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Kaufman Footwear
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Stager, Art.

Image of Art Stager work on the factory line while smiling toward the camera.

Kaufman Footwear

Display booth.

Photograph of a Kaufman Rubber Co. display booth at a trade fair featuring Life-Buoy rubber and outing shoes.

Kaufman Footwear

Administration : Personnel

Series consists of material relating to the administration of personnel, primarily salary information. Contains paybooks from 1909 to 1912, cheque information, unclaimed wage information and pay worksheets.

Kaufman Footwear

Automobile excursion : trouble with the car.

Contains ten original photographs, 2 brownie souvenir post card photographs, eleven reproductions, and 15 original negatives of a trip taken by Mr. Kaufman around 1915 during which there were car troubles. The reproduction envelope says "trip to Montreal" on it. None of the individuals are identified.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co., Limited : employees.

Group portrait of Kaufman Rubber Co. employees seen outdoors in suits and hats.

Back row, left to right: W.S. Wood, J.S. Townsend, S.G. Amero, E.A. Chalk, Jas. Bryant, A.D. Kippen, Harley Henry.

Middle row, left to right: W.H. Semple, F.W. Burril, O.J. Killam, E.E. Code, J.J. Duggan, Geo. Stockand, Frank Henderson.

Front row, left to right: J.S. Pierce, J.S. Lovell, W.E. Wing, A.R. Kaufman, Chester McLure, Murray McGowan, L.B. Hutchinson.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co., Limited : office staff.

Kaufman Rubber Co. office staff posed for an "at work" photograph. A.R. Kaufman (standing second from left), Joseph M. Snyder (sitting in foreground), and Mr. Hill (sitting at left) are seen among a group of mostly women employees seated at desks and typewriters working.

Kaufman Footwear

Parades : Kaufman Rubber Co.: Dominion Day parade float.

Contains one modern print copy negative of an old photograph of the Kaufman Rubber Co. Limited parade float for July 1, 1918. Identification included.

Back row, left to right: Ernie Dunbrook, Leo Cody, George Hainsworth (goaltender for the Montreal Canadians), Bernie Zuber, Ernie Ziegler, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified.

Middle row, left to right: unidentified, I.K. Weber.

Front row, left to right: unidentified, Oliver Schlegel [?], unidentified.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 2] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan.
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office.
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans.
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA.
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation.
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room".
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors.
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?].
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan (3 copies).
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office (3 copies).
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans (3 copies).
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA (3 copies).
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation (1 copy).
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room" (3 copies).
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors (2 copies).
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?] (2 copies).
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920 (2 copies).

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan.
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office.
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans.
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA.
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation.
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room".
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors.
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?].
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920.

Kaufman Footwear

Fishing trip, June 1920.

Contains one informal portrait of a fishing trip group. Includes identification on the back of the photograph of Buller Pequenat, I.K. Weber and A.R. Kaufman.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 1] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan.
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office.
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans.
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA.
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation.
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room".
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors.
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?].
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920.

Kaufman Footwear

Baseball, 1920's : Twin City soft ball champions, 1921.

Portrait of the Twin City soft ball champions from 1921. The team members are seen in uniforms with KR Co across the front and the two company officials are seen dressed suits and hats. Identified along the mount of the photograph are:

Back row (left to right): H. Young, Sec.-Treas.; O. Burghardt, R. F. and Mgr.; O. Toletski, 1st. B.; J. Frank, 2nd. B. ; C. Erdman, 3rd. B.; I. Weber, President.

Front row (left to right): W. Roehr, Pitcher; O. Hamel, Pitcher; E. Weber, L.F.; G. Musselman, Catcher; A. Levine, C.F.; G. Hainsworth, S.S.

Kaufman Footwear

Compound sheets and notes from J.C.H.

Contains compound sheets with a list of the materials used for the compound and the total cost of the compound. Includes notes by J.C. Howard. Originally in a binder labelled "I. Weber".

Kaufman Footwear

Compound sheets : I. Weber.

Contains compound sheets with a list of the materials used for the compound and the total cost of the compound. Originally in a binder belonging to I. Weber. Pages not initialled.

Kaufman Footwear

Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architects, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964B, Feb. 21, 1925:
Sheet 1: Plot plan, basement and foundation plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 2: First floor plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 3: Typical floor plan, rev. Mar. 4 and Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 4: Fifth floor plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 5: Roof plan and cross section, detail of spandrels, rev. Mar. 4 and Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 6: Victoria and King St. elevations, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 7: Elevation and section of AA and rear elevation, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 8: Elevator details, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 9: Untitled, Mar. 16, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 1-S: Columns, footings and beam schedule, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (3 copies).
Sheet 2-S: Floor plans, beam schedule, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (3 copies).
Sheet 3-S: Alternate design of footings, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (3 copies).

Kaufman Footwear

Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architects, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964B, Feb. 21, 1925:
Sheet 1: Plot plan, basement and foundation plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 2: First floor plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 3: Typical floor plan, rev. Mar. 4 and Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 4: Fifth floor plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 5: Roof plan and cross section, detail of spandrels, rev. Mar. 4 and Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 6: Victoria and King St. elevations, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 7: Elevation and section of AA and rear elevation, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 8: Elevator details, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 9: Untitled, Mar. 16, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 1-S: Columns, footings and beam schedule, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (2 copies).
Sheet 2-S: Floor plans, beam schedule, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (2 copies).
Sheet 3-S: Alternate design of footings, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (2 copies).

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd. : photograph album of construction of factory additions.

One photograph album containing images of the construction of one, and possibly two, additions to the Kaufman Rubber Co, factory.

Inserted in the album were two typescript logs: "Log of new building addition, 1925," and "Log of 1920-1921 new addition." It is not known whether or not the placement of these items in the album is significant.

Kaufman Footwear

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