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99 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Football, Sr. Highschool Football, St. Jerome's vs Bluevale
Football, Sr. Highschool Football, St. Jerome's vs Bluevale
Football, University of Waterloo Practice
Football, University of Waterloo Practice
Football, University of Waterloo vs Western
Football, University of Waterloo vs Western
Football, WLU vs University of Waterloo
Football, WLU vs University of Waterloo
Gymnastic Championships
Gymnastic Championships
Hockey, Galt vs Czechs
Hockey, Galt vs Czechs
Hockey, Galt vs Marlboros
Hockey, Galt vs Marlboros
Hockey, Alan Potts and Mikek Nash Rangers
Hockey, Alan Potts and Mikek Nash Rangers
Hockey, Galt vs Owen Sound
Hockey, Galt vs Owen Sound
Hockey, Minor Hockey Week
Hockey, Minor Hockey Week
Hockey Ranger Practice
Hockey Ranger Practice
Hockey, Rangers vs London
Hockey, Rangers vs London
Hockey, Rangers vs London
Hockey, Rangers vs London
Hockey, Rangers vs Sault Ste. Marie
Hockey, Rangers vs Sault Ste. Marie
Hockey, Rangers vs Toronto
Hockey, Rangers vs Toronto
Hockey, Galt Terriers vs Orillia
Hockey, Galt Terriers vs Orillia
Hockey, Galt Terriers vs Orillia
Hockey, Galt Terriers vs Orillia
Judo Feature
Judo Feature
Kansas Bicyclists
Kansas Bicyclists
Klugman, Erwin at Woodbine
Klugman, Erwin at Woodbine
Lacrosse Action at Queensmount, Kitchener vs Elora
Lacrosse Action at Queensmount, Kitchener vs Elora
Mutual Life Lawnbowling Winners
Mutual Life Lawnbowling Winners
Plannert, Robert, Speedskating Coach
Plannert, Robert, Speedskating Coach
PUC Buses, King and Water Street
PUC Buses, King and Water Street
Racing, Elmira Raceway
Racing, Elmira Raceway
Ringette League, Trophy Winners
Ringette League, Trophy Winners
Schaefer, Pat, Lady Driver
Schaefer, Pat, Lady Driver
Skiing, Peter Schwirtlich, Ski School Director in Action, Tip Roll and Tip Stand
Skiing, Peter Schwirtlich, Ski School Director in Action, Tip Roll and Tip Stand
Soccer, Belles
Soccer, Belles
Soccer, Minor Hockey Trophy Winners
Soccer, Minor Hockey Trophy Winners
Soccer, Kitchener Minor Trophies
Soccer, Kitchener Minor Trophies
Softball CHYM Doug Neil
Softball CHYM Doug Neil
Softball Tournament
Softball Tournament
Softball, Wilson Park Jr. Girls
Softball, Wilson Park Jr. Girls
Softball, Women's, Hamilton vs Brantford
Softball, Women's, Hamilton vs Brantford
Sports Celebrity Dinner
Sports Celebrity Dinner
KW Sertoma Speed Skating Finals
KW Sertoma Speed Skating Finals
St. Clements Arena Ice Surface
St. Clements Arena Ice Surface
Swim Meet, Idlewood Recreation
Swim Meet, Idlewood Recreation
Swimmer, Dave Heinbuch
Swimmer, Dave Heinbuch
Taylor, Arthur, Marathon Runner
Taylor, Arthur, Marathon Runner
Track and Field CWOSSA
Track and Field CWOSSA
Track, Liz Damman
Track, Liz Damman
Track and Field, Waterloo County Public School Field Day
Track and Field, Waterloo County Public School Field Day
Tug of War Team, Wilson Park
Tug of War Team, Wilson Park
Volleyball, Sr. Championships, University of Waterloo
Volleyball, Sr. Championships, University of Waterloo
Volleyball, University of Waterloo Women's
Volleyball, University of Waterloo Women's
Water Skiing Feature
Water Skiing Feature
Westmount Golf Foursome, Jack Northry, Steven Pike, Kim Bauer, Ernie Hauser
Westmount Golf Foursome, Jack Northry, Steven Pike, Kim Bauer, Ernie Hauser
Wolfe, Doug, Runner
Wolfe, Doug, Runner
Wrestlers Going to Michigan
Wrestlers Going to Michigan
Wrestling, High School Championships
Wrestling, High School Championships
Accident, Bridgeport Interchange Crossway, X Way
Accident, Bridgeport Interchange Crossway, X Way
Accident, Car Overturns, Manitou and Fairway
Accident, Car Overturns, Manitou and Fairway
Accident, Conestoga Expressway Near Frederick
Accident, Conestoga Expressway Near Frederick
Accident, Fairway Road
Accident, Fairway Road
Accident, Highway 8, Cars Hit Horse
Accident, Highway 8, Cars Hit Horse
Accident, Overturned Transport On 401
Accident, Overturned Transport On 401
Accident, Plane Lands On Expressway
Accident, Plane Lands On Expressway
Accident, Tanker Truck Overturns, Oil Spill Weber and Ross Avenue
Accident, Tanker Truck Overturns, Oil Spill Weber and Ross Avenue
Accident, Tractor on Expressway
Accident, Tractor on Expressway
Accident, 319 Sandowne, Waterloo
Accident, 319 Sandowne, Waterloo
Adult Recreation Center Opening
Adult Recreation Center Opening
Barclay Bootery
Barclay Bootery
Birks Watches
Birks Watches
Central Meat Prize Winner
Central Meat Prize Winner
Eat and Putt
Eat and Putt
Eatons, Cooking Stuff
Eatons, Cooking Stuff
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fritsch Pharmacy
Furtney Real Estate
Furtney Real Estate
Goudies, Shoes
Goudies, Shoes
Henschell's Furniture
Henschell's Furniture
House At 29 Sixth Avenue, Conestoga Realty
House At 29 Sixth Avenue, Conestoga Realty
Jasons, Gerald Bosch
Jasons, Gerald Bosch
King Studio, Penny Cziklin
King Studio, Penny Cziklin
McPhail's Bike Shop
McPhail's Bike Shop
Merkley, Mr. and Mrs. Almond Anniversary
Merkley, Mr. and Mrs. Almond Anniversary
Norman Gowdy's Coats
Norman Gowdy's Coats
Ostranders Hummel 1974 Plate
Ostranders Hummel 1974 Plate
Ostranders Olympic Medal
Ostranders Olympic Medal
Max Rausch Advertisement
Max Rausch Advertisement
Record Classified, Staff Picnic
Record Classified, Staff Picnic
Reitzel Brothers
Reitzel Brothers
Reitzel Brothers, 8 Head and Shoulders
Reitzel Brothers, 8 Head and Shoulders
Royal Bank Presentation To Three People
Royal Bank Presentation To Three People
Sauder's Store
Sauder's Store
Simpson Sears, Sullivan Mosadabu
Simpson Sears, Sullivan Mosadabu
Sweet Adelines Rehearsal
Sweet Adelines Rehearsal
Swimming Pool Feature
Swimming Pool Feature
Teacher's Environmental Studies
Teacher's Environmental Studies
Theater, Mikado, Eastwood Collegiate Rehearsal
Theater, Mikado, Eastwood Collegiate Rehearsal
Think and Do Books Shipped
Think and Do Books Shipped
Thum, Oskar, Orthopedic Technician
Thum, Oskar, Orthopedic Technician
Trampoline Kids
Trampoline Kids
Trudeau visit Kitchener Election
Trudeau visit Kitchener Election
Trudeau visit to Woodstock
Trudeau visit to Woodstock
Uniroyal Strike Action
Uniroyal Strike Action
Uniroyal Strikers
Uniroyal Strikers
University of Guelph, Agriculture Week
University of Guelph, Agriculture Week
University of Waterloo Boiler Installation
University of Waterloo Boiler Installation
Results 1 to 100 of 217392