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Interview with Judi Jewinski.

An audio-visual recording of an interview conducted by Dr. Anne Millar with Judi Jewinski, retired Administrative Dean at Renison University College, for the Oral History Hub pilot project. The interview includes discussions about Jewinski's family background, their decision to come to Waterloo and the path that brought them here, as well as their thoughts about the institution and where it will be at 100 years old, in 2057. Additional topics include teaching, writing and grammar, drama, English literature, Renison College, Faculty of Arts, students, poetry readings, Association of English as a Second Language Association of Ontario, English Language Institute, Centre for Teaching Excellence, Gordon Stubley Language Competency Committee, Maurice Evans, Richard “Dick” Knight, Grace Logan, Harry Tuyn, Neil Hultin, Harry Logan, Gordon Slethaug, Tanya Missere Mihas, Michael Smyth, and Switzerland. The interview was conducted in-person in Waterloo, Ontario. File also contains a transcript of the interview.

University of Waterloo Archives

Interview with Aaron T. Francis.

A sound recording of an interview conducted by Dr. Anne Millar with Aaron Francis, PhD candidate, for the Oral History Hub pilot project. The interview includes discussions about Francis's family background, their decision to come to Waterloo and the path that brought them here, as well as their thoughts about the institution and where it will be at 100 years old, in 2057. Additional topics include Jamaica, Leeds, England, immigration, COM DEV, art, political science, and Francis's PhD studies. The interview was conducted virtually from Waterloo, Ontario. File also contains a transcript of the interview.

University of Waterloo Archives

Jardine family fonds.

  • SCA9-GA5
  • Fonds
  • 1797-1927

Fonds consists of seventeen documents relating to the Jardine family, dating from 1797 to 1927, including correspondence, character references, certificates of marriage, articles of partnership, and one will.

Jardine Family

Barrett Autograph Collection.

  • SCA89-GA59
  • Collection
  • 1716-1827, 1841

Collection contains prints of Canadian landscapes done by William Henry Bartlett in 1841 and portraits of prominent 17th and 18th century politicians from Europe and Canada. Also included are letters from English prime ministers dating around the 1700s. The collection is arranged in one series consisting of print engravings, a file of Bartlett prints, and a scrapbook containing letters.

Bartlett, W. H. (William Henry)

Kaufman, A.R. : Russian trip memories.

Typescript carbon notes and photocopies of manuscript and typescript materials relating to A.R. Kaufman's travels in 1929, 1958-1959 and 1963 to various destinations in the world including England, India, New Zealand and Russia. Includes a photocopy of a CKCO TV interview about his trip to Russia in 1963.

Parents' Information Bureau

Arthur Wellesley Wellington letter

  • SCA76-GA46
  • Collection
  • 1842

Contains one letter from Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington addressed to Francis Fane, the 12th Earl of Westmorland.

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley

Account book.

  • SCA71-GA40
  • Collection
  • 1800-1809

One unidentified English account book with entries from 1800-1809 for wages paid, property taxes, debts, etc.

Victoria Mary Sackville-West letter.

  • SCA64-WA36
  • Collection
  • 1944

Fonds consists of one holograph letter dated March 9, 1944 from Sackville-West to Mrs. Leslie Hotson discussing the effects of war on South-West England.

Sackville-West, Victoria

King, Gladys Lilian retirement.

File consists of one photograph of King with others upon her retirement as a female probation officer with the County Borough of Reading. The photograph shows King receiving a radio from H.V. Kersley (mayor of Reading), H.E.C. McIlroy (Chairman, Probation Committee), and John Gore Micklethwaite (Recorder of Reading).

King, Gladys Lilian

Gladys Lilian King fonds.

  • SCA62-WA35
  • Fonds
  • 1919

Fonds consists of one 141 page carbon typescript of "Among the beavers: Canadians and others" by Gladys Lillian King. The work is a personal narrative of the work done by the Military Women Police in and around the Beaver Hut in the Strand, London. Also includes two photographs of King with others.

King, Gladys Lilian


Illustrated postcard of a police office with a gesturing suffragette holding a "Votes for Women" poster thrown over his shoulder. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Are we downhearted? No!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard was published by E.S., London.

Procession of suffragists.

Illustrated postcard featuring a procession of suffragists marching in a line with mouths open and arms outstretched, many with umbrellas in hand. The woman at the front of the line is holding a sign that reads: "Down with the Men and Up with the Women". Verso indicates postcard, numbered 641, was printed in Great Britain.

Mrs. Pankhurst.

Postcard with studio portrait of Christobel Pankhurst taken by Martin Jacolette, South Kensington. Caption under portrait reads: "Mrs. Pankhurst. Hon. Secretary, National Women's Social & Political Union. 4, Clement's Inn, W.C."

Mrs. Drummond.

Postcard with photograph of Flora Drummond standing, at right, with right arm in air. Other women and men on the boat are seen holding large signs that read "Votes for Women," "Hyde Park Sunday June 21," and "Cabinet Ministers Specially Invited". Caption at bottom of postcard reads: "Mrs. Dummond opposite the terrace of the House of Commons addressing M.P.'s, inviting them to the Hyde Park demonstration.'

The post card was published by Sandle Brothers, Empire House, Paternoster Row, London EC and identified as No. 103, Photo, Half Tones.

Suffragist at home.

Illustrated postcard of a woman lying in bed, turned to yell at an unhappy man seated at right, presumably her husband, who holding two crying babies. Caption on postcard reads: "The Suffragist at home. We don't know what we want, but we'll get it."

Verso indicates postcard, numbered 641, was printed in Great Britain.


Illustrated postcard of a man kneeling in front of a stove, cooking something on a long fork, in a messy kitchen while holding a crying baby. In the background is a woman yelling from an open door with a "Votes for Women" poster visible at left. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Ours is a happy home!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard was published by E.S., London.

Hyde Park demonstration.

Postcard with photograph of Christobel Pankhurst and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence seen looking at camera and wearing "Votes of Women" sashes taken of at Hyde Park demonstration. The pair is standing in front of a display with a "Votes for Women" banner and other demonstration attendees are visible in background. Caption at bottom of postcard reads: "Hyde Park Demonstration, June 21, 1908: Miss Christobel Pankhurst, LL.B. & Mrs. Pethick Lawrence."

The post card was published by Sandle Brothers, Empire House, Paternoster Row, London EC and identified as No. 101, Photo, Half Tones.

Maria Louise Clough scrapbook.

  • SCA44-WA24
  • Fonds
  • 1886-1887

One scrapbook kept by Maria Louise Clough while on a trip from Boston to England, Scotland, France and Italy in 1886 and 1887. The scrapbook contains cards, correspondence, clippings, ephemera, and realia (including plant material), and provides insight into the activities and tastes of a young woman from that period of time. Among the contents are: Cunard ephemera (including deck plans, menus, passenger list), theatre ephemera (including Henry Irving in Faust at the Lyceum), a cigarette, lace, Westminster Abbey ephemera, transportation tickets, a moving-part Christmas card, fringe forming part of the decoration of the funeral car of the Duke of Wellington, postcards, engravings, hotel ephemera, identified leaves and flowers, etc.

Clough, Maria Louise

Ration coupons and scrip

File contains an two envelopes with examples of German ration coupons from the 1920s and examples of scrips from Rochester, New York and Multnomah County in Oregon. The ration coupons include a pencil identification that reads: "Walter Johann".

Walter, John

Culinary and medicinal household recipe book.

  • SCA400-GA466
  • Collection
  • [18--]-[19--]

Culinary and medicinal manuscript household recipe notebook including recipes for food (such as jelly and lemonade), medicinal remedies (such as an earache cure and a cough syrup), and household remedies (such as furniture cream and cement).
Contents are divided into sections. First 25 pages are not numbered and include lists of contents. Pages 1 to 73 are numbered and contain culinary recipes, medicinal remedies, and household remedies. Pages 74 to 108 are numbered and left blank with a few pencil-written sums and calculations. Pages 109 to 112 were numbered and are missing. Pages 113 to 115 are numbered and contain culinary recipes and household remedies.
Includes unbound pages with recipes inserted in the book.
Script is in black, blue, and red ink and graphite pencil.

Map of Berlin.

One map of Berlin with smaller maps of various Olympic sites including the Olympic Village, Reich sports grounds, the marathon course, the regatta courses and a map of the plan for the winter games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Dresdner Bank

Photographs of Berlin Reichssportfeld.

20 photographs showing various exterior and interior shots of the Reichssportfeld (sports complex) in Berlin (which is no longer standing). The photographs show the track, monuments outside the building, performers, and the Olympic torch among others. Photographs are identified on the verso in German.

Minister of Foreign Affairs’ visit to Hungary and Poland.

Material created and accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament when he accompanied Peter Mackay, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Budapest, Hungary to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Hungary Revolution and to participate in bilateral meetings in Warsaw, Poland between October 20-24, 2006. Records include invitations, programs, and correspondence such as a letter of welcome from Robert Hage, Canada's Ambassador to Hungary. Also includes tickets to events such as the Canada Salutes Hungary Gala in Budapest, Hungary, and a memorial publication published by the Hungarian Culture Centre Mindszenty Hall in Windsor, Ontario. In addition, the file contains a briefing book for Hungary and Poland as well as a presentation folder containing a program of events for celebrations in Hungary and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Visit of Andrew Telegdi to the Republic of Hungary on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Fight for Freedom.

Material accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to Telegdi’s visit to the Republic of Hungary on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Fight for Freedom. Telegdi visited Hungary between October 10-14, 2006. Records include invitations, programs, and briefing books containing itineraries, country profile sheets, press clippings, objectives, and information on the Parliament of Hungary and the chronology of parliamentary exchanges between Canada and Hungary. Also contains correspondence including a signed letter from Dénes Tomaj, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to Canada and three signed letters from Dr. Katalin Szili, Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian-Hungarian relations.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament documenting his personal interest and political involvement in matters relating to Canadian-Hungarian relations. Material in this file is primarily related to the planning of events and activities across Canada commemorating the 1956 Hungarian Revolution such as conferences held by the University of Ottawa Institute for Canadian Studies and the University of Toronto, screenings of the film Freedom’s Fury and the CBC documentary The Fifty-Sixers, the opening of the NEW LIVES photographic exhibition curated by the National Arts Centre, and the development of a special stamp issued by Canada Post. Records include correspondence, invitations, brochures, press clippings, news releases, speaking notes, calendars, and other textual material. The file also contains programs for a state dinner in honour of His Excellency László Sólyom, then President of the Republic of Hungary, as well as a picture of Telegdi and Sólyom shaking hands during the event.

Moreover, the file includes a copy of a framework agreement between St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo, Ontario and Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, Hungary to develop co-operation between the two institutions in the fields of education and research.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Visit of a parliamentary delegation to Austria and Hungary.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to Telegdi’s participation in a visit of a Parliamentary delegation led by Peter Milliken to Austria and Hungary. At the time, Peter Milliken served as a Member of Parliament representing Kingston and the Islands and as Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada. Records include briefing notes, biographical information, parliamentary histories, and country profiles. Also includes programs, invitations, reports, correspondence, handwritten notes, a newsletter, pamphlet, menu, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian-Hungarian relations.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament documenting his personal interest and political involvement in matters relating to Canadian-Hungarian relations. Many records detail events and activities held in Hungary in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of revolutions that swept across Europe in 1848. In addition, several documents address Hungary’s integration into Europe and interest in joining the United Nations. Other records outline the condition of Hungarian schools in Transylvania, the repatriation of Hungarian owned artwork residing in Canada following the Second World War, and other topics. Records include reports, speech transcripts, correspondence, invitations, handwritten notes, and a notebook.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian-Hungarian relations.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament documenting his personal interest and political involvement in matters relating to Canadian-Hungarian relations. Many records detail Telegdi’s diplomatic trip to Hungary to attend the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in 1994 with Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada, and Telegdi’s participation in the 1996 Jimmy Carter Work Project building detached homes in Gödöllő, Hungary. Also includes material related to the decoration of Telegdi’s mother, Elenora “Nora” Telegdi, with the Small Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary for her activities for Hungarian communities beyond Hungary’s borders. Records include correspondence, news releases, conference material, invitations, tickets, programs, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian observer group for elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to his role as an election observer in the Canadian observer group for elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina that were held on September 14, 1996. Records include correspondence, a report, a reference guide, a training manual, notes, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Spiritualist manuscript : Mr. and Mrs. Pagesmith and circle.

A manuscript notebook that records the details of séances held by a group of individuals in Weston-super-Mare, England between April 16, 1924 and February 27, 1925. The handwritten entries in the notebook describe the manner in which a circle was opened to begin the séance, any images seen or sensed, whether or not a spirit appeared, all questions and answers made by sitters and spirits, and often include a general summation of the séance. An index featuring a list of topics raised during the séances and the name of the spirit who discussed the topic is available at the back of the notebook. Inserted between page 250 and 251 is a poem handwritten on a blue card dated February 17, 1945 and addressed to Dora written by J. & A.P. In addition, the notebook contains a photograph pasted onto the verso of the flyleaf. The photograph shows four men and eight women, possibly the members of the Spiritualist circle in Weston-super-Mare, England.

Pagesmith, Mr. and Mrs.


Silver drachma from the Euboean league (Island of Euboea, Greece) showing on the obverse the head of Euboea and on the reverse a bull's head and kantharos.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver didrachm from Rhodes (Greece) showing on the obverse the radiate head of Helios and on the reverse a rose.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver hemidrachm from Thebes (Greece) showing on the obverse a Boeotian shield and on the reverse a Kantharos.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from a military mint, possibly in Italy, showing on the obverse an elephant trampling a horned serpent over the word Caesar and on the reverse priestly implements. Stuck during the reign of Julius Caesar after his crossing of the Rubicon into Italy. This coin was possibly struck from the horde at the State treasury at the Temple of Saturn in Rome.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Septimius Severus and on the obverse Victory flying holding a wreath.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Roma and on the reverse the dioscuri mounted on horses.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Caracalla and on the reverse victory on prow.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin from Milan (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Aurelian and on the reverse Fortuna seated left on wheel, holding rudder and cornucopiae.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Nerva and on the reverse Fortuna standing holding rudder and cornucopiae.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denarius from Rome (Italy) showing on the obverse the head of Julia Domna and the reverse Felicitas standing holding a sceptre and caduceus.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze farthing from England showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse Britannia seated. This is a bun farthing, so called because of the young head of Queen Victoria with a bun, with a beaded border.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver drachma from Thasos (Thrace, now Greece) showing on the obverse a naked ithyphallic Satyr carrying off a protesting nymph and on the reverse an incuse quadripartite square.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver obol from Thasos (Thrace, now Greece) showing on the obverse a Satyr and on the reverse an amphora.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver stater from Aegina (Greece) showing on the obverse a land tortoise with thirteen plates and on the reverse an incuse square with five compartments containing letters and a dolphin.

Pyke, Edgar William


Electrotype coin from Syracuse (in two parts) showing on one coin the head of Apollo and on the other the head of Artemis.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver tetradrachm from Athens (Greece) showing on the obverse the head of Athena and on the reverse an owl with the letters AOE.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Cnut and on the reverse a short cross with a broken annulet surrounding a pellet in each angle.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Lincoln (England) showing on the obverse the head of Cnut and on the reverse a short cross.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Aethelred II and on the reverse a small cross.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver coins from England showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse the numbers 1, 2, 3, & 4. This is an 1885 maundy set.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Aethelred II and on the reverse the hand of God.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from England showing on the obverse the words EADGAR REX around a small cross and on the reverse the words GRID MONE, indicating the moneyer.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Harold II and on the reverse PAX between horizontal lines.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward the Confessor and on the reverse a hammer cross.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Lincoln (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward the Confessor and on the reverse an expanding cross.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Stephen of Blois and on the reverse a cross moline. The coin is considered a Watord type due to the large hoard of this style of coin found in Watford.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of William I (also known as William the Bastard) and on the reverse a cross with the letters PAXS in circles in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver sixpence from England showing on the obverse the head of Elizabeth I with a rose and on the reverse a square topped shield with the date 1561.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfgroat from York (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry VIII and the reverse a coat-of-arms on cross fourche; T W at sides, bishop's hat below for Archbishop Thomas Wolsey. Minted under the authority of the church.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward the Confessor and on the reverse a cross with arms that terminate in trefoils.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver crown from England showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse St. George slaying the dragon. This is a jubilee issue.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from England showing on the obverse the head of Henry II and on the reverse a short cross with four pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry II and on the reverse a short cross with crosslets in the angles. The name Tealby was given to these coins because of the hoard of over 5000 of these coins was discovered at Tealby, Lincolnshire in 1807.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denier from Aquitaine (France) showing on the obverse a cross with RICARDVS REX and on the reverse PICTAVIENSIS in three lines across the field.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of John and on the reverse a short cross with five pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Canterbury (England) showing on the obverse the head of John and on the reverse a short cross with four pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Ireland showing on the obverse the head of Henry III in a triangle and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry III and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver denier from Aquitaine (France) showing on the obverse the head of Edward II and on the reverse a long cross with crowns in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Canterbury (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward I and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver double florin England showing on the obverse the head of Queen Victoria and on the reverse crowned shields with sceptres in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver groat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward III and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William

La Rochelle.

Silver hardi from La Rochelle (France) showing on the obverse Edward the Black Prince and on the reverse a long cross with leopards and fleur de lis in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver hardi from Poitiers (France) showing on the obverse Edward the Black Prince and on the reverse a long cross with leopards and fleur de lis in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfpenny from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Richard II and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfgroat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry V and the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver groat from Calais (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry VI and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver groat from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward IV and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver light groat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward IV and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver groat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry VII in profile and on the reverse a cross fourch�e over the arms of England/France. This is the first English coin to show a king's life like portrait.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfgroat from Canterbury (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry VIII and on the reverse a cross fourche over quartered coat of arms. The coin was minted under the authority of the Church.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver 5 franc coin from France showing on the obverse the head of Napoleon and on the reverse 5 FRANCS. Edge inscription reads 'France Dieu Protes.'

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver fine shilling from England showing on the obverse the head of Edward VI and on the reverse a cross fourch�e over quartered coat of arms.

Pyke, Edgar William


SIlver groat from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Mary and on the reverse cross fourch�e over quartered coat of arms,

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver threr half pence from England showing on the obverse the head of Elizabeth I and on the reverse a cross fourch�e over quartered coat of arms with the date.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver shilling from England showing on the obverse the head of James I and on the reverse the shield of arms.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver sixpence from Oxford (England) showing on the obverse the characters relig : prot leg : and liber : par in three lines across the field along with the date 1643. The reverse shows the head of Charles I.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver shilling from London (England) showing on the obverse the bust of Charles I, the king of England, Scotland and Ireland. The reverse shows the British coat of arms.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfcrown from Oxford (England) showing on the obverse Charles I on a horse and on the reverse RELIG: PRO: LE / ANG: LIB: PAR in two lines across the field with the date 1644.

Pyke, Edgar William


Bronze coin weight for the god Unite coin, valued at twenty shillings, or one pound. The obverse shows the head of Charles I and the reverse a crown and XX.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver jubilee sixpence from England showing on the obverse the head of Victoria and on the reverse a shield. This reverse design was withdrawn after this year as coins were being gilded and passed off as half sovereigns.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfcrown from London (England) showing on the obverse the head of Oliver Cromwell and on the reverse a quartered shield showing the arms of England Scotland and Ireland, surmounted by a large crown.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver thaler from the Austrian Empire showing on the obverse the head of Empress Maria Theresa and on the reverse the Hapsburg coat of arms.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver shilling from Newark (England) showing on the obverse a crown with C-R across the field and XII below and on the reverse OBS NEWARKE 1645 in three lines. This coin was minted as siege money during the English Civil War.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver two pence from England showing on the obverse the head of Charles II and on the reverse a square topped shield quartered with the arms of England and France combined in 1st and 4th quarters, Scotland and Ireland, on a cross fleury.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver crown from England showing on the obverse the head of Charles II and on the reverse four crowned shields with crossed C's between.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver farthing from England showing on the obverse the head of Charles II and on the reverse Britannia seated.

Pyke, Edgar William


Copper farthing from Norwich, England showing on the obverse the words A NORWICH FARTHING in three lines across the field and on the reverse the coat of arms of Norwich. These private tokens were issued due to a lack of official coinage in the period following English Civil War.

Pyke, Edgar William

Results 1 to 100 of 522