77 years of service certificate.
- SCA332-GA376-1
- File
- 1997
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One certificate from MPP Gary Leadston congratulating Fritsch Fragrances on 77 years in business.
Fritsch Pharmacy
This site is a work in progress. Tell us what you think.
77 years of service certificate.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One certificate from MPP Gary Leadston congratulating Fritsch Fragrances on 77 years in business.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Award for outstanding service in this community for promoting a smoke-free generation.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
An award given to Fritsch pharmacy for outstanding service in this community for promoting a smoke-free generation.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Canadian General Electric flashbulbs price notice.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
A flashbulb price change notice from Canadian General Electric.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One blue glass seltzer bottle from C.H. Norton, Berlin. Norton owned the Berlin Soda Works.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Code of ethics of the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
The code of ethics for the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association, signed by Michael Fritsch.
Fritsch Pharmacy
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario register updates.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Lists of updates to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario register.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Department of National Health and Welfare : circulars.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Two circulars from the Department of National Health and Welfare relating to narcotics legislation.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Department of National Health and Welfare : Food & Drug Directorate.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
11 issues of the Department of National Health and Welfare Food and Drug Directorate.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Lists of drug schedules for schedule F (prescription drugs) and G (controlled drugs).
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
A drug schedule for narcotics.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Lists of drug schedules for schedule F (prescription drugs) and G (controlled drugs).
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One pad of letterhead from E.G. Fahrner.
Fritsch Pharmacy
E.G. Fahrner : Ulikit hair grower : label.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
A label from a bottle of Ulikit hair grower.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fahrner's compound cherry bark cough syrup.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's compound cherry bark cough syrup, for coughs, colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, whooping cough and inflammation of the throat. Composition: syrups of wild cherry, senega, ipecac and blood root with chloroform.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fahrner's compound syrup of white pine and tar.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's compound syrup of white pine and tar, a reliable remedy for coughs, colds, hoarsensess, loss of voice. Composition: syrups of white pine, wild cherry, balm of gilead buds, spikenard, blood root and sassafras with pine tar and chloroform.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fahrner's compound syrup of white pine and tar.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's compound syrup of white pin and tar, a reliable remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness and loss of voice. Composition: syrups of white pine, wild cherry, balm of gilead buds, spikenard, blood root, sassafras, and chloroform.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fahrner's compound syrup of white pine eucalyptol and honey.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's compound syrup of white pine eucalyptol and honey, a reliable remedy for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, loss of voice, hoarseness. Composition: syrups of white pine, wild cherry, squill, senega, ipecac and blood root with terpin hydrate, honey, eucalyptol and chloroform.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's diarrhea mixture, an efficient remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, colic, cramps, cholera infantum. Composition: bismuth hydrate, red gum, magnesium hydrate, salol, pancreatin, chloroform.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's electric liniment, a family and household remedy for the aches and pains resulting from rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, sprains, bruises, muscle soreness, sciatica, lumbago, stings of instects, etc., etc. Composition: oils of turpentine, thyme, sassafras, cassia, camphor, amber, linseed, cottonseed, petrolatum, barbadoes tar, oil mustard, chloroform.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fahrner's extract of sarsaparilla compound.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's extract of sarsaparilla compound with iodide of Potassium, the great blood purifier, for the relief of skin affections, boils, scrofula, pimples, ulcers, etc., general debility, constipation and other diseases caused by impurities of the blood. Composition : extract queen's root, sarsaparilla, burdock, yellow dock, sassafras, wintergreen, mandrake, licorice with Potassium iodide.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fahrner's liver salt effervescent.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's liver salt effervescent, a pleasant saline laxative valuable in the treatment of stomach, liver and kidney disorders such as prickly heat, flatulence, biliousness, habitual constipation, headaches, etc., and also in the relief of rheumatic and gouty conditions. Composition: sodium phosphate, potassium and sodium tartrate, magnesium sulphate, sodium citrate and sodium tartrate.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fahrner's mustard oil liniment.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's mustard oil liniment, a reliable remedy for the relief of rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff joints, frosted feet, sprains, skin diseases, sore throat, chest troubles, bronchitis, croup, etc. Composition: liquid petrolatum, oil sassafras, oil mustard and chloroform.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's rheumatic remedy, a valuable and effective remedy for the treatment of gout, neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, and diseases arising from impurities of the blood. Composition: black cohosh, hydrangea, mandrake, methly-salicylate, sodium salicylate, rochelle salts, lithium benzoate, with tincture gelsemium and tincture colchicum corm.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's syrup of figs laxative, an agreeable fruit laxative, stimulates and assists the natural action of the stomach, kidneys, liver and bowels, especially valuable in the treatment of constipation, sick headache, biliousness, etc. Composition: figs, senna, rochelle salt, ext licorice, with oils of cloves, cassia, peppermint, wintergreen and anise and tincture belladonna leaves.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fahrner's whooping cough remedy.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's whooping cough remedy,a reliable remedy for whopping cough, bronchitis, and spasmodic affections of the throat. Composition: pine tar, syrups of garlic ipecac, senega, chestnut leaves, tolu and acacia with ext. licorice, spirits winter-green and chloroform.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One in the package bottle of Fahrner's worm syrup, palatable & efficient, and excellent remedy for use with children in the removal of worms of various kinds. Composition: spigelia, cascara, santonin, with oils of fennel and caraway.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Material documenting the history of Fritsch Pharmacy and its predecessors. Includes Ontario College of Pharmacy school workbooks, original medicines, drug record books and more.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Fritsch Pharmacy fonds : 2018 accrual.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
School records including notebooks, handwritten notes, labs, exams and other items that were created or accumulated by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy.
Fritsch, Michael
Health and Welfare Canada : Health Protection Branch : information letter.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
An information letter from the Health Protection Branch of Health and Welfare Canada regarding Schedule F drugs.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Information for all Ontario pharmacsists re the sale of poisons under the pharmacy act, 1960.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
An information sheet for Ontario pharmacists regarding the sale of poisons.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One ledger book kept by Beger and Schaefer Pharmacy. Includes entries for companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Doerr, Colgate, Jergens, Buckleys, Randall & Roos and more.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Materia medica 31: physiology.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One duotang notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes from the course Materia Medica 31: Physiology.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Merchandise destruction forms.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Two pharmacy merchandise destruction forms detailing unserviceable medicines that were destroyed.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Ontario College of Pharmacists inspector's report.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
An inspector's report for Fritsch Pharmacy from the Ontario College of Pharmacists.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Ontario College of Pharmacy newsletter.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Two issues of the Ontario College of Pharmacy newsletter, July 1965 and August 1968.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Receipts for pharmaceutical supplies and drugs purchased from other companies.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Retail druggists' narcotic register.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One retail druggists' narcotic register book from Fritsch's Pharmacy. Narcotics purchased include phenobarbital, codeine, dexamyl, methamphetamine, and more.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One binder kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The binder contains class notes, handouts, and exams from the course Botany.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Loose class notes and labs from the course Microbiology that were kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Loose class notes, handouts and problems from the course Physics that were kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy.
Fritsch Pharmacy
School notes: various subjects.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
Loose class notes, handouts from various courses including Botany, Inorganic Chemistry, and French. Also includes a small pack of blank paper and an instruction sheet for writing single stroke letters.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Gordon Schaefer while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes on botany.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Schoolbook : Latin and toxicology.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Gordon Schaefer while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes on Latin and toxicology courses. The toxicology section includes antidotes for common poisons.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes and labs from the course Pharmacy 26.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Gordon Schaefer while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes on physics.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Schoolbook : practical chemistry.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Gordon Schaefer while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes on practical chemistry. The book is divided with tabs into different categories reflecting the main teaching areas of the course.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The binder contains class notes, handouts, and exams from the course Botany.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes from the course Dispensing.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Schoolbook: organic pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry III, haematology.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One duotang notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes and labs from the courses Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry III, and Haematology. Also includes one copy of the Code of Ethics of the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Schoolbook: pharmaceutical chemistry 21.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes and labs from the course Pharmaceutical Chemistry 21.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Schoolbook: pharmaceutical chemistry 22 lab.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One duotang notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes and labs from the course Pharmaceutical Chemistry 22.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Schoolbook: pharmaceutical chemistry 31.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes from the course Pharmaceutical Chemistry 31.
Schoolbook: pharmaceutical chemistry 32 lab.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes and labs from the course Pharmaceutical Chemistry 32.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One school notebook kept by Michael Fritsch while he was a student at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The notebook contains class notes and labs from the course Pharmacy.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
The April 15, 1965 issue of The Ontario Pharmacist, the official bulletin of the Ontario Pharmacists' Association.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
A laminated display copy of the pharmacist's creed.
Fritsch Pharmacy
The Pharmacy Act sale of poisons book.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One sale of poisons record book from Fritsch's Pharmacy. Poisons purchased are primarily selsun shampoo.
Fritsch Pharmacy
The Pharmacy Act sale of poisons book.
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One sale of poisons record book from Beger and Schaefer Pharmacy. Poisons purchased include carbolic acid, laudanum, strychnine, bichloride, chloroform and more.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
A sell and win promotion kit from Pfizer for the product Vitera Plus.
Fritsch Pharmacy
Part of Fritsch Pharmacy fonds.
One business card for E.V. Wilson, auditor in the Division of Narcotic Control, Department of National Health and Welfare.
Fritsch Pharmacy