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Showing 5784 results

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North America
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972 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Buildings : photographs.
Buildings : photographs.
Slides taken from Ontario Alpha.
Slides taken from Ontario Alpha.
Slides taken from history of Alpha.
Slides taken from history of Alpha.
Montreal, France.
Montreal, France.
Newfoundland, Canada.
Newfoundland, Canada.
Bean, Walter and Hulene Montgomery : group portrait.
Bean, Walter and Hulene Montgomery : group portrait.
Camp Paradise Lake : snapshots.
Camp Paradise Lake : snapshots.
Change rooms : photograph.
Change rooms : photograph.
Cressman, Irvin.
Cressman, Irvin.
Delegates to the Conference of the YWCA of United States and Canada.
Delegates to the Conference of the YWCA of United States and Canada.
Fitness centre : photographs.
Fitness centre : photographs.
Joint Conference of Foreign Division, National Board American YWCA and Foreign Department National Council Canadian YWCA.
Joint Conference of Foreign Division, National Board American YWCA and Foreign Department National Council Canadian YWCA.
Junior School Girls.
Junior School Girls.
Kennedy, Dee : photograph.
Kennedy, Dee : photograph.
Time capsule opening : snapshots.
Time capsule opening : snapshots.
Weight room : photograph.
Weight room : photograph.
Winter hiking party : group portrait.
Winter hiking party : group portrait.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA Camp Tinawatawa.
YWCA slides.
YWCA slides.
Kitchen layout.
Kitchen layout.
Lincoln Road plan of survey.
Lincoln Road plan of survey.
Plan of Part of the Town of Berlin, Waterloo, C.W.
Plan of Part of the Town of Berlin, Waterloo, C.W.
Proposed alterations.
Proposed alterations.
Residence : Lincoln Road Housing Project : architectural drawings.
Residence : Lincoln Road Housing Project : architectural drawings.
Schedule "A."
Schedule "A."
Steps of the YWCA.
Steps of the YWCA.
Steps of the YWCA.
Steps of the YWCA.
Study of YWCA driveway.
Study of YWCA driveway.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA floor plans.
YWCA wall installation.
YWCA wall installation.
Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Friendship fonds.
Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Friendship fonds.
Map of Henry Wagner homestead.
Map of Henry Wagner homestead.
Bates, Catherine Wagner.
Bates, Catherine Wagner.
Bates, Catherine Wagner.
Bates, Catherine Wagner.
Bean, Alma.
Bean, Alma.
Hailer, Jacob.
Hailer, Jacob.
Wagner and Bean families.
Wagner and Bean families.
Wagner family.
Wagner family.
Wagner, Louis Henry and Catherine Wagner Bates.
Wagner, Louis Henry and Catherine Wagner Bates.
Wagner, Louis Henry and Louis Jacob Gordon Wagner.
Wagner, Louis Henry and Louis Jacob Gordon Wagner.
Wagner, Louis Henry with Louis Jacob Gordon Wagner and Margaret Hailer Wagner.
Wagner, Louis Henry with Louis Jacob Gordon Wagner and Margaret Hailer Wagner.
Wagner, Louis Henry with Louis Jacob Gordon Wagner and Sarah Moyer Wagner.
Wagner, Louis Henry with Louis Jacob Gordon Wagner and Sarah Moyer Wagner.
Wagner, Louis Henry with Louis Jacob Gordon Wagner, Ida Wagner and Sarah Moyer Wagner.
Wagner, Louis Henry with Louis Jacob Gordon Wagner, Ida Wagner and Sarah Moyer Wagner.
Wagner, Louis Henry.
Wagner, Louis Henry.
Wagner, Louis Henry.
Wagner, Louis Henry.
Wagner, Louis Henry.
Wagner, Louis Henry.
Wagner, Louis Henry.
Wagner, Louis Henry.
Wagner, Louis Jacob Gordon.
Wagner, Louis Jacob Gordon.
Wagner, Louis Jacob Gordon.
Wagner, Louis Jacob Gordon.
Wagner, Mary Staebler.
Wagner, Mary Staebler.
Motz, Rose Huck : press pass.
Motz, Rose Huck : press pass.
Motz, William John : funeral.
Motz, William John : funeral.
Motz, William John : house.
Motz, William John : house.
Motz, William John.
Motz, William John.
Motz, William John.
Motz, William John.
Motz, William John.
Motz, William John.
Clippings : local history.
Clippings : local history.
Clement, Edwin Perry and Janie Elizabeth Bowlby.
Clement, Edwin Perry and Janie Elizabeth Bowlby.
Clement, Edwin Perry and Janie Elizabeth Bowlby.
Clement, Edwin Perry and Janie Elizabeth Bowlby.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Perry.
Clement, Edwin Rev.
Clement, Edwin Rev.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family
Clement family
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement family.
Clement child.
Clement child.
Clement children.
Clement children.
Tall ships.
Tall ships.
Clement, Florence Grace and Blanche Mildred Clement Kelly.
Clement, Florence Grace and Blanche Mildred Clement Kelly.
Clement, Florence Grace and Esther Williams.
Clement, Florence Grace and Esther Williams.
Clement, Florence Grace and family.
Clement, Florence Grace and family.
Clement, Florence Grace and Blanche Mildred Clement Kelly.
Clement, Florence Grace and Blanche Mildred Clement Kelly.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace and Geneva Jackson.
Clement, Florence Grace and Geneva Jackson.
Clement, Florence Grace and Gordon Hamblin.
Clement, Florence Grace and Gordon Hamblin.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Florence Grace.
Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and cousins.
Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and cousins.
Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and dog.
Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and dog.
Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and Eddie Stinson.
Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and Eddie Stinson.
Results 1 to 100 of 5784