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Kaufman Footwear
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Kaufman Family collection.

  • SCA173
  • Collection

Consists of fonds related to the personal and professional lives of A.R. Kaufman and W.H. Kaufman, and the family-run business Kaufman Footwear.

Kaufman Family

Kaufman Footwear fonds : 2005 accrual.

Accrual consists of records retained by members of the Kaufman Family relating to Kaufman Footwear. Most files originated with A.R. Kaufman and include factory orders and memoranda, catalogues, material relating to shoe testing, material relating to the history of the company and photographs. Fonds contains clippings, correspondence, ephemera, publications, mss., newsletters, photographs, and videocassettes,.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Footwear fonds.

Fonds consists of material relating to the history, operation and products of the Kaufman Rubber Company, later Kaufman Footwear. Includes catalogues of products, documentation of formulae, compounds, in-house "written standard practice" manuals illustrating industrial processes. Includes corespondence, clippings, ephemera, memoranda, photographs, publications, reports, and sound recordings.

Kaufman Footwear

Anniversaries : 50th.

Contains a newspaper clipping of an article about the 50th anniversary of the Kaufman Rubber Co., Limited and an anniversary crest.

Kaufman Footwear


Contains announcements, invitations, and a programme for the Kitchener Business Heritage Celebration, where Kaufman Footwear was honoured.

Kaufman Footwear

Releases and memoranda.

Contains announcements, memoranda, news releases, correspondence, and notes regarding events at Kaufman Footwear. Includes a memorandum to employees on the change of the name in 1964.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman, A.R. : correspondence.

Contains correspondence to and from A.R. Kaufman, notes, memoranda and a 1908 price list. Some of the correspondence references the strike during the summer of 1960.

Kaufman Footwear

Centenary Committee : Working Files

Series consists of material relting to the Centenary Committee's research on creating a company archive and on publicizing the company's history through participation in the Kitchener Downtown Mural Programme. Includes correspondence, ephemera, clippings, memoranda, and articles.

Kaufman Footwear

Factory manager's file

File belonging to I.K. Weber and then I.E. Weber, consisting primarily of factory memoranda issued between 1932 and 1965. Includes three letters containing the reports of an undercover investigator in the factory in 1965-1966

Weber, Irvin Edward

Employees : office boy duties.

Contains material regarding the duties of the factory office boy in the form of a list. Includes memoranda attached to the back of one of the lists.

Kaufman Footwear

Documents received from G. R. Good.

Contains material relating to Kaufman Footwear's pricing, costs, and competition. Includes memoranda, notes, correspondence, training material, government specifications, price lists, and a production schedule.

Kaufman Footwear


Contains correspondence to J.S.C. Moffitt from Kaufman Rubber Co. regarding sales. Also includes correspondence to Kaufman Rubber Co. regarding machinery. Includes 6 photographs of Guix machinery.

Kaufman Footwear


Contains an award presented to Kaufman Footwear by the Region of Waterloo Employer of the Year Committee for employment equity in the hiring of persons with disabilities.

Kaufman Footwear

Sales reports.

Contains sales lists of various lines of shoes with totals. Binder belonging to C.D.P.

Kaufman Footwear


Clippings, correspondence and one photograph related to the history of the company including staffing changes and the use of heavy machinery.

Kaufman Footwear

Voucher register.

File consists of one voucher register for The Kaufman Rubber Company, Ltd. The register does not list vouchers, but was used for listing cutting room scrap percents for various types of fabric. Inside the front cover is pasted a list of standard calendered stocks. Note that calendered stock are fabrics that have a rubber sheet pressed into them.

Kaufman Footwear

Centenary Committee : Topical Files

Series consists of material about the history of the Kaufman Rubber Co. collected by or submitted to the Centenary Committee for the purpose of preparing a history for the 100th Anniversary of the company. Includes information about the premises, operations and individuals associated with the company. Consists of articles, clippings, correspondence, ephemera, interviews, photographs, and information from previous anniversaries.

Kaufman Footwear

Dushore plant, Dushore Pennsylvania (file 2 of 2).

Contains material relating to the Kaufman Dushore plant in Dushore Pennsylvania. Includes phone numbers, wage information, employee policies, memoranda, maps of Pennsylvania, bills and invoices, correspondence, job descriptions, insurance policy paperwork, building lease information, and copies of facsimiles.

Kaufman Footwear

Dushore plant, Dushore Pennsylvania (file 1 of 2).

Contains material relating to the Kaufman Dushore plant, in Dushore Pennsylvania. Includes press releases regarding closure of the plant, newspaper articles and clippings, meeting agendas, business cards, printed emails and facsimiles, memoranda, correspondence, employee information including wage and salary information, cost analysis, building lease information, invoices, and bills.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Footware[sic], 410 King St., Kitchener, On. / The Walter Fedy Partnership, Architects and Engineers.

Drawings, some undated and some dated 1995-06-08, scale differs:
Sheet [SK 1 or 2]: Second floor [unnumbered, undated].
Sheet [SK 3]: Third floor [unnumbered, undated].
Sheet [SK 4]: Second floor (with atrium)[unnumbered, undated].
Sheet [SK 5]: Third floor (with atrium), col. [unnumbered, undated]
Sheet SK 5: Third floor (with atrium), 1995-06-08.
Sheet [SK 6]: Desk layouts, col. [unnumbered, undated].
Sheet [SK 7]: Interior elevations [unnumbered, undated].
Sheet SK 7: Interior elevations, 1995-06-08.

Kaufman Footwear

Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architects, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964B, Feb. 21, 1925:
Sheet 1: Plot plan, basement and foundation plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 2: First floor plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 3: Typical floor plan, rev. Mar. 4 and Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 4: Fifth floor plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 5: Roof plan and cross section, detail of spandrels, rev. Mar. 4 and Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 6: Victoria and King St. elevations, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 7: Elevation and section of AA and rear elevation, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 8: Elevator details, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 9: Untitled, Mar. 16, 1925 (2 copies).
Sheet 1-S: Columns, footings and beam schedule, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (2 copies).
Sheet 2-S: Floor plans, beam schedule, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (2 copies).
Sheet 3-S: Alternate design of footings, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (2 copies).

Kaufman Footwear

Addition to factory : Kaufman Rubber Co., Kitchener, Ont. / Albert Kahn Ltd., Architects, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964B, Feb. 21, 1925:
Sheet 1: Plot plan, basement and foundation plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 2: First floor plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 3: Typical floor plan, rev. Mar. 4 and Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 4: Fifth floor plan, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 5: Roof plan and cross section, detail of spandrels, rev. Mar. 4 and Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 6: Victoria and King St. elevations, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 7: Elevation and section of AA and rear elevation, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 8: Elevator details, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 8, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 9: Untitled, Mar. 16, 1925 (3 copies).
Sheet 1-S: Columns, footings and beam schedule, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (3 copies).
Sheet 2-S: Floor plans, beam schedule, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (3 copies).
Sheet 3-S: Alternate design of footings, Feb. 21, 1925, rev. Apr. 6, 1925, revision #1 (3 copies).

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan.
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office.
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans.
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA.
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation.
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room".
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors.
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?].
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan (3 copies).
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office (3 copies).
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans (3 copies).
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA (3 copies).
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation (1 copy).
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room" (3 copies).
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors (2 copies).
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?] (2 copies).
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920 (2 copies).

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 2] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan.
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office.
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans.
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA.
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation.
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room".
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors.
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?].
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920.

Kaufman Footwear

Kaufman Rubber Co. Ltd, Kitchener, Ont. : addition to present factory [set 1] / Albert Kahn, Architect, Walkerville, Ont.

Job No. 964, May 3, 1920. Scale differs.
Sheet 1: Heating riser diagram, plot plan, foundation plan, basement plan.
Sheet 2: Interior elevations of entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, ceiling plans for entrance lobby, Mr. Kaufman's office, two first floor plans, detail of wicket, detail of shelf and counter in general office.
Sheet 3: Flag pole, roof, second floor, third and fourth floor plans.
Sheet 4: South elevation, corner elevation, East elevation, North elevation, Northwest corner elevation, section on line AA.
Sheet 5: Scale details of main entrance elevation.
Sheet 6: Details: windows, wall sections, toilets, "elevations of Mr. Newton's room".
Sheet 7: Elevations showing windows and doors.
Sheet 8: Elevations: South, corner, East, North, Northwest corner [re windows?].
Sheet 1-S: Columns, dated Apr. 10, 1920.

Kaufman Footwear

Truckfest 93 : promotional material.

Contains material regarding Kaufman's promotion of their Splashguards at Truckfest 93. Includes product information, product availability, memoranda, pamphlets, a 1993-1994 Splashguard catalogue, and 22 photographs.

Kaufman Footwear


Contains material relating to splashguard scheduling. Includes dimensions and physical details, memoranda, customer addresses, production schedules, scheduling information, and price lists.

Kaufman Footwear

William H. Kaufman Inc.

Pamphlet entitled "William H. Kaufman Inc." about the history of the company dating back to the founding of Kaufman Rubber Company by Jacob Kaufman in 1907. Includes portraits of Kaufman family members and historical photos from the factory.

Kaufman Footwear

Sales and marketing.

Contains material relating to the sales and marketing of splashguards at Kaufman Footwear. Includes correspondence, memoranda, product information, advertisements, price lists, invoices, designs, and original drawings. Includes 14 photographs of splashguards and unidentifed individuals with Kaufman splashguards and products.

Kaufman Footwear

The Footprint.

6 issues of the Kaufman Footwear newsletter, The Footprint: Fall 1992, Summer 1996, Fall 1996, Winter 96/97, Winter 97/98, Spring 1998. Includes a list of all issues and summary of contents.

Kaufman Footwear

The Footprint.

Contains material assembled for possible inclusion in the employee newsletter, The Footprint. Includes letter from the Canadian Olympic Association regarding Kaufman's sponsorship of the Canadian Olympic Team at the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer. Also includes photocopied articles and notes.

Kaufman Footwear

Product development and notes.

Contains material relating to splashguard production at Kaufman Footwear. Includes Memoranda, correspondence, design plans, and production notes.

Kaufman Footwear

Display booth.

Photograph of a Kaufman Rubber Co. display booth at a trade fair featuring Life-Buoy rubber and outing shoes.

Kaufman Footwear

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