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Schneider family Kitchener
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Office staff.

Image of office staff, all men, seated the length of tables working, some with calculators.

Schneider family

Kitchener City Hall, King Street.

Two snapshots of downtown Kitchener taken at night in winter. One of King St. shows parked cars, all of which are 1920's or early 30's models, decorated for Christmas. The other is of old Kitchener City Hall decorated with Christmas lights

Schneider family

Ahrens, Aunt.

Head and torso studio portrait of an unidentified Ahrens family member seen looking off camera, seated next to a table, with left hand on top of closed book.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles August and family.

Photograph of Charles August Ahrens and family in front of their first home on Courtland Ave. in what was then Berlin, Ontario.

Left to right: Charles August Ahrens, his wife Emma, children Lottie and Fred, and Martin Nagel.

Schneider family

Schneider, J.M.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of J.M. Schneider seen looking off camera, dressed in collared shirt and tie.

Schneider family

Ahrens family home.

Photograph of the exterior of the Ahrens family home at the corner of Benton and Courtland Streets in what is now Kitchener, Ontario. There are several trees in the yard and family members are visible on the lawn and on the porch. Two adults and four children are included in frame. Two of the children are standing with bicycles, one is standing on the porch and another is standing with a buggy with a doll inside.

Schneider family

Ahrens family.

Studio portrait of the Ahrens sisters seen standing and seated in front of a decorative backdrop.

Back row, left to right: Carrie, Laura, Emma.

Middle row, left to right: Helena, Louise, Minnie.

Front row: Mary.

Schneider family

Schneider, Helena.

Two copies of a studio portrait of Helena Schneider seen looking off camera, wearing a high-collared shirt and [miniature crown?].

Schneider family

Baby Doeppler.

Studio portrait of an infant posed upright in a chair, dressed in a gown and lace cardigan. Possibly a cousin to Anna Elizabeth Metz Schneider.

Schneider family

Schneider, J.M. and Norman C.

Three copies of a studio portrait of J.M. Schneider with son Norman. Norman is seen with elbow on J.M's left shoulder with ringlets in his hair, wearing a plaid garment with a collar and bow.

Schneider family

Ahrens family home.

One photograph of the Ahrens family home at the corner of Benton St. and Courtland Ave. while under construction. Two unidentified people are standing next to the house with piles of wood and debris visible in the foreground.

Schneider family

Ahrens Shoe Co. staff.

One group portrait of Ahrens Shoe Co. staff taken outside at the factory on Queen St. S., Berlin, Ont. Includes 28 people, men and women, some holding shoes. There are also shoes displayed in front of the group. The three men in the centre of the front row are identified as Henry Ahrens, Mr. Bornhold, and Charles Ahrens. The boy on the end is identified as Fred Ahrens.

Schneider family

Schneider, J.M.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of J.M. Schneider seen in partial profile looking off camera.

Schneider family

Local history : texual records.

Series consists of material relating to the history of Kitchener, Ontario and the Region of Waterloo. Includes clippings, photographs, publications and special issues of newspapers. Some of these contain references to the Schneider family and company.

Schneider family

Berlin streetcar.

Photograph of a Berlin streetcar, open-sided, stopped on a street. Adults and children are seen standing next to car and a wooden sidewalk is visible in foreground.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Ahrens cousins.

Snapshot of Frederick H. Schneider with Ahrens cousins. The group is seen outdoors, seated in a row on top of a picnic table with what may be the Freeport Bridge visible in the background. Left to right: Agnes Law, Fred Schneider, Floss Ahrens, Carl Ahrens, Mabel Ahrens.

Schneider family

J.M. Schneider : first shop.

One photograph showing J.M. Schneider and Charles Schneider standing on the outside front steps of the "first shop". A free-standing sign is visible with "J.M. Schneider" painted on it; J.M. Schneider is leaning against a large lantern on a pole.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles August and Emma.

Photograph of Emma and Charles August Ahrens, both wearing hats and standing outdoors, in front of a leafy backdrop. Emma is looking at camera with a slight smile on her face and arms at back. Charles is standing to her left, looking off camera with right hand on a [walking stick?].

Schneider family

Gofton, Alfred.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of Alfred Gofton seen looking at the camera, dressed in a suit and tie.

Schneider family

Zeller, Walter.

Studio portrait of Walter Zeller seen looking off camera, dressed in suit and tie.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Lapsley, Ethel and Maud.

Studio portrait of Ethel and Maude Lapsley seen looking slightly off camera. Both are dressed in tartan dresses and Maude is holding a book.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Florence.

Head and torso studio portrait of Florence Ahrens seen standing next to a floral chair and looking at the camera.

Schneider family

Schneider, Emma Louise.

Studio portrait of Emma Louise Schneider seen looking at camera with bows in hair, standing with left hand on wooden arm chair.

Schneider family

Birth, marriage, will and cemetery papers.

Birth, Marriage, Will and Cemetery papers related to Alfred Gofton and family. They include:
1. Birth certificate for wife Charlotte Braun;
2. Marriage certificate for Alf Gofton and Charlotte Braun dated June 6, 1923;
3. Will of Elizabetha Schneider dated Jan. 10, 1905 naming John Metz and Albert B. Schneider as executors;
4. Receipts for perpetual care at Mount Hope Cemetery from the 1930s

Schneider family

Schneider, Herbert John.

Manuscript notes in unknown hand for memorial card for Herbert John Schneider. They read: typhoid fever / Herbert John Schneider / born Oct 20th 1886 / age 18 years 11 mos + 22 days / Funeral Friday afternoon / at 2 o'clock from the / home of his parents - on / Benton St. to Mount / Hope Cemetary.

Schneider family

Pope Hartford car : Schneider family vehicle.

Four photographs and one news story about the Schneider family's Pope Hartford car. One photograph shows Norman and Fred Schneider, Alf Gofton, Walter Zeller and Carl Ahrens in the car, with Norman Schneider's note : "Our first car, a fifth hand Pope-Hartford". One shot shows Freeport Bridge in background.

Schneider family

J.M. Schneider : shop addition.

One photograph of the J.M. Schneider addition built in 1909 with four adults in white aprons standing on the front porch and steps. From left to right: [Charles Alexander], [?], [?] and Norman.

Schneider family

Berlin Street Railway.

Negative taken by Norman C. Schneider of a rail car from the Berlin Street Railway full of passengers stopped along a tree-lined street with a crowd of people waiting to board. Adult in street looking toward camera with hand at waist possibly Charles Alexander Schneider.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Victoria Park.

Photograph of Victoria Park with view of the tree lined lake and the bust of Kaiser Wilhelm I.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Schneider, Frederick H.

Two copies of a studio portrait of Frederick H. Schneider with different mounts. Schneider is seen looking off camera, dressed in collared shirt and tie.

Schneider family

Filling the ice house.

One modern print of a photograph taken by Norman Schneider ca. 1910. The photograph shows the exterior of the "Ice House" with a horse-drawn ice wagon being loaded with ice by three unidentified people.

Schneider family

J.M. Schneider original plant at 63 Courtland Ave. E.

One modern print of a photograph taken by Norman Schneider in 1912. The photograph shows the exterior of the original Schneider plant on Courtland Ave. It includes 11 adults posed standing and two seated at various point along the front of the building. A child is visible at right looking on. John Metz Schneider is standing fourth from left, in partial profile, wearing a hat.

Schneider family

Unidentified young adult on empty plinth.

Photograph of an unidentified young adult standing on top of the empty Kaiser Wilhelm I plinth in Victoria Park imitating a statue with one arm outstretched and the other at placed on hip.

Schneider family

118th Battalion trooping the colours.

One postcard identified by Norman C. Schneider as the 118th Battalion in Victoria Park, Kitchener, Ont., 1916. Also in this image is a photographer with camera and tripod, preparing to take a picture. This postcard was sent to Floss Ahrens in Kansas City by E. Maude Garner and is stamped and postmarked Kitchener, Oct. 16, 1916.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Schneider, Norman C. snapshots.

128 snapshots, some with identifications. Contains Norman C. Schneider's photos of 1916 "118th Battalion" such as interior photos of barracks at Berlin (Kitchener), Ottawa, tents at Camp Borden; the Schneider family home "Buena Vista" with John Metz out front in two of the photos; picnics with friends, Gatineau River, plane crashes, A nice catch of fish.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Ahrens, Charles August and Emma.

Postcard photograph of Emma and Charles August Ahrens standing outdoors on September 21, 1917, their 35th wedding anniversary. Both are seen looking off camera in opposite directions and are dressed in wedding attire. Emma is holding a bouquet of flowers.

Schneider family

Local history.

Series consists of material relating to the history of Kitchener and the Region of Waterloo. Includes clippings, photographs, publications and special issues of newspapers. Some of these contain references to the Schneider family and company.

Schneider family

Schneider family : group at Freeport.

One informal group portrait of fifteen people, posed outdoors at Emmie Anthes' property at Freeport.

Standing (left to right): [Helena Schneider?]; unidentified woman; Walter V. Siegner, Irmengarde Hagen, Ethel Lapsley Schneider, Ohnerene Hagen, Brodie Koenig; Edith Ahrens MacDonald, Norman C. Schneider.

Seated (left to right): Emmie Anthes, Emma Schneider Siegner, Ella Daniels Schneider, Mabel Ahrens Picard, unidentified girl, unidentified man.

Schneider family

J.M. Schneider plant.

Ten snapshots of the exterior of the Schneider plant on Courtland Avenue in Kitchener, Ontario likely taken by Norman C. Schneider. These are part of a series, numbered on the verso: 1-5, 7-8, 11, 13-14. They include the views of Schneider sign, bicycle and vehicle parking areas, the doorway to the general offices, and a view of the plant taken from a distance.

Schneider family

Office staff.

Image of office staff, five men and one woman, seated at desks, turned toward camera.

J.M. Schneider, Inc.

Album #1.

p. 1-4. Niagara Falls, Buena Vista. Snapshots featuring Norman C. Schneider and Hyalie MacDondald, interspersed with shots of Niaga Falls and the cable car. Other shots of the two men, J. M Schneider and others are taken at Buena Vista, J.M. Schneider's home. Several feature Norman and Hyalie with pipes. Carl Ahrens(?) is also in several shots.
p. 5. Pope Hartford automobile.
p. 6. Schneider family snapshots ca. 1934: Howie sick in bed with nurse, Edith knitting, Keffer family visit, winter play.
p. 8-9. Schneider & Ahrens families at the beach, ca. 1927.
p. 10-11. Norman with a group of boys posed in front of car; Norman, Edith and friends, posed in front of a car; garden arch in winter.
p. 12 Family group on an outing, Norman and Edith with Siegners?), Shupes(?). All dressed in coats and hats, some fur collars, split rail fence.
p. 13-17. family snapshots at 76 Schneider Ave: house and garden exterior, Victoria park in winter, Herb, Howie and Brita, ca. 1934, family group with Emma Siegner.
p. 18. Schneider's(?) girl's baseball team. Women wearing "sailor" pants with two rows of buttons.
p. 19. J.M. Schneider in his office.
p. 19. Family snapshots at 176 Schneider Ave: "Europa Ping Pong, fireplace, Norman and Howie.
p. 20. "The twins, Leonard and Lorraine Pickard."
p. 21. Edith and Little Pal (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 22-23. Winter fun at Freeport, ca. 1934: family with skis, boys on toboggan, posed in front of car.
p. 23. Norman Schneider on the Duchess of Bedford, 1931.
p. 24-25. Family snapshots, 1934: children at Schneider Ave. and at Freeport.
p. 24. Schneiders Christmas boxes? Group of men in front of a store with boxes labelled "Merry Xmas".
p. 26. Herbert and Howie with false noses; Norman in deck chair with blanket and book on the Duchess of Bedford, 1931 (lacking 1 of 3).
p. 27. Norman in front of Cologne Cathedral, Nov., 1934; J.M. Schneider in his office, Dec. 22, 1934.
p. 28-29. Christmas 1934: Christmas tree, presents, Herb, Howie and Brita; Victoria Park 1934: hockey; Mary Jane Keffer, 1933; children on skis (at Freeport?), with unidentified man; J.M. Schneider and Helena with children, J.M. and sister Mary Alles (ther are negatives for these, 2 snaps of 14 lacking).p. 30-33. Keffer family visit (9 of 10 lacking). Includes one shot inside the Keffer home in Germany.
p. 34. Schneider plant, Dec. 1934: plant machinery, shipping Wiltshire sides.
p. 25. Skiing: Chicopee?
p. 36. Freeport cottage: swimming pool (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 37. All photos missing (3), one labelled Lexington Airport picture.
p. 38. Ethel at Freeport Cottage: "Poison ivy day, 1934"; Ethel and Brita, Victoria Park.
p. 39 family skiing at Chicopee, 1934.
p. 40. Family snapshots at 76 Schneider Ave: exterior at dusk; Children seated with Lapsley, Joachimi ladies.
p. 41-42. Schneider Plant: exterior; machinery; men working in office; man with truck "Sam Humphrey, 100,000 miles, 1936"; pigs, cows on ramp; steam shovel digging hole.
p. 44-45. Family snapshots: Schneider and Siegner group snapshots on outings, 1935, Herbert, Howie and Brita in new clothes?; children playing in winter: group shots including four girls in winter coats and leggings, two of boys and toboggan.
p. 46. Children fishing at Freeport, 1935; Norman in a train window, 1934 (lacking 1 of 6).
p. 47. Norman at the Keffer's home in Germany (lacking 1 of 4).
p. 48-54. Skiing at Chicopee: landscape, ski tracks, posed skiiers, skiier jumping with spectators (lacking 3 of 31).
p. 55. Schneider children: birthday party, boys collecting plants.
p. 56-57. Freeport Cottage: children fishing, playing baseball, family group with F.H. Schneider & Siegner families. Includes a shot of Mary Jane Keffer?
p. 58-59. Church of the New Jerusalem, interior and exterior (lacking 3 of 12).
p. 60: Norman, Ethel and Children: group shot at Freeport cottage; spring blooms, men at unidentified property (Sims at Chicopee?). Two of these are groups seen in a gazing ball.
p. 66. Ski Hill at Chicopee (lacking 2 of 3).
p. 62-64. Skiers: groups and individuals, both at Chicopee and elsewhere? Includes one summer shot of men digging ski slope (lacking 1 of 15).
p. 65. Ivan Keffer: winter portrait at Freeport?; Howie missing tooth.
p. 67. Construction photos: men working, shot taken high up (lacking 2 of 4).
p. 71. Horse drawing logs, trees in winter at Freeport?
p. 72-73: Norman Schneider on skis (lacking 2 of 4).
p. 74. Skiers in woods.
p. 75. Skiers in front of fireplace, including Norman Schneider (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 76. Dining room interior (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 77. Little Pal (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 78-80. Schneider stock farm: buildings, creek, boys fishing, collie dog, large tree.
p. 80-82. Spring at 76 Schneider Ave: house exterior, Victoria park entrance and pavilion, daffodils, Howie and Herb with bicycles, Brita with roller skates, group shots of children.
p. 83. Brock Monument and Queenston Heights, May 9, 1937, statue of soldiers labelled "Erie, Pa".
p. 84. Skiiers on grass.
p. 84-85. Keffer family.
p. 85. Norman Schneider with a group: "Europa, 1936".
p. 86-87. Schneider stock farm: family group, boys with pony, cows and large tree.
p. 87. Group of young women, 1936, possibly Schneider employees. They are all dressed for cool weather.
p. 87. Ceremony at Victoria School grounds: platform with speaker, scouts seated in foreground.
p. 88-93. Men's fishing trips (lacking 2 of 21).
p. 94-96. Rotary flag-raising at Chicopee.
p. 97. Norman, F.H. Schneider and Rotary: group portrait with large house in background (Sims home?).
p. 98. Rotary flag raising at Chicopee, 1935.
p. 98-100. Men's shenanigans: men playing outside in costume.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Album #3.

83 photographs. Photograph album, not entirely filled, with material inserted in the front.
p. 1. Kesselring's Woods.
p. 2. CKCR, May 13, 1955.
p. 3. Norman C. Schneider with Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, John Wintermeyer.
p. 4. Schneiders 1944 Girls Softball Team.
p. 5. Ladies of J.M. Schneider Ltd. staff, Aug. 31, 1944.
p. 6. Oskar Radke, Dutxh festival, Market Building, Nov. 23, 1948.
p. 8-19. Norman C. Schneider family snapshots and portraits.
p. 20. Norman and Ethel Schneider with Alberta, Edith, Walter Ahrens and an unidentified couple, Tulsa, Okla., ca. 1948.
p. 21. O.A.C. 1948: Herbert Schneider's graduating class. The photo is dated in pencil on the back as 1946.
p. 22-24. Church of the Good Shepherd, including small portrait of "Don" in uniform, dated England, Jan. 1945.
p. 25. 2 photographs of groups skiing : a) Frederick, Herbert, Howard, Babe Millar, Winston Muschette; b) Herbert, Frederick, Don Daub, Dr. Roy Hemmerich, Howard.
p. 26. Herbert and [?] in a boat in a field.
p. 27: Siegner family weddings : Katherine to Les Faichney, John to Mary Shafer.
p. 28. Rotary flag raising, Chicopee, May 24, 1939.
p. 29-31. Norman C. Schneider family snapshots. Includes cottaging at Honey Harbour, "Shorewood" interior, Freeport cottage and pool, and one snapshot labelled "Oct. 10, 1920", 4 young people with their heads in a wagon wheel, shed and old building in background.
p. 33. Norman C. Schneider's snapshots of a stormy ocean, taken from the bow of a ship (1938) and one postcard.
p. 36. Norman C. Schneider with wood carvings.
p. 38-41: Norman C. Schneider trip snapshots and postcards : Sweden, Poland, Moscow.
p. 43: Tuerk engines: one original, one modern snapshot of the "little Tuerk".
p. 44. certificate of appreciation from St. Mary's General Hospital Building Fund Campaign dated May 12, 1964.
p. 45. Snapshot of child in tub, labelled "The End".

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Office staff.

Image of office staff, all men, seated at desks in front of typewriters and turned toward camera.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Florence : family.

Envelope of snapshots labelled "Miss Ahrens". The photographs include: Mabel and Bill Pickard wedding (4 snapshots, Mabel and Bill Pickard, Norman Schneider, Florence Ahrens); Emma Ahrens and Walter Siegner wedding,1920 (2 snapshots); "Mac" Macdonald and Edith Ahrens wedding (1 snapshot); Ahrens cottage at Grand Bend called "Berlin" (1 snapshot); Church of the Good Shepherd interior (1 snapshot); grape farm near St. David's (2 snapshots); many unidentified friends (15 snapshots); Hebert J. Schneider (1 snapshot). The negatives are of an unidentified golfer and an unidentified family group.

Schneider family

Birthplace of Hon. Mackenzie King, Kitchener, Ont.

Postcard featuring photograph of Mackenzie King standing at the front of his childhood home. He is seen standing with right hand in suit pocket and left on the cope of a walking cane. Top of postcard reads: Birthplace of Hon. Mackenzie King, Kitchener, Ont.

Schneider family

Schneider, Frederick Paul and Jean May with family.

Twenty-five snapshots of Jean May and Frederick Paul, children of Fred H. and Ella Schneider, in a green leather tooled album. Many are duplicates of snapshots found in Jean May's baby book. Includes snapshots taken at Southampton, Ont. and at 194 Weber St., Kitchener, Ont. and snapshots of the children playing outdoors, at the beach. in the winter, with toys and riding bicycles. Includes a snapshot of F.H. Schneider in a bathing suit.

Schneider family

Gofton, Alf and Charlotte Braun.

Snapshots showing Alf Gofton and Charlotte Braun on their wedding day. Includes Ethel (Lapsley) Schneider as bridesmaid or matron of honour and Norman C. Schneider.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Schneider, Jean May baby book.

Commercially-produced baby book regarding Jean May Schneider, daughter of Fred H. and Ella Schneider, born March 18, 1923. Includes 51 snapshots of Jean May and other infants including: Gwenith Washburn, "Bobbie" Menzies, David and Ruth Halliwell, Charles Bowman White, Mary Caroline Shupe, Katherine and John [Siegner?], Betsy and Tommy Koelher, Elaine Woolner. Some snapshots were taken at Clifton Cottage, Southampton, Ont. One snapshots includes a view of the house at 25 Courtland Ave. W. in Kitchener, Ont. Others show children playing outdoors in the winter.

Schneider family

J.M. Schneider plant.

Publicity photographs (one exterior and seven interior) taken in 1925 by Brigden's Ltd. after completion of the plant:

  1. Exterior: the home of Schneider quality products;
  2. Section of the general office;
  3. Section of finished stock-room and slicing department;
  4. Section of our new sausage kitchens showing roasting ovens;
  5. Bacon slicing department;
  6. Roasting kitchens;
  7. Section of our shipping department.

Schneider family

Schneider, Norman C. and Ethel : wedding.

One group portrait of the Ethel and Norman C. Schneider and their families, identified by Norman, and one informal portrait of Ethel (Lapsley) Schneider taken outdoors, May 20, 1925, in her wedding dress. File also includes three snapshots, identified by Norman: "Ethel the Bride", "Bridesmaid Floss and Bride Ethel", "Marriage service in our church, corner King and Water St."

Left to right: Mother Schneider, Granda Joachimi, Norman, Ethel, Floss, J.M. Schneider, Mother Lapsley, Rev. Depuis[sic].

At rear: Mrs. Depuis.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Freeport cottage.

Snapshot of adults seated around a patio table with umbrella at Freeport cottage. Left to right: J.M. Schneider, three unidentified people, Helena Schneider, Ethel, Clara Lapsley.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Album #2.

77 photographs, mostly snapshots.
p. 1, 3, 5, 7. "Dutch Company" ski photographs, including one "artistic" shot.
p. 11. Artistic shot of birch trees.
p. 12. Schneider, Norman C. : home at 76 Schneider Ave., Kitchener, Ont. : exterior.
p. 13. Skyscraper.
p. 14. Mrs. Keffer and girl with basin of Boston Terrier puppies. (1 of 2 lacking).
p. 17. "Canada at Work" (1 of 2 lacking).
p. 19. London Bridge?
p. 25. Ski jumping with spectators at Chicopee (1 of 2 lacking).
p. 27 Schneider, Norman C. : family portrait, Oct. 1935.
p. 28. Schneider family portrait : Norman & Ethel, Fred H. and Ella, Walter Siegner and Emma, four unidentified couples, taken in a living room.
p. 34. Canada at Work, 1938.
p. 35. Skiing, Huntsville?
p. 36-38. Schneider family snapshots, J.M. and Helena.
p. 39-39, 41, 43. Snapshots taken in Europe? One shows a border crossing on a path, several of a group of men and a pony.
p. 43-44. Men's fishing trip snapshots (1 of 5 lacking).
p. 46-47. Christmas at 76 Schneider Ave. Includes children with Christmas tree, Herbert, Howie and Don Daub playing with trains in the basement.
p. 48-53. Ski photographs, locations unknown. Includes posed groups, 1938, and candid shots.
p. 55. Church of the Good Shepherd.
p. 56-58. Schneider Stock Farm (2 of 11 lacking). Includes shots of children riding a pony.
p. 59-61. Wedding of unidentified couple. Includes bride and groom in sleigh outside Buena Vista, J.M. Sschneider's home at 272 Queen St. North.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Freeport cottage.

Snapshots of Herbert, Howard and Brita with an unidentified person at Freeport cottage. Norman C. Schneider appears in one of the shots.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Freeport cottage.

Photographs of Herbert, Howard and unidentified boy in bathing suits, building in sand pile.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Little Pal.

Snapshots taken at the Schneider family's 76 Schneider Ave. home in Kitchener, Ontario featuring members of the family holding a Boston Terrier named "Little Pal".

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Buena Vista : Schneider home.

Snapshots of the Schneider home, called "Buena Vista," at 145 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Ontario. Includes one shot of the exterior of the home and one of the dining room.

Schneider family

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