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Native peoples.
Native peoples.
Charcoal drawing of the old mill.
Charcoal drawing of the old mill.
What the petroglyphs said : drafts and artwork.
What the petroglyphs said : drafts and artwork.
Turnbull, Gael : While breath persist.
Turnbull, Gael : While breath persist.
Illustrations by Virgil Burnett.
Illustrations by Virgil Burnett.
Illustrations to Jurgen.
Illustrations to Jurgen.
Coles, Don : The forests of medieval Europe.
Coles, Don : The forests of medieval Europe.
Cuts : Pola de pera.
Cuts : Pola de pera.
Crusz, Rienzi : The rain doesn't know me anymore.
Crusz, Rienzi : The rain doesn't know me anymore.
Burnett vignettes.
Burnett vignettes.
Burnett, Virgil : Comedy of eros.
Burnett, Virgil : Comedy of eros.
Burnett, Virgil : Farewell tour.
Burnett, Virgil : Farewell tour.
Correspondence : 16 July-20 Dec. 2011.
Correspondence : 16 July-20 Dec. 2011.
William Morton fonds.
William Morton fonds.
Barrett Autograph Collection.
Barrett Autograph Collection.
S.K. Johannesen fonds : 2016 accrual.
S.K. Johannesen fonds : 2016 accrual.
Illutrations for Sister Patsy.
Illutrations for Sister Patsy.
Plate No. II.
Plate No. II.
Plate No. I.
Plate No. I.
Sketch of country towards Tann and Pirmass from X.
Sketch of country towards Tann and Pirmass from X.
Painting : colour examples.
Painting : colour examples.
Drawing : house at night.
Drawing : house at night.
Drawing : house.
Drawing : house.
Drawing : cartoons and sketches.
Drawing : cartoons and sketches.
Drawing : sketches of borders and ceiling roses.
Drawing : sketches of borders and ceiling roses.
Dance programme.
Dance programme.
Painting of Dana Porter Library.
Painting of Dana Porter Library.
Exhibit clippings
Exhibit clippings
Sorel Strut ski system.
Sorel Strut ski system.
Motz, John Edward : juvenalia : art work.
Motz, John Edward : juvenalia : art work.
Drawing : Hong Kong.
Drawing : Hong Kong.
Child drawings.
Child drawings.
Wood burning.
Wood burning.
November poem.
November poem.
Victorian women photograph album.
Victorian women photograph album.
Nancy-Lou Patterson fonds : 2021 accrual.
Nancy-Lou Patterson fonds : 2021 accrual.
Retirement gift.
Retirement gift.
Political cartoon by Patrick Corrigan.
Political cartoon by Patrick Corrigan.
Andrew Telegdi by Eugène Bellemare.
Andrew Telegdi by Eugène Bellemare.
Construction paper tie.
Construction paper tie.
Posters and related material.
Posters and related material.
Kimmel, Husband E.
Kimmel, Husband E.
Writings and paperwork.
Writings and paperwork.
FAUW Forum.
FAUW Forum.
FAUW Forum.
FAUW Forum.
Schantz, Ruth.
Schantz, Ruth.
The distressed poet, or a true representation of the unfortunate Chatterton.
The distressed poet, or a true representation of the unfortunate Chatterton.
The death of Chatterton.
The death of Chatterton.
Chatterton composing the Rowleian manuscrips.
Chatterton composing the Rowleian manuscrips.
New years card.
New years card.
Schantz, Carrie Flagler painting.
Schantz, Carrie Flagler painting.
The last day of summer drawing.
The last day of summer drawing.
New years card.
New years card.
New years card.
New years card.
Birthday card.
Birthday card.
Dogwood drawing.
Dogwood drawing.
Cardinal drawing.
Cardinal drawing.
To: Spencer and Rosa.
To: Spencer and Rosa.
LeRoy car.
LeRoy car.
George Baxter prints of Sir Robert Peel and Lord Nelson.
George Baxter prints of Sir Robert Peel and Lord Nelson.
David Hill sketchbooks.
David Hill sketchbooks.
A. Pugin print of the library of All Souls College.
A. Pugin print of the library of All Souls College.
Vanity Fair men of the day prints.
Vanity Fair men of the day prints.
Thomas Austen Brown print.
Thomas Austen Brown print.
Arthur Lismer drawing of Elizabeth S. Nutt.
Arthur Lismer drawing of Elizabeth S. Nutt.
Helen Edmonds sketchbook
Helen Edmonds sketchbook
Elizabeth Rivers prints.
Elizabeth Rivers prints.
Etchings collection.
Etchings collection.
Election poster.
Election poster.
Betty Forbes's wedding planner.
Betty Forbes's wedding planner.
Peggy Forbes's notebook.
Peggy Forbes's notebook.
Betty Forbes's scrapbook.
Betty Forbes's scrapbook.
Forbes family letters.
Forbes family letters.
Letters from Betty and Peg.
Letters from Betty and Peg.
Sketch of Leonard M. Davis.
Sketch of Leonard M. Davis.
Mnemosyne lay in dust.
Mnemosyne lay in dust.
Moyer, Levi Nash : print.
Moyer, Levi Nash : print.
Moyer, Levi Nash : print.
Moyer, Levi Nash : print.
A slumber song.
A slumber song.
My symphony.
My symphony.
The girl he left behind him.
The girl he left behind him.
Churchill, Winston : print.
Churchill, Winston : print.
Flower bouquet print.
Flower bouquet print.
Portraits of Ross and Doris Dixon.
Portraits of Ross and Doris Dixon.
Ephemera : etchings.
Ephemera : etchings.
Sketchbook, March-April, 1912.
Sketchbook, March-April, 1912.
Sketchbook, October, November, December, 1911.
Sketchbook, October, November, December, 1911.
Montgomery, Francis Kathleen : lighthouse drawing.
Montgomery, Francis Kathleen : lighthouse drawing.
Unattributed sketchbook.
Unattributed sketchbook.
Results 1 to 100 of 187