


Scope note(s)

  • Transient everyday items, usually printed and on paper, that are manufactured for a specific limited use, then often discarded. Includes everyday items that are meant to be saved, at least for a while, such as keepsakes and stock certificates.

Source note(s)

  • Library of Congress Basic Genre Terms for Cultural Heritage Materials

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms


Equivalent terms


  • UF Programmes, leaflets, receipts, menus, playbills, pamphlets, flyers, greeting cards, business cards, invitations, coupons, tickets

Associated terms


1 Archival description results for Ephemera

1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Berthing card and meal card.

A berthing card and meal card issued to Cameron Hill during the Second World War likely when he traveled on a troopship sailing from Halifax Harbour in Halifax, Nova Scotia to Liverpool, England between August and September 1941.

The berthing card indicates that Cameron was assigned to cabin S22, in section 3 of the Sports deck. The meal card indicates that Cameron was assigned to eat first meal (breakfast) during the second sitting at table number 28. The name of the ship that Cameron traveled on is unknown.

Hill, Cameron Clare