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Schantz Russell family fonds.
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Russell, Dorothy Etta : correspondence received.

Seventeen letters, primarily postcards, from Dorothy's family and friends. Includes letters from Franklin Abram Schantz, Florence Annie Catherine Schantz and Orpheus Moyer Schantz as well as friends congratulating her on completing teacher's school. Also included are one Valentine's card from Ruth Schantz and one empty envelope.

Schantz Russell Family

Freeport Academy : teachers and students.

A composite class photograph of the scholars attending the Freeport Academy taken around 1870. This photograph was originally housed in an oval frame featuring decorative fruits and leaves. The individuals in the photograph were identified by a list in the Isaac Bowman files.

Row 1, top: Charles Shupe, Levi B. Clemens, Titus Snyder, George A. Scott (Assistant), Levi Sherk, Jacob Hagey.

Row 2: Menno Bowman, Nelson Morley, Henry Woods, J.B. Weaver, Mina Gonder, Menno B. Clemens, Unidentified, Jos. Perrin.

Row 3: Ephraim Snyder, John Groh, Hespeler, Harriet Shupe, I.L.Bowman (Principal), Simon Bowman, Moses Weaver, Levi Roos.

Row 4: Charles Glick, Sylvester Godbold, Benjamin Sherk, A.O. Bowman, Aaron Sherk, Sarah Snyder, Philip Boehmer.

Row 5, bottom: Henry Sauer, John Sherk, Mary Snyder, Saruch Eby, Mary Weaver, Aaron Meyer, Menno B. Clemens.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold with unidentified adult.

Image of Harold Russell as an infant, wrapped in a blanket and wearing a hat, being held by an unidentified adult in [Victoria Park] along a shoreline. In the background trees, a foot bridge and a swan are visible.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold on a tricycle.

Image of Harold Russell seated on a tricycle smiling happily toward the camera. A clothes line, trees and a garden bed are visible in the background.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold and Dorothy White.

Image of Harold Russell sitting upright in a baby carriage as an infant with mother Dorothy looking on. The pair are seen outdoors on the sidewalk of a residential street.

Schantz Russell Family

White, Dorothy : family.

Four negatives of Harold Russell as an infant with mother Dorothy White, on a tricycle as a toddler, in [Victoria Park] being held by an unidentified adult, and in a carriage with another child as an unidentified adult looks on. Enclosure included in file.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries: 1867.

Diary entries begin with March 8, 1867, but this whole section is marked cancelled and is re-copied starting April 8, 1867. It begins with a record of Tobias' trip to Missouri to see his father, leaving his wife Mary Schantz (nee Moyer) with their 3-year old son Orpheus and new baby Etta, born the previous October. Tobias' father Benjamin with his second wife Margaret and children had gone to homestead near Wellville, west of St. Louis, in 1866. Tobias records his impressions of the countryside, the people, the prospects, the discouragement of all but his father with life in Missouri (March 17th). On July 2 he returns to Canada to where he is then living (near "Campden" --Grimsby within walking distance.) Throughout the diary Tobias records the weather and a daily health bulletin, letters sent and received, as well as his daily reading. He goes through periods of recording his meals. Tobias also lists all the work he does every day. He mentions setting the water for porridge, making the bed, polishing his son's shoes, carrying the baby to church, etc. On Nov. 9 he took a bath, on Nov. 25 he "did not sleep short of midnight. Was talking with Mary about my thought, troubles about religion ...". All parts of the diary have been filled with writing, dating as far as 1889 -- some accounts, recipes both household and medical (many give source), a record of the family tree -- births, marriages, deaths, transcribed songs, and an account probably written in Conestogo ca. 1875 of his spiritual trials and tribulations dating from 1862 and his efforts to achieve inner peace. This account is continued in the "other book," although it is not clear what book this referred to.

Schantz Russell Family

Luggage tag : Schantz tours.

A luggage tag from Schantz tours, owned by Orpheus Moyer Schantz. The address on the tag reads "Frank Schantz 43 Schneider Ave. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada."

Schantz Russell Family


An invitation to an autumn party at Morton Park, the home of Orpheus Moyer Schantz.

Schantz Russell Family


Clippings relating to, or written by, Orpheus Moyer Schantz. Includes articles written by Orpheus on flora and fauna, articles on Orpheus' poetry and lectures, a poem written by Orpheus, a biography an article on Cressman's Woods and an article on Orpheus' car.

Schantz Russell Family

Diaries : 1882-1887.

One diary of Etta White (nee Schantz). The diary is primarily lyrics to songs and poems, which have been indexed by Etta in the back. Also written are a list of New Years guests 1884, favourite quotations, the Morse code alphabet, a magic age table, and diary entries for her birthdays. Included in the file are newspaper clippings, writings, fabric swatches, and pressed flowers that were found in the diary.

Schantz Russell Family

Ephemera: baby shower gift tag.

A baby shower gift tag.

The message printed on the tag reads, This Gift for your shower Brings good wishes, too, For "showers of joy" For your Baby and You!

The tag is signed by Reta.

Schantz Russell Family

White, Dorothy : Beausoleil Island.

Seven negatives showing images of Beausoliel Island. Four are landscapes showing the windblown trees, one shows a sailboat, another two women stand next to a pleasure boat "The Wabanaki" and the final is a group portrait. Enclosure included in file.

Schantz Russell Family


Image of an unidentified man sailing on a body of water with a rocky, tree lined shoreline visible in background.

Schantz Russell Family

White, Dorothy : class.

Six group class photos of of students at Prueter Public School. In four of the images Dorothy White is the teacher, the other two show the rhythm band. Enclosure included in file.

Schantz Russell Family

Unidentified group skating at Victoria Park.

Image of three adults and two children posing for the camera while standing in skates on a frozen body of water. The adults are standing in the back row and the children are standing at front, one of whom is holding a hockey stick horizontally.

Schantz Russell Family

Gross, Don and Lyndon with snowman.

Image of Don and Lyndon Gross standing in front of in front of a snowman, seen in profile, on a residential street. Snowshoes and a toboggan are positioned at the base of the snowman.

Schantz Russell Family

[Gross children] pulling lawn mower.

Image of two children, possibly Don and Lydon Gross, holding hands and looking toward the camera as an adult wearing a hat and suit looks on from behind them with a lawnmower. The children have ropes around their torsos, held by the adult, and are positioned to pull the lawnmower like they are animals.

Schantz Russell Family

[Gross children] pulling lawn mower.

Image of two children, possibly Don and Lydon Gross, holding hands and smiling at the camera as an adult wearing a hat and suit looks on from behind them with a lawnmower. The children have ropes around their torsos, held by the adult, positioned to pull the lawnmower like they are animals.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold.

Image of Harold Russell looking toward the camera with mouth open and hands at side. Birch trees and a body of water are visible in the background.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold.

Image of Harold Russell smiling toward the camera while standing on a rock in a shallow pool of water. An unidentified adult wearing a hat and suit is watching from the side. Other unidentified adults are visible conversing and standing on rocks in the background.

Russell, Dorothy Etta

White, Dorothy : family.

Nine negatives of family snapshots. Images includes children building a snowman and playing in the snow with snowshoes, a family playing hockey, and children pulling a push lawn mower. Enclosure included in file.

Schantz Russell Family

Staff of Lang-Tracey.

Photograph of the staff of the Lang-Tracey retail store. Frank Schantz can be seen in the back row. Also includes an item of correspondence from Margaret Lang identifying members of the Lang family.

Denton, Ernest


One embroidered tablecloth made by Lizzie Flagler and given to Etta White upon her marriage to Ward White. Also includes an excerpt of an item of correspondence discussing the table cloth. Lizzie is the sister of Etta's bother's Orpheus' wife Carrie.

Schantz Russell Family

November poem.

One large illustrated poem about the month of November by Orpheus Moyer Schantz. The poem is in the centre of the board and is surrounded by illustrations of autumn leaves.

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer

Family tree.

Family tree of the Schantz family created by Orpheus Moyer Schantz. The members listed start with Orpheus and Carrie's children Ruth and Ward, and date back 10 generations to the en Batten and Mayke families.

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer

Master family.

Photocopy of a photograph of members of the Master family on the front porch of 50 Margaret Ave, Kitchener.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz Russell Family Library.

Included are 19th-century Canadian imprints, books on horticulture, early school textbooks, scarce local imprints, such as the 1886/89 County of Waterloo Gazetteer and Directory and the Assessment Roll of 1897 of the Town of Berlin, and a selection of Victorian literature. There are extensive runs of early 20th-century periodicals, such as The Youth's Companion, St. Nicholas, The Ladies' Home Journal, and the Canadian Forestry Journal. The Schantz/Russell Family library offers a unique insight into the reading habits and the interests and activities of a Canadian family in Berlin, Ontario during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Tobias Schantz (1842-1925) worked as an itinerant book salesman at the end of the 19th century, and more than 40 examples of books known as "salesman's dummies" are present in the collection. These books were made up by the publishers as samples for their salesmen to show to potential customers. Each one displays the most noteworthy features of the book offered for sale, including the table of contents, the illustrations, selections from the text, and examples of the variety of elaborate binding styles available. Blank pages at the end of each sample book were used by the itinerant salesman to record his orders and, in this collection, some of the dummies contain up to as many as 8 pages of hand-written lists of local subscribers to the books that Tobias marketed in his trips around the region.

Schantz Russell family fonds.

Material created or accumulated by members of the Schantz Russell family including correspondence, photographs, ephemera, maps, artifacts and more.

The records document the education, interests and activities of members of the Schantz Russell family. In particular, the correspondence files notably detail the lives of the Schantz women who were well-educated, and travelled. Their letters record details of domestic activities, local and national affairs. The photographs add to the known body of work of local photographers, most notably Denton, and include some images of important local events, such as the visit of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The many very early local maps and plans provide significant insight for area research.

The records, originally stored in the attic of the Schantz Russell family home at 43 Schneider Avenue in Kitchener, were kept in trunks, boxes and desks, some belonging to individuals, and some containing general family papers. The arrangement of the fonds has been determined largely by the way the material was stored.

Schantz Russell Family

Songs of frost and snow.

A small booklet titled "songs of frost and snow" courtesy of Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick Publishers. The booklet includes poems and illustrations and was intended to advertise subscriptions to Farm and Fireside and the Ladies Home Companion.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold riding a bike

Photograph of Harold Russell riding a bicycle down a street. While Harold and the bicycle are clear, the background and foreground are blurred. Houses and trees are visible in the background.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold

Photograph of Harold Russell standing beside a bicycle with his hands on the handlebar and looking slightly off from the camera. Trees and houses are seen in the background.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Dorothy and Harold.

Photograph of Dorothy Russell and her son, Harold, standing outside during the day, and holding hands. There is a street, trees, and houses in the background with some snow on the ground, and they are dressed for cool weather. Harold is smiling at the camera while Dorothy is smiling at Harold.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold

Photograph of Harold Russell posed with a football, smiling and gazing off camera. Fallen leaves line the sidewalk, and Harold is dressed in a striped sweater. The shadow of the photographer is seen in the foreground.

Schantz Russell Family

Snowball fight

Photograph of two unidentified children and Harold Russell, in front of the Victoria Park Pavilion in Kitchener. The ground is covered with snow, and subjects are seen in the midst of a snowball fight. Harold is seen bent over and gathering snow.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Dorothy

Photograph of Dorothy Russell posed with a scarecrow-like figure. The figure is seen in redface, adorned in a feathered headdress, a tobacco pipe, a striped poncho, and moccasins. The scarecrow is posed in a chair. Dorothy is smiling at the camera as she sits on the figureโ€™s lap. She appears to be in a parking lot and in the background two cars and lampposts are visible.

Schantz Russell Family

Unidentified lock

Photograph of what appears to be a lock with the gates closed and no visible water traffic. Unidentified figures are partially visible, standing to the left of the frame on the edge of the lock. On the opposite side of the lock, industrial buildings can be seen. The location of the photograph is unidentified.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold

Photograph of Harold Russell outside in the middle of a tree-lined street. It is a sunny day, and Harold is dressed for warm weather. Harold is smiling at the camera as he stands astride a bicycle, with one foot on a pedal.

Schantz Russell Family

Unidentified adult.

Blurry photograph of an unidentified adult seated in a rocking chair and reading a newspaper. The subjectโ€™s features are unclear. What is likely a wood-burning radiator can be seen in the forefront.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Dorothy and Harold

Photograph of Dorothy Russell and her son, Harold. They are posed standing next to each other outside on a bright, sunny day. They appear to be in the yard of what is likely the Russell family home. Trees and shrubs are seen behind them and in the right background a truck is partially visible.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold

Photograph of Harold Russel smiling at the camera while standing in front of a river. Bare trees and a bridge are seen in the background. Harold is standing on top of a cement embankment and is dressed in a suit and tie. He is holding a jacket draped over his arm.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Dorothy

Photograph of Dorothy Russell standing outside on a winter day. There is snow on the ground, and she is dressed for cold weather. Dorothy is smiling at the camera and holding a small suitcase or briefcase.

Schantz Russell Family

Russell, Harold and unidentified children

Photograph of two unidentified children, posed together with Harold Russell who is on the right. All three are looking at the camera. The ground is covered with snow, and they are dressed for cold weather. Two of the children are seen holding snowballs.

Schantz Russell Family

White, Dorothy : family.

Fourteen images of Dorothy Russell and family. Included are images of bicycle riding, dress-up, a snowball fight, and other leisure activities.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Ruth.

Upper body portrait of Ruth Schantz seen looking at camear. Ruth is wearing her eyeglasses and a large hat.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Ruth.

Three photographs that have been hole punched and tied together. The first shows Ruth Schantz sitting in a wheelbarrow with Carrie Flagler Schantz in front of the home at Morton Park. The second shows Ruth Schantz and Orpheus Moyer Schantz on the steps of the home at Morton Park. The third shows Ruth standing in a garden holding flowers.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Ruth.

Upper body studio portrait of Ruth Schantz, age three, seen dressed in a lace trimmed top and looking off camera. Originally a card photograph, the card has been nailed to the back of a mount. Ruth can be seen through a heart-shaped frame. Around her are hand drawn leaves (possibly by Carrie Flagler Schantz) and a ribbon.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Ruth.

Upper body studio portrait of Ruth Schantz, age three, seen dressed in a lace trimmed top and looking off camera.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Ruth.

Two identical three quarter studio portrait of Ruth Schantz. Ruth is shown leaning on a chair wearing a lace dress, a jacket and a flowered hat. Photograph was originally owned by Franklin Schantz. Identification from verso.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz photographs : album page.

One loose album page that has been removed from an unidentified photograph album. Recto shows three photographs: Christian Schantz in front of his home in Wetaskiwin, Alta; his dog Tye; and cats playing in front of a home. The verso shows two photographs: Myford, Hamilton and Walter Kitney in 1915; and Walter Charles and Ada Kitney.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz photographs : album page.

One loose album page that has been removed from an unidentified photograph album. Recto is missing both photographs, but has labels that read "Elk Lodge Alberta- Arthur-Florence" and "Elsie Snyder-Ralph Snyder". Verso shows two photographs. The first is an oval photograph of the Nash sisters (daughters of Abraham Nash and Agnes Housser or Frances Wismer). Left to right: Mary Nash Hoover, Susanna Nash Wismer (Susie), Sarah Elizabeth Nash Laschinger (Lizzie), Frances Deborah Nash Carter (Debbie) and Priscilla Nash. The second image is titled "The Jolly Sleigh Ride, Aug. 28. 1902, Jordan, Ont." showing Samuel Fry Jr., Sarah Grobb Fry, Anna Rosetta Fry, Annie Nash Fry and others in a sleigh hitched to a horse. There is a missing image on the verso with the title "Sophie."

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz photographs : album page.

One loose album page that has been removed from an unidentified photograph album. Recto shows three photographs: Annie Rosetta Fry with cousin Annie Fry Clark "in Grandmothers costume [sic]." standing along a white fence; Annie Rosetta Fry and Annie Fry Clark sitting on a porch in rocking chairs knitting; C. Abraham Fry and son Edward Wilson Fry standing in a yard. Verso shows three photographs of Annie Fry Clark, Annie Rosetta Fry, Samuel Fry, Sarah Grobb Fry, Abraham Fry, Martha Jane Pysher Fry.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz photographs : album page.

One loose album page that has been removed from an unidentified photograph album. On the recto is a photograph postcard that is labeled as Samuel Moyer and Emma Bliss Moyer in the Berkshire Hills. On the verso are three images showing A. Abraham Fry with niece Annie Clark, B. Abraham Fry with Annie Clark and her mother Elizabeth Fry Clark and C. Abraham Fry and three unidentified women.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz/Flagler family.

One photograph of the Schantz/Flagler family. From left to right: Samuel Adee Flagler, William B. Flagler, Nell Johnston Flagler, [Carrie Flagler Schantz?], Orpheus Moyer Schantz, Melvina Dorthula Flalger, unknown. The family is shown sitting outside on a lawn.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz cousins.

A group portrait of Joan Elizabeth Schantz and Constance Demaris Spelman. The cousins are standing in a garden holding hands. The photograph was taken by Orpheus Moyer Schantz and has been hand coloured.

Schantz Russell Family

Hunsperger, Benjamin : golden wedding anniversary.

Three identical group portraits of the attendees of the golden wedding anniversary of Benjamin Hunsperger and Esther Biehn Hunsperger. The Hunspergers were the parents of Ward Malott White's second wife Ella Amanda Hunsperger. They lived in Westcott Alta, near Didsbury.

Schantz Russell Family

Hunsperger, Benjamin : golden wedding anniversary.

One group portrait of some attendees of the golden wedding anniversary celebrations for Benjamin Hunsperger and Esther Biehn Hunsperger. The Hunspergers were the parents of Ward Malott White's second wife Ella Amanda Hunsperger. They lived in Westcott Alta, near Didsbury.

Schantz Russell Family

Hunsperger, Benjamin : golden wedding anniversary.

Three identical group portraits of the attendees of the golden wedding anniversary of Benjamin Hunsperger and Esther Biehn Hunsperger. The Hunspergers were the parents of Ward Malott White's second wife Ella Amanda Hunsperger. They lived in Westcott Alta, near Didsbury.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz family : 1913 family reunion.

Two identical outdoor group portraits taken at the 1913 Schantz family reunion. Over 880 people attended the reunion; this portrait shows only a few of them. Florence Schantz is seen, second row from the back, sixth from right and the person standing at centre, at the very back of the group, is likely Franklin Abram Schantz.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz family : 1913 family reunion.

Outdoor group portrait taken at the 1913 Schantz family reunion. All people present in the portrait are descendants of Benjamin Schantz. Over 880 people attended the reunion; this portrait shows only a few of them. Sophie Schantz is seen seated, second from left, and Orpheus Moyer Schantz is seen seated at far right.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus and Kitty Cole.

Full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz (at right) and Kitty Cole. The two are shown seated in front of a backdrop of a house window. Kitty is looking off camera and Orpheus is looking directly at it

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus and friend.

Full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz (at left) with left arm around the shoulders of an unidentified friend. The two are shown seated in front of a backdrop of a door to a house and are holding an upside sign that reads "two for 5ยข."

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer and friend.

One full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz with an unidentified friend. The two are shown in front of a backdrop of Roman columns. Orpheus is seated looking at a photograph while his friend stands looking over his shoulder.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer.

Full length studio portrait of Orpheus Moyer Schantz seen looking off camera with left arm resting on a [tree stump?] prop and left ankle crossed over the right.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Sophie and Etta.

Upper body studio portrait of Sophie Emma Schantz and Etta Lydia Mary White (nee Schantz) seen looking off camera. Etta is seated leaning back toward Sophie with top of head against Sophie's chin.

Schantz Russell Family

Moyer family.

Photographs of various members of the Moyer and Nash families. Included is an image of Jesse Gross Moyer with wife Anna Tomlins Moyer, nieces Metta and Bertha Moyer, son Herbert Moyer, daughter-in-law Anna Talcott Moyer, Grandchildren Harold and Marjorie Moyer and unidentified other child. As well, there are two images of Jesse and Levi together as well as individual images of Willifred Moyer Curtis and husband E. Mitchell Curtis. The images were taken in 1917, 1924 and 1932 in Cedar Falls, Iowa and Kansas City, Kansas. Identification from verso and recto.

Schantz Russell Family

Photograph Album #11 : loose photographs.

One photograph album. Includes a list describing each photograph created by rych mills.

Photograph 1: enlargement of Dorothy's face from an early portrait.

Photographs 2-3: snapshot and photograph taken by Orpheus Schantz at McGregor, Iowa.

Photograph 4: snapshot of Viola Snyder.

Photograph 5: snapshot of Frank and friends.

Schantz Russell Family

Photograph Album #6.

One photograph album. Includes a list describing each photograph created by rych mills.

Consists primarily of snapshots belonging to Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White), before and after her marriage to Clarke Russell. Includes one formal portrait of "The Nash sisters": Mary, Susie, Elizabeth, Debbie, Priscilla, ca. 1880's (p. 1).

Family members and friends included in posed and informal snapshots include Mary Moyer Schantz, Tobias Schantz, Austin Tobias Schantz, Ward Malott White, Franklin Abram Schantz, Orpheus Moyer Schantz, Dorothy Etta Russell, Clarke Russell, Sophie Emma Schantz, Florence Annie Catherine Schantz, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Russell, Eva Kolb, Worth Flagler Schantz, Emily Schantz, Verna Fraser, Helen Lockie, Inez Martin, Mrs. E.H. Schiedel, her son Elmer Schiedel and daughter-in-law Nellie, Mrs. Elizabeth George.

Also includes snapshots of groups of individuals (identified on the packs of tipped-in snapshots) taken during the 1930 Schantz family reunion: Detwiler, Schiedel, Snyder, Bingeman family members, Phranie Bingeman, Mr. Yocum, and during the Hilborn Reunion, July 1-9, [192-?].

Also includes snapshots of White family members and homes: Ward Malott White on his visit to Dundas, Leamington and Kitchener from Chilliwack, B.C., Ada, Edna, Ruth, May and Elmer White, Malcon, Mr. and Mrs Lye, Maple lake and Orrville [Parry Sound area], White house in Orrville, horses in lake at Orrville, people swimming.

Locations and structures include Kitchener Cenotaph (p. 9), "Dr. Hilliard's garden" (p. 13), log schoolhouse, Waterloo Park (p. 17), Pioneer Tower, (p. 30), Schantz House, Conestogo (p. 34), Euler House (p. 34) [both of these are of old structures in disrepair], Bridge across river at Conestogo and Grand River at Conestogo (p. 43), Grand River in flood (p. 65-66).

Snapshots taken after Dorothy and Clarke's marriage include: White family gravestones in Leamington, Ont., Clarke Russell in uniform on his motorcycle, Lake Erie [swimming], Tecumseh Park, Chatham, Dorothy playing the ukelele and the Hawaiian guitar.

Victoria Park snapshots: statue of Queen Victoria, winter views, Dorothy paddling a canoe, the new Victoria Park Pavilion, glue factory ruins[?], Dorothy and two friends with snowshoes and in britches, visit of Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and daughters Lady Blanch and Dorothy Cavendish at Victoria Park, June 13, 1918 [snapshot of platform, no dignitaries?] (p. 64).

F.W. Woolworth Co. picnic: includes Mr. Emil Wagner, manager, and family, employee group portrait, Gertie Kruse, Marjorie Blin[?]kho.

P. 81: Inez Martin.

P. 91 Sophie and Mrs. Lye knitting (on beach).

Schantz Russell Family

Photograph Album #5 : snapshots 1912 : Dorothy E. White from Aunt [Florence?].

One photograph album. Includes a list describing each photograph created by rych mills. Some of the photographs are duplicates of items in previous albums. Many photographs are unidentified. Identified photographs include:

Snapshots of Elora, Rockwood (May 24 and Aug., 1916), Victoria Park, the Schantz reunion in 1913, Arthur Benjamin Schantz's homestead in Alberta, Schantz home, Schneider Ave, Kitchener, Ont., Schantz family portraits and snapshots which include Arthur Benjamin Schantz, Austin Tobias Schantz and Herbert Cecil Palmer Schantz, Orpheus Moyer Schantz home and family in Morton Park, Illinois, Levi Moyer.

Port Elgin snapshots include people swimming, walking on the beach, and snapshots taken on the reserve of the courthouse, jail, church and school Masset, B.C. : totem pole, 1911 (p. 2).

Schantz, Austin Tobias: hogs, 1912 (p. 2).

Steckle farm: Dorothy Etta Russell and Worth Flagler Schantz with dog, 1910, (p. 8). Also "At Henry Steckle's farm", 1916: group shot of Edna Steckle, Florence Annie Catherine Schantz, Sophie Emma Schantz, Aunt Carrie (Cornelia Caroline Schantz). Includes a shot which shows the whole front of the house, with chairs and hammock on porch (p. 74).

Old "Jacob Bowman" farm, Freeport, Ont., 1911 (p. 9).

Gofton, Mrs. and Ella Gofton (p. 17).

Christian and Josiah Schantz (p. 19).

Kolb family: turkey, Oliver and Grace (p. 19).

Snyder, William : "drawing room at William Snyder's, Waterloo" [ornate interior] and Elsie Snyder in Park, Waterloo, Ont. (p. 27).

Grand River: women and children wading "behind Kolb farm", Aug. 1914 (p. 31).

Bowers cottage, Port Elgin (p. 53).

Victoria Park Pavilion fire, 1916 (p. 56-57).

Bridgeport Casino, 1916: Junior Endeavour picnic (p. 58-59).

Victoria school class picture, 1916: teacher, Mr. S. H. Suter (p. 69).

Camp at Carling Heights, London, 1916 [military] (p. 69).

Schantz Russell Family

Photograph Album #2.

One photograph album. Includes a list describing each photograph created by rych mills. Some photographs identified.

Albums contain snapshots of Dorothy Russell and classmates at the Toronto Normal School, friends and relatives in various locations, including Cleveland, Ohio, Chicago, Illinois, Grimsby, the reservoir (Toronto), Scarborough Bluffs, Sarnia, Niagara Falls, Rockwood, Woodstock, Parry Sound, Kettle Point, Ipperwash Beach, and Port Dover, Ontario. Includes many snapshots of Victoria Park, Schneider Ave. and David St. in Kitchener. Includes a snapshot of a car crashed through a bridge railing, of a river in flood, Swartzentruber Lake near Baden, King St. Kitchener from Frederick St. towards Walper Hotel, Merchants' Bank of Canada (Bank of Montreal) at King and Queen St. N., with streetcar and snapshots of a wedding party.

Schantz Russell Family

Photograph Album #1.

One photograph album. Includes a list describing each photograph created by rych mills. Some of the photographs are hand-tinted. Most photographs are not identified. Identified photographs include:

Denton: "Suddaby School, Kitchener, Ont., Oct. 19, 1923: instructors", group portrait, includes Dorothy R.; Suddaby School, Kitchener, 1923", untitled view of Victoria Public School.

Snapshots: Victoria park activities: scenic views, bridge, pavilion, duck pen, swimming, skating carnival with races and pairs, athletic field, Highgate, Lake Erie, "Rondeau 1924", lake and beach scenes including cattle on the beach, canoeing and scenery such as lakes, rocks and pines.

Group and single portraits of friends and relatives including: Orpheus Moyer Schantz, Franklin Abram Schantz, Florence Annie Catherine Schantz, Sophie Emma Schantz, Mary Schantz, Flemming Clarke Russell, Dorothy Etta Russell, and people swimming at beach.

Grand River: in flood at Bridgeport upstream from bridge, views from Cressman's Woods.

St. Mary's Hospital.

Schantz Russell Family

Photograph Album #10 : loose photographs from album #1.

Loose photos originally a part of Album #1 [GA91-2003accrual-5-157]. File includes a list describing each photograph created by rych mills.

Photographs 3, 5-9, 11-14, 19: Victoria Park.

Photograph 10, 18: Dorothy and Clarke Russell and Clarke's sister posing in bathing suits.

Photograph 12: Clarke Russell playing the guitar.

Photograph 10-16: Waves breaking.

Photograph 10-17: Laura Reichold and Dorothy Russell, Highgate, July 1924.

Photographs 20-21: Suddaby School Kindergarten class pictures, identified.

Photograph 22: C.F.C.O., Chatham Ont. : postcard.

Schantz Russell Family

Photograph Album #7 : Dorothy White from V.S. and P.S., April 26, 1917.

One photograph album. Includes a list describing each photograph created by rych mills.

Snapshots of family, friends and scenic views taken at Rockwood and Port Elgin, in 1916, 1918, British Columbia, Niagara Falls, Paradise lake, Cressman's Woods, "at Pomeroy's, Bridgeport." Individuals identified include Ruth Schantz and Walter Spelman, Margery Spelman, "Edmonton Cousins", 1917, Edna and Stella [?], Elsie N., Cleveland Ohio, Worth Flagler Schantz, Viola Snyder and Dorothy Schantz [with hair down], Levi Moyer, Eva and Lloyd Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy at the O.A.C., Guelph, 1918, Julia Arnew, Gladys Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schiedel, Lillian Snider, Annie Kuntz, Barbara Livingston.

Some photographs feature activities such as boiling soap and knitting, playing croquet.

United Brethren Conference at Kitchener in May 1917 (p. 2-5). Snapshots of this occasion are present in previous albums but are unidentified, except for the Alma St. Church sign.

Victoria park and David St./Schneider Ave: winter scenes including people on skis and snowshoes.

Schoolmates, teachers and school activities: Field day at K.C. I., 1917 : Miss Boyd, Miss Jones, Miss De Guerre, Miss Barber [all outdoors at field day], Eileen Clark, Alma Rieder, high jump.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Joan Elizabeth.

Full body studio portrait of Joan Elizabeth Schantz, aged four years and eleven months. Joan is seen in a dress with a bow in her hair, seated with legs bent at side.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz family.

Nine glass plate negatives showing a variety of images. Included are landscapes of a forest, a lake and a creek, possibly taken in Victoria Park, as well as an image of a rose, of a woman standing in a dress, and a postmortem image of a coffin with a deceased man in it.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer.

Nine dry glass plate negatives showing various images. Five of the plates show images of Arthur Schantz, Eli Brubacher and Herbert Schantz, Franklin Abram Schantz and Edgar Clemens that are recognizable from positives elsewhere in the fonds. They are possibly from when Arthur was working for Schneuker photography studio. The remaining images are of unidentified portraits. Images were originally housed in a box of "Stanley" brand dry plate negatives.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Orpheus Moyer.

Two dry glass plate negatives. One shows a marble bust of Sir John Alexander Macdonald, seen in partial profile, and the other shows a copy of the Ladies Home Journal. Both were originally housed in a box of "Stanley" brand dry plate negatives.

Schantz Russell Family

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