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Diary of a European trip.
Diary of a European trip.
Rosa M.H. Clark: European trip album.
Rosa M.H. Clark: European trip album.
Warren U. Ober Tintern Abbey print.
Warren U. Ober Tintern Abbey print.
London : Franco-British Exhibition.
London : Franco-British Exhibition.
London, unused postcards.
London, unused postcards.
Allendorf a Werra.
Allendorf a Werra.
European tour : accounts.
European tour : accounts.
Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
Notebook of a European tour.
Notebook of a European tour.
Diary of a European trip.
Diary of a European trip.
Louis Jacob Breithaupt: European trip album.
Louis Jacob Breithaupt: European trip album.
Jerzy Pindera fonds.
Jerzy Pindera fonds.
Unidentified woman.
Unidentified woman.
Propaganda photographs.
Propaganda photographs.
Handkerchief of King George V.
Handkerchief of King George V.
J. Calvert & Co. advertisement
J. Calvert & Co. advertisement
Maria Louise Clough scrapbook.
Maria Louise Clough scrapbook.
Gladys Lilian King fonds.
Gladys Lilian King fonds.
Copenhagen, Cologne, Weisbaden, Berlin, Europe.
Copenhagen, Cologne, Weisbaden, Berlin, Europe.
No. 8 : London, Buckingham Palace, Life Guards, Horse Guards on way to Whitehall, Queen Victoria Mon., St. James Park, Duck Bridge, Westminister Tower Bridge, Tower of London, St. Paul's.
No. 8 : London, Buckingham Palace, Life Guards, Horse Guards on way to Whitehall, Queen Victoria Mon., St. James Park, Duck Bridge, Westminister Tower Bridge, Tower of London, St. Paul's.
No. 6 : Berlin, Scotland, Liverpool, Duchess of Bedford, Quebec, Warship Delhi, S.S. Duchess of Bedford.
No. 6 : Berlin, Scotland, Liverpool, Duchess of Bedford, Quebec, Warship Delhi, S.S. Duchess of Bedford.
No. 5 : Basel, Heidelberg, Worms, Luther memorial, Frankfurt, Kassel, Freiburg, shoeing an ox, Baden, Berlin, Reichstag, Vienna.
No. 5 : Basel, Heidelberg, Worms, Luther memorial, Frankfurt, Kassel, Freiburg, shoeing an ox, Baden, Berlin, Reichstag, Vienna.
No. 4 : Lake Lucerne, Altdorf, Lucerne, Interlaken, Jungfrau, [?, Jua[?] Pass, Montreux, Lousanne.
No. 4 : Lake Lucerne, Altdorf, Lucerne, Interlaken, Jungfrau, [?, Jua[?] Pass, Montreux, Lousanne.
No. 3 : German reforestation, Nuremburg, City Hall Square, Neptune's fountain, Munich, Munich City Hall, Glockenspiel, Switzerland border, Zurich, Lucerne, Swiss lacemakers, [?].
No. 3 : German reforestation, Nuremburg, City Hall Square, Neptune's fountain, Munich, Munich City Hall, Glockenspiel, Switzerland border, Zurich, Lucerne, Swiss lacemakers, [?].
No. 2 : Berlin to Dresden : Moritzburg, Zwinger, Elbe River, Potsdam, Historic [hall?], Sans Souci Castle, Stadt [?], Tempelhofer Feld, Rothenburg.
No. 2 : Berlin to Dresden : Moritzburg, Zwinger, Elbe River, Potsdam, Historic [hall?], Sans Souci Castle, Stadt [?], Tempelhofer Feld, Rothenburg.
No. 1 : Montreal, S.S. Duchess of York, Cherbourg, The Needles (Isle of Wight), Southampton, Antwerp, Berlin.
No. 1 : Montreal, S.S. Duchess of York, Cherbourg, The Needles (Isle of Wight), Southampton, Antwerp, Berlin.
England and Denmark, #2.
England and Denmark, #2.
England and Denmark, #1.
England and Denmark, #1.
New York, Unteröwisheim, Mannheim, German Autobahn, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Wansee at Berlin, Keffer home in Berlin, Hitler laying cornerstone at Tourist Office in Berlin.
New York, Unteröwisheim, Mannheim, German Autobahn, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Wansee at Berlin, Keffer home in Berlin, Hitler laying cornerstone at Tourist Office in Berlin.
Munich, Garmish-Partenkirchen, Zugspitze, Augsberg.
Munich, Garmish-Partenkirchen, Zugspitze, Augsberg.
Olympic Games, August 1-16, 1936, Berlin #2.
Olympic Games, August 1-16, 1936, Berlin #2.
Olympic Games, August 1-16, 1936, Berlin #1.
Olympic Games, August 1-16, 1936, Berlin #1.
Le Havre.
Le Havre.
Ration coupons and scrip
Ration coupons and scrip
Arthur Wellesley Wellington letter
Arthur Wellesley Wellington letter
Account book.
Account book.
Jardine family fonds.
Jardine family fonds.
Berne-Bellecour, Etienne Prosper.
Berne-Bellecour, Etienne Prosper.
Boscari de Villeplaine, Anna Barbara
Boscari de Villeplaine, Anna Barbara
Seagram, Julia.
Seagram, Julia.
Seagram, Keren.
Seagram, Keren.
Seagram, Thomas.
Seagram, Thomas.
Seagram, William Ballard.
Seagram, William Ballard.
Barrett Autograph Collection.
Barrett Autograph Collection.
London, England local government scrapbook.
London, England local government scrapbook.
Maps showing First World War battles and troop movements.
Maps showing First World War battles and troop movements.
European journal.
European journal.
Interview with Aaron T. Francis.
Interview with Aaron T. Francis.
Interview with Judi Jewinski.
Interview with Judi Jewinski.
Computer education in Ontario secondary schools / G.C. Bonham and D.D. Cowan.
Computer education in Ontario secondary schools / G.C. Bonham and D.D. Cowan.
Album 1.
Album 1.
Kaufman, Emma and Julia Matouskova.
Kaufman, Emma and Julia Matouskova.
Copy of English Statutes anno 1594
Copy of English Statutes anno 1594
Percival Horton-Smith Hartley scrapbooks.
Percival Horton-Smith Hartley scrapbooks.
Weekly Times calendar.
Weekly Times calendar.
Deutschland IV Olympische Winterspiele 1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen 6-16 Februar 1936 XI Olympische Spiele 1936 Berlin 1-16 August 1936.
Deutschland IV Olympische Winterspiele 1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen 6-16 Februar 1936 XI Olympische Spiele 1936 Berlin 1-16 August 1936.
Map of Berlin.
Map of Berlin.
Photographs of Berlin Reichssportfeld.
Photographs of Berlin Reichssportfeld.
Motz, William John : Canadian newspaper tour scrapbook.
Motz, William John : Canadian newspaper tour scrapbook.
Culinary and medicinal household recipe book.
Culinary and medicinal household recipe book.
The Petworth Project fonds.
The Petworth Project fonds.
Edgar William Pyke coin collection.
Edgar William Pyke coin collection.
Kenneth Rowntree Germany collection.
Kenneth Rowntree Germany collection.
Victoria Mary Sackville-West letter.
Victoria Mary Sackville-West letter.
W. front, Abbaye aux Hommes (St. Etienne), Caen.
W. front, Abbaye aux Hommes (St. Etienne), Caen.
St. Cross (near Winchester).
St. Cross (near Winchester).
St. Alban's Cath[edral]m Eng (from Verulamium Hill)
St. Alban's Cath[edral]m Eng (from Verulamium Hill)
Spire of St. Pierre, Caen (from Rue St. Pierre).
Spire of St. Pierre, Caen (from Rue St. Pierre).
St. Mary's Spire, Oxford.
St. Mary's Spire, Oxford.
Tom Tower Christ Church Colle[ege], Oxford, England.
Tom Tower Christ Church Colle[ege], Oxford, England.
Vieux St. Etienne.
Vieux St. Etienne.
Ruins Wolvesey Palace and Winchester College, Winchester.
Ruins Wolvesey Palace and Winchester College, Winchester.
Saxon balusters triforium north transept, St. Albans Cath[edral], England.
Saxon balusters triforium north transept, St. Albans Cath[edral], England.
Reredos, New Coll[ege] Chapel, Oxford.
Reredos, New Coll[ege] Chapel, Oxford.
Nave, St. Alban's Cath[edral], Eng.
Nave, St. Alban's Cath[edral], Eng.
Norman door, St. Albans Cath[edral], England.
Norman door, St. Albans Cath[edral], England.
Norman work, w. aisle of n. trans[ept], Winchester Cath[edral] and Cardinal Beaufort's Chantry, Winchester Cath[edral].
Norman work, w. aisle of n. trans[ept], Winchester Cath[edral] and Cardinal Beaufort's Chantry, Winchester Cath[edral].
Old timbered houses, Rue St. Pierre, Caen.
Old timbered houses, Rue St. Pierre, Caen.
North nave aisle and window in north transpet, St. Cross near Winchester.
North nave aisle and window in north transpet, St. Cross near Winchester.
On the Isis at Iffley (from towing path).
On the Isis at Iffley (from towing path).
N. choir aisle. St. Cross Hospital, near Winchester.
N. choir aisle. St. Cross Hospital, near Winchester.
Iffley mill & poplars.
Iffley mill & poplars.
Magdalen Coll[ege] Tower, Oxford (from other side of bank of Cherwell).
Magdalen Coll[ege] Tower, Oxford (from other side of bank of Cherwell).
Enlargement of south choir aisle Ely Cath[edral].
Enlargement of south choir aisle Ely Cath[edral].
East end, Winchester Cath[edral], England.
East end, Winchester Cath[edral], England.
Results 1 to 100 of 522