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110th Anniversary.

Contains memo and ephemera from Kitchener's Business Heritage which honoured the Record among others on Nov. 19, 1987, also contains news coverage of 110th birthday, Feb. 1988.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

118th Battalion clippings.

Clipping of an article (ill.) from the October 4, 1966 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record titled "Memento of Kaiser bust given to Pioneer Village" and an undated clipping with caption: "The dunked bust of German emperor was salvaged from mud of Victoria Park lake."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more from the 1950's. Includes wedding announcement regarding marriage to Ian Dagg and letters to her mother, Mary Quayle Innis.

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the 1960's.

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the years 1970-1973.

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the year 1974.

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the years 1975-1976

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the year 1977.

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the year 1978.

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the year 1979.

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the year 1980.

Dagg, Anne Innis


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the 2000's.

Dagg, Anne Innis

5 Counties : 1957.

File consists of material relating to administration and activities of the Five Counties Art Association for 1957. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, meeting agendas and one set of minutes (possibly draft copy), handwritten notes, an exhibition program, and a newspaper clipping.

Couling, Gordon

5 Counties : 1957 : exhibition.

File consists of material relating mainly to the coordination of the regional art exhibitions of the Five Counties Art Association for 1957. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, meeting agendas, exhibitors lists and exhibition programs, flyers, lists of art works received or for auction, handwritten notes, etc.

Couling, Gordon

5 Counties : 1958.

File consists of material relating to the administration and activities of the Five Counties Art Assoication for 1958. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, exhibitors' lists, minutes for meetings of the teacher's council and for a Leaders Institute planning meeting, handwritten jury score sheets from an exhibition, handwritten notes, etc.

Couling, Gordon

5 Counties : 1959.

File consists of material relating to the administration and activities of the Five Counties Art Assoication for 1959. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, exhibitors' lists, minutes for meetings of the teacher's council, handwritten notes, reports on seminars, flyers and invitations, a draft outline for a course by Gordon Couling at the 1959 Leader's Institute, and other material.

Couling, Gordon

5 Counties : 1960.

File consists of material relating to the administration and activities of the Five Counties Art Association for 1960. Includes a bulletin, an exhibitors' list, newspaper clippings, ts. notes regarding the teachers' council, etc.

Couling, Gordon

60th anniversary celebration.

File consists of materials created and accumulated during the planning and execution of the Rotary Club of Kitchener 60th anniversary celebration. Includes programmes, invitations, a news release, correspondence and a speech transcript.

Rotary Club of Kitchener

A Whole Dinner in One Dish.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 13: A Whole Dinner in One Dish. This leaflet gives recipes for one dish dinners and information on the food groups.

United States Department of Agriculture

Aberdeen, Lady.

Clippings from various publications of articles about Lady Aberdeen.

Long, Elizabeth

Addams, Jane.

Clippings of articles from the August 12, 1963 edition of The Christian Science Monitor and the November 1960 edition of The Unesco Courier about Jane Addams.

Long, Elizabeth

Administrative correspondence.

Correspondence related to administrative matters. Includes a welcome letter to Access Copyright (the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency), a letter and cheque from the Public Lending Right Commission for the year 2004, and a welcome letter to the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia.
Also contains an invitation to the 2008 Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia Masterworks Arts Award.

McCarthy, Julia

Adv[anced] Sc[hool] Writing program.

Correspondence related to Hollobon’s studies at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University. Includes correspondence between Hollobon and the Columbia University in New York about writing programs and fellowships, grants, events; a pamphlet about the Journalism Day from Columbia; articles about Hollobon winning the Fellowship in the Advancement of Science Writing from Columbia University; correspondence with John Foster (Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University); Columbia alumni list; and a notebook with email addresses of staff and alumni from Columbia University.

Hollobon, Joan

Advertising : print.

File consists of advertising and advertising information for various Dominion Tire products. Includes brochures, handbills, and examples of print advertising along with lists of newspaper advertising runs.

Dominion Rubber Company

Agnew, Elsie.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail column "A Gallery of Women" about Mrs. Herbert R. Agnew.

Long, Elizabeth

Ahrens family.

Biographical article by Ernie Ronnenberg published in the November 21, 1975 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record titled "Charles A. Ahrens founded a Berlin shoe firm in 1882".

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles Andrew.

A memorial card for Charles Andrew Ahrens dated Aug. 21, 1903, a list of the names and birth dates of Charles Andrew and wife Henrietta's children, and letter from Charles Andrew to his daughter Wilhelmine on her 21st birthday dated April 29, 1876. Also in the file is a clipping of an obituary for Charles August Ahrens.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Florence.

Carbon correspondence relating to the care of Florence Ahrens at Central Park Lodge and the condition of her health. Includes list of nurses who cared for Ahrens, personal account information and two obituaries.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Walter.

Material relating to Walter Ahrens, son of Henry Jacob Ahrens and Caroline Seiler. Consists of a biographical article appearing in the Oak Country Club, Tulsa, Oklahoma newsletter. Includes portrait.

Schneider family

Aitken, Margaret.

Two clippings (one undated) about Canadian journalist and politician Margaret Aitken.

Long, Elizabeth

A.K. Collings Fine Art Gallery.

File consists of materials relating to an exhibit of Tony Urquhart's works at A.K. Collings Fine Art Gallery. Includes four items of correspondence for Aurelie Collings, exhibit advertising, lists of art works, financial information and a clipping.

Urquhart, Tony

Albert Liborius Breithaupt fonds.

Fonds consists of material relating to the life and activities, both business and personal, of Albert L. Breithaupt from his 18th year on. Includes correspondence in German from his mother, Catharine Hailer Breithaupt. Includes correspondence, diaries, legal and financial documents, ephemera and photographs.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Allison, W.T.

Date: 1938.10.23 Place from: Winnipeg, Man. To: Catley, Elaine M. From: Allison, W.T. Notes: + 1926 news clipping

Catley, Elaine Maud

Annotated lists of payments.

Materials related to expenditures and payments made for the building of the house at 178 Claremont Avenue by the Reive family. Includes a cheque for Mabel Reive from 1942, bank statements for Mr. and Mrs. Reive, and proceeds of the sale of the house at 33 Brock Street in Kitchener (Mrs. Reive’s property in September 1951) put towards the purchase of 178 Claremont Avenue.
File arrived in archives with handwritten note by donor that read: “Annot[at]ed list(s) of payments made by W. G. Reive related to building 178 Claremont Ave. Kitchener home of Dr. W. G. Reive & Mabel Reive. (also later sources and uses of funds).”

Reive Family

Anthes, L.L.

File consists of one clipping reporting the appointment of L.L. Anthes as President of the American Foundrymen's Association.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

A.R. Kaufman Family Y.

One letter dated May 19, 1982 from Reuben Baetz, Minister of Tourism and Recreation, to W.H. Kaufman in his position as Honorary President of the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA, congratulating him on the offical opening of the A.R. Kaufman family. Includes portfolio and news story relating to the opening.

Kaufman, William Hutton

Arctic Council ephemera.

Ephemera related to the Arctic Council. Includes flyers "PAME (Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment) Working Group of the Arctic Council, 2011-2013,” “Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic Council,” and “Arctic council Fact Sheet, Arctic council Swedish Chairmanship, 2011-2013."

English, John

Armour & Co. advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Armour's Mince Meat and Canned Meats showing an older woman teaching a group of younger women how to cook. Verso reads "It is admitted by every prudent housekeeper, that our Condensed Mince Meat is equal in every respect to the old-fashioned home-made article. Our well known connection with the beef industry, enables us, to put a Mince Meat on the market second to none. We use only the best and purest ingredients, and it is the universal verdict that our product retains its sweetness longer and goes farther than any other brand. Packaged in 12 oz. (net) cardboard cartons. Enough for two large pies. 2 packages for 25 cents. At all first-class grocery stores. Armour and Company, Chicago."

Armstrong, Isabel.

Clipping of The Globe and Mail article "Woman Reporter Quits After 40 Years on Job" about the retirement of Canadian newspaper reporter Isabel Armstrong.

Long, Elizabeth

Astor, Nancy.

Clippings from various publications about the life of Nancy Astor.

Long, Elizabeth

Atlantic Canada workshop.

Materials related to the Atlantic Canada Workshop at Carleton University, in 1991, titled “Political Economy of Region” where James Walker participated in the panel “Studying Afro-Atlantic Canadian Culture.” Includes notes, schedule of the event, travel receipts, related correspondence, and preliminary programme.

Walker, James


Materials related to the "XXIV German-Canadian Conference" (October 23 to 25, 2009, Freiberg/Sachsen, Germany). Includes the delegation list, program, and “Speech by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Georg Witschel German Ambassador in Canada ‘Political and Economic Factor that Shape Canadian and German Approaches to Globalization.’”

English, John


Materials related to the Atlantik-Brücke association. Includes related correspondence, cost breakdown, draft agenda, program for the "Future of Energy, XXIX German Canadian Conference hosted by Atlantik-Bruecke Canada and Atlantik-Brücke" (September 17-20, 2014), and a template for email introducing Atlantik-Bruecke Canada organization.

English, John


Materials related to the "XXX German-Canadian Conference" (April 15-18, 2015, Brussels, Belgium). Includes business card for Eveline Y. Metzen (executive director of Atlantik-Brücke); break-out groups information; handwritten notes on the event; program; agenda for the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice board meeting (May 6, 2015); program report; agenda for the Regional Governments in International Affairs (September 17-18, 2015).

English, John

Augustine, Mary Caroline : birth ephemera.

Ephemera including Mary Ham's (nee Augustine) birth announcement (press clipping), hand-painted birth announcement card, congratulation and christening cards, and telegrams. Also includes three pieces of ephemera related to Albert William Augustine and John Ross Augustine.

Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family

Results 1 to 100 of 1948