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Religious Studies
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Rev. J. H. Shoults fonds

  • SCA137-GA110
  • Fonds
  • 1870-1884, [19--], [1993?]

Fonds consists of nineteen diaries kept by the Rev. J. H. Shoults for the period 1870-1884. It also includes printed materials and a publication by Udelle Wood entitled Our Christian Heritage, both of which focus on the history of the Christian Church in Canada.

Shoults, J.H., Rev.

Edwin B. Dunke fonds.

  • SCA155-GA128
  • Fonds
  • 1894-1933

Accounts of the German Baptist Church from 1894-1923. The volume contains lists of members, including many familiar local names, and statements of accounts. It also contains documents relating to the Benton St. Baptist Church, including annual reports and financial statements ca. 1919-1930.

Like many other Kitchener natives, E.B. Dunke seems to have purchased land in Saskatchewan, documented by one file of correspondence.

Edwin Dunke was probably the proprietor, or part owner, of Dunke and Co., a grocery store at 35 King. St. E. between Queen and Benton Streets. The "day books" of this store, complete with customers' names, purchases and store inventories reveal the daily lives, diets and purchasing patterns of local families and individuals from 1896 to 1930.

Dunke, Edwin B.

Percival Horton-Smith Hartley scrapbooks.

  • SCA16-GA9
  • Collection
  • 1921-1939

Fonds contains two scrapbooks created by Sir Percival Hartley dating from 1921 to 1939. Both contain newspaper clippings and handwritten notes relating to a variety of topics in areas such as theology, physicians, poetry, and the history of England.

Hartley, Sir Percival Horton-Smith

S.K. Johannesen fonds.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Stan Johannesen over the course of his education, teaching career, and pursuit of personal interests. Includes correspondence, course materials created as a professor at the University of Waterloo and continuing education lecturer at Laurier University, juvenilia, and a variety of published and unpublished fiction and non-fiction works.

Johannesen, S.K.

Thomas Lacey séance collection.

Audio reel recordings of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey as well as other events, messages, and music. The séances were held primarily in Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario although some were held in other areas in Ontario and the Unites States of America. Prior to donation, some of the reels were transferred to audio cassettes. The audio cassettes are also included in the collection. Also includes a cue card index to the séances and a notebook listing séances held at 362 Frederick St. in Kitchener, Ontario.

Lacey, Thomas

Thomas Lacey séance collection : 2019 accrual.

The Thomas Lacey séance collection accrual includes several files of séance reports that contain details regarding the sitters involved in the séance circles and messages on various topics from spirits alleged to have communicated through the medium Thomas Lacey.

Lacey, Thomas

John William Dawson correspondence.

  • SCA26-GA15
  • Collection
  • April 17, 1878

Contains of a single holograph letter, dated April 17, 1878, written by Sir John William Dawson to an unidentified recipient about the conflict between science and religion.

Dawson, John William, Sir

Sermons by Reverend Joseph Irons.

  • SCA270-GA291
  • Collection
  • 1828

One bound manuscript volume of sermons by Reverend Joseph Irons for the year 1828. The book appears to have been written by his son William Josiah Irons (note on p. 26 reads taken by W.J.I.)

William Ralph Inge letter.

  • SCA273-GA294
  • Collection
  • [18--?]

One handwritten letter from William Ralph Inge addressed to "Dear Sir."

Presbyterian Canadian Girls in Training collection.

  • SCA276-GA297
  • Collection
  • 1967-1970

Collection consists of ephemera relating to the Presbyterian Canadian Girls in Training program. Includes song and lyric sheets, programs from the 1970 vesper service, notes on overcoming denominational difference in CGIT, a booklet by Marilyn Kalbfleisch on Christian living and a brochure for the 1967 New Hamburg relief sale.

Presbyterian Canadian Girls in Training

Bolender Ball family fonds.

Material relating to the personal and professional life of the Bolender and Ball families. Includes photographs, correspondence, ephemera including material relating to the Second World War and missionary work done in Nigeria in the 1950's.

Bolender Ball Family

Lily Dale scrapbooks.

  • SCA300-GA336
  • Collection
  • 1890-1925

Collection consists of two scrapbooks maintained by William Phillips. The first includes clippings from newspapers and magazines that date from 1890 to 1914. Included are articles on topics relating to spiritualism, advertisements for mediums, and advertising for spiritualism products including the Ouija board. These materials are glued into "A History of Europe" and most clippings feature underlining of important sections.

The second scrapbook includes both clippings as well as handwritten notes from the spirit world. The notes were sent from friends and family of William Phillips including his wife Elizabeth, sister Fanny, brother John Edward and father Joseph. The notes primarily came through medium P.L.O.A. Keeler at Lily Dale. Most of the clippings are advertisements for publications relating to spiritualism and the occult.

Phillips, William

Michael Bird fonds.

  • SCA331-GA428
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1870]-2002

Materials relating to the professional life of Michael Bird. Covers his time teaching at Renison University College, as well as his research and publications on folk art, fraktur, religious imagery and film.

Bird, Michael

Auna Krems notebook.

  • SCA350-GA401
  • Collection
  • 1865

One notebook kept by Auna Krems with passages from the Bible. The notebook is almost entirely in German with the exception of the last page which is the English lyrics to the gospel song "Room Among the Angels." It is possible that Auna was living in Austria, as the surname Krems comes from the town of the same name.

Autograph album.

  • SCA360-GA412
  • Collection
  • 1825-1854

One autograph album kept by an unknown person. The album spans from 1825-1854 and features biblical and literary passages written by those in England and Scotland. Locations include Glasgow, York, London, Newark, Rotherham and more. In the back of the volume is the Lord's prayer written in Malay by a Mr. Trout, Baptist missionary in Batavia, Java.

Sofie Gauthier collection.

  • SCA382-GA446
  • Collection
  • 1882-1977

The Sofie Gauthier collection contains records created and accumulated by Sofie Gauthier relating to Spiritualism. Records include lectures on Spiritualist practices, automatic writing, a newsletter from the National Spiritualist Association of Churches, and an OAHSPE bible.

Gauthier, Sofie

Angolan missionary letters.

  • SCA429-GA500
  • Fonds
  • August 23, 1887-July 22, 1902

Three letters written by Marion Webster during her time as a missionary in Angola for the Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola. Her letters detail the history and geography of Angola, as well as activities undertaken by her. Also includes 5 envelopes from Marion Webster that do not correspondence with the letters.

Webster, Marion

Beulah Misener Alloway fonds.

  • SCA5-WA3
  • Fonds
  • 1954-1960

Fonds consists primarily of correspondence, 116 letters, from Beulah Alloway to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Misener of Brantford, Ont. The letters describe her journey to Africa and her daily life and work as a missionary in Kenya. Also included are newsletters sent out by the Alloways, correspondence relating to Beulah's death, and 4 photographs.

Alloway, Beulah Misener

John Keble fonds

  • SCA75-GA45
  • Fonds
  • 1860-1862

Fonds consists of two holograph letters from John Keble addressed to Henry Thomas Ellacombe [?]. The fonds also includes one photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Keble.

Keble, John

German prayer books.

  • SCA81-GA51
  • Collection
  • 1783-[188-?]

Collection consists of three manuscript German prayer books dating from 1783 to the late 19th century. Each book contains a series of prayers such as communion, confession, morning, and evening prayers, in addition to examples of Fraktur (folk) art in ink and watercolour.

Maines Pincock family : 2016 accrual.

Accrual consists of material created and accumulated by members of the Maines Pincock family primarily related to séances and the occult. Includes séance notebooks, sermons, ephemera, photographs, and more.

Maines Pincock Family

Maines Pincock Family fonds.

Fonds consists of material documenting the lives, interests and activities of Jenny Pincock, as well as her sister and brother-in-law Minnie and Fred Maines. The main focus of the fonds is the activities surrounding their interest in spiritualism. Includes correspondence; ms. and ts. seance transcripts and notes; ms. and ts. notes for and drafts of poems and other literary compositions by Jenny Pincock; clippings, ephemera, etc.

Arranged in series as follows:
Series 1: Correspondence;
Series 2: Manuscripts;
Series 3: Notebooks;
Series 4: Sittings : Notes;
Series 5: Topical Files;
Series 6: Clippings;
Series 7: Rev. F.T.J. Maines;
Series 8: Miscellaneous;
Series 9: Pincock, Jenny : Works By;
Series 10: Artifacts

Maines Pincock Family

Thomas Lacey lecture collection.

  • SCA97-GA67
  • Collection
  • 1934-1951

Typescript lectures given during séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey in Waterloo, Kitchener, and Hamilton from 1934 to 1951. Some lectures and a press clipping featuring a letter to the editor against capital punishment written by Thomas Lacey are contained within a scrapbook. Lectures range from various topics including life and death, peace, Gandhi, and spiritualism.

Lacey, Thomas

Gustav Seide Jakob Lorber mysticism collection

  • Book Collection
  • 1961-[2015]

Collected by Gustav Seide, this collection includes primarily works by 19th century German mystic Jakob Lorber and his circle such as Gottfried Mayerhofer. Also included are works by other mystics including Emanuel Swedenborg and religious texts including the Bhagavad Gita. Of particular note is a complete set of Lorber’s seminal work “Das große Evangelium Johannis” of the Great Gospel of John.

Seide, Gustav