Berlin foundry staff : photograph.
Berlin foundry staff : photograph.
Agreement between Schroder Hornless Phonograph Manufacturing Company and Arthur B. Pollock.
Agreement between Schroder Hornless Phonograph Manufacturing Company and Arthur B. Pollock.
Dominion of Canada patent : HermAn Schroder.
Dominion of Canada patent : HermAn Schroder.
Agreement between HermAn Schroder and Arthur B. Pollock.
Agreement between HermAn Schroder and Arthur B. Pollock.
Pollock-Welker staff : photograph.
Pollock-Welker staff : photograph.
Ridout and Maybee invoice.
Ridout and Maybee invoice.
Letters patent : The Pollock Manufacturing Company, Limited.
Letters patent : The Pollock Manufacturing Company, Limited.
Research : Phonola advertisement.
Research : Phonola advertisement.
Patent for sound-reproducing machine and record therefor.
Patent for sound-reproducing machine and record therefor.
Pollock Manufacturing Company Limited : supplementary letters patent.
Pollock Manufacturing Company Limited : supplementary letters patent.
Assignment of patents by Alex Welker to Pollock Manufacturing Company Limited.
Assignment of patents by Alex Welker to Pollock Manufacturing Company Limited.
Patent for cabinet sound-reproducing machine.
Patent for cabinet sound-reproducing machine.
Canada trade mark registation.
Canada trade mark registation.
Dominion of Canada patent : Alexander H. Welker.
Dominion of Canada patent : Alexander H. Welker.
Patent for record-tablet for talking-machines.
Patent for record-tablet for talking-machines.
United States of AmericA patent.
United States of AmericA patent.
Industrial design register.
Industrial design register.
Industrial design register.
Industrial design register.
Dominion of Canada patent office reciept.
Dominion of Canada patent office reciept.
Ridout and Maybee correspondence.
Ridout and Maybee correspondence.
Manufacturing processes : photographs, by Denton Photo.
Manufacturing processes : photographs, by Denton Photo.
Packaging room : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Packaging room : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Staff party : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Staff party : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Work room : photographs, by Denton Photo.
Work room : photographs, by Denton Photo.
Industrial design register.
Industrial design register.
Female workers : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Female workers : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Manufacturing staff : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Manufacturing staff : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Industrial design register.
Industrial design register.
Phonola advertisement.
Phonola advertisement.
Office staff : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Office staff : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Gauge no. 215 : technical drawing.
Gauge no. 215 : technical drawing.
Workers under flags : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Workers under flags : photograph, by Denton Photo.
Phonola Company of Canada Limited : share certificates, charter, and by-laws.
Phonola Company of Canada Limited : share certificates, charter, and by-laws.
Heinemann office staff : photograph, by N. Lazarnick.
Heinemann office staff : photograph, by N. Lazarnick.
Helycon : compOnent parts list.
Helycon : compOnent parts list.
Helycon : motors.
Helycon : motors.
Helycon : tOne arms.
Helycon : tOne arms.
General Industries Company : flyer motor parts distributor prices.
General Industries Company : flyer motor parts distributor prices.
Porto Vox leaflet.
Porto Vox leaflet.
Deed of land.
Deed of land.
Time card slip.
Time card slip.
Star machines price list.
Star machines price list.
Electrohome VictoriA Street plant : photographs, by Denton Photo.
Electrohome VictoriA Street plant : photographs, by Denton Photo.
Pulwell : compOnent parts list.
Pulwell : compOnent parts list.
Music master radio advertisement.
Music master radio advertisement.
Phonola brochure.
Phonola brochure.
Pulwell phonograph motors brochure.
Pulwell phonograph motors brochure.
Pulwell portable phonographs and portable electric pickup brochure.
Pulwell portable phonographs and portable electric pickup brochure.
Research : bathroom fittings : Pollock Manufacturing Company.
Research : bathroom fittings : Pollock Manufacturing Company.
Helycon : motors, tOne arms and reproducers catalogue.
Helycon : motors, tOne arms and reproducers catalogue.
Pulwell : compOnent parts list.
Pulwell : compOnent parts list.
Cullen's music store advertisement.
Cullen's music store advertisement.
Grimes inverse duplex radio brochure.
Grimes inverse duplex radio brochure.
Pulwell portable phonograph brochure.
Pulwell portable phonograph brochure.
Meyeri brothers : photograph.
Meyeri brothers : photograph.
VictoriA Street plant staff : photograph, by E. Denton.
VictoriA Street plant staff : photograph, by E. Denton.
Pollock-Welker boxes on C.P. Rail car : photographs, by Denton and Gifford.
Pollock-Welker boxes on C.P. Rail car : photographs, by Denton and Gifford.
Pollock-Welker Limited : share certificates.
Pollock-Welker Limited : share certificates.
Industrial Elmira.
Industrial Elmira.
Dominion of Canada patent office reciept.
Dominion of Canada patent office reciept.
Dominion of Canada patent office reciept.
Dominion of Canada patent office reciept.
New Zealand trade mark registation.
New Zealand trade mark registation.
Canada trade mark registation.
Canada trade mark registation.
Eight tube A.C. radio receivers : service manual.
Eight tube A.C. radio receivers : service manual.
Phonographs : illustrated price list of parts for Star talking machines.
Phonographs : illustrated price list of parts for Star talking machines.
Phonographs : Pollock-Welker Porto Vox.
Phonographs : Pollock-Welker Porto Vox.
Research : Pollock-Welker, Pulwel, and Grimes advertisements.
Research : Pollock-Welker, Pulwel, and Grimes advertisements.
Staff picnic : photograph.
Staff picnic : photograph.
Unknown people on shore : photograph.
Unknown people on shore : photograph.
Workroom : photograph.
Workroom : photograph.
Research : Helycon motors.
Research : Helycon motors.
Pollock-Welker, Phonola Company of Canada, and Grimes Radio Corporation : factory appraisal.
Pollock-Welker, Phonola Company of Canada, and Grimes Radio Corporation : factory appraisal.
Radio : service manuals.
Radio : service manuals.
Phonola Company of Canada Limited.
Phonola Company of Canada Limited.
Dominion Electrohome Industries Limited : applications for stock subscriptions.
Dominion Electrohome Industries Limited : applications for stock subscriptions.
Deed of land.
Deed of land.
Electrohome humidifiers brochure.
Electrohome humidifiers brochure.
Electrohome humidifiers brochure.
Electrohome humidifiers brochure.
Dominion Electrohome Industries Limited : financial statements : March 1 to May 31, 1934.
Dominion Electrohome Industries Limited : financial statements : March 1 to May 31, 1934.
Estimated value of goods : February, 1934.
Estimated value of goods : February, 1934.
Radiotron chart.
Radiotron chart.
Radio wiring : diagrams and notes.
Radio wiring : diagrams and notes.
Grimes Radio Corporation Limited : share certificates.
Grimes Radio Corporation Limited : share certificates.
RCA Cunningham.
RCA Cunningham.
Trial balance sheets : November, 1934 - March, 1936.
Trial balance sheets : November, 1934 - March, 1936.
Serenader : radio.
Serenader : radio.
Magdalen College list of members with addresses : April 1936.
Magdalen College list of members with addresses : April 1936.
Pollock-Welker Limited.
Pollock-Welker Limited.
The shaver system of air movement and ventilation.
The shaver system of air movement and ventilation.
Electrohome air conditiOner brochure.
Electrohome air conditiOner brochure.
Offer to purchase land.
Offer to purchase land.
10" fan development : blueprint.
10" fan development : blueprint.
Research : humidifier patent.
Research : humidifier patent.
Appliances : humidity and air conditioning pamphlets.
Appliances : humidity and air conditioning pamphlets.
Research : radio : instructions for 1938 Serenader Radio AM-SW.
Research : radio : instructions for 1938 Serenader Radio AM-SW.