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Berlin water works plans.
Berlin water works plans.
43 Schneider Avenue, Kitchener, Ont.
43 Schneider Avenue, Kitchener, Ont.
Architectural drawings for the Berlin Y.M.C.A.
Architectural drawings for the Berlin Y.M.C.A.
Plan of R.M.C. Grounds.
Plan of R.M.C. Grounds.
Elevated tower and Mensch contract (file 2 of 2).
Elevated tower and Mensch contract (file 2 of 2).
Dominion Tire blueprints.
Dominion Tire blueprints.
Dominion Tire powerhouse blueprints.
Dominion Tire powerhouse blueprints.
Water works project specifications.
Water works project specifications.
L.J. Mensch blueprints.
L.J. Mensch blueprints.
Elevator grills, main mezzanine to 9th mezzanine incl (wrought iron).
Elevator grills, main mezzanine to 9th mezzanine incl (wrought iron).
American Water Softener Company Proposal
American Water Softener Company Proposal
Assignment of patents by Alex Welker to Pollock Manufacturing Company Limited.
Assignment of patents by Alex Welker to Pollock Manufacturing Company Limited.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 2] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 2] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Proposed municipal building for Kitchener, Ontario suggested by Mr. W. Harttung.
Proposed municipal building for Kitchener, Ontario suggested by Mr. W. Harttung.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Kitchener Park layout.
Kitchener Park layout.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 1] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 1] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Municipal building, Kitchener, Ontario.
Municipal building, Kitchener, Ontario.
Competition for city hall, Kitchener, Ont.
Competition for city hall, Kitchener, Ont.
Alterations & additions to Suddaby School, Kitchener, Ont.
Alterations & additions to Suddaby School, Kitchener, Ont.
Competition for city hall, Kitchener, Ont.
Competition for city hall, Kitchener, Ont.
Kitchener land acquisitions : 1921.
Kitchener land acquisitions : 1921.
Competition for municipal building, city of Kitchener.
Competition for municipal building, city of Kitchener.
Ratz, Elmer, estate : blueprints.
Ratz, Elmer, estate : blueprints.
Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architect, Walkerville, Ont.
Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architects, Walkerville, Ont.
Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architects, Walkerville, Ont.
Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architects, Walkerville, Ont.
Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architects, Walkerville, Ont.
Eight tube A.C. radio receivers : service manual.
Eight tube A.C. radio receivers : service manual.
110 John Boulevard : first floor floor plan.
110 John Boulevard : first floor floor plan.
110 John Boulevard : interior details.
110 John Boulevard : interior details.
110 John Boulevard : north elevation.
110 John Boulevard : north elevation.
110 John Boulevard : section A.A.
110 John Boulevard : section A.A.
110 John Boulevard : south elevation.
110 John Boulevard : south elevation.
110 John Boulevard : basement floor plan.
110 John Boulevard : basement floor plan.
110 John Boulevard : east elevation.
110 John Boulevard : east elevation.
110 John Boulevard : specifications.
110 John Boulevard : specifications.
110 John Boulevard : west elevation.
110 John Boulevard : west elevation.
Radio wiring : diagrams and notes.
Radio wiring : diagrams and notes.
10" fan development : blueprint.
10" fan development : blueprint.
Research : humidifier patent.
Research : humidifier patent.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
House at 155 Margaret Avenue, Kitchener.
House at 155 Margaret Avenue, Kitchener.
Maps and Plans
Maps and Plans
Radio Production Alliance.
Radio Production Alliance.
Telephone receiver cover : diagram.
Telephone receiver cover : diagram.
H.G. Acres Correspondence : labour and progress (file 1 of 2).
H.G. Acres Correspondence : labour and progress (file 1 of 2).
H.G. Acres Correspondence : labour and progress (file 2 of 2).
H.G. Acres Correspondence : labour and progress (file 2 of 2).
Sales and technical information : fans.
Sales and technical information : fans.
Better Homes & Gardens : five star plan no. 1801.
Better Homes & Gardens : five star plan no. 1801.
Steps of the YWCA.
Steps of the YWCA.
Residence for Kenneth Sims, Esq., Kitchener : sketch details of living room mantel, Jack Ryrie, Architect.
Residence for Kenneth Sims, Esq., Kitchener : sketch details of living room mantel, Jack Ryrie, Architect.
Residence for R.V. Dixon.
Residence for R.V. Dixon.
Steps of the YWCA.
Steps of the YWCA.
Proposal for front entrance.
Proposal for front entrance.
Architectural drawings.
Architectural drawings.
Job 32 : residence for Martin M. Levene.
Job 32 : residence for Martin M. Levene.
Job 5 : residence for Mr. C.D. Stroh.
Job 5 : residence for Mr. C.D. Stroh.
Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Harold Simmons, Spruce Street, Galt.
Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Harold Simmons, Spruce Street, Galt.
Job 22 : residence for Mr. W. Rosenbusch.
Job 22 : residence for Mr. W. Rosenbusch.
Edbrook and Edwood models.
Edbrook and Edwood models.
Job 16 : residence for W.R. Gatcke, Esq., Dieppe Avenue, Kitchener.
Job 16 : residence for W.R. Gatcke, Esq., Dieppe Avenue, Kitchener.
Job 21 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. D.T. Kelley.
Job 21 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. D.T. Kelley.
Model homes : N.O. Hipel Ltd.
Model homes : N.O. Hipel Ltd.
Airewood model.
Airewood model.
Job 12 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. H.W. Zeigler.
Job 12 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. H.W. Zeigler.
Job 13 : Ferguson residence.
Job 13 : Ferguson residence.
Job 14 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Shantz.
Job 14 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Shantz.
Job 17 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. Krysco.
Job 17 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. Krysco.
Job 18 : Anderson.
Job 18 : Anderson.
Sketches and plans.
Sketches and plans.
Job 30 : office copy.
Job 30 : office copy.
Job 33 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Blachford.
Job 33 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Blachford.
Job 35.
Job 35.
Job 19 : residence for Mr. J.W. McCallum.
Job 19 : residence for Mr. J.W. McCallum.
Job 26 : preliminary study : Dr. Harvey.
Job 26 : preliminary study : Dr. Harvey.
Residence for Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Reinhardt.
Residence for Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Reinhardt.
Job 19 : residence of Mr. J.W. McCallum.
Job 19 : residence of Mr. J.W. McCallum.
Job 25.
Job 25.
Job 25.
Job 25.
Job 30.
Job 30.
Job 35.
Job 35.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : plot plan / Barnett & Rieder, Architects.
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : plot plan / Barnett & Rieder, Architects.
Job 60 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. Ed Becker.
Job 60 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. Ed Becker.
Built-ins sketches.
Built-ins sketches.
Job 72.
Job 72.
Job 73.
Job 73.
Spooner Machinery (Canada) Limited specifications and tender.
Spooner Machinery (Canada) Limited specifications and tender.
Job 64.
Job 64.
Job 71 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. F. Capewell.
Job 71 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. F. Capewell.
Job 61 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. E. Gutpell.
Job 61 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. E. Gutpell.
Job 70.
Job 70.
Job 61 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. E. Gutpell.
Job 61 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. E. Gutpell.
Job 62.
Job 62.
Job 65.
Job 65.
Job 71 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. F. Capewell.
Job 71 : residence for Mr. & Mrs. F. Capewell.
Job 73.
Job 73.
Job 85 : Aberdeen, lot 24.
Job 85 : Aberdeen, lot 24.
Results 1 to 100 of 370