted surfaces, will clean marble, mantles, tables and statuary, will clean oil-cloths, floors, shelves, etc., will clear bath tubs, wash basins, etc., will clean crockery, glassware, etc., will clean kitchen utensils, of all kinds, will clean windows without splashing of water, will polish tin, brass and copperware, will polish knives as you wash them, will polish all metal surfaces and will clean all household articles and is better and cheaper than soap, emery, rotten stone, etc. John Wanamaker, Grad Depot, Phila."
Die cut card showing five women behind a fence with a caption reading "The look well on the fence! Much better on the other side. This road leads to success used by the million." The verso shows the backs of the women, each of whom are holding a Sweeperette sweeper. Verso reads "always in the push our Sweeperette. Sweeperette Company 76 5th Ave. New York Grand Rapids, Mich."
Kaiser Wilhem I bust in Victoria Park.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Photograph of Kaiser Wilhelm I bust in Victoria Park with view of lake and residential homes in background.
Schneider family
Deed of land between Aaron White and Joseph Dorland.
Part of William Dickson collection.
Consists of one deed of land dated June 5, 1818 between Aaron White of the Township of Hallowell and Joseph Dorland of the Township of Ameliasbury, both of Prince Edward County for 100 acres of land in Hallowell Township.
Dickson, William
Part of English family fonds.
Two 19th century photographs, unidentified. One is a portrait of a young man taken by W. Theaker, Markdale and the other is of a farmhouse and barn with people, taken by W.H. Love, Markdale.
English Family
File consists of statements to J.F. Schoellkopf regarding sales of wool in Providence, Rhode Island.
Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)
Photograph of five adults and two children by a wooden bridge taken in Penetanguishene on the way to Tiny Beach (Ontario). Three adults are standing on the bridge, and two adults with two children are closer to the edge of the water.
People in photograph are: Carrie Breithaupt is standing at front left and looking at the camera, John Edward Breithaupt is possibly the child seated on the right, John Christian Breithaupt is standing at right and Lydia Anthes is seated at right on wooden railing.
Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one postcard addressed to Dana Porter from Bill [?] featuring a photo of an Atomic Detonation in Nevada.
Porter, Dana Harris
Competition for city hall, Kitchener, Ont.
Part of W.H.E. Schmalz collection.
File consists of architectural drawings for the proposed Kitchener city hall, probably by W.H.E. Schmalz. The plans are dated Aug.4, 1921. Sheet one shows two elevations and one cross section. Sheet two shows six floor plans. The plans are unsigned, but thought to be by W.H.E. Schmalz based on similarity to other signed plans. A small beehive drawing is present where an architect's signature would usually be found.
Schmalz, W.H.E.
Clement, David Ward with Alf Stewart and Carl Berlet.
Part of Clement Bowlby Family fonds.
Photograph of (left to right) Carl Berlet, Alf Stewart and David Ward Clement standing in a row outdoors. The group is seen in uniform and looking at camera.
Schantz Russell Family
A business card for Rev. W. von Cartheuser in Orange, New Jersey.
Survival Research Institute of Canada
Part of Emily Murphy fonds.
Three quarter length portrait of Emily Murphy seen standing with left arm resting on the back of a wooden armchair and looking at camera with a slight smile on face.
Murphy, Emily Ferguson
Anthes Manufacturing Company : employees under factory sign.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Mounted photograph of employees standing in a row, posed for the camera, at the side front of the Anthes Manufacturing Company building under a painted sign that reads: "The Anthes Mfg. Co. of Berlin. Limited." J.I. Frank Anthes is visible standing in a doorway behind the employees at right.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Two copies of a photograph of Dominion Tire staff posed for the camera while standing on factory floor. Everyone in the group is seen wearing a hat and dressed in a full suits, some without jackets. Includes identifications (left to right): unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, W. A. Gruenawald, E.C. Kabel, George Seikliering [?], unidentified and R.Y. Copland.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of trees, one with a stump seat, in Victoria Park. A wrought iron bench and lampposts are visible in the background.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photographs of Hervey Bowman, a house on Church St., Kitchener, and a house on Roland St., Kitchener. Note that the photographs were found with correspondence between Franklin Abram Schantz and Franklin Bowman regarding Hervey Bowman's death.
Schantz Russell Family
Russell, Harold and Dorothy White.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Image of Harold Russell sitting upright in a baby carriage as an infant with mother Dorothy looking on. The pair are seen outdoors on the sidewalk of a residential street.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Full body studio portrait of unidentified woman seen looking off camera while standing next to a table, holding a document..
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schneider family collection.
Studio portrait of Mrs. Riener holding her son Earl with her face next to his cheek.
Schneider family
Part of Andrew Telegdi fonds.
Posters advertising concerts held at the Village Bistro featuring a variety of artists including the Papa Bears, Chase Anderson, the Paisleys, Black Shake Blues Band, Sleepy John, Seeds of Time (later known as the Passionate Mad), Tomorrow’s Eyes, the Poppy Family, Mock Duck, Grady Moore, Black Snake, Hydroelectric Street Car, As Sherriff, the Billy Joe Bottom Band, and the Isle of Sky. One poster contains a handwritten contract on the verso transferring ownership of the Village Bistro to Allan Kirton for the sum of $2000.00. The contract is dated March 22, 1969 but is not signed by Telegdi or Kirton.
Also includes posters and related material including press clippings and a brochure advertising musicians and bands performing at other venues in Vancouver, British Columbia or Toronto, Ontario including Sweetwater, Buffy Saint-Marie, Dick Gregory, the Poppy Family, Mother Tucker, Black Shake, Seeds of Time, Mock Duck, Tomorrow’s Eyes, Tiny Tim, Country Joe and the Fish, A Wizard of the North, Tunnel, Deyong Sound, Lights by Ecto Plasmic, the Papa Bears, Man Child, Elusive Butterfly, the Collectors, the Tote Family, and a variety of other bands that performed at the 1969 Thunderbird Peace Festival in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Telegdi, Andrew Peter
Part of Schneider family collection.
Overhead photograph of the House of Commons in session.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Schneider family collection.
p. 1-4. Niagara Falls, Buena Vista. Snapshots featuring Norman C. Schneider and Hyalie MacDondald, interspersed with shots of Niaga Falls and the cable car. Other shots of the two men, J. M Schneider and others are taken at Buena Vista, J.M. Schneider's home. Several feature Norman and Hyalie with pipes. Carl Ahrens(?) is also in several shots.
p. 5. Pope Hartford automobile.
p. 6. Schneider family snapshots ca. 1934: Howie sick in bed with nurse, Edith knitting, Keffer family visit, winter play.
p. 8-9. Schneider & Ahrens families at the beach, ca. 1927.
p. 10-11. Norman with a group of boys posed in front of car; Norman, Edith and friends, posed in front of a car; garden arch in winter.
p. 12 Family group on an outing, Norman and Edith with Siegners?), Shupes(?). All dressed in coats and hats, some fur collars, split rail fence.
p. 13-17. family snapshots at 76 Schneider Ave: house and garden exterior, Victoria park in winter, Herb, Howie and Brita, ca. 1934, family group with Emma Siegner.
p. 18. Schneider's(?) girl's baseball team. Women wearing "sailor" pants with two rows of buttons.
p. 19. J.M. Schneider in his office.
p. 19. Family snapshots at 176 Schneider Ave: "Europa Ping Pong, fireplace, Norman and Howie.
p. 20. "The twins, Leonard and Lorraine Pickard."
p. 21. Edith and Little Pal (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 22-23. Winter fun at Freeport, ca. 1934: family with skis, boys on toboggan, posed in front of car.
p. 23. Norman Schneider on the Duchess of Bedford, 1931.
p. 24-25. Family snapshots, 1934: children at Schneider Ave. and at Freeport.
p. 24. Schneiders Christmas boxes? Group of men in front of a store with boxes labelled "Merry Xmas".
p. 26. Herbert and Howie with false noses; Norman in deck chair with blanket and book on the Duchess of Bedford, 1931 (lacking 1 of 3).
p. 27. Norman in front of Cologne Cathedral, Nov., 1934; J.M. Schneider in his office, Dec. 22, 1934.
p. 28-29. Christmas 1934: Christmas tree, presents, Herb, Howie and Brita; Victoria Park 1934: hockey; Mary Jane Keffer, 1933; children on skis (at Freeport?), with unidentified man; J.M. Schneider and Helena with children, J.M. and sister Mary Alles (ther are negatives for these, 2 snaps of 14 lacking).p. 30-33. Keffer family visit (9 of 10 lacking). Includes one shot inside the Keffer home in Germany.
p. 34. Schneider plant, Dec. 1934: plant machinery, shipping Wiltshire sides.
p. 25. Skiing: Chicopee?
p. 36. Freeport cottage: swimming pool (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 37. All photos missing (3), one labelled Lexington Airport picture.
p. 38. Ethel at Freeport Cottage: "Poison ivy day, 1934"; Ethel and Brita, Victoria Park.
p. 39 family skiing at Chicopee, 1934.
p. 40. Family snapshots at 76 Schneider Ave: exterior at dusk; Children seated with Lapsley, Joachimi ladies.
p. 41-42. Schneider Plant: exterior; machinery; men working in office; man with truck "Sam Humphrey, 100,000 miles, 1936"; pigs, cows on ramp; steam shovel digging hole.
p. 44-45. Family snapshots: Schneider and Siegner group snapshots on outings, 1935, Herbert, Howie and Brita in new clothes?; children playing in winter: group shots including four girls in winter coats and leggings, two of boys and toboggan.
p. 46. Children fishing at Freeport, 1935; Norman in a train window, 1934 (lacking 1 of 6).
p. 47. Norman at the Keffer's home in Germany (lacking 1 of 4).
p. 48-54. Skiing at Chicopee: landscape, ski tracks, posed skiiers, skiier jumping with spectators (lacking 3 of 31).
p. 55. Schneider children: birthday party, boys collecting plants.
p. 56-57. Freeport Cottage: children fishing, playing baseball, family group with F.H. Schneider & Siegner families. Includes a shot of Mary Jane Keffer?
p. 58-59. Church of the New Jerusalem, interior and exterior (lacking 3 of 12).
p. 60: Norman, Ethel and Children: group shot at Freeport cottage; spring blooms, men at unidentified property (Sims at Chicopee?). Two of these are groups seen in a gazing ball.
p. 66. Ski Hill at Chicopee (lacking 2 of 3).
p. 62-64. Skiers: groups and individuals, both at Chicopee and elsewhere? Includes one summer shot of men digging ski slope (lacking 1 of 15).
p. 65. Ivan Keffer: winter portrait at Freeport?; Howie missing tooth.
p. 67. Construction photos: men working, shot taken high up (lacking 2 of 4).
p. 71. Horse drawing logs, trees in winter at Freeport?
p. 72-73: Norman Schneider on skis (lacking 2 of 4).
p. 74. Skiers in woods.
p. 75. Skiers in front of fireplace, including Norman Schneider (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 76. Dining room interior (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 77. Little Pal (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 78-80. Schneider stock farm: buildings, creek, boys fishing, collie dog, large tree.
p. 80-82. Spring at 76 Schneider Ave: house exterior, Victoria park entrance and pavilion, daffodils, Howie and Herb with bicycles, Brita with roller skates, group shots of children.
p. 83. Brock Monument and Queenston Heights, May 9, 1937, statue of soldiers labelled "Erie, Pa".
p. 84. Skiiers on grass.
p. 84-85. Keffer family.
p. 85. Norman Schneider with a group: "Europa, 1936".
p. 86-87. Schneider stock farm: family group, boys with pony, cows and large tree.
p. 87. Group of young women, 1936, possibly Schneider employees. They are all dressed for cool weather.
p. 87. Ceremony at Victoria School grounds: platform with speaker, scouts seated in foreground.
p. 88-93. Men's fishing trips (lacking 2 of 21).
p. 94-96. Rotary flag-raising at Chicopee.
p. 97. Norman, F.H. Schneider and Rotary: group portrait with large house in background (Sims home?).
p. 98. Rotary flag raising at Chicopee, 1935.
p. 98-100. Men's shenanigans: men playing outside in costume.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Ahrens and Schneider families at Lake Huron.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Two copies of an informal group portrait taken at Grand Bend or Southampton, with cottage visible in background.
Back row, left to right: Lotte (Ahrens) Shupe, Emma (Hirshey) Ahrens, J.M. Schneider, Charles A. Ahrens, Norman C. Schneider.
front row, left to right: Stella Daniels, Emma Schneider, Ella Daniels, Floss Ahrens.
Schneider family
Part of Schneider family collection.
Image of Cyril and ["Frances"] Hayes.
Schneider family
Confirmation certificate of Gottfried Lehler.
Part of Bechler family fonds.
Confirmation certificate granted to Gottfried Lehler from Lutherithen Kirche zu Luden. The certificate is written in German and the translation is as follows: Gottfried Lehler, born on the 1st of September in the year of 1869, confirmed on the 15th of April in the year of 1883 in the Lutheran Church of [ineligible], Waterloo, Ontario.
Bechler family
Aberta Scott, Decho Properties.
Part of Ross Dixon fonds.
File consists of material relating to property in Walkerton, Ontario, owned by Dixon. He purchased property from Alberta Scott in 1969 and sold property to Decho Properties Ltd. in 1970; he also sold to Robert Foreman in 1972. File includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, deeds, agreements, tax notices and assessments, notices and by-laws for the Corporation of the Town of Walkerton, handwritten notes, etc. File also includes plans of subdivisions in Walkerton (duplicates are present).
Dixon, Ross
Stong farm, Edgeley, Ont. : pig house detail.
Part of John Ivan Rempel fonds.
One image of a construction detail from the D. Stong farm pig house, ca.1832 in Edgeley, Ont.
Rempel, John I.
Labour day parade, 1905, King St. between Benton & Queen St., Berlin, Ont. (Kitchener).
Part of Company of Neighbours fonds.
Company of Neighbours
Part of Maines Pincock Family fonds.
Maines Pincock Family
Berlin Collegiate and Technical Institute : commencement program.
File consists of a Berlin Collegiate and Technical Institute commence program from 1912.
Bowlby, Davison, Hoffman Family
Photograph of a woman in a street holding books in one hand with buildings in the background. Photograph was possibly taken at North-Western College, Naperville, Illinois.
Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family
File consists of a carbon sheet with background data about the history of the Commission, clippings about the work of the Commission and about the bringing of hydro-electric power to Kitchener in 1910.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Material related to the lives and activities of members of the Augustine and Kaufman families of Kitchener, Ontario and of the Ham family of Toronto, Ontario, in particular of the parents, aunt and grandparents of Mary Ham.
Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family
Augustine, Ham, Kaufman, and Breithaupt families.
Image of (left to right) Elspeth Breithaupt, unidentified adult, Mary Ham, Emma Ratz Kaufman, Martha Rieder, and Edna Louise Augustine. The group is seen smiling at the camera, dressed for warm, sunny weather.
Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family
A photograph of a child in front of the house at 22 Margaret Avenue, Kitchener standing in the snow.
Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family
No. 16 Service Flying Training School Hagersville (Class 115).
Group portrait (all men) of Class 115 of No. 16 Service Flying Training School in Hagersville, Ontario. The group is seen standing and seated in rows indoors, and dressed in uniform.
Wilson, Bettie Bernice
Circus Parade, King Near Benton.
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record fonds
Copy negatives of elephants walking down city streets. The first is of an old photograph of elephants walking down a city street captioned: "Circus Day in Berlin". Caption accompanying negative reads: "1) Circus Day in Berlin nr p/o at Benton." The second is of elephants walking down a city street, taken from behind, while passing the Market Hotel accompanied by a caption that reads: "5) circus parade king near benton 1904". File also includes caption notes for the next 6 files in series titled PARADES.
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of tree-lined west pathway, along lake's edge in Victoria Park. The crossed legs and feet of a seated man appear immediately at left, and a group walking toward Roos Island bridge are visible further down the path.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
File consists of materials relating to the opening of the Winnipeg branch office.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of John Ivan Rempel fonds.
One image of the Madill church, built around 1874.
Rempel, John I.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Clipping of photo with caption from the June 7, 1952 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record: "GREET DEFENCE MINISTER - Henry A. Hosking, MP for Wellington South (left), of Guelph, and Norman C. Schneider, MP elect for Waterloo North, welcomed Defence Minister Claxton (right) when he landed at the Waterloo-Wellington airport yesterday after a flight from Ottawa. Behind Mr. Claxton is Russell Daly, Guelph, president of the Western Ontario Liberal Association."
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Forbes family fonds.
Letters from Betty and Peg Forbes to their mother, Millicent Lyall Forbes, during their time as students at Bishop Strachan School in Toronto, Ontario.
New K-W Record building on Fairway Road.
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record fonds
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
The Lang Tanning Co. Limited building.
Photograph of a drawing of the Lang Tanning Company Limited building on King St. West in Kitchener as it was in 1850.
Lang Tanning Company, Ltd.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Head and shoulders studio portrait of unidentified woman seen looking off camera and wearing a high-collar top with leg of mutton sleeves.
Schantz Russell Family