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Lydia McEwan and Wellington Ervin Woelfle.

Materials relating to the family of Lydia McEwan and Wellington Ervin Woelfle, as well as their children Olive Woelfle, Gertrude Woelfle Buchanan, Edith Woelfle Ahrens and Phyllis Woelfle.

Buchanan, Barbara


Series consists of files created and maintained by the K-W YWCA that attempt to record the history of the organization in various ways. Includes chronologies, clippings, essays, and materials created and accumulated for anniversaries.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

Physical Plant.

Series consists of files created and maintained by the K-W YWCA mostly concerning construction, maintenance and renovation of the building at 84 Frederick St. Includes correspondence, blueprints, and maps, as well as construction files related to the renovations of the building in the 1980's. Also present are inventories for various programs and departments of the K-W YWCA housed at 84 Frederick St.

Executive Director's Files.

Series consists of files created and maintained by successive Executive Director's of the K-W YWCA. Includes correspondence, memorandum, reports, management information, etc. on programs, services and projects of the K-W YWCA, and records regarding interactions with other community groups.

Series consists of files created and maintained by successive Executive Director's of the K-W YWCA on interactions with other community groups.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo


Series consists of Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo financial records. Includes accounting records, budget information, fundraising campaigns and events records, donations and bequest records, legal documentation such as indentures, leases, agreements, plans and correspondence, and audits, taxes, business plans and mortgages.

Program Files : General

Series consists of files created and maintained by the K-W YWCA on various programs and events. Includes information on adult and children's programs, fitness programs, education programs, and events. Includes correspondence, planning information, program evaluations, minutes, reports, etc.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

Board of Directors.

Series consists Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo Board of Directors files. Includes published lists of names and addresses of members of the Board of Directors and Committees for the K-W YWCA, meeting notices, minutes and accompanying documentation for meetings of the Board of Directors of the K-W YWCA and for executive meetings of the Board of Directors of the K-W YWCA. Also present is general information on the Board of Directors of the K-W YWCA including orientation manuals and correspondence.


Series consists of records relating to the incorporation and organization of the Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo. Includes constitution revisions, by-laws, notes, correspondence, annual reports, and recommendations for policies and procedures for the Neighbourhood YW Group Program.

Anniversaries, Events, Open Houses.

Series consists of materials created and accumulated by the Kitchener-Waterloo Record and the various newspaper and companies that make up the history of its operations. Contains materials relating to anniversaries, events and open houses at the newspaper including correspondence, invitations, clippings, ephemera, etc.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record


Series consists of diaries and notebooks kept by A.L. Breithaupt about his personal life and business affairs. Includes two diaries recording trips taken to Europe in 1891 and 1896. Each diary contains a page inserted at a later date with a synopsis of highlights from the year.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Breithaupt family.

Accrual consists of a family seal, biographical material about family members and business (clippings and obituaries), records relating to business between and among family members.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer.

Series consists of records related to Catharine Hailer Breithaupt including 91 pieces of correspondence received by Catharine Hailer Breithaupt between 1852-1863 and 1880-1910 and two diaries. The diary documents the first part of Catharine's first trip to Germany in 1888. The early correspondence provides further documentation of the establishment of Louis Breithaupt's tanning business in Berlin, Ontario; the later correspondence is primarily from her children, including her nephew Louis Henry Wagner.

Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer


Materials relating to Dr. Ralph Chou. Includes CVs, information on his MSc research and more.

Chou, Ralph

Professional work.

Materials relating to Dr. Ralph Chou's professional career outside of teaching. Includes consultation work, and work on standards committees.

Chou, Ralph

Teaching career.

Materials relating to Dr. Ralph Chou's teaching career at the University of Waterloo.

Chou, Ralph

Published papers.

Papers published by Dr. Ralph Chou during the course of his career.

Chou, Ralph

Science Teacher’s Association of Ontario.

Materials created by the Science Teacher's Association of Ontario and collected by Dr. Ralph Chou during his time as a member of the organization.

Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario

The Kaufman Rubber Company Ltd. : Time Books

File consists of time books for the factory office and industrial engineering department kept by Gordon Good while he was an employee at Kaufman Rubber. Includes time books for the years 1931-1971.

Good, Gordon

Historical Materials

File consists of materials accumulated by Gordon Good relating to local and national history. Includes one map, one programme, two magazines and one World War Two brochure.

Good, Gordon


Photographs taken by or belonging to A.L. Breithaupt and other family members. Includes snapshots, studio portraits, commercial photographs and negatives. Includes images taken at the time A.L. Breithaupt was attending school in Toronto in the early 1890's that feature his friends William Lyon Mackenzie King and D.S. Bowlby, as well as images of university buildings in Toronto. Includes images of the interior and exterior of Waldeck, the family home of the Breithaupts whose building is documented in Louis J. Breithaupt's diaries. Includes studio portraits of A.L. Breithaupt and his wife and children, as well as snapshots of family and friends at home, at Georgian Bay and on trips.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius


Series consists of ephemera retained by A.L. Breithaupt and not included in his correspondence files. Includes a quantitly of material associated with the Young People's Alliance of the Evangelical Association, in which he was very active. Also includes greeting cards with no messages, received but not found in his correspondence files.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert.

Accrual consists of correspondence, postcards, ephemera and photographs. The bulk of this accrual consists of 187 postcards received by Fred as a child, from his parents and grandmother Catharine, some written in German.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family


Series consists of ephemera created and accumulated by the Rotary club of Kitchener. Includes programmes, invitations, clippings, a newsletter, and other items.

Rotary Club of Kitchener


Series consists of a seven clippings retained by A.L. Breithaupt, relating to family, friends and business.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius


Series consists of material relating to A.L. Breithaupt's personal activities and finances. Includes a quantity of insurance premiums purchased by A.L Breithaupt and documentation of loans taken against value of the premiums. Includes correspondence, examinations, ephemera, receipts, policies and certificates.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Correspondence received : Catharine Breithaupt.

Series consists of eighty-eight pieces of correspondence received by A.L. Breithaupt from his mother Catherine Hailer Breithaupt. Some letters are written jointly by Catharine, who writes only in German, and by Albert's sister Melvina, who writes in English.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Correspondence received.

Series consists of correspondence received by A.L. Breithaupt from family and friends (423 pieces), including one letter from his friend William Lyon Mackenzie King in 1897. Includes a small amount of business correspondence. Also includes ephemera sent by post, such as invitations, programmes, announcements, etc.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Business Records : J.S. Anthes Estate.

Series consists of material relating to A.L. Breithaupt in his role as one of the executors for the estate of John S. Anthes, his father-in-law. Includes correspondence, financial records, minutes of the executors, notes, etc.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Business Records : Western Lands.

Series consists of material relating to A.L. Breithaupts purchase of and payment for lands in Western Canada, primarily in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Includes agreements, correspondence, deeds, financial statements, tax notices and notes. Includes correspondence from his cousin L.H. Wagner, acting on his behalf.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Business Records.

Series consists of material relating to the operation of businesses owned by A.L. Breithaupt, primarily the Berlin Trunk and Bag Co. and Star Whitewear. Includes agreements, correspondence, financial and legal records, trademark registration documents, purchase and sale documents.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Berlin Light Commission.

Series consists of material relating to the Berlin Light Commission and to A.L. Breithaupt's work as Chairman. Includes clippings, correspondence, notes, etc.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Marketing and advertising.

Marketing and advertising material for Dare Food Limited products. Includes print and television advertisements.

Dare Foods Limited

Audio Visual Materials

Series consists of audio and visual materials created and accumulated by Bernard Suits. Includes correspondence courses, recorded lectures, personal audio tapes, as well as one videotaped lecture and two episodes of "The Moral Question" from TVO which featured Suits.

Suits, Bernard


Series consists of cassette tapes of interviews conducted with Jerzy Pandera. The interviews were done by Aneta Magolon as part of her Honours BA in History. The interviews are primarily concerned with Pindera's early life and life during the Holocaust, but also discuss his founding of the German exchange program at the University of Waterloo.

Pindera, Jerzy Tadeusz

Visual : Moving Images : Films : Hugh Templin

Series consists of films acquired from Hugh Templin, GRCA Commissioner and editor of the Fergus News Record, which depict various stages of the Shand Dam construction as well as footage from Elora, Belwood and Fergus, Ontario during the 1940s and 1950s.

Grand River Conservation Authority

Dare Foods Limited : Centennial Celebrations

Series consists of videocassettes, the book “Dare: The First Century, A Corporate History of Dare Foods Limited 1892-1992,” a print of the commemorative painting, colour and black and white photographs, artifacts, centennial clothing and merchandise, centennial events organizational records, and the score for the Dare Cookies song. The records were created primarily at the Dare Foods Limited, Kitchener office.

Dare Foods Limited

Dare Foods Limited : Moving Images and Sound Recordings

Series consists of moving images and sound recordings that were produced by Dare Foods Limited and its employees for internal events such as birthdays, retirement parties, presentations, meetings, as well as consumer panels and promotional events. The majority of moving images are on videocassette and a few are on film reels. The sound recordings are on audio cassette.

Dare Foods Limited

Dare Foods Limited : Television Advertisements

Series consists of television advertisements for Dare Foods Limited cookie, cracker and candy products. Television commercials were produced by MacLaren Advertising, Media House Productions, Enterprise Advertising, Benton & Bowles, D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles Canada Inc., TQS le mouton noir de la télé, and Télé-Métropole Inc. Commercials were broadcast throughout Canada, the United States, Japan and Germany and are in French, English, Spanish, Japanese and German. Series includes film reels, videocassettes, a CD-ROM and colour photographs.

Dare Foods Limited

Dare Foods Limited : Radio Advertisements

Series consists of advertisements that were produced for radio and includes auditions by performers. Advertisements were produced by J. Walter Thompson Ltd., Newberry Sound Studio Co. Ltd., Custom Advertiser’s Commercials, and D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles Canada Inc. Series includes recordings of “Dream Sweet Dare,” “Lemon Creme Jingle,” and “The Magic Name is Dare.” Series consists of audio discs and includes audio reels and an audio cassette.

Dare Foods Limited

Video Recordings

Series consists of three video recordings documenting the Kaufman Footwear 90th anniversary picnic in 1997, the Oktoberfest Parade in 1997 and the dedication of a mural in 1995.

Kaufman Footwear

Sound Recordings

Series consists of employee interviews conducted for the Centenary Committee's work on the history of Kaufman Footwear. Includes audiocassettes and accompanying material.

Kaufman Footwear

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

Series consists of business records, correspondence and ephemera related to the life and activities of Louis Breithaupt and his family, first in Buffalo, N.Y. and then in Berlin (later Kitchener), Ontario from 1848-1881. The majority relate to the operation of his tanning business, and include account books, agreements, correspondence with family, friends, employees and business contacts, freight receipts, invoices, legal and tax documents. Included are records relating to Louis Breithaupt's tannery businesses in Buffalo and Berlin including documentation of his partnership and work with Jacob F. Schoellkopf. It also documents the sale of land by Jacob Hailer to Louis Breithaupt and Jacob Wagner and the subsequent legal documents necessary after Jacob Wagner's death. Includes financial records, agreements and records relating to property.

Also in the series are business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including business and personal correspondence, statements of accounts, freight receipts, notes payable, ephemera, etc. The correspondence is in both English and German and it is evident that Louis was comfortable using either language. Correspondents include relatives and friends, like his mother Catharina, and friends and business contacts like Charles A. Ahrens in Berlin, Ontario, and from from Jacob Hailer.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family


Series consists of ca. 1128 items of correspondence between Bernard Suits and others, including professional colleagues, publishers and friends in the forms of letter, greeting cards, postcards, offprint requests and memos. Correspondents are listed at the file level.

Suits, Bernard

Documents and Ephemera

Series consists of documents and ephemera related to members of the Bowlby, Davison and Hoffman family members. Included are clippings, correspondence, marriage certificates and report cards.

Bowlby, Davison, Hoffman Family


Series consists of photographs of members of the Bowlby, Davison and Hoffman family members. Includes studio portraits and informal snapshots.

Bowlby, Davison, Hoffman Family


Series consists of photographs of the Dare factories in Kitchener (includes both interior and exterior shots) and photographs of Dare employees. Some photographs were accumulated by William J. Hopp.

Dare Foods Limited


Series consists of organizational records pertaining to the Kitchener Waterloo Sales and Ad Club. Includes membership information, financials, minutes, director's files, etc.

Kitchener Waterloo Sales and Ad Club


Series consists of slides taken by Tony Urquhart, primarily of graveyards in France and other parts of Europe.

Urquhart, Tony

Kaufman Family

Series is comprised of materials created by members of the Kaufman family relating to their personal interests. Includes genealogy, clippings, ephemera, blueprints and three scrapbooks relating to birth control in Canada.

Kaufman Family


Series consists of ca. 1479 items of personal and professional correspondence between Stan Johannesen and others, including family, friends, academic colleagues, and publishers in the forms of letters, greeting cards, postcards, invitations and memos.

Johannesen, S.K.


Series consists of three portraits of William H. Kaufman, one with his father A.R. Kaufman.

Kaufman, William Hutton


Series is comprised of correspondence between Paul S. Burtness and Warren U. Ober and others, primarily military figures associated with the U.S. Forces during World War II, and in specific those who had knowledge of the event surrounding the attack on Pearl Harbor. The letters were received during the course of research by Burtness and Ober into the events of the attack on Pearl Harbor, which ultimately culminated in their book "The Puzzle of Pearl Harbor." Includes ms. and ts. letters from generals, admirals and lieutenants as well as a Pearl Harbor historian and the secretary to John F. Kenndy. Details about the correspondence are listed at the file level.

Correspondents include:

  • Brereton, Lewis H.;
  • Hart, Thomas C.;
  • Ingersoll, Royal E.;
  • Kimmel, Husband E.;
  • Lincoln, Evelyn;
  • MacArthur, Douglas;
  • Miles, Sherman;
  • Stark, Harold R.;
  • Wohlstetter, Roberta.

Burtness, Paul S.

Correspondence: Shortt, Elizabeth Smith

Series is comprised of correspondence to and from Elizabeth Smith Shortt. Correspondence is organized by surname of correspondent. Correspondents without known surnames are at beginning of series.

Shortt, Elizabeth Smith


Series consists of items of correspondence between Claire Wallace and others.

Wallace, Claire

Results 1 to 100 of 1658