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John Herbert fonds
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Felice : final draft, originally written in 1955.

File contains photocopy of a manuscript of the play "Felice" by John Herbert.The play was originally created in 1955, with the final draft created in the 1980s. Includes author's note on the envelope: "B1 'Felice' : a one-act, four scene play written in 1955 and never performed. There is a first draft in the earlier part of the collection (1926 to 1980). This final draft was not found until 1982 when J.H. and his sister cleared the family house after the death of their mother. Enclosed: one copy of the final draft, 56 pages."

Herbert, John


Series consists of typescripts and manuscripts of plays written by John Herbert between 1964 to 1997, many of them with notes and corrections. There are also unfinished and first drafts of plays.

Herbert, John


Series consists of manuscripts and typescripts of plays by John Herbert.

Herbert, John

Short Stories and Novels.

Series consists of typescripts and manuscripts of short stories and novels written by John Herbert.

Herbert, John

Short Stories

Series consists of manuscripts and typescripts of short stories by John Herbert.

Herbert, John


Series consists of manuscript and typescript essays written by John Herbert regarding topics such as theatre and the actress, Greta Garbo.

Herbert, John


Series consists of essays and reviews written by John Herbert. Files often include notes written on behalf of Herbert about the context and nature of the writing.

Herbert, John


Series consists of manuscript and typescripts of poems written by John Herbert between 1953 and 2000. The series is divided into files for each individual poem and they are arranged chronologically.

Herbert, John


Series consists of poetry written by John Herbert.

Herbert, John

Artwork, Cartoons, Comics

Series consists of artwork, cartoons and comics created by John Herbert between 1964 and 1998. Many of the drawings illustrate story development and ideas for his plays as well as comics and advertisements. The series is divided into files and arranged chronologically.

Herbert, John

A household God.

File contains typescript photocopy, 11 p.; notebook of further drafts, sketches etc., 1962

Herbert, John

Some angry summer songs : drafts for book publication.

File contains drafts of John Herbert’s collection of plays “Some angry summer songs, published by Talonbooks in 1975. Includes drafts of an introduction to the collection by Alex Grigeroff , ts. (photocopy) and ts. (carbon), 7 and 6 pages respectively, drafts of “The pearl divers,” typescript 5 leaves, (photocopy) with corrections; "Beer room," typescript 13 leaves (photocopy) with corrections; "Close friends," typescript 15 leaves (carbon) with corrections; The dinosaurs,” typescript 7 and 6 leaves (carbons and photocopy). Includes an announcement of the book's publication. Includes author’s note on the envelope: “Box C: John Herbert archives: C22: Some Angry Summer Songs. Early drafts of 4 one-act plays: Pearl Divers, Beer Room, Close Friends and Dinosaurs (published by Talonbooks) plus an introduction to the plays by Alex Gigeroff, Lawyer, criminologist and painter. Plus the first announcement of the coming publication of the plays by Talonbooks of Canada. - 1975.”

Herbert, John

Kearney, Greg.

File contains email correspondence between John Herbert and Greg Kearney, regarding the editorial policies of the publication Xtra. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box D: John Herbert archives. D11: correspondence: 5 e-mail letters between John Herbert and Greg Kearney, columnist for Xtra weekly paper, on the subjects of Timothy Findley, writer, and Xtra's editorial policies. July, 2000. 3 e-mail from J.H. 2 e-mail from G.K. - Enclosed -."

Herbert, John

Siegler, Karl, Talonbooks.

File contains one letter to John Herbert from Karl Siegler of Talonbooks dated June 14, 2000, rejecting John Herbert's script "Magda" for publication. Includes the original mailing envelope, with the author's note on it: "C13: one-page rejection letter from Karl Siegler, publisher, re. J.H.'s 1985 play 'Magda' June 14, 2000."

Herbert, John

Joyous moment, 1949.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (original and holograph copy; photocopy of the latter).

Herbert, John

Lice on Louisiana, 1949.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (original and holograph copy; photocopy of the latter). The poem is dated 1944; John Herbert has also signed the page and added the date 1949.

Herbert, John

Wanderer, 1949.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (holograph copy; photocopy of the latter).

Herbert, John

Why am I?, 1949.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (original and handwritten copy by John Herbert).

Herbert, John

Cape Breton Post, April 4, 1986: Reviewer unfair, patronizing, nasty,

File contains contains correspondence and clippings relating to playwright Beatrice MacNeil. Includes draft of a letter to the editor, Cape Breton Post, dated March 24, 1986, a clipping of the published letter, a clipping about Beatrice MacNeil, and a letter from Beatrice MacNeil to John Herbert, April 2, 1986. Includes author's note on the envelope: "D Box: John Herbert archives. D18: the Cape Breton Post. Letter to the Editor 1986. - Letter to Angus MacDonald published in the Cape Breton Post on Friday, April 4th, 1986 (slightly edited). Enclosed: clipping of published letter and follow-up item (1 page), photocopy of hand-written letter (5 pages) and original letter from playwright Beatrice MacNeil (2 pages). Total of 8 pages."

Herbert, John

Washington Post : letter to the editor, March 25, 1986.

File contains contains manuscript 8 leaves (photocopy) of a letter from John Herbert on the subject of Ronald Reagan's foreign policies. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box D: John Herbert archives. D21: Letter to the Editor: The Washington Post, U.S.A., sent by John Herbert: on the subject of President Ronald Reagan's handling of U.S.A. relationships with American neighbours, north and south - March 25, 1986: photocopy of the 8 handwritten pages."

Herbert, John

Job, 1951.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (original).

Herbert, John

Lost love, 1952.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (holograph copy, photocopy of same).

Herbert, John

Fortune and men's eyes : screenplay.

File contains contains one draft screenplay, typescript 122 leaves (photocopy), identified as copy number D-4, "Property of Elgin Films Ltd." Author's note indicates that this is the script used by Harvey Hart, director of the M.G.M. film version of "Fortune and men's eyes." Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box C: John Herbert archives, The Porter Library, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. C16: Fortune and Men's Eyes: An early draft of the filmscript by John Herbert, the one used by Harvey Hart, final director of the M.G.M. film (1971). Note: The first director, Jules Schwerin, was bought out and removed from the film project, after too much altering of the author's original filmscript. See item C15."

Herbert, John

I slept, 1955.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (original and 1 p. holograph copy; photocopy of the latter).

Herbert, John

Jest, 1955

File contains 1. manuscript 1 p. (original and 1 p. holograph copy; photocopy of the latter).

Herbert, John

Watching, 1955.

File contains manuscript "second or third draft," 1 p. (original and holograph copy; photocopy of the latter).

Herbert, John

Eye, Sept. 14, 2000 : letter to the editor.

File contains contains clipping of a letter to the editor in response to a column by Sky Gilbert. Includes author's note on the envelope: "D Box: John Herbert archives. D29: published letter-to-the-editor on the subject of being gay in old age, in answer to an article by Sky Gilbert in eye weekly on that theme. Enclosed: the letter by John Herbert on page 7 of eye, Sept. 14, 2000. (one copy)."

Herbert, John

Abortion, 1956.

File contains manuscript 2 p. (original and holograph copy).

Herbert, John

Garbo, 1956.

File contains manuscript 2 p. (original written on recto and verso of an envelope and 1 p. holograph copy).

Herbert, John

Eye Weekly, Feb. 10, 2000 : Sorry, Sky.

A clipping from the Eye Weekly publication from February 10, 2000. The clipping is a response by John Herbert to Sky Gilbert's column. Includes author's note on the envelope [envelope also contained file C-2]: "Box C Published Letters. C1: Letter to Eye Weekly, Toronto, published on February 10, 2000, on subject of Sky Gilbert's Pink Panther column of January 27, 2000."

Herbert, John

Late love, 1956.

File contains manuscript "first draft," 1 p. (original and holograph copy; photocopy of the latter).

Herbert, John

Eye, January 25, 2001 : When gay meant merry.

File contains contains one clipping of a letter to the editor. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives Porter Library, Univ. of Waterloo. E22: Letter-to-the-Editor, 'eye weekly' (Toronto) - page 6, 'When Gay Meant Merry', under heading of editorial, 'Gay Marriage a Choice': Published Letter by John Herbert (marked in red pen). Date: January 25th, 2001."

Herbert, John

Toronto writer runs a workshop in the Bahamas.

File contains one clipping about a writers' workshop, with mention of John Herbert's participation. The clipping is from the Toronto Daily Star newspaper, dated Dec. 12, 1970, on page 44. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box D: D24. Writers' workshop in the Bahamas - 1970. Island of Eleuthera. Enclosed: Newspaper column, Toronto Daily Star, Dec. 12, 1970 (by Gerry Hall)."

Herbert, John

Chu. Daniel. David Rothenberg gave up press agentry to sell ex-cons on the straight life. People Weekly, July 11, 1977, p. 64-66, 71, ill.

File contains contains a biographical article about David Rothenberg, original producer of "Fortune and men's eyes," with mention of John Herbert. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives at Porter Library, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario - E4: one issue of People Weekly magazine, U.S.A., of July 11, 1977, containing a biography (article) on David Rothenberg, original producer in New York of J.H.'s play 'Fortune and Men's Eyes', founder of the Fortune Society (for prison reform) which grew out of the N.Y. production of Herbert's play through David Rothenberg."

Herbert, John

A year, 1956.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (original and holograph copy; photocopy of the latter). Poem written "to his mother on her birthday", August 25, 1956.

Herbert, John

Hommes : set design for the Paris production.

File contains one black and white photograph of the set design for the Paris production John Herbert's play "Fortune and men's eyes." Includes the original mailing envelope, stamped, and addressed to John Herbert's mother, with the return address of John Herbert in London England. Includes author's note on the envelope [envelope contained files B-11, 12, and 13]: "Box B - additions to John Herbert archives, University of Waterloo: Items enclosed: B11, B12 and B13 - correspondence: 1972, 1997, 1999 (pieces related to theatre). B11: photo of Paris set design for Fortune and Men's Eyes ('Hommes') mailed to G.R.Brundage from J.H.B. in London, U.K. - 1972."

Herbert, John

Lady of the Camellias.

File contains manuscript 1st draft, 35 p.; typescript final draft (annotated), 50 p. (original and photocopy); production notes.

Herbert, John

Canada's playwrights : a biographical guide.

File contains contains a photocopied entry about John Herbert from Canada's playwrights : a biographical guide, edited by Don Rubin and Alison Cranmer-Byng. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box D: John Herbert archives. D20: photocopy of section from 'Canada's Playwrights: A Biographical Guide" edited by Don Rubin - cover, pages 95 and 96 (on John Herbert's plays) 1984. Note: This record is full of errors (marked in pen by John Herbert) and misquotes. Don Rubin, a professor at York University and editor of Canadian Theatre Review did not check with J.H. on accuracy of information."

Herbert, John

Depraved dream, 1958; All you hangmen, 1949.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (original, described by John Herbert as a copy made for a reading, including the poem "All you hangmen" on the same sheet. Also includes later holograph copy and photocopy of same.

Herbert, John

Walker, Susan. The man who dared write of forbidden love. Toronto Star, June 25, 2000, p. D4, port.

File contains newspaper interview with John Herbert. Includes author's note on the envelope: "D Box: John Herbert archives. D4: Pride Day 2000. Enclosed: 3 articles: 1. A J.H. Letter to Eye Weekly re. Sky Gilbert - June 22, 2000 - page 7. 2. An article by Susan Walker in the Toronto Star re. gay writers in Canadian theatre, June 24, 2000 - page H13. 3. A profile on John Herbert and his influence on a new generation of gay writers - The Toronto Star Susan Walker - June 25, 2000 - page D4."

Herbert, John

Aging, 1959.

File contains manuscript 1 p.(holograph copy; photocopy of same).

Herbert, John

Connolly, L.W. The abolition of theatre censorship in Great Britain : the Theatres Act of 1968. Queen's Quarterly 75, no. 4 (Winter 1968): [569]-583.

File contains contains one copy of Queen's Quarterly 75, no. 4 (Winter , 1968) with a reference to "Fortune and men's eyes" on page 582. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives, the Porter Library, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario - E5: one issue of Queen's Quarterly, Winter 1968: containing a brief mention of 'Fortune and Men's Eyes' and John Herbert in article on new theatre in London, England, on page 582. Note: 1968 was the year that 'Fortune and Men's Eyes' opened in London at Charles Marowitz's 'Open Space' Theatre and was later moved by producer Michael White to the Comedy Theatre in the West End."

Herbert, John

Miss Tina, 1959.

File contains manuscript first and second drafts, 1 p. (originals and holograph copy; photocopy of the latter).

Herbert, John

Cohen, Nathan. Underground theatre totally ignored by the mainstream. Toronto Daily Star, Aug. 26, 1970.

File contains contains a column by Nathan with a short review of John Herbert's play "Close friends." Include author's note on envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives, Porter Library, University of Waterloo: E8: one copy (newspaper printing) of Nathan Cohen's theatre column in Toronto Daily Star, August 26, 1970: 'Underground theatre totally ignored by the mainstream', in which Cohen mentions the debut performance of Herbert's one-act play 'Close Friends', performed at Factory Theatre Lab, directed by Ken Gass. The play was performed many times in following years. - 1970."

Herbert, John

LaGuardia, Robert. Diary of three motley days in a Quebec jailhouse. After Dark 4, no. 1 (May 1971): 35-40.

File contains article about the filming of "Fortune and men's eyes." in Quebec City. Includes author's note on the envelope: "E Box: John Herbert archives University of Waterloo, Porter Library. E20: After Dark magazine, article by Robert La Guardia about filming of 'Fortune and Men's Eyes' in Quebec City, pages 35 to 38, including 6 photographs of scenes of actors on location. Includes La Guardia's comments on his meeting with John Herbert on the scene of the filming. 1 copy (issue)."

Herbert, John

Wagner, Anton. Some angry summer songs [review]. Body Politic (July-Aug. 1977): 22.

File contains contains a review of John Herbert's book Some angry summer songs, published by Talonbooks in 1976. Appended to the review is a commentary by Ed Jackson, the review editor. Also includes Anton Wagner's rebuttal to this commentary and a further comment by Ed Jackson, in Body Politic (October 1977): 2. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives, Porter Library, University of Waterloo, Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives, Porter Library, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. E9: Two copies of Body Politic, Toronto's first Gay newspaper, both dealing with the writing of John Herbert as playwright. E9a: A review of 'Some Angry Summer Songs', published by Talonbooks, a collection of four one-act plays by John Herbert, reviewed by Anton Wagner with an editorial comment contradicting Wagner's opinions, written by Ed Jackson. July/August, 1977. E9b: A letter from Anton Wagner on the subject of Ed Jackson's cuts to A.W.'s original review and E.J.'s dissenting comments, following the review. Ed Jackson again adds a note at end of E.W.'s letter. October, 1977. Note: Ed Jackson, review editor for Body Politic (Toronto's first gay newspaper) in the nineteen-seventies (and after) was one of many homosexual men of that era (and this one, the year 2000) that was made uncomfortable by openly feminine gay men like John Herbert and ready at all times to disapprove of everything created by effeminate homosexuals. This contingent of 'masculine-males-only' gay men are rather like misogynistic heterosexual men who insist on being superior to women in all things. These 'Gays' particularly dislike 'drag Queens' (transvestites, cross-dressers and female impersonators). The editorial staff on the second gay newspaper, Xtra, carries on this 'masculine gays are superior' attitude and the gay men involved are not too different from 'closet Queers' who want acceptance by straight society. Anton Wagner was and is a much more cosmopolitan and intelligently tolerant Gay man, a writer and film-maker who has become an impressive historian of wordly [sic] vision. J.H. (Sept. 2000).

Herbert, John

Richards, Christopher. Glamour puss. Xtra, Jan. 29 1988, p. 35.

File contains contains a biographical article about Louis Negin, the actor who played Mona in the London, England production of "Fortune and men's eyes" in 1968, with mention of the play and the production. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives. E10: a profile of Louis Negin, the actor who played 'Mona' in the London, England, production of J.H.'s 'Fortune and Men's Eyes'. Enclosed: one page from Toronto's Gay newspaper 'Xtra', article on Louis Negin's career in theatre and his role in Charles Marowitz's production of 'Fortune and Men's Eyes' at the Open Space Theatre and at the Comedy Theatre in the West End, (1968) London. Date of article: January 29, 1998."

Herbert, John

Walker, Susan. Buddies in better times : once relegated to the fringe, gay theatre has hit the mainstream. Toronto Star, June 24, 2000, p. H13.

File contains article with mention of John Herbert and "Fortune and men's eyes." Includes author's note on the envelope: "D Box: John Herbert archives. D4: Pride Day 2000. Enclosed: 3 articles: 1. A J.H. Letter to Eye Weekly re. Sky Gilbert - June 22, 2000 - page 7. 2. An article by Susan Walker in the Toronto Star re. gay writers in Canadian theatre, June 24, 2000 - page H13. 3. A profile on John Herbert and his influence on a new generation of gay writers - The Toronto Star Susan Walker - June 25, 2000 - page D4."

Herbert, John

Blanche and Rose's dream song : draft.

File contains one manuscript, 27 leaves (originals and photocopies) with corrections, of a draft script for John Herbert's play "Blanche and Rose's dream song." Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives, the Porter Library, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. E18: original first draft of a one-act play by J.H. : 'Blanche and Rose's Dream Song' (a light homage to Tennessee Williams). No. of pages: 27, Date: 1978. Note: see final draft in envelope E-19 (30 pages) (1986)."

Herbert, John

Spring thaw '56.

File contains contains one program for The New Play Society's "Spring thaw '56", for which John Herbert did the props. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives, Porter Library, University of Waterloo. E3: one program from the annual revue 'Spring Thaw' ('56), produced by New Play Society and performed at the Avenue Theatre. Note: 1956 was the year John Herbert (then known as Jack Brundage) was a student of acting at N.P.S.'s school in the coach-house on Asquith St., Toronto, and did properties (props) for the show 'Spring Thaw' at Dora Mavor Moore's request. His work is not credited (no prop listing) on the program (1956) but the next year, 1957, he was given a small printed credit on the program for his creation of dozens of props, when the revue played another theatre at St. Clair Ave. and Vaughan Road (a converted old movie house). In 1956, Jack Brundage played 'Octavius' and 'Doctor Ford-Waterlow' in N.P.S.'s production of 'The Barretts of Wimpole Street' at the Avenue Theatre."

Herbert, John

Fortune and men’s eyes, The Little Room, New York.

File contains program for workshop production of "Fortune and men's eyes." Includes author’s note on the envelope: “Important items. Box C: John Herbert archives: C20: ‘Fortune and Men’s Eyes’: Two early scripts of the play, as typed by Nana Brundage, J.H.’s sister, involved throughout from the beginning of their theatre careers. Enclosed here are also: -Rehersal notes -(carbon) A letter from J.H. to director (N.Y.) -Reference material used by J.H. -Early N.Y. newspaper ads -A program (2 copies) from the performance at ‘The Little Room’ for prospective backers (New York City). Note: The typed scripts enclosed are the same as submitted to the Stratford Festival (1965), to Nathan Cohen (1966) and to David Rothenberg (N.Y.) in 1966.”

Herbert, John

World of Woyzeck : costume and set designs.

File contains clipping from the Toronto Star, advertising "World of Woyzeck" at the Garret Theatre. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box B, set and costume designs, B3b. Title: World of Woyzeck: a play in two acts by John Herbert, adapted from Georg Büchner's unfinished play 'Woyzeck'. Enclosed: set, costume and prop designs for Garret Theatre. No. of drawings: 5 (water colour and pen) (the originals) Plus: 1 copy of original newspaper advertisement for the production and 1 photocopy of ad. Production ran from May to October, 1969."

Herbert, John


File contains contains 2 pages of a Rivoli Theatre program for the Autumn Angel Repertory production. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box A- A-1 'Magda' (1981). Enclosed: original hand written script with notes and marked changes (125 pages), plus 4 pages of preface and 3 pages of character description and 2 pages of Rivoli Theatre program. Note: there are two other copies of 'Magda' in this box - envelopes A-2 and A-3."

Herbert, John

Rain, 1963.

File contains manuscript 1 p.(original and holograph copy).

Herbert, John

Aux yeux des hommes.

File contains contains one program from a Quebec City production of John Herbert's play "Fortune and men's eyes", translated as "Aux yeux des hommes."

Herbert, John

Tennessee Williams' world.

File contains contains one program for John Herbert and the Maverick Theatre's production of "Tennessee Williams' world," three one-act plays. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives, Porter Library, University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Ontario. E2: two items from Maverick Theatre, 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St. Toronto. E2a: one program from the production of 3 one-act plays by Tennessee Williams, benefit performances to raise funds for Gay Pride Day, each play with a separate director. February and March - 1987. E2b: one copy of 8 page press release, announcing opening of new play by John Herbert, 'Broken Antique Dolls', plus a history of Maverick Theatre. Released October 20

Herbert, John

The bitter truth, 1964.

File contains manuscript 1 p., two drafts (originals and holograph copy; photocopy of the latter).

Herbert, John

The echo, 1964.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (original and holograph copy).

Herbert, John

Fortune and men's eyes.

File contains contains one program (photocopy) for a Stellar Theatrical Productions version of John Herbert's play "Fortune and men's eyes." Includes author's note on the envelope: "Box E: John Herbert archives at Porter Library, University of Waterloo. E1: 3 programs from 3 productions of John Herbert plays in the Nineteen-Eighties and Nineties. E1a: one program from the Toronto production of J.H.'s play 'Magda', performed by the Autumn Leaf Company at the Adelaide Court Theatre, Toronto - February and March (the play's debut) - 1985. E1b: one program from Québec City, production of 'Aux Yeux Des Hommes', French Language translation by René Dionne of J.H.'s 'Fortune and Men's Eyes', Le Théâtre du Trident, September and October - 1985. E1c: Stellar Theatrical Productions, 'Fortune and Men's Eyes' at the Joseph Workman Auditorium, Toronto (one program) April

Herbert, John

Merchants of Bay Street : "Pass it on" benefit.

File contains contains material relating to a 1995 benefit production of John Herbert's play "Merchants of Bay Street", for the community organization "Pass it on". Includes a benefit performance original program, photocopies of an advertisement for the benefit, song lists, a "Pass it on" Lesbian and Gay Archives brochure. Includes author's note on the envelope: "Merchants of Bay Street - script, programs, etc. Benefit Performance, 1995."

Herbert, John

Eyes, 1964.

File contains manuscript 1 p. (holograph copy, photocopy of same).

Herbert, John

Fortune and men’s eyes : advertisements for Actors Playhouse production in New York.

File contains two clippings. Includes author’s note on the envelope: “Important items. Box C: John Herbert archives: C20: ‘Fortune and Men’s Eyes’: Two early scripts of the play, as typed by Nana Brundage, J.H.’s sister, involved throughout from the beginning of their theatre careers. Enclosed here are also: -Rehersal notes -(carbon) A letter from J.H. to director (N.Y.) -Reference material used by J.H. -Early N.Y. newspaper ads -A program (2 copies) from the performance at ‘The Little Room’ for prospective backers (New York City). Note: The typed scripts enclosed are the same as submitted to the Stratford Festival (1965), to Nathan Cohen (1966) and to David Rothenberg (N.Y.) in 1966.”

Herbert, John

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