- SCA241-GA240-1-1
- File
- 1957-1966
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of Ballad Sheets printed by the Dolmen Press, as well as one Balled Sheet printed on the occassion of Mary Jordan's wedding, and an advertisement for the Ballad Sheets.
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Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of Ballad Sheets printed by the Dolmen Press, as well as one Balled Sheet printed on the occassion of Mary Jordan's wedding, and an advertisement for the Ballad Sheets.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various bookplates printed by Dolmen Press. Clients include: Jo & Liam Miller; K. Theodore Hoppen; Rudolph Holzapfel; Peter Bander; Colin Smythe.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of examples of book plates printed by the Rampant Lions Press. Includes work for: William Burton Todd; Charles Ballantyne Yarrow; Miriam B. Lawrence; Armida Maria-Theresa and Harris Dunscombe; Eton College; Charles Carroll Carter.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various cards (primarily Christmas) printed by the Dolmen Press, both on own their behalf and as commissions.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of three checklists printed by the Dolmen Press listing thier works for the years 1951-1971.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of examples of Christmas cards printed by the Rampant Lions Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various concert programmes comissioned from Dolmen Press. Clients include: St. Francis Xavier Hall; German Institute for Cultural Relations; Trinity College.
Part of Private Press collection.
Series consists of materials created and accumulated by the Dolmen Press. Includes rhyme sheets, stocklists, catalogues, prospecti, and other miscellanea. Also includes a file of prints by Elizabeth Rivers and a file related to Colin Smythe, donor of the original Dolmen Press book collection. Also included are a few items from other presses that were included in the collection.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various dust jackets for books printed by Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various gallery catalogues from shows that were commissioned from the Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various gallery catalogues from shows that were commissioned from the Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various gallery catalogues from shows that were commissioned from the Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various invitations to galleries commissioned from the Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of examples of invitations printed by the Rampant Lions Press. Includes work for: The Fitzwilliam Museum; Joshua Taylor Gallery; Institute of Petroleum; Ian Clarkson Galleries; Edward Bevan; Hampden Gurney School; Elizabeth and Anthony Bomford; Dean Robin Wood; Johnny and Vicky; Camilla Tyler; East Anglian Rod Company; Clare College; Lorna Croft.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various invitations comissioned from the Dolmen Press. Clients include: Irish Georgian Society; Bord Failte Eireann; Friends of the National Collections of Ireland; Committee of the Yeats Association; National Gallery of Ireland.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of examples of letterhead printed by the Rampant Lions Press. Includes work for: Hugh Crieghton, Archiect; Deighton, Bell & Co. Rare and Fine Books; The Richmond Society; Douglas Cockerell and Song, Bookbinders; Cambridge Philosophical Society; World Petroleum Congress.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of miscellaneous items printed by Rampant Lions Press. Includes typographic samples, poems, rules, order forms, cards and awards, etc.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of a variety of miscellaneous ephemera printed by the Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of an original drawing for Austin Clarke's poem Mnemosyne lay in Dust. Artist is unknown.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of materials that were purchased with the Dolmen Press ephemera collection, but which relate to other presses. Other presses include: The Cuala Press; The Elo Press; The Bridge Press; The Cadenus Press; Icon Books; Imprint Society; Gehenna Press Books.
Part of Private Press collection.
Series consists of a list of works printed by The Poetry Bookshop.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various invitations and programmes for poetry readings, primarily for works published by Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of posters commissioned from the Dolmen Press. Clients include: Nullamore; Thoor Ballylee; Eblana Theatre; Municipal Gallery of Modern Art (Dublin); Ulster Museum; The Years Association; City of Dublin Public Libraries; Trinity College.
Part of Private Press collection.
Series consists of materials created and accumulated by Press Porcepic. Includes a list of books in print and a clipping.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of a list of books in print from the Press Porcepic as well as a clipping about the press.
Printing relating to Rampant Lions and the Carter family.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of items printed by Rampant Lions Press that relates to the press itself, or to members of the Carter family. Includes announcements, keepsakes and an evelope with a label from the press.
Private Press Book Collection.
Part of Private Press collection.
The Private Press book collection includes items from more than 1,000 presses in Canada, Great Britain, and the United States. This collection has been developed as a representative collection, with intensive coverage of selected presses, such as Hague & Gill, St. Dominic's Press, Nonesuch Press, and Golden Cockerel Press, to provide scope for in-depth study of the history and development of these particular presses. A sample selection from a wide range of other private presses gives an overview of the private press movement in the twentieth century.
Part of Private Press collection.
Collection consists of ephemeral materials created and accumulated by various private presses including Dolmen Press, Rampant Lions Press, Poetry Bookshop, Press Porcepic, Soft Press, Stanbrook Abbey Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various programmes commissioned from the Dolmen Press. Clients include: Ulster Arts Council; Thoor Ballylee; Swift Tercentenary Committee; Cumann Merriman; Irish P.E.N.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of examples of programmes printed by the Rampant Lions Press. Includes work for: Cambridge Philosophical Society; Antiquarian Booksellers Association; Emmanuel College; King’s College.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various prospecti for books printed by Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of examples of prospecti printed by the Rampant Lions Press. Includes work for: The Two-Horse Press; Chilmark Press; Bertram Rota Ltd.
Part of Private Press collection.
Series consists of materials created and accumulated by Rampant Lions Press. Includes works commissioned from the press, prospecti, booksplates, and other miscellaneous printed items.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of materials created by, and related to, Elizabeth Rivers. Includes primarily Christmas cards featuring Rivers' woodcuts as well as materials promoting the book "Out of Bedlam", featuring a set of her woodcuts.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of materials created and accumulate by Colin Smythe relating to his relationship with the Dolmen Press. Includes correspondence, invoices, stationary samples commissioned from the Dolmen Press, and other ephemera.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of miscellaenous materials printed by, and relating to, Soft Press. Includes a newspaper clipping, and a list of books in print.
Part of Private Press collection.
Series consists of materials created and accumulated by Soft Press. Includes a clipping, a list of works in print and.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various specimen pages for works printed by Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
Series consists of materials created and accumulated by Stanbrook Abbey Press. Includes printed prayer and bible verse sheets.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of miscellaenous materials printed by, and relating to, Stanbrook Abbey Press. Includes primarily prayers and Bible verses, many of which are illuminated.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various stationary printed by the Dolmen Press for its own use. Includes letterhead, subscription forms, notes, etc.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various samples of stationary comissioned from Dolmen Press. Includes letterhead, business cards, envelopes, etc. Clients include: Peter Bander; Irish Georgian Society; Liam Miler; Poetry Ireland; Falkner Greirson & Co.; Brown Jacket Bookshop.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of stock lists and catalogues put out by the Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of stock lists and catalogues put out by the Dolmen Press.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of a list of works printed by The Poetry Bookshop.
Part of Private Press collection.
File consists of various theatre programs, posters, invitations etc. commissioned from the Dolmen Press. Clients include: The Yeats Association; The Abbey Theatre; Bolton Street College of Technology; Pike Theatre Club; The Lyric Theatre Company; Player's Theatre.