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Diary of Frederick Arthur Edmonds.

Contains one black leather bound notebook used by Frederick Arthur Edmonds as a diary. The notebook is ruled, contains some numbered pages, and opens lengthwise. Entries are dated and sporadic, are written in pencil, and include a chart of the names of soldiers from the 16th Platoon, with their identification number, rank, age, marital status, date of arrival in France, religion, next of kin, trade, and courses. Includes a loose leaf of paper in the front pocket of the notebook, and several blank pages. The diary entries are titled "My diary since leaving the 'Ypres Salient'", and detail the movement of troops, destinations, times leaving and arriving places, encampments, training progress, weather, distances from place to place in kilometres, locations of battles, places billeted, conditions in the trenches, descriptions of battles, objectives, conditions, attacks, general notes about casualties, tanks, mines, and descriptions of Edmonds' stay in the Paris Plaz hospital and Le Havre hospital. The diary goes up until just before Vimy Ridge, when Edmonds is invalided home.

Edmonds, Frederick Arthur

Projection Systems application photographs.

File consists of photographs, transparencies, and slides depicting Electrohome Projection Systems products and their applications in various corporations and organizations. Applications pictured include: CSX Transportation Control Center (Jacksonville, FL), Canadian Embassy (Tokyo, Japan), Rochester Gas and Electric (Rochester, NY), Thames River Water System (London, UK), National Bowling Stadium (Reno, NV), the Barcelona Stock Exchange (Spain), and others.


Ontario trade and investment mission to the United Kingdom.

File consists of material relating to John A. Pollock's participation in an Ontario trade and investment mission to the United Kingdom led by Premier William G. Davis, in May 1973. Includes a group portrait and typed list identifying the people in the photograph, a letter from Premier Davis, and ephemera.


Dijon/Dole, France.

File consists of fourteen slides showing grave markers in Dijon and Dole, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Dordogne, France.

File consists of thirteen slides showing grave markers in Dordogne, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Florence, Italy.

File consists of fifteen slides showing grave markers in Florence, Italy.

Urquhart, Tony

Frangy, France.

File consists of thirteen slides showing grave markers in Frangy, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Marville, France.

File consists of fifteen slides showing grave markers in Marville, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Montauban, France.

File consists of three slides showing grave markers in Montauban, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Nimes, France.

File consists of twelve slides showing grave markers in Nimes, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Ornans, France.

File consists of two slides showing grave markers in Ornans, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Tarascon, France.

File consists of twelve slides showing grave markers in Tarascon, France.

Urquhart, Tony

Photograph album.

File consists of one photograph album (some photos have been removed) showing photographs of Kay Rex, friends and family at school, on vacation, and at home. Also includes photographs of Niagara Falls, Dublin, and Paris (Ontario) and of a float plane.

Rex, Kay

Identification tags.

Two identification tags issued to Cameron Hill during the Second World War when he was held in custody as a prisoner of war at Stalag XVIIIC (317), a German prisoner of war camp located in Markt Pongau, Austria from September 27, 1943 to November 25, 1943.

Hill, Cameron Clare

Urquhart, Jane.

File consists of two photographs of Jane Urquhart speaking at the John Adams Institute in Amsterdam.

Urquhart, Jane

Jardine family fonds.

  • SCA9-GA5
  • Fonds
  • 1797-1927

Fonds consists of seventeen documents relating to the Jardine family, dating from 1797 to 1927, including correspondence, character references, certificates of marriage, articles of partnership, and one will.

Jardine Family

King, Gladys Lilian retirement.

File consists of one photograph of King with others upon her retirement as a female probation officer with the County Borough of Reading. The photograph shows King receiving a radio from H.V. Kersley (mayor of Reading), H.E.C. McIlroy (Chairman, Probation Committee), and John Gore Micklethwaite (Recorder of Reading).

King, Gladys Lilian

Scrapbook 1.

Scrapbook created by John Gartshore Martin about his experiences in WWII. Includes snapshots, newspaper clippings, ephemera, and correspondence. Snapshots were taken during John's training in Canada and his time in Europe, and show sporting events; fellow officers and soldiers; towns, buildings, and countryside in Normandy, Belgium and Holland; tanks and other equipment; a post-war ceremony; and other subjects.

Scrapbook includes a telegram from John's parents informing him of his brother Jamie's death, ts. Information relating to battles, a letter to Jessie Martin regarding John's DSO, and other items. Clippings relate to John's involvement in the war and his decoration with the DSO by the Governor General Viscount Alexander. The scrapbook pages are not in order and have been left as found. Some pages contain identification for the photographs.

Martin, John Gartshore

Martin, Jamie : grave and memorial stone.

Photographs relating to Jamie Martin's grave and memorial stone. Includes snapshots of the grave and cemetery at Beny-sur-mer near Caen, France, including some with John Alexander and Jessie Martin; a snapshot of a memorial stone for Jamie at the Grove Cemetery in Dundas, Ontario; and a photograph of cenotaph in Waterloo, Ontario.

Martin, John Gartshore

Pope, William Burt.

Upper body studio portrait of William Burt Pope seen in partial profile, seated with left hand at side of face and right hand on back of chair.

Clement Bowlby Family

Canadian observer group for elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to his role as an election observer in the Canadian observer group for elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina that were held on September 14, 1996. Records include correspondence, a report, a reference guide, a training manual, notes, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian-Hungarian relations.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament documenting his personal interest and political involvement in matters relating to Canadian-Hungarian relations. Material in this file is primarily related to the planning of events and activities across Canada commemorating the 1956 Hungarian Revolution such as conferences held by the University of Ottawa Institute for Canadian Studies and the University of Toronto, screenings of the film Freedom’s Fury and the CBC documentary The Fifty-Sixers, the opening of the NEW LIVES photographic exhibition curated by the National Arts Centre, and the development of a special stamp issued by Canada Post. Records include correspondence, invitations, brochures, press clippings, news releases, speaking notes, calendars, and other textual material. The file also contains programs for a state dinner in honour of His Excellency László Sólyom, then President of the Republic of Hungary, as well as a picture of Telegdi and Sólyom shaking hands during the event.

Moreover, the file includes a copy of a framework agreement between St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo, Ontario and Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, Hungary to develop co-operation between the two institutions in the fields of education and research.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Keffer, Ivan W. : Norman C. Schneider's visit to Berlin.

Three photographs of Norman C. Schnedier's trip to Berlin in 1934. Consists of one snapshot of Schneider on board a ship, one of him at the Keffer's piano in Berlin, and one of the Keffer family and guests, including Schneider, at their home in Berlin, Germany. File also includes one postcard of Norman C. Schneider taken in front of Köln Cathedral while on a visit to Ivan W. Keffer. On the verso is a note addressed to his mother and father dated Nov. 9, 1934.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Olympic Games, August 1-16, 1936, Berlin #2.

Film taken during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. Includes footage of a large scale calisthenics demonstration; Korean athlete Sohn Kee-chung, who won the marathon running gold medal while competing for Japan, speaking and signing autographs; a view of Brandenburg Gate and the Kaiser Wilhelm Monument; a partial pan of a busy Berlin street; an exterior view of Amerika Haus; various scenes shot on the Olympic Village grounds and views of buildings there, as well as athletes and delegation members walking on the grounds, practising for events, playing organized activities, and relaxing; a panoramic view of sail boats in what may be Kiel Bay; uniformed officers marching through the street; and the closing ceremonies. Extended footage of sporting events appear through out including: water polo [continued from end of Berlin #1 reel], marathon running, relay, diving (platform and springboard), and equestrian jumping.

Schneider family

Mount Gabriel.

Canister includes notes by unknown hand about places in film. Includes possible source: "this could have been one of the times Dad went skiing at Mt Gabriel from Ottawa when Dad was an MP."

Schneider family

Schneider, Herbert J. family.

Snapshots of Herb and Betty: skiing, fishing, hiking and sailing in New Zealand, Alaska, Austria, Switzerland and Georgian Bay. Includes two postcards, one to Herb from Carl Holman, head brewer for Carlsberg Beer.

Schneider family

Eschwege, Germany.

Snapshots, postcards and tourist information relating to Eschwege, Germany, home of the Roth family (Reichen Sachsen on the Werre, Hesse). Henrietta Charlotte Roth was the wife of Charles Andrew Ahrens.

Schneider family

Trip diary.

File consists of one trip diary kept by Florence Bray. The diary details trips to Europe (1926), California (1938 & 1939), New York and Atlantic City (1932), Virginia (1950), Florida (1930 & 1938), Scotland (1892), Gaspe (1946), Muskoka (1946). Also included in the diary are addresses of people met while on trips, a list of hotels stayed in and a fold out map of the United States and Mexico. The 1926 trip to Europe is of particular interest, with descriptions of major European cities and First World War battlefields.

Bray Family

Album von Leipzig.

File consists of a booklet of 12 photochrom prints as postcards containing views of Leipzig.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur


File consists of a booklet originally containing 10 black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] with views of Breslau (Poland). Five postcards remain; one has been separated from the booklet.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur


File consists of a booklet containing 12 black and white photographs of Burgenstock.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur


File consists of 11 postcards containing views of Munich. Some are photochrom and some are black and white [rotogravure prints?].

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Wittenberg, Bez. Halle.

File consists of a booklet of 10 black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] containing views of Wittenberg.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Zugspitze im winter.

File consists of a set of black and white photographs in a folded paper covering containing views of the Zugspitze mountain peak in winter. The original set contained 12 images, but some from another unidentified set have been added for a total of 22.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Unidentified couple.

File consists of a snapshot of an unidentified couple standing together and smiling a the camera while visiting Bad Gastein.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Hunt, Alice Riggs.

File consists of one upper body portrait photograph of Alice Riggs Hunt taken while she was overseas taken by G&R Lavis, Eastbourne.

Hunt, Alice Riggs

Procession of suffragists.

Illustrated postcard featuring a procession of suffragists marching in a line with mouths open and arms outstretched, many with umbrellas in hand. The woman at the front of the line is holding a sign that reads: "Down with the Men and Up with the Women". Verso indicates postcard, numbered 641, was printed in Great Britain.


Illustrated postcard of a man kneeling in front of a stove, cooking something on a long fork, in a messy kitchen while holding a crying baby. In the background is a woman yelling from an open door with a "Votes for Women" poster visible at left. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Ours is a happy home!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard was published by E.S., London.

Suffragist at home.

Illustrated postcard of a woman lying in bed, turned to yell at an unhappy man seated at right, presumably her husband, who holding two crying babies. Caption on postcard reads: "The Suffragist at home. We don't know what we want, but we'll get it."

Verso indicates postcard, numbered 641, was printed in Great Britain.

Victoria Mary Sackville-West letter.

  • SCA64-WA36
  • Collection
  • 1944

Fonds consists of one holograph letter dated March 9, 1944 from Sackville-West to Mrs. Leslie Hotson discussing the effects of war on South-West England.

Sackville-West, Victoria

Negatives European trip.

Negatives depicting landscapes, landmarks, and members of the Breithaupt family travelling through Europe in 1930, specifically photographs cover travelling in England, Scotland, and the trip back to Canada. Also contains two paper developing envelopes that contained the negatives when they arrived in archives.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Notebook of a European tour.

File consists of one notebook used as a diary by Albert L. Breithaupt from June 10 to August 29, 1896, while on a trip to England, Scotland and Germany, with family members. The first entries are written in Berlin, Ontario. Of note is the entry for June 10, 1894 that gives an account of the last Sabbath in the "old church". Albert paraphrases the speech given by his mother, Catharine, with her recollections of the Sunday School in Berlin.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Allendorf a Werra.

File consists of 17 separate picture postcards, b&w and col. of Allendorf a Werra, birthplace of Louis Breithaupt, d. 1880. Duplicates also present.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Rosa M.H. Clark: European trip album.

Album contains postcards and photographs documenting a trip made May 24 to July 31, 1960 by Rosa and Spencer Clark to Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland. Many items are accompanied by separate manuscript identifications folded in. Also included is a trip itinerary.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Account book.

  • SCA71-GA40
  • Collection
  • 1800-1809

One unidentified English account book with entries from 1800-1809 for wages paid, property taxes, debts, etc.

Arthur Wellesley Wellington letter

  • SCA76-GA46
  • Collection
  • 1842

Contains one letter from Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington addressed to Francis Fane, the 12th Earl of Westmorland.

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley

Kaufman, A.R. : Russian trip memories.

Typescript carbon notes and photocopies of manuscript and typescript materials relating to A.R. Kaufman's travels in 1929, 1958-1959 and 1963 to various destinations in the world including England, India, New Zealand and Russia. Includes a photocopy of a CKCO TV interview about his trip to Russia in 1963.

Parents' Information Bureau

Briefe von Annemarie Boden, Max Boden, Axel and Sibylle Boden, 1954 mit einige briefe von John und Gisela Sommer an Annemarie Boden.

Correspondence primarily between the Sommer family and the Boden family. The Boden family lived in Bonn, Germany and included Annemarie Boden, Max Boden, Axel Boden and Sibylle Boden. Of special interest are letters commenting on social and political matters such as issues of ethnicity, Quebec separatism, and World War II. Records include letters, greeting cards, postcards, press clippings, a funeral invitation, and photographs of a family home and the University of Bonn in Germany.

Familienbriefe: 1958-1962.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters describing Eduard and Elisabeth Höpken’s impending trip to Canada and letters discussing Ulrich Sommer’s adult adoption by a man named Friedrich Joachim who lived in Germany. Records include letters, greeting cards, postcards, floor plans, and a wedding invitation.

Familienbriefe: 1967-1969.

  • SCA344-GA393-9
  • File
  • February 6, 1966-[January 8, 1970?], predominant 1967-1969
  • Part of Sommer family fonds.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Ulrich Sommer and Cornelius Sommer’s studies in university, Angelika Sommer’s pending visit with her grandparents, and Lina Neumeyer Raatz’s declining health. Lina Neumeyer Raatz was Ulrich Sommer’s aunt and she lived in Germany. Also contains correspondence between the Sommer family and the Altenmueller family from Cooksville, Ontario. Records include letters, postcards, and pamphlets.

Familienbriefe: 1979-1980.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters sent between Gisela Sommer and Ulrich Sommer that were written while Gisela visited her parents in Germany. Also contains a copy of the last will and testament of Friederich Höpken. Friederich Höpken was Eduard Höpken’s brother and he lived in Brazil. Records include letters, greeting cards, and postcards.

Familienbriefe: 1985-1987.

  • SCA344-GA393-19
  • File
  • November 22, 1979-June 8, 1996, predominant 1985-1987
  • Part of Sommer family fonds.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters sent between Gisela Sommer and Ulrich Sommer that were written while Gisela visited her parents in Germany. Of special interest is a letter by Ulrich to Gisela that describes his experience attending Barker Fairley’s birthday celebration at University College in Toronto, Ontario on May 21, 1986. Records include letters, greeting cards, postcards, funeral invitations, and photographs of family members.

Familienbriefe: 1988-1992.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Angelika Sommer’s training and participation in a local choir and Cornelius Sommer’s trip to Hamburg, Germany in 1993. Records include letters, greeting cards, postcards, press clippings, and photographs of family members, events, pets, and a choir.

Familienbriefe: 1993-1999.

  • SCA344-GA393-21
  • File
  • [August 1977?]-[December 14, 1999?], predominant 1993-1999
  • Part of Sommer family fonds.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as information about Angelika Sommer’s partner Gunther (surname unknown) and Angelika’s concern for Isle Stein’s well-being. Isle Stein was a friend of the Sommer family and she lived in Germany. Records include letters, greeting cards, postcards, press clippings and, photographs of family members, flowers, buildings, Christmas decorations, and art.

Seagram, Thomas.

Full length studio portrait of Thomas Seagram looking toward the camera standing with a cane and left arm resting on the back of a high back chair.

Seagram Family


Full length studio portrait of an unknown young girl seated in a chair, with legs tucked in at her side, and left arm propped on a side table with an open book on top.

Seagram Family


Silver thaler from the Austrian Empire showing on the obverse the head of Empress Maria Theresa and on the reverse the Hapsburg coat of arms.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver 5 franc coin from France showing on the obverse the head of Napoleon and on the reverse 5 FRANCS. Edge inscription reads 'France Dieu Protes.'

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver double florin England showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse crowned shields with sceptres in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze farthing from England showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse Britannia seated. This is a bun farthing, so called because of the young head of Queen Victoria with a bun, with a beaded border.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver florin from England showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse crowned cruciform shields; thistle, rose, & shamrock in each quarter between trefoil arches.

Pyke, Edgar William

Isle of Man.

Bronze farthing from the Isle of Man showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse the three-legged Manx triskelion.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver two pence from England showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse a 2. Also a brass commemorative token issued upon the marriage of Prince Albert to Queen Victoria. The obverse shows the head of Prince Albert and the reverse the words �BORN AUG 26 1819 MARRIED FEB 10 1840� across the field.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver crown from England showing on the obverse the head of King George IV and on the reverse an image of St. King George slaying the dragon.

Pyke, Edgar William


Gold half guinea showing on the obverse the head of King George III and on the reverse a spade shaped shield.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver coins from England showing on the obverse the head of King George II and on the reverse four crowned shields surrounding a garter star. These appear to be one shilling and two sixpence.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver farthing from England showing on the obverse the head of Charles II and on the reverse Britannia seated.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin weight for the god Unite coin, valued at twenty shillings, or one pound. The obverse shows the head of Charles I and the reverse a crown and XX.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver shilling from London (England) showing on the obverse the bust of Charles I, the king of England, Scotland and Ireland. The reverse shows the British coat of arms.

Pyke, Edgar William

Results 1 to 100 of 522