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Interview with Aaron T. Francis.

A sound recording of an interview conducted by Dr. Anne Millar with Aaron Francis, PhD candidate, for the Oral History Hub pilot project. The interview includes discussions about Francis's family background, their decision to come to Waterloo and the path that brought them here, as well as their thoughts about the institution and where it will be at 100 years old, in 2057. Additional topics include Jamaica, Leeds, England, immigration, COM DEV, art, political science, and Francis's PhD studies. The interview was conducted virtually from Waterloo, Ontario. File also contains a transcript of the interview.

University of Waterloo Archives

Barrett Autograph Collection.

  • SCA89-GA59
  • Collection
  • 1716-1827, 1841

Collection contains prints of Canadian landscapes done by William Henry Bartlett in 1841 and portraits of prominent 17th and 18th century politicians from Europe and Canada. Also included are letters from English prime ministers dating around the 1700s. The collection is arranged in one series consisting of print engravings, a file of Bartlett prints, and a scrapbook containing letters.

Bartlett, W. H. (William Henry)

Dumont Press Graphix Limited fonds.

  • SCA448-GA524
  • Fonds
  • 1970-2017

Materials relating to the creation and operation of Dumont Press Graphix Limited.

Dumont Press Graphix Limited

John Walter fonds.

  • SCA43-GA23
  • Fonds
  • 1920, 1925, 1930-1937

Material documenting John Walter’s term as President of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (C.C.F.) Party’s Kitchener branch during 1930 to 1937. Included is correspondence concerning William Daum Euler, leaflets regarding an election campaign and anti-war messages, as well as various reference materials.

Walter, John

William Lyon Mackenzie King collection.

Collection consists of material relating to William Lyon Mackenzie King from the estates of his brother Dougall Macdougall “Max” King and of his nephew (Dougall’s son) Arthur Macdougall King. Its major component is correspondence from Mackenzie King to Arthur King and also to Arthur’s wife Kathleen, over a period of twenty-seven years from 1923 to 1950.The first letter is dated 1923, a scant three years after the death of Max King, when Arthur and his twin brother Lyon were 10 years old and the last in the series is dated July 5, 1950. The collection also contains documents and ephemera relating to King’s death, funeral and will, received by Arthur King as a participant in those events; also present are issues of major Ontario newspapers that covered Mackenzie King's death and funeral as events unfolded day-by-day. A small selection of photographs, some formal and some snapshots, are also present. A selection of books retained by the family, among them works written and presented by John King and Dougall Macdougall King, also works owned by Mackenzie King as a boy, present a tangible reminder of the intellectual legacy of the King family.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Emily Bax correspondence.

  • SCA36-WA20
  • Collection
  • 1938-1939

Two items of correspondence from Emily Bax to a Mrs. Milner Wood of Woodman's Point on the St. John's River, dated June 3, 1938 and May 16, 1939. Topics discussed include Emily Bax's book, the World's Fair, the King's speech, and her daily life and plans.

Martha Louise Black fonds.

  • SCA34-WA19
  • Fonds
  • 1923-1965

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Martha Louise Black relating to her personal life and social commitments. Includes correspondence, articles, clippings and photographs.

Black, Martha Louise

Emily Murphy fonds.

  • SCA24-WA13
  • Fonds
  • 1917-1989, predominant 1917-1933

Material by and about Emily Murphy, particularly relating to the "persons" case, her work as a police magistrate, material relating to a biography of her by Byrne Hope Sanders, as well as biographical material assembled after her death. Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, notebooks and petitions.

Murphy, Emily Ferguson

Dana Harris Porter fonds.

  • SCA231-GA228
  • Fonds
  • 1905-2001

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulate by Dana Porter during his personal and professional career, as well as materials collected posthumously and created and accumulated by his wife and children. Includes photographs, correspondence, research notes, essays and other writings, ephemera, scrapbooks and clippings.

Porter, Dana Harris

Dr. Stanley Francis Leavine fonds.

  • SCA143-GA116
  • Fonds
  • 1896-1958

Fond consists primarily of textual records relating to Leavine's political career as mayor of the City of Kitchener and as an M.P.P. (PC) for the constituency of Waterloo North, and his medical career as a doctor in Kitchener. Included are speeches, notes, news clippings, and scrapbooks related to his professional activities, as well as collected ephemera, photographs of Leavine and his family, and material related to his studies at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.

Leavine, Stanley Francis

Marion Conroy fonds.

  • SCA122-GA95
  • Fonds
  • 1941-1944

Consists of Marion Conroy's copies of material given to delegates at the National Conference of Regional Chairmen, Consumer Branch, Wartime Prices and Trade Board held in 1944, and includes the agenda and outline of issues for the Conference, as well as a separate report submitted by Kate Aitken, Supervisor of the Conservation Programme, on the establishment and progress across Canada of "Remake Centres." These centres were for teaching women to conserve new yard goods by making over existing garments.

The fonds also contains a scrapbook kept by Marion Conroy of clippings and ephemera dating from 1941-1944. As well as documenting Marion Conroy's activities, the scrapbook contains information on the organization and personalities involved in the Board and the Consumer Branch, such Donald Gordon and Byrne Hope Sanders. Also present are news accounts of the many rules and regulations applied to all aspects of the production and consumption of consumer goods, from fashion, food and drink, and housing, to the delivery and return of purchased goods.

Conroy, Marion

Jo Davis fonds.

  • SCA108-GA81
  • Fonds
  • 1959-1990

Fonds primarily focuses on Jo Davis' work as co-founder, vice-president, etc., of the Canadian women's group known as the "Voice of Women". Davis was actively involved from 1960 to 1963. The group still exists but Davis is no longer involved.

Included here are correspondence, memos, briefs, speeches and clippings which document the change in focus of the group from its early years--a change which ultimately resulted in Davis' resignation (January 22, 1963). Included on many folders or individual pieces of correspondence are Davis' notes, done in 1990, which reveal a unique perspective of early events.

The fonds also contains groups of papers documenting Davis' interests prior to her work with the Voice of Women (World Refugee Year), projects concomitant with VOW activities (Canadian Peace Research Institute and lnternational Cooperation Year) and projects subsequent to VOW activities (Harold King Farm and French Week). Small amounts of materials relate to Davis' current interests such as The Turnaround Decade Group.

Davis, Jo