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Material relating to readings given by Rienzi Crusz, by hismself and with others. Contains clippings, ephemera, ms. notes. Contents overlap with material in other files, eg. Speeches and presentations.

Crusz, Rienzi


File consists of three clippings relating to the life and work of Rienzi Crusz. Includes one clipping on the donation of Rienzi's works to the University of Waterloo. Also includes one typed copy of a brief article that was published in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record and a computer print out of the LAUW [Librarian's Association of the University of Waterloo] online newsletter.

Crusz, Rienzi


File consists of two clippings on Rienzi Crusz.

Crusz, Rienzi


File consists of ephemera and clippings kept by G.E. Reaman. Includes clippings about his parents and genealogical information about the Reaman family, business and membership cards, program for the 21st anniversary of "The Club", programme for Cornell University commencement of 1920, listing G.E. Reaman as graduate, envelopes with stamps. Also includes a 1959 prospectus for the Doon School of Fine Arts, and a thesis presented to G.E. Reaman by the author, Marguerite Kehr. Also contains programmes for musical events at which G.E. Reaman's wife Flora and daughter Elaine performed.

Reaman, George Elmore


File consists of clippings relating to G.E. Reaman's life and career.

Reaman, George Elmore

International Platform Association (file 1 of 4).

File consists of correspondence to and from G. Elmore Reaman during his tenure as the first Canadian president of the International Platform Association, a non-profit organization for promoting to the public "high grade platform presentations." (Flyer, ca. 1950). The correspondence is mostly to and from other members and is concerned with internal affairs of the organization. Includes two letters from John Diefenbaker dated Nov. 3, 1949 and Jan. 28, 1950. Also includes a small amount of ephemera from individual artists.

Reaman, George Elmore

Awards, events, readings, etc.

File consists of various awards received by Barbara Smucker as well as clippings and ephemera relating to events that she has partaken in and readings by her. Includes a transcript of a convocation address at the University of Waterloo given May 29, 1986 at which Barbara Smucker received an honorary doctorate.

Smucker, Barbara


File consists of three reviews of Garth and the Mermaid.

Smucker, Barbara


File consists of six reviews of Incredible Jumbo.

Smucker, Barbara


File consists of one brochure for the Jumbo monument in St. Thomas, Ontario.

Smucker, Barbara


File consists of seven reviews of Jacob's Little Giant.

Smucker, Barbara


File consists of seventeen reviews of White Mist by Barbara Smucker.

Smucker, Barbara

Research notes.

File consists of research notes created and accumulated by Barbara Smucker while researching for White Mist. Includes clippings, photocopies, ephemera, and manuscript notes.

Smucker, Barbara


File consists of 16 reviews of Amish Adventure.

Smucker, Barbara


File consists of 68 reviews of Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker as well as two on the film adaptation of the book.

Smucker, Barbara

Uncle Tom's Cabin Museum.

File consists of one brochure and one postcard from the Uncle Tom's Cabin Museum. Inserted into the brochure are three leaves of manscript notes by Smucker.

Smucker, Barbara


File consists of clippings on the life and works of Barbara Smucker.

Smucker, Barbara

Biographical and critical articles.

File consists of biographical and critical articles on Barbara Smucker and her works. Includes clippings, ephemera and photocopies. Also includes a typescript curriculum vitae and biographies written by Barbara Smucker and her husband Donovan Smucker.

Smucker, Barbara

Printed Materials.

Notes and poems; items issued by the K-W Christian Business Men's Committee ca. 1948; an assortment of printed ephemera regarding dreams, sign language, a 1887 Rand-Mcnally railroad map of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico; 1909 Railway Lands Branch, Department of the Interior Map of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta showing lands finally disposed of; a partial book on the Boers in South Africa, 1899; The Voyageur, a broadside poem by Walter Stewart Stinson, 1929 by the Moreau Studio; stories from magazines, ca. 1935.

Maines Pincock Family

Loose papers


  • Galt YMCA Circus Program 1928
  • F.T. Maines: correspondence & ephemera regarding subscription to "light".
  • Minnie Maines: Kitchener-Waterloo Philharmonic Choir ephemera.
  • Minnie Maines: membership cards and receipts: K-W YMCA and YWCA.
    5: Minnie Maines: household receipts and ephemera.

Maines Pincock Family

Waterloo County

Contains clippings relating to the history of Waterloo County, notably Homer Watson, Doon, the Waterloo County Centennial in 1952, the Conestoga Wagon, early architecture and homes, Mabel Dunham, and other clippings. Includes a copy of the Kitchener-Waterloo record special ossue "Kitchener's first 100 years," June 22, 1954.

Maines Pincock Family

World War I.

This folder actually contains material on a variety of topics and probably belonged to F.J.T. Maines. Includes two envelopes of material dating from 1915-1916. These include manuscript material: untitled sermon (?) on loyalty and war, 7 leaves; a hymn with music; a second untitled ms. sermon, 4 p.; manuscript notes on "Christian brotherhood". Includes ephemera and pamphlets produced for troops "On Active Service." Includes clippings relating to the war, to politics, and to topics of interest to F.J.T. Maines. A third gathering of material dates from 1931- 1939 and consists of clippings on topics such as world politics, Grey Owl, Niagara Falls, hawks, liquor legislation, poems, letters to the editor, etc.

Maines, Frederick J.T.

Radiant Healing Centre and Church of Divine Revelation

Contains material relating to the Church of Divine revelation in St. Catharines, Ontario, Rev. F.J.T. Maines, Minister and to its Radiant Healing Centre. Includes ephemera, printed "form of service", manuscript and typsecript notes (in more than one hand), drafts prepared for forms and literature distribution.

Maines Pincock Family


One unlined notebook belonging to Fred J.T. Maines, containing manuscript notes on birds and insects. Material inserted and tipped-in includes manuscript notes, notes, clippings etc.

Maines, Frederick J.T.

Maines, Frederick J.T. : reference and material for sermons.

File consists of one notebook kept by Frederick J.T. Maines with reference materials on a variety of topics for sermons. The subjects are indexed at the beginning of the notebook and include topics such as demonic possession, Buddha, ectoplasm, necromancy, superstition and more. Also included are clippings and notes that were inset into various pages.

Maines, Frederick J.T.


Material relating to the Ortho Pharmaceutical Museum on the history of Birth Control. Includes correspondence to A.R. Kaufman, photocopies of clippings from the Catholic Register provided to the Museum, and material relating to a section honouring Family Planning Pioneers in 1973.

Parents' Information Bureau

Kaufman, A.R. : biographical.

Biographical information about A.R. Kaufman. Includes a photocopy of a 1962 article "The eccentric world of Alvin Ratz Kaufman," by Herc Munro and a photocopy of a tribute by Dr. G. Liebbrandt, August 1977. Also includes clippings and obituaries.

Parents' Information Bureau

Photograph collection.

  • SCA83-GA53
  • Collection
  • [186-?]-[19--?]

Collection consists of 169 19th century American photographs. Included are 115 carte-de-visites, 40 cabinet portraits, 2 albums, 11 miscellaneous photographs and 1 envelope of miscellaneous business and greeting cards.

Most are albumen type photographs depicting various people including infants, children, and adults. The photographs come from various studios across the United States though the majority come from studios in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Illinois. The photographs, since rehoused, were originally housed in two albums decorated with an intricate relief on the cover and a metal clasp lock.

Biographical clippings.

Clippings relating to the life and career of Alice Hagen. Includes typescript transcripts of items published in 1897.

Hagen, Alice Mary


File consists of clippings regarding the life of Dr. Olive Ruth Russell relating primarily to her time in the Second World War as a Second Lieutenant with the Canadian Women's Army Corps (CWAC) and her book Freedom to Die, about the legal and moral implications of euthanasia. Included is media coverage featuring Russell's recruitment work on behalf of the CWAC, as well as an article regarding a sabbatical to Asia.

Russell, Olive Ruth

Correspondence from Thomas H. Johnson, Dept. of Crown lands, Toronto, Ont., May 3, 1881.

Letter from Thomas H. Johnson to Colin Rankin's purchase of the "east half of lot 15 in the 14th [concession] of Papineau, containing 30 1/2 acres" at a rate of 50 cents per acre; a land grant certificate with seal dated June 14, 1881; a typescript reproduction of the text on the certificate; and a typescript description of the land accompanied by a hand drawn sketch.

Rankin, Colin

Reference Materials

Series contains reference materials including a 1937 edition of the Canadian Labour Press, book lists, ration coupons and scrips from Germany and United States, and a 1925 map of the city of Montreal.


Series documents anti-war and anti-fascist sentiments during the early 1930s. Includes various leaflets of poems and songs on peace by William E. Dyer, a Toronto-based poet. Other leaflets relate to the 1934 Ontario provincial election and promotion for the Socialist Party of Canada in the Waterloo North constituency There is also a membership advertisement for the “American League against War and Fascism”, based in New York, and a Pax International issue from 1934 about the persecution of pacifists and promotion of peace.


Series documents John Walter’s correspondence with William Daum Euler and the Kitchener Daily Record. The correspondence focus on Walter’s request for a public debate with Euler over capitalism and the economy. Other correspondence and newspaper clippings cover the Record’s refusal to publish, in their newspaper, the letters Walter sent about challenging Euler. There are also clippings of Euler's speech which Walter references in his letters.

Walter, John

Theatre record and scrapbook.

  • SCA426-GA496
  • Accession
  • 1904-1905

One scrapbook kept by an unknown theatre goer. The book is specially made for theatre performances and features in index of the plays, and a two page spread devoted to each play. The left hand side of the page allows for written comments on the title, date and location of the play as well as impressions, and criticisms of the actors and performance. The right hand side of the page is intended to be used to paste in the playbill. In many entries newspaper clippings about the performance are also present. All of the productions were held at the Castle Square Theatre in Boston by the Boston Stage Society in 1904 and 1905. There are records for 80 plays. Some of the playbills also include advertisements.

Food For Your Children.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 7: Food For Your Children. This leaflet gives information on the kinds of foods that are important for children to or not to have, as well as a meal plan an recipes.

United States Department of Agriculture

Food for Young Children.

United States Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin 717 Food for Young Children. The guide provides information on what nutrients children should be getting in their diets, the food groups they should eat (milk and dishes made chiefly of milk; breads and other cereal foods; butter and other wholesome fats; vegetables and fruits; simple sweets), ways in which to prepare foods, and recipes and meal plans.

United States Department of Agriculture

Experiments on the Digestibility of Fish.

United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 649: Experiments on the Digestibility of Fish printed in Washington D.C. April 13, 1918 as a contribution from the States Relations Service. The bulletin states that it is primarily of interest to students and investigators of food problems and records the results of research on digestibility of Boston mackerel, butterfish, grayfish, and salmon.

United States Department of Agriculture

Dried Peas and Beans.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No.14: Dried Peas and Beans. This leaflet gives information on varieties of dried peas and beans, ways to cook them, and recipes.

United States Department of Agriculture

Do You Know Corn Meal?

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 2: Do You Know Corn Meal? The leaflet gives information on how to use corn meal, as well as recipes.

United States Department of Agriculture

Digestibility of Protein Supplied by Soy-Bean and Peanut Press-Cake Flours.

United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 717: Digestibility of Protein Supplied by Soy-Bean and Peanut Press-Cake Flours, printed in Washington D.C. September 25, 1918 as a contribution from the States Relations Service. The bulletin states that it is primarily of interest to students and investigators of food problems and records the results of research on digestibility and nutrition of soy and peanut flours.

United States Department of Agriculture

Wheatless Breads and Cakes.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 20: Wheatless Breads and Cakes. This leaflet gives information on what substitutes such as corn meal, oats, rice and buckwheat, how to cook with them, recipes using them, and other tips on how to save wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture

Wartime Conservation: Wheat Saving Breads.

Wartime Conservation: Wheat Saving Bread, published by the New York State Food Commission in cooperation with the Federal Food Board prepared by the Department of Home Economics, New York State College of Agriculture, at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, approved by the Bureau of Food Conservation of New York City. The pamphlet gives information on how and why to save wheat for the war effort, and provides recipes for breads and other baked goods that save on wheat.

New York State Food Commission

Wartime Conservation: Potatoes for Patriotism.

Wartime conservation pamphlet on potatoes for patriotism published by the New York State Food Commission in Cooperations with the Federal Food Board, prepared by the Department of Home Economics, New York State College of Agriculture, at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York and approved by the Bureau of Food Conservation of New York City. Includes information about how to best cook potatoes, potato recipes, and recipes using mashed potatoes in place of wheat flour.

New York State Food Commission

Vegetables for Winter.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 9: Vegetables for Winter. This leaflet gives information on the importance of continuing to eat vegetables during the winter, as well as vegetables that grow in the winter, how to cook with canned and dried vegetables, recipes, and how vegetables can replace meat.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use Soy-Bean Flour to Save Wheat, Meat and Fat.

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary Circular No. 113: Use Soy-Bean Flour to Save Wheat, Meat and Fat. This circular includes information on soy-bean cakes as well as recipes for baked goods and meat dishes that use soy-beans in place of flour or wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use Rice Flour to Save Wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary Circular No. 119: Use Rice Flour to Save Wheat. This circular includes information on how rice flour is made and recipes for baked goods made with rice flour instead of wheat from the Experimental Kitchen of the Department of Agriculture, Office of Home Economics and the U.S. Food Administration, Home Conservation Section.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use Potatoes to Save Wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary Circular No. 106 Use Potatoes to Save Wheat. This circular includes information on potatoes as well as recipes for baked goods, potato dishes, potatoes used as meat substitutes and potato recipes to save wheat from the Experimental Kitchen of the Department of Agriculture, Office of Home Economics and of the Home Conservation Section of the U.S. Food Administration. This circular is an update to the previous circular on using potatoes from March 12, 1918.

United States Department of Agriculture

Corn Meal as a Food and Ways of Using it.

United States Department of Agriculture Farmer's Bulletin 565 Corn Meal as a Food and Ways of Using it. Includes information on corn, corn meal and other corn products as well as understanding the nutritional makeup of corn products. Also includes recipes using corn in baked goods, for corn based meals, and for desserts.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use Potatoes to Save Wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary Circular No. 106 Use Potatoes to Save Wheat. This circular includes information on potatoes as well as recipes for baked goods, potato dishes, and potatoes used as meat substitutes.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use Peanut Flour to Save Wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary Circular No. 110 Use Peanut Flour to Save Wheat. This circular includes information on barely as well as recipes for baked goods, meat substitute dishes and soups using peanut flour in place of wheat from the kitchen of the Office of Home Economics.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use of Wheat Flour Substitutes in Baking.

United States Department of Agriculture Farmer's Bulletin 955 Use of Wheat Flour in Baking Substitutes. The bulletin gives information on wheat substitutes such a sorghum, corn, rice, potatoes, oats, barley, buckwheat, peas, beans and peanuts well as providing recipes for wheat free baking.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use Oats to Save Wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary Circular No. 118: Use Oats to Save Wheat. This circular includes information on rolled oats and oat flour and recipes for baked goods made with oats instead of wheat from the Experimental Kitchen of the Department of Agriculture, Office of Home Economics and the U.S. Food Administration, Home Conservation Section.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use More Fish.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No.17: Use More Fish. This leaflet gives information the nutrient value of fish, types of fish to use to replace meat in your diet, how to cook fish, and offers recipes.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use Corn Meal and Corn Flour to Save Wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary Circular No. 117: Use Corn Meal and Corn Flour to Save Wheat. This circular includes information on corn meal and corn flour and recipes for baked goods made with corn instead of wheat from the Experimental Kitchen of the Department of Agriculture, Office of Home Economics and the U.S. Food Administration, Home Conservation Section.

United States Department of Agriculture

Use Barely- Save Wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary Circular No. 111 Use Barely-Save Wheat. This circular includes information on barely as well as recipes for baked goods using barely in place of wheat from the kitchen of the Office of Home Economics.

United States Department of Agriculture

Studies on the Digestibility of Some Nut Oils.

United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 630: Studies on the Digestibility of Some Nut Oils, printed in Washington D.C. April 16, 1918 as a contribution from the States Relations Service. The bulletin states that it is geared towards students and investigators of food problems and records the results of a study on the digestibility or almond, black-walnut, Brazil-nut, butternut, English-walnut, hickory-nut and pecan oils.

United States Department of Agriculture

Save Sugar.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No.15: Save Sugar. This leaflet gives information on how to save sugar, sugar substitutes, recipes for sweets that do not contain sugar, and how to follow the food pledge.

United States Department of Agriculture


U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 18: Rice. This leaflet gives information on how to cook rice, and recipes for its use.

United States Department of Agriculture

Choose your Food Wisely.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No.4: Choose your Food Wisely. The leaflet gives information on the food groups, and why you need to eat something from every group each day.

United States Department of Agriculture

Rice as Food.

Farmers' Bulletin 1195 United States Department of Agriculture: Rice as Food. This bulletin gives information on how rice is grown and processed, how to cook it (including recipes and what to do with leftovers) and information on wild rice.

United States Department of Agriculture

Potatoes and how to Cook Them.

Potatoes and how to Cook Them published by the Canada Food Board, Ottawa, 1918. This pamphlet provides information on the nutritional value of potatoes, recipes using them, how to purchase store and grow them, and information on other recipe books that can be purchased.

Canada Food Board

Plenty of Potatoes.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 10: Plenty of Potatoes. This leaflet gives information on the nutritional value of potatoes, how to cook them, and recipes.

United States Department of Agriculture

Ontario Department of Agriculture: War Bread.

Ontario Department of Agriculture Women's Institutes Bulletin 254 War Breads, This bulletin fives information on why wheat needs to be saved for the way effort, how other grains and can be used in its place (including recipes) an appendix of upcoming demonstration-lecture courses.

Ontario Department of Agriculture

Make a Little Meat go a Long Way.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 5: Make a Little Meat go a Long Way. The leaflet gives information on how to make stews and meat pies to make a little meat go a long way.

United States Department of Agriculture

Instead of Meat.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 8: Instead of Meat. This leaflet gives information on meat substitutes, as well as recipes.

United States Department of Agriculture

In Flanders Fields and America's Answer.

One decorative hanging with the poems "In Flanders Fields" and "America's Answer" which was written by R.W. Lilliard as a response to the entreaties in McCrae's poem. Also includes a large envelope addressed to Miss. Helen M. Wright, teacher, Annette St. School, Toronto that the poem was originally housed in.


U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 19: Hominy. This leaflet gives information on how to cook hominy, types of hominy, and recipes using it.

United States Department of Agriculture

Glucose for Household Use.

Glucose for Household Use issued by the Canada Food Board, Ottawa, August, 1918. This pamphlet gives information on saving sugar and using glucose in its place, including notes on how to use glucose for canning and preserving, and recipes substituting glucose for sugar.

Canada Food Board

Fresh Vegetables.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No.16: Fresh Vegetables. This leaflet gives information on types of fresh vegetables to buy or grow, tips on cooking, recipes, timing for cooking vegetables, and tips on urban foraging.

United States Department of Agriculture

A Whole Dinner in One Dish.

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Food Administration United States Food Leaflet No. 13: A Whole Dinner in One Dish. This leaflet gives recipes for one dish dinners and information on the food groups.

United States Department of Agriculture

World War One food circulars.

  • SCA424-GA494
  • Collection
  • [191-]-May 1921

A collection of food circulars distributed during the First World War in both Canada and the United States. The circulars provide information on food nutrition, rationing and recipes.

Zagar family photograph album.

  • SCA420-GA488
  • Collection
  • 1930-1955

Photograph album containing photographs and other materials related to the Zagar family with an emphasis on their youngest daughter Margaret Ann.

Photographs and ephemera in album cover the lives of the Zagar family from the early 1930s to the early 1950s. First sheets include photographs of the grandmothers, parents (Stephan and Wilma), twin oldest daughters (Rosalyn and Marilyn Ann), and youngest daughter as a baby (Margaret Ann). Rest of sheets focus on Margaret Ann and her development from early childhood to adulthood after having contracted Polio as an infant. Photographs include family pictures and celebrations, class photographs at the Gompers School for the Handicapped (located at South State St. and 123rd, Chicago), photographs of Margaret Ann's development at different stages, and photographs of family friends. Album also contains religious ephemera, school ephemera related to Gompers School events, and a newspaper clipping related to a function at Gompers School.

Zagar family

Invitation to reception at the Mansion House.

One invitation addressed to Miss. E.P. Nichols to a reception at the Mansion House of the Lord Mayor of London (Walter Wilkin) and his wife the Lady Mayoress (Margot Wilkin nee Dale) on June 20, 1895. The reception was for colonial and foreign delegates of the World's Women's Christian Temperance Union.

Invitation to farewell meeting.

An invitation to the farewell meeting to delegates and friends attending the Grand International Meetings of W.W.C.T.U. (World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union) and National B.W.T.A. (British Women's Temperance Association). The meeting was held at Exeter Hall in London, England with addresses by Lady Henry Somerset (Isabella Caroline Somerset) and other leading White Ribbon Workers.

Woman's Christian Temperance Union

Business card for Sarah K. Taylor.

One business card for Sarah K. Taylor. The verso reads her name and the recto reads her address as well as information on the church that she preached at including sunday school and preaching times as well as prayer meetings. A small note on the recto also indicates that if anyone is in sickness or trouble they should contact her.

Book of coupons.

One coupon booklet given to attendees of the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union convention. All of the coupons in this book have been removed, but a table of contents notes that it included coupons for hotels, dinners and a portrait.

The White Ribbon Hymnal.

One small hymnal of hymns sung by the National British Women's Temperance Association. The hymnal was compiled by Anna Gordon, Assistant Secretary World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The hymnal bears a pencil ownership mark of E.P. Nichols, American Delegate.

National British Women's Temperance Association

Results 1 to 100 of 1948