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Maines Pincock Family fonds. Series
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Series consists of notebooks belonging to jenny Pincock, Minnie and Fred Maines containing addresses, ms. and ts. notes, including drafts of works of poetry, fiction and non-fiction by Jenny Pincock and others.

Maines Pincock Family

Topical Files.

Series consists of folders and envelopes of material relating to a wide variety of topics of interest to Jenny Pincock and Fred and Minnie Maines, including art, literature, politics, war, spiritualism, friends and family. Includes clippings, ephemera, ms. and ts. notes, etc.

Maines Pincock Family


Series consists of folders and envelopes of clippings relating to a wide variety of topics of interest to Jenny Pincock and Fred and Minnie Maines, including art, literature, politics, war, spiritualism, friends and family.

Maines Pincock Family

Rev. F.J.T. Maines

Series consists of materials belonging to Rev. Maines relating to his work and interests. Includes sermon and lecture notes, correspondence, newsletters and newspapers (Y.M.C.A. related), some clippings, and one notebook entitled "1941 yearbook" in which three pages are annotated.

Maines Pincock Family


Series consists of correspondence to and from Jenny Pincock, Fred and Minnie Maines, and others.

Maines Pincock Family

Sittings : Notes

Series consists of manuscript and typescript notes and summaries of seances belonging to Jenny Pincock.

Maines Pincock Family


Series consists of manuscript and typescript notes for and drafts of works of poetry, fiction and non-fiction by Jenny Pincock and others.

Maines Pincock Family


Series consists of a spirit trumpet, a leather briefcase and a metal sign advertising R. Newton Pincock's osteopathy practice.

Maines Pincock Family


Series consists of miscellaneous materials relating to the life and interests of the Pincock and Maines families and friends. Includes photographs, manuscript and typescript. notes and drafts, ephemera, etc.

Maines Pincock Family