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Nellein, H.

Upper body studio portrait of H. Nellein, chief accountant, seen looking off camera.

Dominion Rubber Company

Anthes, J.I. Frank.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of J.I. Frank Anthes seen looking off camera. The image has been altered so that Anthes is shown in a scroll.

Rieder and Anthes family

Anthes, J.I. Frank.

Two copies of a three-quarter length studio portrait of J.I. Frank Anthes seated with a role of paper in hand and looking at the camera.

Rieder and Anthes family

Kitchener City Hall, King Street.

Two snapshots of downtown Kitchener taken at night in winter. One of King St. shows parked cars, all of which are 1920's or early 30's models, decorated for Christmas. The other is of old Kitchener City Hall decorated with Christmas lights

Schneider family

Office staff.

Image of office staff, all men, seated the length of tables working, some with calculators.

Schneider family

Press clippings and related material.

Press clippings from various publications primarily regarding Cameron Hill, fellow aircrew, and prisoners of war likely collected by Cameron's parents, Britton and Grace Hill, during the Second World War. Also includes one holiday greeting card from Bob Spence and two photographs. The first photograph features Cameron and fellow aircrew at their British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP) Wings Parade on June 7, 1941 in Toronto, Ontario. The second photograph features Bob Spence and Jack Wood near El Alamein, Egypt in 1942.

Hill, Cameron Clare

Ontario coat of arms.

Ontario coat of arms of "durwood" manufactured by John Walter & Sons, Kitchener with Norman C. Schneider label on verso.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Silver penny from Newcastle (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward I and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William

Correspondence from Daniel Claus to Captain Matthews.

  • SCA363-GA416
  • Collection
  • March 23, 1780

Correspondence from Daniel Claus to Captain Matthews. The letter is regarding the capture of Peter Hansen and his servant as members of the rebellion by the Mohawk nation to be used to gather intelligence. The letter also mentions a contract for fresh meat, and that members of the village had been unwell. At this time Claus had been appointed deputy agent of the Six Nations in Canada under Frederick Haldimand.

Copy of Arthur Lang's diary.

  • SCA123-GA96
  • Collection
  • 1820

Carbon typescript transcript of Arthur Lang's diary prepared as a Christmas souvenir in 1907 by T.A. Lang in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. It includes a copy of a letter from one of Arthur Lang's granddaughters, giving some family background. Arthur Lang describes the sea voyage, scenery, and passengers on trip from Montreal, through the Lachine Rapids, to Prescott, Ontario. The diary also discusses Lang’s experiences inspecting land near the townships of Ramsay, Lanark, and Dalhousie in Lanark County, Ontario.

Lang, Arthur

Deed of Bargain and Sale.

  • SCA23-GA13
  • Collection
  • December 12, 1834

Consists of a deed of bargain and sale on vellum. The deed, dated December 12, 1834, details a transaction between Vincent Dewell, and his wife Harriet, with Henry Smith regarding a plot of land in exchange for 50 pounds. The plot of land is identified as the west part of lot 29 on the 8th concession of Hope Township in Durham County, Upper Canada. Two red wax seals appear on the bottom right corner of the deed.

Dewell, Vincent

William Dickson collection.

  • SCA12-GA7
  • Collection
  • 1818, 1831-1834, 1839

Collection consists of seven legal documents regarding the sale of land in the Township of Dumfries in Southern Ontario.

Dickson, William

Receipt for Joseph Pettengall.

Consists of one receipt for twenty one pounds received from Joseph Pettengall as partial payment for 100 acres of land in Hillier Township, Prince Edward County, on June 6, 1839.

Dickson, William

Bowlby, David Sovereign.

File consists of two identical upper body studio portrait photographs of David Sovereign Bowbly in his graduation cap and gown.

Clement Bowlby Family


Plan showing a subdivision of Berlin with 642 lots in three parcels. Includes transparent overlay stencil reflecting the locations of current Kitchener buildings and landmarks.

Schantz Russell Family

Schantz, Mary Moyer.

Head and torso studio portrait of Mary Moyer Schantz at approximately sixteen years of age with ribbons in hair.

Schantz Russell Family

Hoffman family.

File consists of a family portrait of the [Hoffman] family. The old gentleman in the portrait closely resembles a known portrait of John Hoffman (1808-1878), but given the family connection it would more likely be his brother Jacob Hoffman (1809-1864), father of Isaac and grandfather of Caroline Barnes. Also in the photograph are a woman, a young man and five children.

Bowlby, Davison, Hoffman Family

Bowman, Issac Lucius.

One full body studio portrait of Issac Lucius Bowman seen dressed in a long coat and standing with left hand resting on the top of a chair.

Schantz Russell Family


Full body portrait of unknown adult standing with left hand on the back of a chair.

Seagram Family

Sick wife

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. He shares news of his wife Magdalena's illness and her return to health, nothing they have had to rely on female help to get by. Anthes notes their youngest daughter is "quite healthy and so very friendly" and invites his parents to the consecration of the church later in January. The letter ends with a postscript note about the possible digging of a new well and his inability to contribute due to winter expenses.

Rieder and Anthes family

Bowlby, George Herbert and dog Tippo Saib.

File consists of one full body studio portrait showing George Herbert Bowlby, about age 3, with dog Tippo Saib by the "Ontario" Photograph Gallery, Berlin, Ont. George and Tippo are shown in an outdoor setting in front of a wooden fence.

Clement Bowlby Family

New daughter

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine regarding the birth of daughter Martha Magdalena, indicating that she and his wife, Magdalena Stricker, are doing well. He also notes that the church construction is progressing quickly and that the apples arrived.

Rieder and Anthes family

Household economics and building a church

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. He shares that everyone with the exception of Sara is healthy, but that she's still going to school. He says the family is in good spirits and are speaking English well. Martha is noted as having a difficult time knowing how to cook and that until they got some new potatoes she had been relying on bread and coffee, though Anthes emphasizes that they're still better off than many others. He provides updates about the prices for various crop yields explaining that the buyers are still figuring out how things should work and that he'll rely on credit if need be to get by. Martin and Catherine are also provided updates about the building Jacob is working that is described as 42x50 with arched windows and a small tower. He concludes by noting the help of S. Eby and Mr. Gilger before asking asking Wolf is getting along.

Rieder and Anthes family

Autumn apples

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine Anthes. He begins by saying that he's feeling healthier and that the fall weather has been beautiful. After mentioning a visit by Wagenast and his wife, and fish sent with them as gifts, he provides suggestions for transporting and selling apples, sharing that he's pleased with the barrel yielded from his garden.

Rieder and Anthes family

Fatal accident

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. Anthes begins by sharing that the family has returned home safely but that he's still having bouts of illness, though less severe than before. In addition to updates about preaching activities, he tells of the death of Thede, who succumbed to injuries suffered being run over by an oxen-driven wagon. He concludes by sharing news of the summer harvest, indicating that several families will be struggling to make ends meet due to mildew drying up the wheat crops.

Rieder and Anthes family

Religious fervour and financial worries

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. Anthes begins by praising their recent letter and health, wishing God's peace upon them. He shares that he is "am more firmly determined than ever before to lay myself totally on the altar of God." He also notes that his health is better and that attendance at a recent assembly was sparse. Anthes comments about the family's tight financial situation and sends well wishes to family and friends. In an addendum he asks his parents to make arrangement for payments and accounts receivable explaining that his income from the Mission only covers a quarter of the family's expenses and that winter will be hard.

Rieder and Anthes family

Freeport Academy : teachers and students.

Group portrait of Freeport Academy teachers and students taken about 1869.

Back row, left to right: Rev. John B. Schlichter, Ezra Weber, Mary Snyder (Mrs. Moses Weaver), Harriet Shupe, Mina Gonder, Miss Bergey, Samuel S. Moyer, Isaac L. Bowman (Principal).

Middle row, left to right: William Simmons, Ananias Eby, Ephraim A. Snyder, James Peterson, William Sherk, Saruch Eby, Charles Shupe, Abraham M. Snyder.

Front row, left to right: Benjamin M. Snyder, Moses Weaver, Abram O. Bowman, Titus Snyder, Horace Beam, Horace Smith, Jacob B. Weaver, Hiram Hewitt.

Schantz Russell Family

Several Mennonites converted

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine in which he shares news of recent conversions and how he's been fairing after falling and being ordered by the doctor to take a break from preaching. Includes message from S. Ewald at end of letter sending the Anthes blessings and well wishes.

Rieder and Anthes family

Ewald and Anthes letters

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. Includes message from Daniel Ewald. Ewald reports about the success of assemblies, making mention of people seeking blessings and families who have converted including the Davids, the Cress', the Beckers, the Schneiders, Büschlens, Deuners and Detweilers. He comments about the good work of Brother Moyer, Brother Jacob, and Brother S. Eby. Before signing off he shares that his wife recently gave birth to a daughter and that he will be travelling to Cleveland.

Anthes' shares that he is one again in good health and that the doctor said he'd "improved beyond all expectations". He notes however that he has to be careful and can't preach, but that he has led a prayer assembly and has occasionally given the Invitation. He gives thanks to the prayer of his Brothers and Sisters in Christ as the reason for his recovery. Anthes also offers updates about various families and people including the Schwedenborgians, Brother M. Weber, Brother Mayer and Brother Umbach. He asks that his parents pass on well wishes to Brother Meyer, J. Wolfs, the Anthes, the Meyers and "all the Brothers and Sisters."

Rieder and Anthes family


Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine in which he mentions having had head- and toothaches for the past week. He comments about the burial of Mrs. Hilbert and a trip in heavy snow to Bruce, as well as plans to preach further north for several weeks. Anthes shares news of the Steuernagels, who travelled for Assembly and had previously met Martin. He concludes by saying he's written to J. Wolf about property and noting how busy the summer harvest will be.

Rieder and Anthes family

[Warnock, Charlo and James].

Studio portrait of [James and Charlo Warnock] seated beside each other on a high back chair and looking toward camera. A black dog is seen is laying at their feet.

Seagram Family

New assignment

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. Anthes shares that the family is in good health and that he his back to preaching and visiting people. He makes note of the "self-destructive" efforts of a Baptist preacher and comments about the number of preachers that have passed through Port Elgin. He shares that the quarter-year assembly was a success making note of the contributions of Brother Umbach and Brother Büsh, and warns his parents that he won't be able to visit over the summer due to plans to spend several weeks preaching in the north part of Mission. The remainder of the letter consists of questions about the wheat crop and Jacob, along with additional updates about his work and that of Brother Eby. He concludes with well wishes to family and friends, and shares that Martha Magdalena "is really growing, is chubby and cheerful and has now started to slide about"

Rieder and Anthes family

Anthes, John S.

Full body studio portrait of John S. Anthes standing next to a side table with a hat on top. Anthes is seen looking at the camera, arms at sides.

Rieder and Anthes family

Religious rivalry

Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. Anthes shares that the family is healthy and that a snowstorm blocked most of the streets just as an assembly was getting underway. He makes reference to preaching done by Reverend Mr. Behr and Wissmor in the Mennonite assembly and the desire of S. Eby to hold an extended assembly in Brant. He also comments about Brother Anthes being publicly expelled by E. Eby and that "Old Satan also did damage among our people with a trifle.." The letter concludes with a request to extend warm greetings to his uncle.

Rieder and Anthes family

Motz, William John.

File consists of one studio portrait of William John Motz as an infant. He is sitting, likely in his mother's lap, but she has been cropped out from the photograph.

Motz Family

Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and dog.

File consists of one full length studio portrait of Janie Elizabeth Bowlby Clement, at 12 years of age, with her dog. Both are seen lying on the ground. Janie is holding up her head with her right hand, arm propped on the back of the large black dog who is lying with its head on its outstretched paws.

Clement Bowlby Family

Bowlby, Blanche Alexandrine Seagram.

Studio portrait of Blanche Alexandrine Seagram Bowlby (Adine) at 14 months of age wearing a white dress and seated on a fur covered prop looking at camera.

Seagram Family

Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and others.

File consists of one group portrait showing Janie Elizabeth Bowlby Clement with Minnie Crookall [?] and Isabella Jackson. The girls are shown standing around a table with an open book on it, wearing winter coats, hats and muffs.

Clement Bowlby Family

Unknown couple.

Full length studio portrait of an unknown couple seen seated next to each other and looking in different directions. Of note is the woman's complicated hair style.

Seagram Family

Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby.

File consists of two identical three quarter length studio portraits of Janie Elizabeth Bowlby Clement. Janie is shown wearing a fur trimmed coat, a hat with a feather and a fur muff.

Clement Bowlby Family


Full length studio portrait of an unknown child looking toward the camera from a seat at a table with an open book on top.

Seagram Family

Unknown couple.

Studio portrait of an unknown couple shown in winter clothes and seated in a sleigh.

Seagram Family


Full length studio portrait of an unknown child looking toward the camera from a seat at a table with an open book on top.

Seagram Family


Three quarter length studio portrait of unknown woman seen seated in an armchair and looking at the camera. Of note are the bows in her hair and the front of her dress.

Seagram Family

The First Saengerfest in Berlin, 1876.

Copy negative of old photograph printed in a book showing a decorated building with a large crowd of people at front. The caption under the reads: "The First Saengerfest in Berlin, 1876. Photograph kindly lent by Mr. Aug. Schmiedel." Typed caption included in file reads: "SAENGERFEST HALL 1876. photo from old book. located where present-day Woodside athletic field area is... large group of people."

Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and Edwin Perry Clement.

File consists of two identical photographs showing the Bowlby and Clement families dressed as characters from "Cinderella." Janie Elizabeth Bowlby Clement is shown as Cinderella, and Edwin Perry Clement is the Prince. The family is shown standing on the front steps of Ward Hamilton Bowlby's home.

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement, Edwin Perry and Janie Elizabeth Bowlby.

File consists of two identical full length wedding portraits of Edwin Perry Clement and Janie Elizabeth Bowlby. Edwin Perry is seated in an arm chair and Janie is standing at his side, dressed in white gown and veil, with right arm resting on his shoulder.

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement, Edwin Rev.

File consists of one head and shoulders studio portrait of Rev. Edwin Clement seen looking off camera.

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby.

File consists of one three quarter length studio portrait of Janie Elizabeth Bowlby Clement. Inscription on verso reads "Janie E. Bowlby shortly before marriage."

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement, Janie Elizabeth Bowlby and cousins.

File consists of two identical group portraits showing Janie Elizabeth Bowlby Clement (far right) with cousins Alfred Hespeler, Samuel W. Jackson, Isabella Jackson Hayward, Berkley Powell, Adam Beck, and Geneva Jackson. Also includes note with cousin names written by Florence Grace Clement.

Clement Bowlby Family

[Warnock, Charlo].

Head and shoulders studio portrait of [Charlo Warrnock] seen looking off camera.

Seagram Family

Results 1 to 100 of 5392