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YWCA floor plans.

File consists of four architectural drawings by Rieder, Hymmen and Lobban Architects, showing floor plans for the basement, ground floor, second floor and third floor of proposed renovations at the YWCA building.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

YWCA floor plans.

File consists of four architectural drawings by Knechtel and Shmalz Architects, showing floor plans for the ground floor, second floor, third floor and basement of a proposed addition to the YWCA building.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

Western Division.

Consists of material relating to the Dare Foods Limited biscuit plant in Surrey, B.C. File contains invitations; programs; newspaper clippings; agenda; speeches from the plant opening 1962; three b&w photographs each 20.5 x 25.5 cm, 1961-1962; one promotional pamphlet for new plant 1962; and one plan by the Canadian Industrial Risks Insurers plan of Dare Foods Ltd., Surrey B.C. plant 1981.

Dare Foods Limited

Water works project specifications.

File consists of material relating to the construction of a water tower (on Edward Street, later Duke Street) and a concrete water reservoir and pumping station (at Shoemaker Avenue) for the Berlin water works; sewage disposal works and a trunk sewer extension for the Town of Waterloo; and water works for the Town of Hespler (later Cambridge).

Includes typed specifications and information for bidders (carbon copies), post cards from potential contractors, a proposal (including an architectural drawing), draft and blank contracts, and other documents.

Proposal for water tower from Chicago Bridge & Iron Works; but contract went to L. Mensch (Chicago).

Pequegnat, Marcel

Type 5 DC motor : technical drawings.

File consists of material relating to the development of the component parts for the type 5 series of DC motors. Includes technical drawings of the parts, one memorandum, and carbon copies of inspection reports. Titles of technical drawings, issued by Electrohome and Universal Electric Company (Owosso, MI), include: brush spring, spacer, bearing, shaft, wedge, washer, lead eyelet, mounting bracket, field coil, insulator cap, armature winding, armature assembly, field assembly, and communicator assembly. Duplication among drawings may exist.


Tire sales and service building design.

File consists of plans for a proposed Dominion Rubber Company tire sales and service building for small-medium markets. Includes a perspective drawing, elevations, and a floor plan. Plan was drawn by the general engineering department.

Dominion Rubber Company

The Forum.

File consists of plans drawn by J. Crebolder for the Forum model house, for the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

The Forum.

File consists of The Forum model house plans drawn by J. Crebolder for the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

The Forum.

File consists of plans drawn by J. Crebolder for the Forum model house, prepared for the Westmount Construction Co. File also includes a leaflet from Better Homes and Gardens describing the model.

Dixon, Ross

The Forum.

File consists of plans for the Forum model house by J. Crebolder for the Westmount Construction Co.

Dixon, Ross

Telephone receiver cover : diagram.

File consists of a diagram of a telephone receiver cover (part no. B-2694) reprinted on photographic paper, with the original date of 1942. Drawing includes note: "for approval of Dept. of National Defence for air R.C.A.F. ref. no. 10A/4286 type C4".


Spooner Machinery (Canada) Limited specifications and tender.

Contains correspondence between Ronald L. Panton of The Spooner Machinery Company Limited and Jack Russell and C.M. Dare regarding the purchase of a Sandvik Steel Band Oven with Terminal Length for biscuit manufacturing. File includes price listing, specifications, tender, and 5 sheets of technical drawings of the biscuit plant, biscuit oven, and zone control cubicle.

Dare Foods Limited

Special cupboard built-in and stair details.

File consists of material relating to designs for built-in cupboards and a fireplace as well as decorative railings, for various jobs. Includes sketches and architectural drawings and handwritten notes.

Dixon, Ross

Sketches and plans.

File consists of material relating to building houses and house plans. Includes architectural drawings, clippings from magazines and newspapers, and brochures.

Dixon, Ross

Scrapbook (file 2 of 2).

File consists of a scrapbook containing magazine clippings kept by Dixon as ideas for house plans and layouts, home decor, and home furnishing. Most clippings are related to kitchens and bathrooms. Scrapbook also includes brochures, sketches, and an architectural drawing (ornamental iron railing).

Dixon, Ross

Schneider Memorial Fountain at Rockway Gardens.

Material relating to the fountain erected as a memorial to J.M. and Helena Schneider by their children in 1964 at Rockway Gardens, Kitchener, Ont. Includes correspondence regarding Niagara Fountains, costs and maintenance, clippings, blueprints, and the original typescript dedication by given by Norman C. Schneider on September 27, 1964.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Sales and technical information : fans.

File consists of material relating to technical specifications and sales information for fans and their motors, and pricing for merchandise (including furniture and home entertainment products) manufactured for other stores. Includes product literature for fans; typed lists of prices, discounts, distributors, and agencies; memoranda and correspondence; four photographs of fans; and two blueprints of graphs relating to motor operations. Material is divided into the following tabs: Electrohome motor, Eaton's, Simpson's, Hudson's Bay, and Macleod's Limited (latter three tabs are empty).


Roseneath : plans.

File consists of architectural drawings for the resort proposed for the Roseneath property. Plans created by Strong and Associates Architects and Planners. Includes a site plan for the property and drawings of the various buildings (administration, staff, restaurant/athletic centre, housing units, etc.).

Muskoka Lakes Association


File consists of two architectural drawings showing revisions to original plans of the YWCA for the second floor, ground floor kitchen, basement, and third floor laundry. Plans are by architectural firm Barnett, Rieder and Hymmen.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

Research : map and parking facilities study plan.

File consists of a map of Kitchener-Waterloo depicting dates and types of aerial photography that had been mapped, and a study plan of parking facilities on Lancaster and Arnold streets in Kitchener. Both items prepared by the City of Kitchener, planning department.


Research : humidifier patent.

File consists of a patent (carbon copy) with specifications and a technical drawing for a humidifier, invented by Carl A. Pollock.


Research : Art Metal Inc.

File consists of material relating to a trip to Art Metal Inc. (office furniture manufacturer in Jamestown, NY) by John Koegler. Includes a memorandum and report about the trip and the company, three Art Metal Inc. sales manuals, ms. notes, photostat press clippings about the electrocoating paint application technique, and four technical drawings. The drawings were prepared by The Globe Tool and Engineering Co. (Dayton, OH), and are titled: "Electrical circuit", "Hydraulic assembly", "Gear counter assembly", and "Counter disengage".


Ratz, Elmer, estate : blueprints.

Blueprints illustrating property owned by various members of the Ratz family including John Ratz, George Ratz, Simon Ratz and Daniel Ratz.

Ratz Family

Radio wiring : diagrams and notes.

File consists of material relating to the design and production of radio receivers. Includes 35 blueprints of wiring diagrams, typed descriptions of the diagrams, and typed parts lists.


Radio Production Alliance.

File consists of material relating to the formation and operations of the Radio Production Alliance and the securing of contracts from the Department of National Defense for the production of radio equipment during World War II. Includes carbon copies of correspondence and memoranda, ms. notes, one technical drawing, and other documents. Correspondence is among the members of the Alliance, and with the Department of National Defense, Department of Munitions and Supply, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. File probably belonged to Carl A. Pollock.


Purchase of lots from Maple Heights Limited.

File consists of material relating mainly to the purchase by Westmount Enterprises Limited of lots from Maple Heights Limited. The lots are in the proposed subdivision Maple Hill Acres No. 3 in the City of Waterloo. Includes correspondence, memoranda, agreements of purchase and sale, amendments to agreements, offers to purchase, plans of the subdivision (some showing redivisions of lots), handwritten notes, lists of lots with costs and prices, a copy of a grant of easement, etc.

Dixon, Ross

Proposed St. Mary's Church rectory.

File consists of architectural plans for St.Mary's Church by W.H.E. Schmalz. Sheet one shows front and side elevations, a floor plan and a proposal painting. Sheet two shows ground floor plan, first floor plan, Duke St. elevation and Young St. elevation.

Schmalz, W.H.E.

Proposed municipal building for Kitchener, Ontario suggested by Mr. W. Harttung.

File consists of architectural drawings of the proposed municipal building for the city of Kitchener. Plans were drawn by Hall & Duerr, architects and industrial engineers. Sheet one shows a presentation drawing, section thru council chambers, section thru assembly room, ground floor plan, first floor plan, second floor plan. Sheet two shows a first floor plan (in situ) a second floor plan and a third floor plan. Sheet three shows King st elevation, rear elevation, longitudinal section, basement floor plan and perspective view.

Schmalz, W.H.E.

Proposed apartment complex.

File consists of a plan for a proposed apartment complex in Lindsay, Ontario, for Job 65-23 by Westmont Enterprises Limited. Drawn by G.W.H.

Dixon, Ross

Proposal for front entrance.

Architectural drawings for the building of 178 Claremont Avenue, drawn and stamped by architect Theophilus Hughes Wells. Includes two drawings with a proposal for the front entrance and detail.
File arrived in archives with handwritten note by donor that read: “Theo Hughes Wells, architect. Blueprints (stamped T. Hughes Wells). Note front entrance did not include portico, only recessed panel door w[ith] side windows & pan window over door (one cancelled cheque).”
Cancelled cheque mentioned in note is located in file 6.

Reive Family

Property and mortgage at 26 Amos Avenue, Waterloo.

File consists of material relating primarily to the property and mortages involved in Lot 15, Parts 3 and 4 of Plan 1436 in the City of Waterloo, addresses 26A and 26 B Amos Avenue. The lots were sold by Russ Howald Construction to Ross Dixon and Westmont Enterprises Limited, and in turn to Grand River Developments Ltd. Includes architectural drawings and plans, agreements and mortgage documents, mortgage statements, correspondence, inovoices, financial statements, handwritten notes, and other material.

Dixon, Ross

Plans for Dominion Rubber Company.

Plans for Dominion Rubber Company plots and tire stores. Includes the plot plan for Windsor (Ontario) from February 1962, and the preliminary sketch plan no. 1 ground floor plan of Dominion Tire Store for Vancouver (British Columbia) from May 1959.

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)


File consists of four plans. Includes two plans by N.J. Goebel entitled "City of Berlin," and two copies of a plan entitled "Canada Furniture Manufacturer's Limited, Berlin, Ont., Simpson Factory and Gaukel Street Properties."

Rieder and Anthes family

Plan #9353.

File consists of a set of reproduced house plans (most likely ordered by the Westmount Construction Co.). Basic desgin by Edward R. Tyler. Rudolph A. Matern, Architect (New York, NY).

Dixon, Ross


File consists of architectural plans for a proposed pavilion, drawn by W.H.E. Schmalz. Includes a front elevation, cross-section and floor plans for the main and upper floors. Plans have been annotated, possibly by a teacher.

Schmalz, W.H.E.

Operations and Environment Committee meeting : May 20, 1970.

File consists of material relating to a meeting of the Operations and Environment Committee on May 20, 1970 to discuss a proposal for a new facility and other business. Includes a meeting agenda, a memorandum, a proposal and other information for the meeting, and two folded lot plans.


Ontario gravel pit plans collection.

  • SCA333-GA378
  • Collection
  • 1972-2015

Collection consists of 82 plans of gravel pits in Ontario. The plans have been collected by Wayne Caston, and he was involved in consulting in many of the projects. The records in this finding aid consist of information taken from an Excel spreadsheet created by Caston with details on each of the plans. A printout of the spreadsheet is also present in the collection. Plans are listed in the order originally provided by the donor on the spreadsheet.

Caston, Wayne


File consists of house plans. Plans stamped as property of H.E. Ratz Lumber Co. Ltd.

Dixon, Ross

New building for Dare Foods Limited : Holt Kennedy Site : Surrey, British Columbia, February 1962.

Contains sheets 1, 9 and 10 of 17 of architectural and technical drawings relating to Dare Foods Limited building in Surrey, B.C. The drawings are by Dominion Construction Co. Ltd., engineers and contractors, Vancouver, B.C. All three are drawn by Sorensen. The architectural drawing is a plot plan for the plant. The technical drawings consist of septic tank, structural steel, and miscellaneous steel details.

Dare Foods Limited

Municipal building, Kitchener, Ontario.

File consists of architectural drawings of the proposed municipal building for the city of Kitchener. Plans are unsigned but are probably by W.H.E. Schmalz. Sheet one shows the ground floor plan, elevation of comfort station, comfort station floor plan, mezzanine floor plan. Sheet two shows the basement floor plan and the comfort station basement floor plan.

Schmalz, W.H.E.

Model homes : N.O. Hipel Ltd.

File consists of house plans by N.O Hipel Ltd. (Preston, Ontario). Includes plans for the Airewood, Belwood, Cliffwood, Dalewood, and Edwood model homes.

Dixon, Ross

Miscellaneous (file 2 of 2).

File consists of material relating to construction and the contacts of the Westmount Construction Co. Includes issues of the Canadian Building Digest and an issue of the Builder's Bulletin (National Reseach Council, Division of Building Research; and Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation respectively), handwritten notes relating to materials costs comparisons, a handwritten listing of subtrades and their contact information, a floor plan, and newspaper clippings.

Dixon, Ross

Miscellaneous (file 1 of 2).

File consists of miscellaneous material relating primarly to the activities of the Westount Construction Co., house plans, and housing developments. Includes brochures and magazine clippings, advertisements, plans and drawings, charts and forms, a letter, and other material.

Dixon, Ross

L.J. Mensch blueprints.

File consists of two architectural drawings by civil engineer and contractor L.J. Mensch (Chicago, IL) probably submitted as part of a tender. Drawings are entitled: "500,000 gallon tank in reinforced concrete for Berlin, Ontario, Canada" and "Reinforced concrete reservoir for Berlin, Ontario, Canada".

Pequegnat, Marcel

Lindsay mortgage offer.

File consists of material relating to the purchase of land and the development of an apartment complex in Lindsay, Ontario, by the Westmount Construction Co. Includes newspaper and magazine clippings, application forms for a loan, an offer to purchase land, a draft propsal for the incorpration of Kawartha Developments Limited, handwritten notes, outgoing correspondence, and a drawing of the proposed apartment complex.

Dixon, Ross

Lindsay cost analysis, plans, lot sketch.

File consists of material relating to the purchase of land and the development of an apartment complex in Lindsay, Ontario, by the Westmount Construction Co. Includes charts and notes regarding the costs of the project, a newsletter from the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation, four drawings of the eight-suite apartment building, and two sketches of kitchen cupboards.

Dixon, Ross

Large ranch style.

File consists of material collected by Dixon relating to house plans and building trends, and primarily to larger ranch-style house plans. Includes articles and advertisements clipped from magazines and newspapers (for house plans, housing developments, etc.; some with annotations), brochures, and architectural drawings (house plans).

Dixon, Ross

Lake Joseph Club settlement agreement.

File consists of a signed agreement between the Lake Joseph Club and the Muskoka Lakes Association regarding a condominium development by the Club. Also present are a master plan of the development and a plan of Phase 1 of the development as schedules to the agreement.

Muskoka Lakes Association

Kitchener Park layout.

  • SCA375-GA435
  • Collection
  • ca. 1920

One proposed plan for a home and 1/4 acre vegetable garden called Kitchener Park, designed by Landscape Architect John H. Melady.

Melady, John H.

Kitchener land acquisitions : 1921.

File consists of ten plans by S. Sharpe (city engineer) showing property in downtown Kitchener acquired by the City of Kitchener in 1921. File also includes a plan by Charles Knechtel (architect) showing the subdivision of the Consolidated Rubber Co. Ltd. in Kitchener, locating semi-detached houses.

Pequegnat, Marcel

Results 1 to 100 of 370