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Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Rome and on the reverse the she-wolf with Romulus and Remus.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Hadrian and on the reverse Aegyptos reclining with an ibis and sistrum.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Antoninus Pius and on the reverse Fortuna standing holding a cornucopiae and a rudder on a globe.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Janus on the reverse the letters ACAE.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver obol from Bactria (central Asia now parts of Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan) showing on the obverse the head of Eucratides I and on the reverse caps and palms of the Dioscuri.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Commodus and on the reverse victory walking holding a wreath.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Marcus Aurelius and on the reverse Honos carrying an olive branch and cornucopiae.

Pyke, Edgar William

Nellein, H.

Upper body studio portrait of H. Nellein, chief accountant, seen looking off camera.

Dominion Rubber Company

Rieder, Peter.

Full body studio portrait of Peter Rieder standing and looking down at a newspaper with an umbrella hanging from left arm.

Rieder and Anthes family

Anthes, J.I. Frank.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of J.I. Frank Anthes seen looking off camera. The image has been altered so that Anthes is shown in a scroll.

Rieder and Anthes family

Procession of suffragists.

Illustrated postcard featuring a procession of suffragists marching in a line with mouths open and arms outstretched, many with umbrellas in hand. The woman at the front of the line is holding a sign that reads: "Down with the Men and Up with the Women". Verso indicates postcard, numbered 641, was printed in Great Britain.

Result of the suffragettes.

Illustrated postcard of a woman standing on a stage, in front of a crowd of women, holding "relics of the last man" for available sale. Behind her are sign that reads: "Great sale relics of the last man" and "Sale today". Caption below illustration: "Result of the Suffragettes".

Featuring a cartoon by Harry Quinton, the post card was published by H.Q., 92, Burrows Road, N.W. Copyright No. 42.

Standing up for womens rights.

Illustrated postcard of a woman standing on a public transportation vehicle surrounded by seated passengers, presumably men, reading newspapers. Caption at bottom reads: "Standing up for Womens Rights"

Featuring a cartoon by F.S., the postcard was published by The London View, Co., Ltd. as part of the Where there is a Woman Series.


Illustrated postcard of a man kneeling in front of a stove, cooking something on a long fork, in a messy kitchen while holding a crying baby. In the background is a woman yelling from an open door with a "Votes for Women" poster visible at left. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Ours is a happy home!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard was published by E.S., London.

Suffragist at home.

Illustrated postcard of a woman lying in bed, turned to yell at an unhappy man seated at right, presumably her husband, who holding two crying babies. Caption on postcard reads: "The Suffragist at home. We don't know what we want, but we'll get it."

Verso indicates postcard, numbered 641, was printed in Great Britain.

Suffragist orator.

Illustrated postcard of a suffragist speaking from on top of a soap box while being ridiculed by a crowd of spectators composed mostly men. The suffragist, with arms outstretched, is saying: "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world and it is WE who rock the cradle." In response people in the crowd are saying: "Does your mother know you're out!", "The old man wants you home," and "Go home & mind the baby".

Verso indicates postcard, numbered 641, was printed in Great Britain.

Why does a woman look sooner than a man.

Illustrated postcard of two people commenting on a poster on a wall that reads: "Why does a woman look old sooner than a man". The first is saying: "Why. Because she found fifteen ozs went to the pound." the second's comment is obscured due to damage on recto.

Featuring a cartoon by Harry Quinton, the post card was published by S.P. Co., 199, Aldersgate Street. Copyright No. 60.

Anthes, J.I. Frank.

Two copies of a three-quarter length studio portrait of J.I. Frank Anthes seated with a role of paper in hand and looking at the camera.

Rieder and Anthes family

Anthes, John S. family.

Photograph of John S. and Lydia Anthes with some of their children and grandchildren.

Standing: ?, Carrie Breithaupt (standing, third from left), John Christian Breithaupt

Seated middle: Ella Cook, ?, [Walter Breithaupt?], Lydia Anthes, John S. Anthes, Frieda Breithaupt, John Edward Breithaupt

Seated front: [Louisa Breithaupt?], Carl Briethaupt, Martha Rieder, Louise Breithaupt.

Mrs. Pankhurst.

Postcard with studio portrait of Christobel Pankhurst taken by Martin Jacolette, South Kensington. Caption under portrait reads: "Mrs. Pankhurst. Hon. Secretary, National Women's Social & Political Union. 4, Clement's Inn, W.C."


Illustrated postcard of a police office with a gesturing suffragette holding a "Votes for Women" poster thrown over his shoulder. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Are we downhearted? No!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard was published by E.S., London.

Clement, David Ward and Janie Elizabeth.

Photograph of David Ward Clement, dressed in Cadet Corps uniform, smiling down at his mother, Janie Elizabeth Clement and holder her hand. The pair are standing together outside of a residential home.

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement, David Ward and parents.

Photograph of Janie Elizabeth, David Ward and Edwin Perry Clement laughing together while standing outside of a residential home. David is seen dressed in a Cadet Corps uniform.

Clement Bowlby Family

Lapsley, Ethel and Clarence Moebus.

Snapshot, likely taken by Norman C. Schneider, of Ethel Lapsley and Clarence Moebus outdoors in winter standing against a gnarled tree trunk. Ethel is seen looking at the camera and Clarence is looking over at her with a smile.

Schneider family


Bronze coin from Mytilene, Lesbos showing possibly a bust of Sapphos on the obverse and a lyre with the letter MYTI on the reverse.

Pyke, Edgar William

Office staff.

Image of office staff, all men, seated the length of tables working, some with calculators.

Schneider family

Kitchener City Hall, King Street.

Two snapshots of downtown Kitchener taken at night in winter. One of King St. shows parked cars, all of which are 1920's or early 30's models, decorated for Christmas. The other is of old Kitchener City Hall decorated with Christmas lights

Schneider family

Kampf um's Dritte Reich.

Published copy of the Nazi propaganda cigarette card album Kampf um's Dritte Reich : eine historische Bilderfolge (Battle for the Third Reich: a historical picture sequence). Album was created by Cigaretten / Bilderdienst of Hamburg, and published in 1933. Album contains space for 273 mounted trading cigarette cards (reproducing photographs by Heinrich Hoffmann) of which 270 are present.
Through the mix of rhetoric and hand-coloured photographs, the album presents an interpretation of the ideological transformation in certain sectors of Germany's social and political spheres that led to the proclamation of the Third Reich (1933-1945). Album covers the public life of Adolf Hitler from 1914 to 1933, and the creation and evolution of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nazi Party) in Germany until 1933.

Kelp, Robert Julius

Postcards and invitations to events.

Postcards and invitations to events received by Hon. Dr. James Horace King, M. D. and his first wife, Mrs. Nellie Mae King. All items were attached to a scrapbook album at some point. Original file folder contained a note that read: “JH King Invitations. Detailed list JHK scrapbook #2,” possibly referring to file 26.

King, James Horace

Press clippings and related material.

Press clippings from various publications primarily regarding Cameron Hill, fellow aircrew, and prisoners of war likely collected by Cameron's parents, Britton and Grace Hill, during the Second World War. Also includes one holiday greeting card from Bob Spence and two photographs. The first photograph features Cameron and fellow aircrew at their British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP) Wings Parade on June 7, 1941 in Toronto, Ontario. The second photograph features Bob Spence and Jack Wood near El Alamein, Egypt in 1942.

Hill, Cameron Clare

Schneider, Herbert.

Photograph of Herbert J. Schneider standing on a brick walkway dressed in cadet uniform with a duffel bag slung over right shoulder.

Schneider family

Employees serving in WWII.

Portraits of Schneider employees serving in the armed forces during World War II, most identified. These were published in issues of the in-house newsletter, The Voice. Also includes a group of nine photographs and postcards with messages to Norman C. Schneider from Lieut. R.A. Klaehn

Schneider family

Mackenzie King : rogue or benefactor?

Poster for a debate in Victoria College. Poster reads: “Mackenzie King : Rogue or Benefactor? A lively and interesting debate. Trinity College v. Victoria College. Sponsored by the Victoria College Debating Parliament. Tuesday, January 27th, 8 pm, at Alumni Hall in Victoria College. Refreshments afterwards. Come and state your views!”

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Employees serving in WWII.

Snapshot showing a barracks interior with soldiers smiling at the camera while on rest time. The group is seen seated and standing around a table with the remnants of a package sent from Schneider's that included cans and bags of food. Verso gives list of names, titled "The Boys" including "Slim" from Kitchener.

Schneider family

Kaufman family.

Image of (left to right) Emma Ratz Kaufman, Mary Eidt Kaufman, Edna Louise Augustine and Jean Kaufman standing together outdoors, possibly on the grounds of a church.

Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Clodius Albinus and on the reverse Rome leading on a shield holding the palladium.

Pyke, Edgar William

Schneider, Herbert.

Photograph of Herbert J. Schneider standing on a brick walkway dressed in cadet uniform holding a duffel bag. Two unidentified children are visible in the background at the end of the walkway.

Schneider family

Proof plate.

Proof plate of Norman C. Schneider likely used for election campaign posters.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Unidentified group.

Image of a group of unidentified friends seated and standing outdoors in two rows while looking warmly toward the camera.

Schneider family

Ontario coat of arms.

Ontario coat of arms of "durwood" manufactured by John Walter & Sons, Kitchener with Norman C. Schneider label on verso.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Stager, Art.

Image of Art Stager work on the factory line while smiling toward the camera.

Kaufman Footwear

The Dare Story.

One publication titled "The Dare Story" which outlines the history of Dare Foods.

Dare Foods Limited


Correspondence, drafts, notes of Kay Rex, regarding Winnipeg Branch and biographical information about members, including Elizabeth Long, Pearl L'Ami, Miriam Green Ellis, and Abbie Sharman. Contains original clippings from the 1950's and photocopies of early material ca. 1904-1913, 1950's, including a photocopy of the June 25, 1904 Mail and Empire announcing the formation of the Canadian Women's Press Club, as well as photocopied material from the National Archives and the Provincial Archives of Manitoba.

Women's Press Club of Toronto


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Septimius Severus and on the obverse Victory flying holding a wreath.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Julia Domna and the reverse Felicitas standing holding a sceptre and caduceus.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Caracalla and on the reverse victory on prow.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Septimius Severus and on the obverse Neptune with a trident.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Septimius Severus and on the obverse victory walking holding a wreath and a palm.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Roma and on the reverse the dioscuri mounted on horses.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Severus Alexander and on the reverse Mars holding an olive branch and a sceptre.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from Milan (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Aurelian and on the reverse Fortuna seated left on wheel, holding rudder and cornucopiae.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze tetradrachm coin from Syracuse (Italy) showing on the obverse a diadem head of Hieron II and on the reverse a horseman on a horse prancing right. The coin was minted in the time of Hieron II.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from Greece showing on the obverse the helmeted head of Athena and on the reverse Pan erecting a trophy. The coin was minted during the time of Antigonus II Gonatas.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from Siscia (modern day Sisak, Croatia) showing on the obverse the head of Probus and on the reverse Mars holding a spear and a trophy.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Carausius and on the reverse Pax walking holding branch and sceptre.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from Alexandria (Egypt) showing on the obverse the head of Constantius I and on the reverse Genius standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from Siscia (modern day Sisak, Croatia) showing on the obverse the head of Diocletian and on the reverse Genius holding a patera and cornucopiae.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from Alexandria (Egypt) showing on the obverse the head of Maximian I and on the reverse Genius holding paterna and cornucopia.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Maxentius and the reverse showing the Dioscuri Castor and Pollus seated each other each holding a bridled horse and scepter.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from Trier (Germany) showing on the obverse the head of Licinius I and the reverse Genius standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from Lyons (France) showing on the obverse the head of Constantine I and on the reverse Sol standing.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Constantine I and on the reverse Sol holding a robe and raising right hand.

Pyke, Edgar William


Electrotype coin from Syracuse showing on the obverse the head of the nymph Arethusa with a reed crown, surrounded by three dolphins and the reverse a quadriga facing left with a driver holding the reigns and a kentron. A triskele appears above the quadriga and below "ΣYPAKOΣIΩN."

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from London (England) showing on the obverse the bust of Crispus and on the reverse a wreath surrounding the letters VOT X.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from Trier (Germany) showing on the obverse the head of Helena-Augusta and on the reverse Securitas holding a branch.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze follis from Thessalonica (Greece) showing on the obverse a bust of Constantine I and on the reverse a campgate with two turrets.

Pyke, Edgar William


SIlver siglo from Persia (the Achaemenid Empire) showing on the obverse an archer clad in the Persian "candys", kneeling right on one knee, at his back a quiver, in his right a spear, and in his outstretched left a strung bow and on the reverse an incuse square.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from Antioch (Turkey) showin gon the obverse the head of Constantius II and on the reverse a fallen horseman being slayed by a soldier.

Pyke, Edgar William


Electrum litrae from Syracuse showing on the obverse the head of Apollo and on the reverse a lyre.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver tetradrachm from Pella (Greece) showing on the obverse the head of Zeus and on the reverse Phillip II on horseback with a janiform head under the forelegs of the horse.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver didrachm from Rhodes (Greece) showing on the obverse the radiate head of Helios and on the reverse a rose.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze diobol from Thurium, Lucania (modern day Italy) showing on the obverse possibly the helmeted head of Athena and on the reverse a bull standing right.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver hemidrachm from Neapolis (Ancient Macedon, modern day Greece) showing on the obverse the head of a gorgon with its tongue protruding, and the on the reverse the laureate head of a nymph.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver tetradrachm from Athens (Greece) showing on the obverse the head of Athena and on the reverse an owl with the letters AOE.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver 1/6 stater from Thurium, Lucania (modern day Southern Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Athena and on the reverse a bull butting right.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver hemiobol from Athens (Greece) showing on the obverse the head of Athena and the reverse an owl and the letters AOE. The hemiobol was often used in Greek mythology to pay the Ferryman to cross the River Styx.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver drachma from Athens (Greece) showing on the obverse the head of Athena and on the reverse an owl with the letters AOE.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver litra from Syracuse (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Arethusa and on the reverse an octopus.

Pyke, Edgar William

Results 1 to 100 of 233473