Materials created by Don Domanski, sent to and accumulated by Julia McCarthy. Includes correspondence received by McCarthy from Domanski with his poems.
Poems are titled “Beside the river,” “Words of surrender,” “Overshadows,” “A great space,” “The god in the crevice,” “Maker of dust,” “Spirits among weddings,” “Meditation,” “The star saliph,” “The star Betelgeuse," "Natal," "Supplications in a room," "Maker of dust," "Pearls," "Pathogens," "Meditation," "A clench of deity," "Walking through a field," "Three ribbons," "The daemon of walking," "The silence of remembered time," "A woman watching," "Thresholds gather round them," "Leviathan," "Dark medicines," "Speaking in the outer world," "The evening dress," "Under a star equal to locality," "All our wonder unavenged," "Untitled with invisible ink," "Anecdote," "A hummingbird's heart beats 1260 times a minute," "Leaning on silk," "Otherness of the little songs," "Ars poetica," "Twelve white chapters," "Aeon," "While clouds break twigs beside the river," "Dark graffiti," "Parish of the physic moon," "The leaf opera," "Cloudbursts in a lower world," "The planet asleep on your heart," "At the height of names," "The scarab," "Osprey and salmon," "Twelve corners of the earth," "Genius loci," and "In the field of orison."
Also contains a flyer for The Gallery Reading Series with Don Domanski (Saint Mary's University - Department of English, February 18, 2000).