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Long, Elizabeth
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Bird, Florence.

Two typescript letters from Florence Bird to Elizabeth Long, addressed as "Bessie", on Royal Commission on the Status of Women letterhead with some general updates about her life and work. Included in the file is a typescript letter, presumably written by Long marked "never sent" outlining concerns about equal pay for women potentially dominating the findings of the Royal Commission in part because of what can be accomplished when women aren't viewed as a threat for leadership roles.

Long, Elizabeth

Herd, E.W. (Mrs.).

Typescript carbon copy of a letter from Elizabeth Long to Mrs. E.W. Herd, National Secretary of the National Council of Women of New Zealand thanking Herd for a donation of council publications to the Lady Aberdeen Library and requesting that any future copies to Miss Esther Michael, Donations and Bequests, at the University of Waterloo Library.

Long, Elizabeth

Rich, Ruby.

Carbon copy typescript letter from Elizabeth Long to Ruby Rich, MBE, in Sydney, Australia at the suggestion of Mrs. Elizabeth T. Halsey. Long makes reference to an enclosed leaflet about the Lady Aberdeen library and provides information about related activities.

Long, Elizabeth

Corben, Lillian E.

Manuscript letter from Lillian E. Corben writing on behalf of the North and West Vancouver Council of Women about the donation of funds and a photo of Mary Ellen Smith from Mrs. Ray Perrault M.L.A. File includes a typescript carbon copy response from Long in response which includes plans for the Aberdeen Collection.

Long, Elizabeth

Surry, Mildred.

Photocopy of a typescript letter from Elizabeth Long to Miss Mildred Surry, librarian at The Fawcett Library regarding an annual report and accession list received by Long and a request that the University of Waterloo be added to their mailing list. Attached to the letter are two documents; one regarding The Fawcett Library and one regarding the Fawcett Society.

Long, Elizabeth

Bradley, Marcia W.

One typescript letter from Marcia Williams Bradley, archivist and director of the Sophia Smith Collection at the Smith College Library about the renaming of the Radcliffe Women's Archives to the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library. Also in the file are carbon copy typescripts of letters form Long to Bradley about the Smith College Library, the development of the Aberdeen Library and its donation to the University of Waterloo, including references to Waterloo University Library Doris Lewis.

Long, Elizabeth

Stowe, Hudson J.

One letter from Hudson J. Stowe to Elizabeth Long regarding photographs and records related to Emily Stowe, some of which were thrown out and others that were sent to Victoria. Also in the file are typescript copies of two letters between Stowe and Long regarding the bust of Emily Stowe at old city hall in Toronto. In her letter regarding the bust, Long makes mention of letting Doris Lewis know for possible acquisition by the University of Waterloo.

Long, Elizabeth

Kaufman, Emma : 1966.

Correspondence and other items dated to 1966. Includes two letters to Emma Kaufman from Elizabeth Long of the National Council of Women of Canada, and one reply, concerning the Lady Aberdeen Library.

Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family

Sanford, Mrs. W. E.

Typescript letter titled "Archives on Women" and marked Confidential from Elizabeth Long to, likely, Doris Lewis regarding the papers of Mrs. W.E. Sanford and Long's belief that they belonged as part of the National Council of Women of Canada donation to the University of Waterloo Library as Sandford held various roles in the Canadian and International Council of Women. Includes candid views about Sandford's character and the chances of acquiring the papers from Sandford's daughter.

Long, Elizabeth

Rotenberg, David.

Typescript letter from David Rotenberg to Elizabeth Long regarding a bust of Dr. Emily Stowe with an enclosed Toronto Star article titled "Bust sets committee on ear", and a carbon copy typescript response from Long in which she says she is pleased the bust "has been retained in the new city hall".

Long, Elizabeth

MacMillan, Viola.

Carbon copy typescript of a letter written by Elizabeth Long to Viola MacMillan regarding press photos and other material related to prospecting and mining. Included in the file is a typescript of career information about MacMillan and manuscript notes in Long's hand.

Long, Elizabeth

Correspondence : Elizabeth Long.

Letters and typescript transcripts written to Elizabeth Long by Alice Egan Hagen, giving the background on sets of china she painted for various causes.

  • Date and Place From: 1962.12.15 Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia To Long, Elizabeth From Hagen, Alice Mary Notes: + transcript
  • Date and Place From: 1963.04.00 Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia To Long, Elizabeth From Hagen, Alice Mary Notes: + transcript
  • Date and Place From: 1963.04.17 Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia To Long, Elizabeth From Hagen, Alice Mary Notes: + transcript
  • Date and Place From: 1963.04.19 Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia To Long, Elizabeth From Hagen, Alice Mary Notes: + transcript

Hagen, Alice Mary