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Personal and Biographical

Series consists of materials relating to the personal life of Isabel Ecclestone Mackay. Includes clippings, obituaries, correspondence and ephemera.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone


Series consists of five scrapbooks created by Isabel Mackay. The scrapbooks include clippings of Mackay's works, reviews, obituaries, and photographs of contemporaries.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Poetry and Prose

Series consists of poetry and prose written by Isabel Mackay. Includes mss., tss. and published works.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Correspondence: Smith, Gertrude

Series is comprised of correspondence between Gertrude Smith (sister of Elizabeth Smith Shortt) and others. Correspondence is organized by surname of correspondent.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Correspondence: Smith, Violet

Series is comprised of correspondence between Violet Smith (sister of Elizabeth Smith Shortt) and others. Correspondence is organized by surname of correspondent.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Elizabeth Smith Shortt: Ephemera

Series is comprised of ephemeral materials created and accumulated by Elizabeth Smith Shortt. Includes a wedding invitation, stock and bond records, and stationary.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Shortt Family: Deaths

Series is comprised of materials related to the death of Lorraine Shortt. Includes a memorial record, and a list of those connected with her funeral.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Shortt Family: Certificates

Series is comprised of certificates accumulated by members of the Shortt family. Includes primarily educational certificates for Lorraine Shortt and Violet Smith.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Shortt Family: Speeches

Series is comprised of transcripts of speeches given by members of the Smith-Shortt family including Lorraine Shortt and Violet Smith. Also includes one scrapbook of speeches.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith


Series is comprised of various published materials created and accumulateed primarily by Elizabeth Smith Shortt. Includes mostly materials on medical and women's rights concerns, as well as an alumnae news letter and extracts from books regarding Elizabeth Smith Shortt.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith


Series is comprised of leaflets accumulated by members of the Smith-Shortt family that relate to a variety of subjects.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith


Series is comprised of pamphlets accumulated by members of the Smith-Shortt family that relate to a variety of subjects.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Clippings Files

Series is comprised of clippings accumulated by members of the Smith-Shortt family. Includes primarily clippings on topics of interest such as medicine and women's rights, as well as those relating to members of the family.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Correspondence: Clark, Roger

Series is comprised of correspondence between Roger Clark (son-in-law of Elizabeth Smith Shortt) and others. Correspondence is organized by surname of correspondent.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith


Series is comprised of photographs of members of the Smith-Shortt family and friends.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Correspondence: Clark, Muriel

Series is comprised of correspondence between Muriel Shortt Clark (daughter of Elizabeth Smith Shortt) and others. Correspondence is organized by surname of correspondent.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Correspondence: Shortt, Lorraine

Series is comprised of correspondence between Lorraine Shortt (daughter of Elizabeth Smith Shortt) and others. Correspondence is organized by surname of correspondent.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Correspondence: Smith, Armand

Series is comprised of correspondence between Armand Smith (nephew of Elizabeth Smith Shortt) and others. Correspondence is organized by surname of correspondent.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith


Series consists of materials accumulated by Elizabeth Long relating to her interests and activities. Includes material relating to organizations of which Long was a member, materials from events attended by Long and publications.

Long, Elizabeth


Series consists of biographical material about Alice Riggs Hunt. Includes interview notes (ms. and ts. originals), biographical outline by A.R.H. (ts. carbon), clippings, obituary, ephemera and photographs. Includes an "At Home" card and accompanying clipping describing Alice Riggs Hunt's "Debut" in 1903 and a list of manuscripts.

Hunt, Alice Riggs


Series consists of seventy seven items of correspondence to and from Alice Riggs Hunt and a number of correspondents. Correspondents include Jane Addams, Carrie Chapman Catt, Romain Rolland and Phyllis E. Wheelock. Arranged by name of correspondent.

Hunt, Alice Riggs


Series consists of typescripts by Alice Riggs Hunt, primarily concerning her experiences at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 as an accredited press correspondent attached to the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, as well as documenting her tour through seven countries of Europe at that time. Also includes notes on suffrage and some autobiographical notes.

Hunt, Alice Riggs

Published Writing

Series consists of published articles and news stories by Alice Riggs Hunt, most reporting on conditions in Europe during and after the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Includes a folder of ephemera relating to a lecture tour she made in 1920-1921. Many of these pieces appear also in the scrapbook in File 60.

Hunt, Alice Riggs


Series consists primarily of material created and /or accumulated by Alice Riggs Hunt, documenting her life, interest and activities. Includes ephemera such as certificates, passports, travel documents and ration cards. Includes material relating to the International Congess of Women held in Zurich, 1919. Includes a trip diary as well as two notebooks, one recording suffrage campaigning in West Viginia and the other, notes about Europe after 1919. Includes a scrapbook of her published writings in newspapers and periodicals. Also includes articles by Thomas T.C. Gregory on Eastern Europe and Bela Kun, ca. 1919 a topic that A.R.H. also wrote about.

Hunt, Alice Riggs

Conservation and Scientific Organizations and Conferences

Series consists of material relating to Dr. Detwiler's involvement in conservation organizations and attendance at various conferences. Includes ms. notes, correspondence, ephemera, maps, minutes of meetings, presentations. Miscellaneous material and files of invoices etc. would not appear to belong to this series.

Detwiler, John D.


Series consists of drafts, notes and manuscipts of of writings such as speeches, articles etc. by John D. Detwiler.

Detwiler, John D.


Series consists of ts. drafts of writings such as speeches, articles etc. by John D. Detwiler.

Detwiler, John D.

Fish Hatchery Investigations

Series consists of material relating to fish hatchery investigations and brook trout feeding experiments carried out by Dr. John D. Detwiler from 1920-1932 in Ontario. Includes notebooks, diaries, reviews of activities, minutes, correspondence, etc.

Detwiler, John D.

Subject Files

Series consists of publications such as offprints, reprints, maps, correspondence on various topics related to conservation.

Detwiler, John D.

Offprints and Reprints.

Series consists of publications such as offprints, reprints, on various topics related to conservation. Many are author's presentation copy to J.D. Detwiler.

Detwiler, John D.

Forms, Publications : Unnumbered

Series consists of printed and ts. material issued by the Parents' Information Bureau, but not as part of the numbered series, in 1969 and 1976. Two are tss. by A.R. Kaufman relating to birth control.

Parents' Information Bureau

General Files

Series consists of material relating to the life and activities of A.R. Kaufman. Includes speech texts and travel reminiscences written by him, biographical information in the form of clippings and correspondence, as well as information relating to the Dorothea Palmer Birth Control trial.

Parents' Information Bureau


Series consists of correspondence to and from A.R. Kaufman of a variety of topics, including birth control.

Parents' Information Bureau

Personal and Biographical

Series consists of personal and biographical materials created and accumulate by Barbara Smucker. Includes correspondence, biographical and critical articles and notes, as well as clippings.

Smucker, Barbara

Amish Adventure

Series consists of materials created and accumulated by Barbara Smucker relating to her work "Amish Adventure." Includes tss. and reviews.

Smucker, Barbara

Jacob's Little Giant

Series consists of materials created and accumulated by Barbara Smucker relating to her work "Jacob's Little Giant." Includes tss., research notes, and reviews.

Smucker, Barbara

Incredible Jumbo

Series consists of materials created and accumulated by Barbara Smucker relating to her work "Incredible Jumbo." Includes tss., research notes, and reviews.

Smucker, Barbara

Garth and the Mermaid

Series consists of materials created and accumulated by Barbara Smucker relating to her work "Garth and the Mermaid." Includes tss., research notes, and reviews.

Smucker, Barbara

Other Works and Activities

Series consists of materials created or accumulated by Barbara Smucker related to other works or activities. Includes published and self published works, materials relating to awards, events and readings, and advertising materials for Smucker's various works.

Smucker, Barbara

Motz Family

Series is comprised of general materials related to the Motz family and their history. Includes a family history, and family correspondence.

Motz Family

Motz, John and Motz, Helena Vogt

Series is comprised of materials relating to the life of John Motz and his wife Helena Vogt. Includes correspondence, ephemera, legal documents and clippings.

Motz Family

Motz, William John and Motz, Rose Huck

Series is comprised of materials relating to the life of William John Motz and his wife Rose Huck Motz. Includes correspondence, ephemera, legal documents and clippings. Also includes a scrapbook from a Candian Press Club trip to Europe in 1929.

Motz Family

Motz, John George

Series is comprised of materials relating to the life of John George Motz. Includes a postcard photograph, funerary cards and a handkerchief.

Motz Family

Motz, John Edward and Motz, Mary Stoody

Series is comprised of materials relating to the life of John Edward Motz and his wife Mary Stoody Motz. Includes correspondence, ephemera, legal documents, etc.

Motz Family

Rittinger & Motz

Series is comprised of materials relating to the company Rittinger & Motz as well as the newspapers that it owned and operated. Includes stationary, ephemera, legal documents, clippings, etc.

Motz Family


Series is comprised of photographs of photographs created and accumulated by the Motz family. Includes photographs of family members, the Motz family home, and of a printing press in England.

Motz Family

Biographical and Correspondence

Series consists of materials accumulated by Marie Stopes including correspondence as well as materials related to her life and work collected after death. Includes correspondence to and from Stopes, a wedding invitation, a biographical entry and more.

Stopes, Marie

Birth Control

Series consists of materials regarding birth control and other related maters. Includes newspaper clippings, articles, and ephemera.

Stopes, Marie

Manuscripts Held in Trust

Series is comprised of a collection of manuscripts held in trust, given to the archive by Doris Davis, widow of Bertram R. Davis. The items include letters, poetry, an indenture and other miscellaneous notes by romantic poets and their relatives including Robert Southey, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Davis, Bertram R.

Chattertonian Manuscript

File consists of one manuscript titled "Chattertonian ms." The manuscript itself is a transcribed typed copy of the original, which was compiled and written by George Catcott. Catcott was the first person to be approached by Chatterton regarding the Thomas Rowley poems. The manuscript includes passages from works by Thomas Chatterton, letters to and from Catcott and Chatterton, as well as notes by Catcott on Chatterton and the Thomas Rowley affair. Inlaid in the front of the book is a signature of Thomas Chatterton's as well as a letter addressing the authenticity of the signature. Also included is a print of George Catcott. The bookplate reads "Conrad P. Fry oneth me is me jure tenet, and this booke confesse to be quieunque me invenit."

Davis, Bertram R.

Offprints, Articles, etc.

File consists of articles, offprints, excerpts from books and other items accumulated by Bertram R. Davis in the course of his research and study on Bristol and the romantics. Some offprints are presentation copies and feature inscriptions to Davis. A number of Davis' correspondents are represented through the articles in this series.

Davis, Bertram R.

Visual Materials

Series is comprised of visual materials accumulated by Bertram Davis. Includes a print of James Sharple's pastel portrait of Robert Southey.

Davis, Bertram R.

Bertram R. Davis Research Files

Series consists of research files created and accumulated by Bertram R. Davis on his various areas of interest. Includes files on Coleridge, Wordsworth, Chatterton, Southey, Lamb, and others, as well as personal research files.

Davis, Bertram R.


Series consists of notebooks belonging to jenny Pincock, Minnie and Fred Maines containing addresses, ms. and ts. notes, including drafts of works of poetry, fiction and non-fiction by Jenny Pincock and others.

Maines Pincock Family

Topical Files.

Series consists of folders and envelopes of material relating to a wide variety of topics of interest to Jenny Pincock and Fred and Minnie Maines, including art, literature, politics, war, spiritualism, friends and family. Includes clippings, ephemera, ms. and ts. notes, etc.

Maines Pincock Family


Series consists of folders and envelopes of clippings relating to a wide variety of topics of interest to Jenny Pincock and Fred and Minnie Maines, including art, literature, politics, war, spiritualism, friends and family.

Maines Pincock Family

Rev. F.J.T. Maines

Series consists of materials belonging to Rev. Maines relating to his work and interests. Includes sermon and lecture notes, correspondence, newsletters and newspapers (Y.M.C.A. related), some clippings, and one notebook entitled "1941 yearbook" in which three pages are annotated.

Maines Pincock Family


Series consists of correspondence between G. Elmore Reaman and others. Correspondents are listed at the file level. Correspondence covers such topics as publications of Reaman's works, personal correspondence and research correspondence.

Reaman, George Elmore

Glen Lawrence School

Series consists of materials created and accumulated by G. Elmore Reaman relating to the Glen Lawrence School which he helped found. Includes clippings, yearbooks, correspondence, photographs, and artifacts.

Reaman, George Elmore

Bowmanville Training School for Boys

Series consists of materials created and accumulated by G. Elmore Reaman relating to the Bowman Training School for Boys. Includes photographs, clippings, correspondence and ephemera.

Reaman, George Elmore

Personal, Biographical

Series consists of personal and biographical materials created and accumulated by G. Elmore Reaman. Includes publication announcements, printing plates, ephemera, clippings, correspondence and certificates.

Reaman, George Elmore


Series consists of research materials created and accumulated by G. Elmore Reaman for his various publications and personal research. Includes research for Trail of the Black Walmut, Trail of the Hugenots, his family history and history of the Pennsylvania German settlement to Ontario.

Reaman, George Elmore


Series consists of ms. and ts. manuscripts written by G. Elmore Reaman. Includes draft and annotated versions of publications, articles, speeches, etc as well as accmpanying correspondence and notes.

Reaman, George Elmore

Works : Published

Series consists of works published by G. Elmore Reaman. Includes one article by Reaman.

Reaman, George Elmore

Manuscripts : Poems : Individual

Series consists of ms. and ts. drafts of poems by Rienzi Crusz. Includes photocopies. Some drafts contain ms. corrections or annotations by the author.

Crusz, Rienzi

Manuscripts : Books

Series consists of manuscripts of books of poetry by Rienzi Crusz. Manuscripts consist of ts. and ms. drafts of poems (some are photocopies), and some also include drafts or working notes for covers, title pages, contents pages, illustrations, etc. Some drafts include ms. corrections.

Crusz, Rienzi

Results 1 to 100 of 1658