- SCA118-GA91-8-258
- File
- 1901
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
One head and shoulders studio portrait of Annie Bowman, seen looking at camera, that was found with Hervey Bowman's belongings.
Schantz Russell Family
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Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
One head and shoulders studio portrait of Annie Bowman, seen looking at camera, that was found with Hervey Bowman's belongings.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Exterior view of Hervey Bowman's home located at 60 Church Street, Kitchener, Ontario by an unidentified photographer. The house is somewhat obscured by trees and an adult, possibly Hervey Bowman, is seen standing at left, behind a row of shrubs.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
One head and shoulders studio portrait of Hervey Bowman, seen looking at camera and dressed in a suit and tie, that was found with his belongings.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photographic print of an 1857 drawing of Preston, Canada.
Schantz Russell Family
Schantz, Orpheus Moyer and family.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
One informal group portrait of the Schantz/Flagler family and friends. The group is seen sitting on the front porch of Orpheus' home at Morton Park.
Back row: Arthur Schantz, Melvina Dorthula Flagler, Samuel A. Flagler.
Middle Row: Sophie Schantz, Carrie Flagler Schantz, William Brown Flagler, Nell Johnston Flagler.
Front Row: G.H. Bowers with banjo, H. Goodwal Dickerman with Ruth Schantz and guitar, Orpheus Schantz.
Schantz Russell Family
Russell, Dorothy Etta and Ruth Schantz.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of Ruth Schantz seated in a wooden chair holding and looking down at infant cousin Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White). An organ and baby carriage are visible in background.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Plan showing a subdivision of Berlin with 642 lots in three parcels. Includes transparent overlay stencil reflecting the locations of current Kitchener buildings and landmarks.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Schantz Russell Family
Benjamin Devitt's survey of part of township lots 14 and 15 in the Village of Waterloo, Ontario.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Shows a section of Waterloo (Erb and Willow Streets).
Schantz Russell Family
Plan of the Township of Waterloo taken from manuscript surveys made for Mr. Peter Bamberger.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Schantz Russell Family
Northern Alberta : map showing disposition of lands.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Schantz Russell Family
Sketch map of the province of British Columbia, showing mining divisions.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Schantz Russell Family
Belcher's map of the province of Nova Scotia : including the island of Cape Breton.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Relief shown by hachures.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of rear channel in Victoria Park. The area is surrounded by trees with lily pads in water and detritus on exposed sandbar. A bear cage and picnic shelter are partially visible at right.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of west pathway and lake in Victoria Park including view of Swan Island and, in the distance, the Roos Island bridge. Victoria School tower is faintly visible in background skyline.
Schantz Russell Family
Victoria Park rear island and channel
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of rear island and channel in Victoria Park, featuring a large leafy tree and a partial view of a wooden bridge. An automobile is visible in background, at left.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of tree-lined west pathway, along lake's edge in Victoria Park. The crossed legs and feet of a seated man appear immediately at left, and a group walking toward Roos Island bridge are visible further down the path.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Two identical photographs of a rolling landscape covered in snow. Tall bare trees and tree stumps appear through out.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of two raccoons on the branches of a bare tree
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of pile-driver with pile hanging from boom on incomplete span of rail bridge over a large body of water. Construction works are visible on a raft in the water, at the bottom of the pile, as well as on and next to the pile-driver. A sign on the machinery reads: "Industrial Brownhoist".
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of pile-driver with pile hanging from boom on incomplete span of rail bridge over a large body of water. Construction works are visible on a raft in the water, at the bottom of the pile, as well as on and next to the pile-driver. A sign on the machinery reads "Industrial Brownhoist" and another on the rail car reads "Canadian Pacific Pile-Driver".
Schantz Russell Family
Dorothy Russell seated in Victoria Park
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of Dorothy Russell seated on grass in Victoria Park framed by bushes and a canopy of trees. Bear cages and a wood bridge are visible in background.
Schantz Russell Family
Victoria Park rear channel and island
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Photograph of Victoria Park back channel and island with trees reflected in water. Bear cages, cannon and pavilion visible in background.
Schantz Russell Family
Victoria Park, Berlin, Ontario.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
One panoramic postcard showing portions of Victoria Park, Berlin (Kitchener), Ontario including the lake and Roos Island. Unidentified male and female walkers and canoeists are visible in the photograph. The background also depicts residences, churches and industrial buildings in an area of Berlin (Kitchener), Ontario surrounding the park.
Schantz Russell Family
Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd. : repairs to chimney.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
One envelope of photographs taken during chimney repairs at the Kaufman Rubber Co. factory. Includes photos of Bill Latremoille, Bill Caklos and Boyd Latremoille of J. J. Salt, steeplejack contractor from Toronto, Ontario. Note on envelope: "Cost $900.00 including $125.00 for lightning rods".
Kaufman Footwear
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
File consists of one reprint of the Busy Berlin map of 1912. The map was reprinted in 1989 at 69% of the original size by the Kitchener Public Library.
Kaufman Family
Central Aircraft Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
File consists of one aerial photograph of Central Aircraft Manufacturing Co. Ltd. in London Ontario. The buildings in the photograph are numbered and identified.
Kaufman Family
Kaufman Rubber Company building exterior.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
File consists of one photograph of the exterior of the Kaufman Rubber Co. building taken from slightly down the street.
Kaufman Family
Kaufman Rubber Company building exterior.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
File consists of one photograph of the exterior of the Kaufman Rubber Co. building taken in winter. Identification from verso.
Kaufman Family
Part of John Walter fonds.
Series contains reference materials including a 1937 edition of the Canadian Labour Press, book lists, ration coupons and scrips from Germany and United States, and a 1925 map of the city of Montreal.
Household and personal accounts.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Small volume bound tete-beche meant to record bills payable and bills receivable. Included here is a record of the indebtedness of his brothers Arthur Benjamin Schantz and Austin Tobias Schantz in connection with their ranching and farming venture in Didsbury, Alberta, as well as a record and valuation of horses owned. Expected income from investments and securities is listed. One of two loose papers included is an invoice for a pistol purchased parcel post by Constable Clarke Russell, 1931.
Schantz Russell Family
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Contains a newspaper clipping of a picture of the Kaufman Footwear hockey team for 1935 under the headline "Kaufman's Team Reaches Playoffs". Caption below photo reads: "Reaching the play-offs in the Kitchener Industrial Hockey League, Kaufman's team are show above. Back row - Alf Schaefer, coach; M. Kowalski, H. Schaefer, M. Wannamaker, C. Schlote, W. Plomski, E. Wannamaker, J. Frank, C. Steppler and J. Loth, manager. Front row - E. Good, A. Bernhardt and H. Current; I. Weber, mascot. - (Photo by Denton, Kitchener.)
Kaufman Footwear
A.R. Kaufman riding his horse, Prince.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Snapshot of A.R. Kaufman on his horse Prince.
Kaufman Footwear
A.R. Kaufman, unidentified man standing in a field.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Informal snapshot of A.R. Kaufman and an unidentified man standing in a field.
Kaufman Footwear
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Contains two original photographs and two reproduction photographs of two different informal group portraits of eight unidentified women. Caption on envelope states that these are "pictures of a trip Mr. Kaufman and others went on when trouble with the car, Irvin was along".
Kaufman Footwear
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Contains formal portraits of people honoured on Milestone Night. Identified are:
Back row, left to right: Don Mayburry, Waldemar Betker, Larry Tierney, John Juhasz, Gerry MacKenzie, Art Loverock, Warren Roeder, Jurgen Walther.
Front row, left to right: George Klooster, Lepa Sop, Linda Deluso, Maria Andrei, Mat Filevski, Jean Kilbasco, Dorothy Schlosser.
Kaufman Footwear
Hockey, 1930's : Kaufman Rubber Co. hockey team.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Group portrait of the Kaufman Rubber Co., Limited hockey team, seen in uniform.
Back row: ?, ?, ?, ?, W. Plomske, ?, ?
Front row: M. Kowalski, ?, ?, [W. Wildfong], Harold Current, ?, C. Steppler
Kaufman Footwear
Kaufman Footwear : employees at work : production.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Contains photographs of employees at work on various stages of the production process. Includes identification of some of the employees: Eileen Buchner, Don Kraft, Bill Ariss, Helen Wroble, Bob Kerlit, William Kopes, Art Stager, Doug Hackbart, and John Stebli.
Kaufman Footwear
Kaufman Footwear : King. St. plant : exterior, 1970's.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Contains three photographs of the Kaufman factory building on King Street in Kitchener.
Kaufman Footwear
Kaufman Footwear : King. St. plant : interior, 1950's.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Contains one photograph of the interior of the Kaufman Rubber Co., Limited factory with a view of various types of machinery.
Kaufman Footwear
Kaufman Footwear : King. St. plant : interior, 1980's : fourth floor construction.
Part of Kaufman Family collection.
Contains photographs of the fourth floor construction of the Kaufman Footwear building.
Kaufman Footwear
Part of Sol Eisen collection.
Collection consists of four files donated as part of the Sol Eisen collection of Canadiana. These items include a ms. of Mexican plays, a music manuscript, a receipt for work completed by a slave on chain gang, and materials related to the life of Frederic William Wile.
Eisen, Sol
Diary of Frederick Arthur Edmonds.
Part of Frederick Arthur Edmonds fonds.
Contains one black leather bound notebook used by Frederick Arthur Edmonds as a diary. The notebook is ruled, contains some numbered pages, and opens lengthwise. Entries are dated and sporadic, are written in pencil, and include a chart of the names of soldiers from the 16th Platoon, with their identification number, rank, age, marital status, date of arrival in France, religion, next of kin, trade, and courses. Includes a loose leaf of paper in the front pocket of the notebook, and several blank pages. The diary entries are titled "My diary since leaving the 'Ypres Salient'", and detail the movement of troops, destinations, times leaving and arriving places, encampments, training progress, weather, distances from place to place in kilometres, locations of battles, places billeted, conditions in the trenches, descriptions of battles, objectives, conditions, attacks, general notes about casualties, tanks, mines, and descriptions of Edmonds' stay in the Paris Plaz hospital and Le Havre hospital. The diary goes up until just before Vimy Ridge, when Edmonds is invalided home.
Edmonds, Frederick Arthur
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of material relating to the Westmount development in Waterloo. Includes a prospectus (Realty Pointers: Westmount, "The Development Beautiful") prepared by Beck & Eisenbach (Berlin, ON) containing a plan of Westmount; and a photograph of a topographical landscape painting showing Berlin, Waterloo, and Westmount, prepared by Gibson Catlett, Real Estate Landscape Paintings (Calgary, AB). The plan in the prospectus contains manuscript annotations.
Rieder and Anthes family
Grant of burial lots to John S. Anthes.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of an indenture between the Corporation of the Town of Berlin and John S. Anthes for the grant of burial lots nos. 288 and 289 in Mount Hope Cemetery.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Studio portrait of Lydia Anthes with daughters Ella Cook, Martha Rieder, Louisa Breithaupt and Carrie Breithaupt. Ella and Martha are seen standing, with Louisa and Carrie seated on either side of Lydia. Only Lydia and Louisa are looking toward the camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Anthes Manufacturing Company : factory.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Photograph of the exterior of a corner of the Anthes Manufacturing Company of Berlin seen from across a dirt road. Clusters of trees are visible next to the building and at right in what may be an adjoining lot.
Rieder and Anthes family
Anthes Manufacturing Company : employees at front of factory.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Mounted photograph of employees casually standing at the front and side of the Anthes Manufacturing Company factory. Looking at the camera, most are wearing hats, some with hands at hips or in pockets.
Rieder and Anthes family
Anthes Manufacturing Company : employees at front of factory.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Mounted photograph of employees posed for a photo outside of the Anthes Manufacturing Company factory. Seen in two rows, one standing and one kneeling, most are holding hats at their side or on a knee. An unidentified man on a horse is included in the group at right.
Rieder and Anthes family
Berlin Rubber Manufacturing Company : construction of factory.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Photograph taken during the construction of an unidentified factory in Berlin (now Kitchener), probably the Berlin Rubber Manufacturing Company.
Rieder and Anthes family
Dominion Tire Company factory album.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Album containing photographs of the construction of the Dominion Tire Company manufacturing plant in what was then Berlin, Ontario. Includes photographs of the construction process, the surrounding land, the interior and exterior of the building during construction, equipment used the tire manufacturing process and employees on the factory floor, etc. Although the majority of the people are unidentified the following people appear in the album: Talmon Henry Rieder (page 1), [Ed Cable?] and Irene Bain (page 3), Dr. Wood (page 6), and J.I. Franklin Anthes (page 9 and 53).
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Upper body studio portrait of unidentified woman see looking at camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Upper body studio portrait of Evelyn Breithaupt seen looking slightly off camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Upper body studio portrait of Louise McEwen McLean looking off camera, wearing a high-collar top with leg of mutton sleeves.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Full body studio portrait of an unidentified woman seen looking off camera. She has a wedding ring on her left hand.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Head and shoulder studio portrait of Jennie Hall seen looking at camera and wearing a high-collar top with leg of mutton sleeves.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Studio portrait of Lucy Edkins seen standing and looking slightly off camera. She is wearing a hat, lace adorned top and a fur scarf across shoulders.
Rieder and Anthes family
Houses : 44 Weber Street, Kitchener.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of three photographs of the John S. Anthes home at 44 Weber Street in Berlin (Kitchener). Two photographs are mounted. Includes one duplicate photograph.
Rieder and Anthes family
Houses : 44 Weber Street, Kitchener.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of a photograph of the John S. Anthes home at 44 Weber Street in Berlin (Kitchener).
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Head and shoulders studio portrait of Emma Ratz Kaufman seen looking off camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Head and body studio portrait of Emma Kaufman seen looking off camera in a white dress and standing with hands at front.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Studio portrait of Charles Campbell McDonald.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of a photograph of the home of Elizabeth Merner (nee Young) on Main Street in New Hamburg, Ontario. Her family (children and grandchildren) are gathered in the front yard and on the front porch.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Studio portrait of Zella Dexter McDonald, seen wearing a hat with a large bow on top.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of mounted snapshots taken in Penetanguishene, probably by Martha and Ella Anthes. Includes snapshots of people on a beach, a cottage, loads of bark on a dock and a boat, people resting from travelling, hiking, etc.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Scenic view of a tree-lined Grand River.
Rieder and Anthes family
Rieder, Martha and Ella Cook with friends.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Photograph of (left to right) May Wing, Martha Rieder, Emma Ratz Kaufman, and Ella Cook posed for the camera wearing hats and holding picnic baskets. The group is seen in front of a vine covered backdrop.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Head and shoulders studio portrait of Martha Rieder seen looking off camera and wearing a lace collared top.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Full length studio portrait of Martha Rieder seated in an arm chair holding a flower in lap, seen wearing a long white dress and looking at camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Upper body studio portrait of Martha Reider seen wearing glasses and looking at camera.
Rieder and Anthes family
Rieder, Peter and Emeline family.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists a studio portrait of Peter and Emeline Rieder with five of their children, probably Talmon Henry (standing back centre), Elmer, Maude, Idella, and Loretta.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Upper body studio portraits of Emeline Rieder and Peter Rieder seen looking at camera. The photos are inside a double panel photographer mount with decorative patterns around the photos.
Rieder and Anthes family
Sales representative reward program : trip to Quebec : 1994 (file 1 of 2).
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of material relating to the planning, coordination, and publicity for the sales incentive trip to Quebec City and Montreal in 1994 for Projection Systems sales representatives. Includes correspondence and memoranda (some faxed), completed registration forms, ms. notes, tourism brochures, edited draft versions of the travel itinerary and information booklet, print-outs of presentation slides, snapshots of hotel facilities, draft versions of a video script advertising the trip, copies of the trip logo, and other material.
Projection Systems application photographs.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of photographs, transparencies, and slides depicting Electrohome Projection Systems products and their applications in various corporations and organizations. Applications pictured include: CSX Transportation Control Center (Jacksonville, FL), Canadian Embassy (Tokyo, Japan), Rochester Gas and Electric (Rochester, NY), Thames River Water System (London, UK), National Bowling Stadium (Reno, NV), the Barcelona Stock Exchange (Spain), and others.
Guelph Dam : opening day, sweeps at Luther / Adolfis Ridzins.
Grand River Conservation Authority
Grand River Conservation Authority : dam opening.
File consists of negatives showing the opening of a dam.
Grand River Conservation Authority
Grand River Conservation Authority : Doon Pioneer Village one day winter opening.
File consists of thirteen negatives showing Doon Pioneer Village in the winter.
Grand River Conservation Authority
File consists of two photographic transparencies showing the Grand River and work being done on the river.
Grand River Conservation Authority
Rockwood's Harris Woolen Mill : glass plate hand coloured transparency.
File consists of one hand coloured glass plate transparency showing Rockwood's Harris Woolen Mill. Also includes a CD with a scan of the image.
Grand River Conservation Authority
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. He shares news of his wife Magdalena's illness and her return to health, nothing they have had to rely on female help to get by. Anthes notes their youngest daughter is "quite healthy and so very friendly" and invites his parents to the consecration of the church later in January. The letter ends with a postscript note about the possible digging of a new well and his inability to contribute due to winter expenses.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine Anthes. He begins by saying that he's feeling healthier and that the fall weather has been beautiful. After mentioning a visit by Wagenast and his wife, and fish sent with them as gifts, he provides suggestions for transporting and selling apples, sharing that he's pleased with the barrel yielded from his garden.
Rieder and Anthes family
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
File consists of a postcard containing a photograph of a tree-lined river bank containing the caption "7 Arundel Que." The postcard is addressed to Leo Anthes [possibly Leonard Anthes, son of J.I. Frank and Cyrena Anthes] from Ida W.
Rieder and Anthes family
Martin Marietta application story : April, 1991.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of material relating to the writing and publication of an application case history about the the use of Electrohome's ECP 4000 projectors at Martin Marietta space launch systems interactive demonstration centre (Denver, CO). Includes correspondence and memoranda (some faxed), edited draft and final typed versions of story outlines and of articles (some faxed), ms. notes, a photograph of the projection system at the demonstration centre, and other information about Martin Marietta.
Duhamel, Del and partner : Deilcraft sales representatives.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of a portrait of Del Duhamel and a portrait of another man, both Deilcraft sales representatives in Quebec.
Calgary branch : official opening of new location.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of seven photographs (plus duplicates) taken at the official opening of the new location of the Electrohome branch in Calgary, AB. Includes photographs of Carl A. Pollock cutting the ribbon and posing with Western sales staff. File also includes a press clipping.
Ground-breaking ceremony : Wellington Street plant expansion.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of three photographs taken at the ground-breaking ceremony for the expansion of the Electrohome plant at 809 Wellington Street, Kitchener, ON (Plant 6).
Plants and product testing facilities.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of photographs and negatives of Electrohome plants and product testing facilities. Includes photographs of the Morristown, TN, plant; the Electrohome (U.S.A.) Inc. branch in Ontario, CA; an aerial photograph of Plant 10 (Cambridge, ON); and photographs of employees testing television and video monitors. One photograph has been mounted on board and retouched.
809 Wellington Street property.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of material relating to the property at 809 Wellington Street in Kitchener, ON; a zone change application and the potential purchase of parts of the property by Northport Landing (Waterloo, ON); and the purchase of parts of the property by First Gulf Development Corporation (Mississauga, ON).
Includes correspondence and memoranda, ms. notes, maps and folded site plans (and some photocopies of same), photocopies of extracts of zoning by-laws, copies of forms, a draft purchase agreement, and other material. Plans depict part 2 of lot 32 and 34, reg. plan 763, reference plan 58R-3130, in the City of Kitchener.
Northport Landing : Wellington Street parking lot : development proposal.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of material relating to proposals from Northport Landing (Cambridge, ON) to develop parts of the Electrohome property at 809 Wellington Street in Kitchener, ON. Includes correspondence, memoranda, ms. notes, two proposals by Northport Landing, and a preliminary site plan (folded) for part 2 of lot 32, 33, and 34, reg. plan 763, reference plan 58R-3130 in the City of Kitchener.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of photographs orignally in an album created to illustrate the history of CAP Communications and CKCO-TV. Subjects of photographs include: television production equipment and facilities, television personalities on set, special events (including a visit from Pierre Elliott Trudeau in 1968, the extension of highway 401 to Kitchener ca. 1960, and the Queen's visit to Kitchener in 1959), and studio technicians at work. Some photographs include identification on verso and some include typed captions.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of photographs originally in an album created to illustrate the history of CAP Communications and CKCO-TV. Subjects of photographs include: television personalities on set, stills from television programs, and technicians at work. Some photographs include identification on verso and some pages in the photo album were blank.
Photographs : Carl A. Pollock at CKCO-TV channel launches.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of twelve photographs taken at the launches of CKCO-TV Channel 2 (Georgian Bay), Channel 42 (Chatham-Sarnia), and Channel 11 (Huntsville). Photographs depict Carl A. Pollock speaking and shaking hands with people. File contains duplicate photographs.
Photographs : CKCO-TV (file 1 of 2).
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of photographs and snapshots of CKCO-TV buildings and production facilities, television personalities and stills from programs, technicians at work, and special events. Includes snapshots of the CKCO-TV crew on location at the 1988 Olympics (Calgary, AB) and the 1978 Oktoberfest parade (Kitchener, ON), stills from the set of Big Al's Cartoon Capers and Romper Room, and the transmission tower on Baden Hill.
Photographs : Sunwapta hearing.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of 51 photographs taken on February 16, 1988, at Chateau Lacombe (Edmonton, AB) at the hearing by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regarding the transfer of full ownership of Sunwapta Broadcasting Limited to Electrohome. Each photograph contains identification on verso.
Habitat '67 : photographs and brochures.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of material relating to Electrohome's contribution to the furnishing of 36 housing units in Habitat '67, a project at Expo '67 (Montreal, QC). Includes photographs of Habitat '67 models and apartment interiors, brochures about the project, correspondence, ephemera, and a signed lease agreement.