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Royal Society inaugural address.

Materials related to the Inaugural Address at the Royal Society of Canada delivered by James Walker. Includes script for the address and related correspondence. Also contains notes from a Burnley “Rocky” Jones appreciation Night in 2004.

Walker, James

US National Archives.

Script of James Walker's talk at the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States, on January 22, 2009, and titled “The Black Loyalists and their flight to freedom.”
Also contains materials related to the workshop “Revisiting Human Rights in Canadian History,” including related correspondence and the programme for the workshop.

Walker, James

Human Rights in historical perspective.

Materials related to the course History 607/608 “Human Rights in Historical Perspective” taught by James Walker at the University of Waterloo. Includes syllabi, notes for classes, printout of article “The politics of memory” from Factiva, printout of “Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” Schedule B, correspondence sent by James Walker to his students about class, and directions for assignments.

Walker, James

Correspondence business.

Correspondence sent and received by Robert Shipley between 1996 and 1997 and in 2020. Includes business correspondence related to the University of Waterloo, job applications, and submissions of his poems. Also contains personal correspondence, letters thanking him for donations and for participating in events, and recommendation letters.

Shipley, Robert

Conference papers & invited addresses.

Materials related to events where James Walker participated with papers and addresses. Events and materials included are:

  • Remarks delivered during Black History Month (February 24, 2016) at the Black Students Association (BASE), includes related newspaper clipping,
  • Speeches for the events "Larry Hill" at CIGI (October 7, 2015) and "Larry Hill Colloquium" (June 15, 2011),
  • Speech at the Association for Jewish Studies, Winnipeg, 2004,
  • Mark Zanna eulogy, 2020,
  • Keynote address titled “(Coloured) in context: the No. 2 and the White man’s war” at the Acadia Conference (October 2016), includes correspondence with a schedule of the event and a poster of a film screening
  • Remarks and workshop “Decoding the rights revolution: lessons from the Canadian experience” at McMaster University (March 2012),
  • Talk about The book of Negroes at Kitchener Public Library talk with Lawrence Hill (2009), includes correspondence nominating Lawrence Hill for an honorary degree from the University of Waterloo,
  • Presentation of Alan Borovoy for the Hon. LL.D. Convocation (2007),
  • Lecture “From Black loyalists to Black Panthers: a circular history” at Journey back to Birchtown 1st Anniversary Lecture series, Birchtown (May 2016), includes program and materials related to Burnley “Rocky” Jones Revolutionary. An autobiography by Burnley “Rocky” Jones and James Walker,
  • Talk “The Black loyalists and the Krio Diaspora: community, culture and politics” at Krio Descendants Union International Conference (2016),
  • Talk “The Black Loyalists in fiction and history” at PIER 21 (2016),
  • "Toast to 6T3!" at Trinity College 6T3 50th Anniversary, includes programme and correspondence.
  • U.E.L Association. Oakland, Ontario (2010),
  • Talk “Toward equal dignity: Canadian Jewry and the Hate Law of 1970” at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Canadian Studies event (2004),
  • Introduction to Alex Neve BSIA CIGI (2016),
  • Michael Craton's funeral eulogy,
  • Talk “Navigating the Black Atlantic: the trail of the Black Loyalists” at UNESCO conference “African diaspora” Halifax (2011),
  • “Toward a new definition of Canadian citizenship: the movement to criminalize hate propaganda” part of the panel “Citizen activism within the Human Rights movement, 1963-1971” with James Waler, Stephanie Bangarth, and Jennifer Tunnicliffe in the UQAM Conference, Montreal,
  • Memorial for Howard McCurdy written by James Walker and delivered by George Elliott Clarke, Ottawa (2018), includes correspondence,
  • History workshop Campinas Brazil (2007),
  • Talk “Campaign for racial equity: the national unity association, 1948-1956” at the John Brown festival, organized by the Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society (May 6-7, 2011), includes poster and program,
  • Remarks for the play “My place is right here” Elmira (2019),
  • Talk “Canada’s Black Battalion in a White man’s war” at St George’s Church: a lecture series to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the End of World War I, New Hamburg (2018), includes program,
  • Address “Behind The Book of Negroes and Twenty Feet from Revolution” to SSHRC National Staff, Ottawa (January 7, 2015), includes correspondence,
  • Remarks delivered to North Buxton Labour Day Reunion (2003),
  • Remarks to Black Loyalist Heritage Society, Halifax (2003),
  • Third Age lecture #1 “Flight to Freedom: Black migration to Canada from the American Revolution to the Civil War”, Waterloo (October 24, 2013),
  • Remarks “High Burnett and the National Unity Association” at the Unveiling ceremony plaque for Hugh Burnett & the N.U.A. Dresden, Ontario (2010),
  • Convocation Address “Human Rights – and us” (October 24, 2015), includes invitation and program.

Walker, James

Poems by Don Domanski.

Materials created by Don Domanski, sent to and accumulated by Julia McCarthy. Includes correspondence received by McCarthy from Domanski with his poems.
Poems are titled “Beside the river,” “Words of surrender,” “Overshadows,” “A great space,” “The god in the crevice,” “Maker of dust,” “Spirits among weddings,” “Meditation,” “The star saliph,” “The star Betelgeuse," "Natal," "Supplications in a room," "Maker of dust," "Pearls," "Pathogens," "Meditation," "A clench of deity," "Walking through a field," "Three ribbons," "The daemon of walking," "The silence of remembered time," "A woman watching," "Thresholds gather round them," "Leviathan," "Dark medicines," "Speaking in the outer world," "The evening dress," "Under a star equal to locality," "All our wonder unavenged," "Untitled with invisible ink," "Anecdote," "A hummingbird's heart beats 1260 times a minute," "Leaning on silk," "Otherness of the little songs," "Ars poetica," "Twelve white chapters," "Aeon," "While clouds break twigs beside the river," "Dark graffiti," "Parish of the physic moon," "The leaf opera," "Cloudbursts in a lower world," "The planet asleep on your heart," "At the height of names," "The scarab," "Osprey and salmon," "Twelve corners of the earth," "Genius loci," and "In the field of orison."
Also contains a flyer for The Gallery Reading Series with Don Domanski (Saint Mary's University - Department of English, February 18, 2000).

Reference letters.

Correspondence related to reference letters and recommendations by John English to different professionals.

English, John

Angela Burke.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Angela Burke. Includes photocopies of photographs of Burke’s professional life, articles by and about Burke, drafts and endnotes of Burke’s chapter in Newsgirls, database searches, handwritten notes taken by MacKinnon, and correspondence between Burke and MacKinnon (including Burke’s curriculum vitae).

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Kay Kritzwiser.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Kay Kritzwiser. Includes photographs of Kritzwiser’s personal life, newspaper articles by and about Kritzwiser, correspondence between Kritzwiser and MacKinnon, handwritten notes and other documentation accumulated by MacKinnon (such as correspondence with artists profiled by Kritzwiser and correspondence received by Kritzwiser about the awarding of the Commemorative Medal). Also includes drafts of Kritzwiser's chapter and end notes in Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Dorothy Howarth.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Dorothy Howarth. Includes articles by and about Howarth, correspondence between Howarth and MacKinnon, handwritten notes and other documentation accumulated by MacKinnon, database searches. Also contains drafts of Howarth's chapter in Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Arctic research.

Correspondence received from Adele Buckley through the list-serv arctic-nuclear-weapon-free. Includes articles by:

  • “The Northwest passage in competition? No such Thing” by Franklyn Griffiths,
  • “Trapped microbes might release potent emissions” by Rosanne Skirble ,
  • “Denmark supports China’s application for observer status on the Arctic Council” by Lucas Jackson,
  • “Norway’s Honorary Consul to Arkhangelsk” by Andrey Shalyov,
  • “Exploring Arctic with Denmark” by Korea Herald,
  • “The Copenhagen Post” by Mads Flarup Christensen,
  • “Harper stands firm on sovereignty as China eyes Arctic resources” by Gloria Galloway,
  • “Canadian icebreaker joins the polar parade” by Paul Koring.
    Also contains correspondence received by the director of the Arctic Centre.

English, John

Personal correspondence.

Correspondence received by Robert Shipley in 2019 related to Shipley's donations and contributions and to a project proposal.

Shipley, Robert

Correspondence personal.

Correspondence received by Robert Shipley in 1988 and between 2005 and 2018. Includes general business correspondence, forms and applications for visiting correctional facilities, correspondence related to his retirement and to donations he made, and related to the reception of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Also contains personal correspondence, letters congratulating him for books and thanking him for participating in events, and photocopies of related newspaper clippings.

Shipley, Robert


Professional and personal correspondence sent and received by James Walker to and from different people and organizations. Includes correspondence related to his research, to the University of Waterloo, events he attended and in which he participated, and correspondence from colleagues, friends, and students.

Walker, James

Personal correspondence.

Personal correspondence received and sent by Julia McCarthy. Includes correspondence received and sent to personal acquaintances some with poems by McCarthy and correspondence received by McCarthy congratulating her for her publications and/or readings.
Poems included are titled "The weight of who you are," "The poem is an animal," and "Noctuary."
Also contains a map of Shubenacadie Wildlife park with annotations by McCarthy.

McCarthy, Julia


Materials related to Musagetes organization. Includes the agenda for a retreat, participants, and program (August 2017); agenda for the board of directors meeting (May 1, 2018); a program analysis; and related correspondence.

English, John


Professional and personal correspondence sent and received by James Walker to and from different people and organizations. Includes correspondence related to his research, to the University of Waterloo, events he attended and in which he participated, and correspondence from colleagues, friends, and students.
Also contains a Report from the Senate Committee to Review the Heritage Resources Centre, and an abstract for “Organized labour and the struggle for human rights in Canada.”

Walker, James

Canada: the story of US.

Materials related to John English participation in "Canada : the story of US." Includes fine cut, script, flyer for the program, episodes summaries, related correspondence, and schedules for dictation and scripts for the first episode.

English, John

RBC Taylor prize.

Materials related to the “RBC Taylor Prize. Recognizing Excellence. Awards ceremony & luncheon. A celebration of 16 awardings.” Includes speeches, travel information, program for the event, related correspondence, guidelines for the jury, flight information for English, and notes on books.

English, John


Correspondence sent and received by James Downey related to different areas of Downey's professional life. Includes letters of appreciation, tributes, newspaper clippings, and ephemera related to awards received and work performed by Downey in different roles and associations.
Also contains drafts of speeches and addresses related to Downey's work or roles, such as "Remarks by the Chancellor" during the official launch of Lord Beaverbrook and the Kennedys by James Downey (May 15, 2012) or "Commencement Address the University of Waterloo" by Trina McQueen, president, Discovery Channel (June 18, 1999).

Downey, James

Board meeting Toronto.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes printout of document "The Carold Institute approaches 30," materials related to the project "Flourishing leadership: a vision and plan for collaboration between CKX, CFC and the Carold Institute," draft agenda of the Meeting of the Board of Directors (February 24-26, 2017), document "'What time is it? A dialogue among Carold fellows" (August 2016), statement of income and expenses for October-December 2016, minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors (January 30, 2017), and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Hard drive.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes digital files related to the Alan Thomas Fellowship, Board meetings, administrative records, correspondence, materials related to events, and photographs.

Carold Institute

Marilyn Dunlop.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Marilyn Dunlop. Includes original and photocopied articles by and about Dunlop, correspondence between Dunlop and MacKinnon, handwritten notes and other documentation accumulated by MacKinnon, database searches, photocopies of photographs of Dunlop’s professional career, and drafts of Dunlop's chapter in Newsgirls.
Also contains two articles by Joan Hollobon.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

June Callwood.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about June Callwood. Includes articles about Callwood, database searches, drafts of Callwood’s chapter in Newsgirls, correspondence about Callwood, and photocopies of photographs of Callwood’s personal and professional life. Also contains short general notes for Newsgirls and articles about Trent Frayne (Callwood’s husband and sports journalist at the Globe and Mail).

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Correspondence business.

Correspondence sent and received by Robert Shipley between 1998 and 2016. Includes business correspondence related to the University of Waterloo and the Ontario Conservation Review Board. Also contains personal correspondence, correspondence related to his books and publications, invitations to events and committees, job applications, submissions of his work, and applications to boards, and thanking him for participating in events.

Shipley, Robert

Betty Forbes's scrapbook.

A scrapbook containing press clippings, cards, postcards, telegrams, tickets, programs, report cards, certificates, a diploma, invitations, correspondence including notes of congratulations to Betty Forbes on her engagement to Bill Land, the birth certificates of Millicent Lyall Forbes and Betty Forbes, and other textual material. Also includes three watercolour paintings by Willie Winklemann and photographs of the Forbes family featuring Peg Forbes and Joe Wilson's wedding and other family events.

Forbes, Betty

Governor general's literary award for poetry.

Materials related to the Governor General's Literary Awards. Includes certificate issued to Julia McCarthy for being selected as a finalist for the 2017 Governor General's Literary Award for Poetry and related correspondence and newspaper clipping.

McCarthy, Julia

J. M. Abraham Atlantic poetry award.

Materials related to the J. M. Abraham Atlantic Poetry Award. Includes announcement card for the winner of the J. M. Abraham Atlantic poetry award for the year 2017, which was awarded to Julia McCarthy, and congratulating correspondence.

McCarthy, Julia

Newsgirls draft and correspondence.

Draft of Newsgirls by Donna Jean MacKinnon and Catherine Smyth. Draft includes chapters on Dorothy Howarth, Jeannine Locke, Olive Dickason, June Callwood, Simma Holt, Elizabeth Dingman, Ruth Hammond, Kay Rex, Doris Anderson, Marjorie Earl, Angela Burke, Marilyn Dunlop, Dusty Vineberg, Enid Nemy, Joan Sutton Straus, Yvonne Crittenden, Michele Landsberg, Heather Robertson, and Catherine Ford. Also contains correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Luke Gagliardi (York University) about the edition of Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

QAAL/Carold partnership.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes correspondence, ephemera, nominations for awards, and program for the Carold Institute partnership with the Quebec Association for Lifelong Learning (QAAL). Also contains a published copy of QAAL Newsletter (Vol. 22, No. 2).

Carold Institute

Legacy assets.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes Carold Institute Legacy Assets prepared for the Carold-Community Foundations of Canada Partnership.

Carold Institute

Win Hewetson award in community and world service (University of Waterloo).

Materials related to the Winifred Hewetson Awards in Community and World Service (established by the Carold Institute to assist undergraduate students of the Faculty of Arts or Environment at the University of Waterloo who participate in a work term or field placement with not-for-profit organizations providing social services locally, nationally or abroad with little or no remuneration). Includes cheques and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Photographic rights.

Test prints, corrections, and invoices related to the creation and launch of Newsgirls. Test prints are for the cover and first pages of Newsgirls. Correspondence is between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Luke Gagliardi (York University), Mike O’Connor (York University), and Jane Tilley regarding corrections to the text, edition, and book launch. Also contains photographic reproductions requests, correspondence, and invoices from the Toronto Public Library, the Toronto Star, and GetStock.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Correspondence and photographs.

Photographs and photocopies of photographs of Marilyn Dunlop, Dorothy Howarth, Kay Kritzwiser, Olive Dickason, Stasia Evasuk, Marjorie Earl, and June Callwood. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Luke Gagliardi (York University) regarding the photographs to be included in Newsgirls, and annotations by MacKinnon about photographs missing.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Book proposals.

Book proposals and correspondence to editors and editorial houses regarding the publication of the book Newsgirls. Includes correspondence with editorial agents and agencies, as well as subject lists, introductions, and prefaces to Newsgirls with handwritten notes and corrections. Also contains contact information for editorial houses, unsigned permission to reproduce contract between Donna Jean MacKinnon and York University, and correspondence regarding promotion of the book. Lastly, includes the abstract of the book Women who give away millions : portraits of Canadian philanthropists by Iris Nowell (1996).

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

York U., Newsgirls fact checking, etc.

Correspondence regarding corrections and fact-checking during the edition of Newsgirls. Includes correspondence with Luke Gagliardi (York University) and other students at York University regarding corrections and the edition of the book. Also contains correspondence and research materials about June Callwood, Dusty Vineberg, and Joan Hollobon.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Book launch guest lists.

Materials regarding Newsgirls book launch. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Mike O’Connor (York University) and between MacKinnon and Julia Aballe (York University) about the event, as well as guests lists and checklists for the launch.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Invoices and permissions for photographs.

Correspondence and invoices for rights of reproduction of photographs for their use in Newsgirls. Correspondence in file is between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Mike Kelly (Torstar Syndicate) and Luke Gagliardi (York University), and includes documenting decisions over different photographs, their captions, and permissions to use them. Invoices include associated payment receipts and correspondence with GetStock, the Toronto Reference Library at the Toronto Public Library, the PNG Library, and Canadian Press Enterprises Inc. Also contains correspondence with Anne Dickason (Olive Dickason’s daughter) as part of Donna Jean MacKinnon’s research about Dickason.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

All the names between copy-edit notes.

Copy-edit notes for McCarthy’s book All the names between made by Alayna Munce from Brick Books with annotations by Julia McCarthy. Includes related correspondence.

McCarthy, Julia

Dusty Vineberg.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Dusty Vineberg. Includes correspondence between MacKinnon and Vineberg, correspondence with researchers and museum curators to research and contextualize Vineberg (including information about Irene Burstyn), articles by Vineberg, research materials provided by Vineberg (including her curriculum vitae and articles), database searches, documents sent by Cynthia Cooper (McCord Museum), and copies of Vineberg's chapter in Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Meeting of the Carold board.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors (January 30, 2017), minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors (February 24-26, 2017), and a partnership agreement between Community Foundations of Canada and the Carold Institute with related press releases and correspondence.

Carold Institute


File consists of correspondence, ephemera, articles, and more for the 2000's.

Dagg, Anne Innis

Letters to the editor.

Contents: file consists of article clippings and letters to the editor sent by Anne Innis Dagg.

Dagg, Anne Innis

Meeting of the board.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes draft agenda and minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors (August 19-20, 2016), notes from an exceptional Meeting of the Board of Directors (October 25-27, 2013), printout of draft document "A paper on the many colours of Carold's Future" (July 2016), statement of income and expenses for 2015-2016, materials related to the Winifred Hewetson Awards, printout of document "Leveraging data through shifts in mindsets," and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Barbara Clague festival of song.

Materials related to the Barbara Clague Festival of Song. Includes related correspondence and ephemera. Also contains materials related to the Collingwood Neighbourhood House (Vancouver, British Columbia).

Carold Institute

Stasia Evasuk, Ruth Hammond, and Maureen Keller.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Stasia Evasuk. Includes handwritten notes and questions for and about Evasuk, articles about and contextualizing Evasuk, correspondence related to Evasuk, and Evasuk’s chapter and endnotes for Newsgirls. Also contains general notes for the creation of Newsgirls, Ruth Hammond’s chapter for Newsgirls and a photocopy of a photograph of Maureen Keller.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Holt chapter corrections and correspondence.

Corrections to Simma Holt's chapter and endnotes in Newsgirls. Includes a partial manuscript evaluation and notes by Sharon Crawford (writer and editor) and correspondence with Luke Gagliardi (York University) with notes and corrections for all chapters in Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Correspondence and contract for publication.

Correspondence and revisions of contracts with York University for the publishing of Newsgirls. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and Mike O’Connor (York University) and between MacKinnon and Luke Gagliardi (York University) regarding the edition and publishing of the book. Also contains reviewed drafts of the contract to reproduce and published, as well as MacKinnon’s signed copy of the contract.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Waterloo Federal Liberal Association.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Waterloo Federal Liberal Association. Records include a news release, a brochure, meeting notices and minutes, notes, invitations, and some copies of the association's newsletter. The file also contains correspondence including signed letters from David Peterson, then Member of Provincial Parliament and Frank Epp, then Member of Parliament.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Hollobon chapter corrections and correspondence.

Corrections to Joan Hollobon’s chapter and endnotes in Newsgirls. Includes correspondence between Donna Jean MacKinnon and writer Iris Nowell with corrections for the endnotes, and between MacKinnon and Andy F. Visser-de Vries (Hollobon's friend and caretaker) with corrections for the chapter.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Awards and biography.

Materials related to awards received by Joan Hollobon and the Hollobon Award. Includes biographical notes and articles about Hollobon, related newspaper clippings and correspondence, photographs of the Hollobon Award ceremony in 1987 and 1990, and a copy of Science Link by Canadian Science Writers’ Association, Vol. 9, No. 3 (June 1989). Also contains the following awards and certificates received by Hollobon:

  • Lifetime Achievement Award by Science in Society Journalism Awards (2010),
  • Certificate of appreciation by the Canadian Science Writers’ Association (1981),
  • Award of Distinction by the Health Care Public Relations Association (1984),
  • Honorary Member recognition of the Ontario Medical Association (1985),
  • Congratulation certificate by the Government of Ontario (2015),

Hollobon, Joan


Correspondence received by Robert Shipley between 2005 and 2015. Includes business correspondence related to the University of Waterloo and the Conservation Review Board. Also contains personal correspondence, correspondence related to his research, and correspondence congratulating him for his books and thanking him for participating in events.

Shipley, Robert

Congress of Liberal international.

Correspondence received by English “re: the 60th Congress of Liberal International, Mexico City, October 28-31, 2015” and information about the event.

English, John

Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario).

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario). The file contains items related to a number of the association's conventions including Focus on Canada Target 2000 held in 1982, the 1992 leadership convention, the 1998 biennial convention, and others. Records include reports, agendas, invitations, stickers, notices, and election material for Richard Thomas, Shelia Copps, John Sweeney, David Peterson, and James (Jim) R. Breithaupt. In addition, the file contains correspondence written to Telegdi including a signed letter from David Peterson, then Leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature, a signed letter from Murray J. Elston, then interim leader of the Liberal Party in the Ontario Legislature, a signed letter from John Sweeney, then Member of Provincial Parliament, and a signed letter from Paul Martin, then Member of Parliament.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Liberal Party of Canada.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. Records include items related to the association's activities and events such as the 2003 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between November 12-15, 2003 in Toronto, Ontario and the 2009 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between April 30 to May 3, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia. In addition, the file contains items from the National Liberal Women's Caucus and Equal Voice, a multi-partisan organization dedicated to electing and supporting women at all levels of political office. Records include invitations, correspondence, certificates, agendas, forms, a 2015 election handout titled, Stand with Justin Trudeau for LGBTQ2 Rights, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Ruth Hammond, Catherine Smyth, and Angela Burke.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Ruth Hammond and Catherine Smyth (reporter at the Toronto Star and communications specialist). Includes photocopies of photographs of Hammond and Smyth’s professional lives; articles by, about, and contextualizing Hammond; drafts of Hammond’s chapter in Newsgirls; database searches; handwritten notes taken by MacKinnon; and a copy of the speech given by Hammond at the Canadian Women’s Press Club Gala in 1986. Also contains information about Smyth’s funeral in 1997 and correspondence from Angela Burke to MacKinnon about the matter.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Olive Dickason.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Olive Dickason. Includes correspondence between Dickason and MacKinnon and between MacKinnon and other people involved in Dickason’s life and research. Also contains articles about Dickason written by MacKinnon, a draft of Dickason’s chapter in Newsgirls, Dickason’s autobiography, and information about the creation of the 2002 documentary Olive Dickason’s First Nations.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Kitchener-Waterloo Federal Liberal Association.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Kitchener-Waterloo Federal Liberal Association. Records include correspondence, news releases, tickets, a phone script, as well as meeting notices, agendas, and minutes. Also contains material related to the Canada 150 Planning Committee, invitations received by Telegdi or sent on his behalf for events he hosted for the association, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Simma Holt.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Simma Holt. Includes articles by and about Holt, correspondence between Holt and MacKinnon (including Holt’s curriculum vitae), handwritten notes, database searches, and other contextualizing articles for Holt’s life. Also contains drafts of Holt's chapter in Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Elizabeth Dingman and Doris Anderson.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Elizabeth Dingman and Doris Anderson. Includes photocopies of photographs, database searches, articles by and contextualizing Dingman, a draft of her chapter in Newsgirls, and correspondence between Dingman and MacKinnon. Also contains biographical notes and database searches, and articles by and about Doris Anderson, as well as the news release for the Order of Ontario recipients of 1995. Lastly, includes a copy of Fusion Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1995 with an article by Dingman and brief notes about the edition of Newsgirls.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Little fires notes and comments.

Copy-edit notes for McCarthy’s book All the names between before the change in title from Little fires. Notes are made by Sue Chenette and parts of the book contain annotations by McCarthy. Includes related correspondence.

McCarthy, Julia


Correspondence sent and received by Andrew Telegdi during his post-political career related to community events, personal donations, and other topics.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Meeting of the board.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors (April 20, 2015), draft criteria and process for considering funding requests (March 2015), proposed innovation fund terms of reference, and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Manuscript evaluation.

Manuscript evaluation, correspondence, and corrections of different chapters in Newsgirls made by Donna Jean MacKinnon and Sharon Crawford (writer and editor).

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Canadian Forces College, Canadian Security Studies.

Materials related to the Canadian Forces College Canadian Security Studies. Includes correspondence inviting English to address the Canadian Security Studies Programme, contract between Minister National Defence and English for a lecture to CSSP 16, and programme Visiting Speaker’s Guide.

English, John

Fellowship evaluation stage 1.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes notes, statistical data, reports, and correspondence related to the evaluation of the Alan Thomas Fellowship (stage 1).

Carold Institute


Materials related to different speeches given by John English. Includes:

  • Speech of acceptance of the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and related correspondence,
  • Remarks introducing Justin Trudeau at Jim Coutts Memorial,
  • Eulogy for Joan Euler,
  • Program for the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation Board of Directors’ Retreat.

English, John


Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes correspondence related to the Meetings of the Board of Directors.

Carold Institute

MOU Carold/St. Paul's University.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes memorandum of understanding for educational and scholarly cooperation between the Carold Institute and Saint Paul's University and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Olive Dickason.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Olive Dickason. Includes information about the creation of the 2002 documentary Olive Dickason’s First Nations, drafts of Dickason’s chapter in Newsgirls, correspondence by Dickason confirming the donation of her archives to Athol Murray College of Notre Dame, and articles about Dickason.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean


Materials related to the Atlantik-Brücke association. Includes related correspondence, cost breakdown, draft agenda, program for the "Future of Energy, XXIX German Canadian Conference hosted by Atlantik-Bruecke Canada and Atlantik-Brücke" (September 17-20, 2014), and a template for email introducing Atlantik-Bruecke Canada organization.

English, John

Celebrate Ontario.

Information package for “Celebrate Ontario 2014” and correspondence sent to Honourable Michael Chan by John English and Jack Cunningham regarding the Celebrate Ontario 2014 program and the event “1914-1918: the making of the Modern World.”

English, John


Correspondence received by John English from David Marskell (THEMUSEUM) related to fundraising.

English, John


File consists of 47 items of correspondence between Rienzi Crusz and others as well as between others regarding Crusz, including letters, cards, email printouts. Correspondents include:

  • Abeysekara, Tissa
  • Alam, Aayshan
  • Aziz, Nurjehan
  • Bauman, Sheila
  • Bernard, Jodie
  • Burnett, Virgil
  • Canada Council
  • Canadian Ethnic Studies Association
  • Clarke, George Elliot
  • Crapo, Henry
  • Draper, Gary
  • Eadie, Tom
  • Fielder-Snyder, Sheila
  • Finestone, Sheila
  • Goring, Bud
  • Grand River High School
  • Haloulos, Marina
  • Hutcheon, Linda
  • Kanaganayakam, Chelva
  • Kramp, Stephan
  • Loeffler, Sherly
  • Lane, Travis
  • McGraw-Hill Ryerson
  • Metral, Isabelle
  • Miller, Judith
  • The New Quarterly
  • Saunders Bellingham, Susan
  • Smith, Bryan
  • St. Mary's High School
  • Tsar Publications
  • Tucker, Duane.

Crusz, Rienzi


File consists of thirty two items of personal and professional correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Also includes a flyer for a show of Urquhart's works at the Centre Culturel Canadien in Paris from 1975. Correspondents include:

  • Ainslie, Jock & Hilary
  • Anderson, Bruce
  • Artcast Inc.
  • Balestrin, Marco & Sandra
  • Barlow, Maude
  • Bevelandre, Mieke
  • Bloore, Sula
  • Borst, Nicolette
  • Boudreault, Lolita
  • Breeze, Aldis
  • Bryant, Gary
  • Buntin, Barbara
  • Burnett, Virgil
  • Buyers, Jane
  • Fudge, Robert
  • Heath, Terrence
  • Kraehling, Jennie
  • Saunders Bellingham, Susan
  • Urquhart, Aidan.

Urquhart, Tony


File consists of three items of personal correspondence between Tony and Jane Urquhart, and others. Correspondents include: Ketcherson, Phly; Kirkton, Doug; Korp, Maureen.

Urquhart, Tony

Hon. William C. Graham.

Correspondence received from or related to Hon. William C. Graham, P.C., Q.C., LL.D. Includes references to the events related to the First World War (July 30-31, 2014) and the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships program.

English, John

Election campaign.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his campaign to be elected as a Regional Councillor in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo in the Waterloo Region municipal elections held on October 27, 2014. Records include invitations, notes, speech transcripts, research material about the regional budget and Light Rail Transit (LRT) construction, a flyer, a business card, a biographical sketch of Telegdi, and other textual material. Also contains correspondence including a letter to Telegdi from Michael Harris, then Member of Provincial Parliament, thanking Telegdi for running in the 2014 municipal elections.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Meeting of the board of directors.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors (October 28, 2014), statement of income and expenses for 2013-2014, and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Faculty representation and academic status: assessment of membership support.

Records created and accumulated by the Librarians’ Association of the University of Waterloo (LAUW) to determine if there was interest among members to explore the possibility of pursuing faculty representation and academic status for librarians. Includes correspondence, meeting minutes, ballots from a survey distributed to members on November 8, 2012, and results from a survey about the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) Librarians Policy Statement on Academic Status that was distributed to members on November 20, 2012.

Librarians' and Archivists' Association of the University of Waterloo

Meeting of the board of directors.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes draft agenda and minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors (September 15, 2014), summary of the discussion with the Alan Thomas Fellows (May 31, 2014), background of "Nurturing and sustaining leadership, community engagement, and diversity: reflections and learning from the Carold Fellowship program (2007-2014)," minutes for the Meeting of the Board of Directors (May 31-June 1, 2014), and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Meeting of the board of directors.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes draft of agenda for the Meeting of the Board of Directors (May 31-June 1, 2014), agenda for "Resource extraction in Canada: who participates? Who decides? Who cares? Learning spaces initiative" and information about the event, and related correspondence.
Also contains draft of agenda for the Meeting of the Board of Directors (June 14, 2012).

Carold Institute

Minutes of the meeting of the board.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes minutes for the Meeting of the Board of Directors (April 14, 2014), memorandum regarding Directors and Officers liability insurance, evaluation plan recommendations, and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Meeting of the board of directors.

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes draft of agenda and minutes for the Meeting of the Board of Directors (December 9-10, 2013), president's report (December 2013), budget for 2013-2014, draft of financial statements (September 30, 2013 and 2012), proposed innovation fund terms of reference, activity report from the Alan Thomas Fellowship, project descriptions for different projects, report of the Nominations Committee, information about and report for the Board of Directors, conflict of interest policy, financial year-end statement, budget scenarios, and related correspondence.

Carold Institute

Ronald Reagan library.

Correspondence received by John English about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to access Ronald Reagan's records at the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA), received from the Ronald Reagan Library.

English, John

Communications comm[ittee].

Materials related to the administration of the Carold Institute. Includes correspondence, materials related to budgeting, strategy and minutes from minutes, and press releases.

Carold Institute


File consists of two items of personal correspondence between Tony Urquhart and others. Grande, John; Turner, Wendy.

Urquhart, Tony

Classes and study programs.

Materials related to classes and study programs. Includes materials for:

  • “History 1160. Topics in Canadian history: historical foundations of Canadian foreign policy after the Cold War” (2011),
  • “CCIH program for 2012-2013, and related matters,”
  • “Course proposal. TRN 409Y : Selected topics in International Studies. Spring 2013: the Arctic in international politics,”
  • Proposal, mission statement, statement of receipts and disbursements, and agendas for meetings for “Centre for contemporary international history,”
  • Memoranda related to the "DCB/DBC Contribution agreement with the Dept. of Canadian heritage,”
  • Agenda for meeting for Trinity College. Arts and Science Committee.
    Also contains related correspondence.

English, John

Olive Dickason.

Research notes and materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon about Olive Dickason. Includes articles by and about Dickason, Dickason’s curriculum vitae (from 1995 and 1997), drafts of Dickason’s chapter in Newsgirls, handwritten research notes, correspondence between Dickason and MacKinnon and between MacKinnon and David T. McNab (historian who updated the fourth edition of Dickason’s Canada’s First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times, published in 2009 by Oxford University Press), photocopies of photographs of Dickason’s professional life, and a photograph of Dickason from 1970.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Publications contracts, correspondence.

Materials related to different events James Walker attended. Includes printout of the chapter “Blacks” (now "Black History in Canada until 1900") written by Walker and published in New Canadian Encyclopedia Publishing Ltd. and related correspondence. Also includes a memorandum of agreement and printouts of “The black loyalists” for the Dictionary of Afro-American Slavery and related correspondence.
Also contains correspondence related to a request for electronic rights in the form of Pearson Custom Database, a letter of agreement and correspondence for the contribution to Taking Liberties: the history of human rights in Canada, and a talent release form for Walker’s appearance in the documentary “Welcome to Dresden: Jim Crow Lived Here Too.”

Walker, James

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