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Kampf um's Dritte Reich.

Published copy of the Nazi propaganda cigarette card album Kampf um's Dritte Reich : eine historische Bilderfolge (Battle for the Third Reich: a historical picture sequence). Album was created by Cigaretten / Bilderdienst of Hamburg, and published in 1933. Album contains space for 273 mounted trading cigarette cards (reproducing photographs by Heinrich Hoffmann) of which 270 are present.
Through the mix of rhetoric and hand-coloured photographs, the album presents an interpretation of the ideological transformation in certain sectors of Germany's social and political spheres that led to the proclamation of the Third Reich (1933-1945). Album covers the public life of Adolf Hitler from 1914 to 1933, and the creation and evolution of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nazi Party) in Germany until 1933.

Kelp, Robert Julius

Postcards and invitations to events.

Postcards and invitations to events received by Hon. Dr. James Horace King, M. D. and his first wife, Mrs. Nellie Mae King. All items were attached to a scrapbook album at some point. Original file folder contained a note that read: “JH King Invitations. Detailed list JHK scrapbook #2,” possibly referring to file 26.

King, James Horace

Autograph album.

File consists of one autograph album kept by Mary Churchill with entries by family and friends. The album contains extensive passages of poetry and prose as well as illustrations. Names include:

  • Matilda W. Danas;
  • H.J. Ward;
  • C.H.A. Spear;
  • P.H.P.;
  • G.C.B.;
  • Daniel B. Woods;
  • Cyrus Brewer;
  • M.H. Shepherd;
  • L.W. Mears;
  • Lucy A. Parker;
  • L. Churchill;
  • S. Churchill;
  • Ino Coburn;
  • M. Salter;
  • C.W. Belcher;
  • M.W. Field;
  • Lauretta;
  • S.B. Carpenter;
  • L.M. Ingalls;
  • Mary Ann;
  • Peggy Doodle;
  • Francoise Rosulthe de Stelenheim;
  • J. Augustus Parker.

Churchill, Mary B.

Elizabeth Austin botanical specimen album.

File consists of one blank album used as a botanical specimen book. Includes 84 flower and tree specimens with identifications and descriptions of time of year they were found. An inscription on the first page indicates that the album was maintained by Elizabeth Austin with specimens from S.L. Wood.


File consists of one scrapbook created by an unknown member of the Rieder family. Includes original works of art as well as clippings and cut outs.

Rieder, Peter

Autograph album.

  • SCA360-GA412
  • Collection
  • 1825-1854

One autograph album kept by an unknown person. The album spans from 1825-1854 and features biblical and literary passages written by those in England and Scotland. Locations include Glasgow, York, London, Newark, Rotherham and more. In the back of the volume is the Lord's prayer written in Malay by a Mr. Trout, Baptist missionary in Batavia, Java.

Scrapbook 3.

A scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, both loose and pasted in, poetry and illustrations, a brochure for the Niagara and Lewiston Railroad, and a one-leaf printed advertisement for "Sapolio," this last in both English and German and printed on silver-backed paper. The name Franklin A. Schantz is written on the front cover of the scrapbook. The scrapbook was found in Florence Annie Catherine's trunk.

The scrapbook occupies the first twenty-five pages of a volume entitled, "Business Diary Containing General Information, With Daily Calendar for 1881, Compiled by Ogilvy & Co., Toronto, And Presented to Each of their Customers With Best Respects and Cordial Good Wishes." Ogilvy & Co. were importers of British and foreign dry goods, and wholesale dealers in Canadian cottons, woolens, etc.

Schantz Russell Family

Scrapbook 2.

A scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, poetry and pictorial items. Included are poetry about Kansas, items about Britain's and Germany's Royal families, fashion items, and sentimental pictures and poems. The scrapbook-maker has employed gilt and silver labels from cloth and embroidery thread to provide fancy borders for some items. Some loose pages and clippings are present, as well as loose manuscript transcriptions, with music, of four hymns, "The Ransomed of the Lord," ?A Golden Harp in Glory," "I Will Sing for Jesus" and "Never be Afraid," signed by Etta Lydia Mary White (nee Schantz). The centre pages for recording births, marriages, and deaths, have been filled in with information on the children of Tobias and Mary Schantz, up to the birth of Dorothy Etta Russell (nee White) in 1900. The

The physical volume used to create this scrapbook appears to be a soft-cover publisher's dummy for an edition of the Bible.

Schantz Russell Family

Maria Louise Clough scrapbook.

  • SCA44-WA24
  • Fonds
  • 1886-1887

One scrapbook kept by Maria Louise Clough while on a trip from Boston to England, Scotland, France and Italy in 1886 and 1887. The scrapbook contains cards, correspondence, clippings, ephemera, and realia (including plant material), and provides insight into the activities and tastes of a young woman from that period of time. Among the contents are: Cunard ephemera (including deck plans, menus, passenger list), theatre ephemera (including Henry Irving in Faust at the Lyceum), a cigarette, lace, Westminster Abbey ephemera, transportation tickets, a moving-part Christmas card, fringe forming part of the decoration of the funeral car of the Duke of Wellington, postcards, engravings, hotel ephemera, identified leaves and flowers, etc.

Clough, Maria Louise

Scrapbook 7.

A scrapbook containing large illustrations pasted in. Largely from illustrated papers, these items originally accompanied stories or poems (some illustrate fishing, hunting, etc.). This scrapbook occupies a volume entitled, ?Heywood Bros. & Co. Supplementary Catalogue [of Rattan and Reed Furniture] 1888.?

Schantz Russell Family

Scrapbook 8.

A scrapbook containing large illustrations laid in but not yet pasted. Largely from illustrated papers, these items originally accompanied stories or poems. This scrapbook occupies a volume entitled, Heywood and Morrill Rattan Co.'s Catalogue of Rattan and Reed Furniture, 1889.

Schantz Russell Family

Textile work scrapbooks.

  • SCA379-GA441
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1880]-[ca. 1889]

Two scrapbooks with handwritten patterns, clippings, and knit or crochet pattern samples.

Scrapbook 1.

A scrapbook containing news clippings relating primarily to the Salvation Army and poetry, engraved and photographic portraits of Salvation Army figures and events. The name Sophie E. Schantz is written on the first page of the scrapbook.

This scrapbook is actually a store ledger from 1864-1865. Every second page has been cut out to accommodate the volume of the pasted-in clippings.

Schantz Russell Family

London, England local government scrapbook.

  • SCA18-GA10
  • Collection
  • 1886-1892

Scrapbook of manuscript notes, clippings, leaflets, handbills and other ephemera concerning the local government in London, England, from 1886 to 1892. Some of the clippings are accompanied by handwritten annotations. The scrapbook has a front pocket that holds several loose-leaf notes, clippings, and pamphlets.

Clippings cover a wide range of topics concerning the London County Council and Kensington Parliament such as meetings, motions, tax reforms, public addresses, as well as news about the law and parliamentary committees.

Autograph album (file 2 of 2).

File consists of an autograph album. Includes notes and quotations from school friends. Includes signature of Mabel Dunham. File also includes a letter from Ella to her father.

Rieder and Anthes family

Scrapbook 2.

File consists of a scrapbook compiled by Mauritana Smith containing material written by leading 19th century American writers and articles written by her mother, Damaris Isabella Smith. These items are pasted into an old manuscript account book. The scrapbook shows the kind of verse that appealed to United Empire Loyalists in Canada.

Smith, Mauritana

Scrapbook 1.

File consists of a scrapbook compiled by Mauritana Smith containing material written by leading 19th century American writers and articles written by her mother, Damaris Isabella Smith. These items are pasted into an old ms. account book. The scrapbook shows the kind of verse that appealed to United Empire Loyalists in Canada.

Smith, Mauritana

Scrapbook 1.

File consists of a scrapbook compiled by Damaris Smith containing clippings, engravings, stamps and seals, and obituaries and biographies of prominent suffragists, literary, political and social women, some of whom are British.

Smith, Damaris Isabella

Scrapbook 5.

A scrapbook containing newspaper clippings of poetry for children. This scrapbook occupies four pages of a publisher's dummy entitled, ? Life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey? by Murat Halstead (Philadelphia: People's Publishing Co., 1899), and every second and third leaf in this volume has been cut out to accommodate the bulk of the clippings.

Schantz Russell Family

Scrapbook 4.

A scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, mostly engraved portraits of members of the British and Russian royal families. This scrapbook occupies the first twenty pages of a publisher's dummy entitled, ?House and Home: A Complete Housewife's Guide? by Marion Harland (Toronto, W. Briggs, [[19--?]?]), and every second leaf in this section has been cut out to accommodate the bulk of the clippings. The rest of the volume, originally published in the United States for an American audience, contains a sample of chapters and engravings on everything from home decorating, relationships, child-rearing, etiquette, menus and recipes. At the end of the volume Tobias Kolb Schantz has written the names of customers and the binding style ordered by each.

Schantz Russell Family

Louis Jacob Breithaupt: European trip album.

Albums contains photographs and postcards recording a trip to Europe made by Louis Jacob Breithaupt in 1900. Some items have manuscript identifications. One photograph is a photomontage of images of Berlin, Ontario., including an aerial view, industries, homes, etc., as well as an inserted portrait of Louis Jacob. The album begins with images of ships and progresses with images of England, France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Seagram Stephanie, 1846-1909: Photograph Album.

Photograph album containing 74 card photographs in various sizes, of which 3 were found loose. The photographs consist of studio portraits, with one exception, of family and friends, including Seagram, Warnock and Bland family members. Some identifying inscriptions are included, but many of the people photographed are unidentified.

Seagram Family

Scrapbook 6.

A scrapbook containing coloured cuttings, some printed for the purpose, with the majority being floral items cut from seed catalogues. The burgundy leather cover is heavily tooled in a thistle pattern, and includes a coloured pictorial card of a bluebird pasted on.

Schantz Russell Family

Pearlie Bishop friendship album.

  • SCA383-GA448-1
  • Fonds
  • 1896-1900

Victorian friendship album kept by Pearlie (Alice Margaret) Bishop from the years 1896-1900. Album was given to Pearlie on her 20th birthday by her Aunt Edith. The album is comprised of 40 leaves of coloured paper in a handmade embroidered linen cover. Most pages have ink inscriptions from friends and family along with tipped in drawings and watercolours. Also included is one photograph of Pearlie in her Red Cross nurses uniform with other nurses and medical staff, presumably from the First World War.

Bishop, Pearlie

Victorian women photograph album.

  • SCA353-GA405
  • Collection
  • ca. 1900

One photograph album kept by an unknown woman with pictures of famous women. The album is made with wooden boards which feature paintings of a sunset over water and a song sparrow with calligraphic poetry. Each page includes a photograph of a different woman surrounded by a hand drawn frame that speaks to her life and work. Women in the album include Florence Nightingale, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Lady Florence Baker, Mary Somerville, Emily Davies, Johanna Maria Lind, and Rosa Bonheur.

Senior wand work.

  • SCA341-GA386
  • Collection
  • 1906

One photograph album with 67 black and white photographs showing various callisthenic movements using a "wand." Each photograph includes a caption with the movement and position of the wand indicated. 5 photographs are missing from the album. The album is titled "Senior Wand Work" and dated 1906 by M. [Lucile] Adams.

Adams, M. Lucile

Ethel Carol and Anne Sewall Longfellow scrapbook.

  • SCA42-WA23
  • Fonds
  • 1902-1906

Fonds consists of one scrapbook assembled by Ethel and Anne Longfellow during their attendance at Smith College, Massachusetts between 1902-1906. The scrapbook contains correspondence, photographs, programmes, clippings, notes and ephemera detailing the academic and social life of the sisters.

Longfellow, Ethel Carol and Anne Sewall

Canadian Society of Civil Engineers photograph album.

  • SCA391-GA456
  • Collection
  • 1906

One photograph album kept by a member of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers documenting a Canadian west coast trip through the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. The 120 silver gelatin photographs show images of interest to the engineers including elevators, irrigation works, mines, smelting works and power plants as well as the scenery of the Rocky Mountains and local people and wildlife. Of particular note is the fact that the party contained numerous women, not all of whom were wives. The front of the album has a pastedown listing all participants in the tour and the back a pastedown listing captions for all of the images.

Women's Suffrage Scrapbook.

  • SCA41-WA22
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1912]

One scrapbook including photographs, newspaper clippings and other items related to the women's suffrage movement. Also includes several newsletters of the Women's Social and Political Union, which was founded by Emmeline Pankhurst.

Photograph album of queer gender expression.

  • SCA440-GA514
  • Fonds
  • 1912

One photograph album capturing moments of gender expression in the early 20th Century. The album contains family and school photographs, and the images of gender expression centre around a group of students on what appears to be a school trip in Pennsylvania. People who appear to be assigned female at birth are shown wearing typical male clothing of the time, or dressed en homme, and people who appear to be assigned male at birth are shown wearing typical female clothing of the time, or dressed en femme. Beginning in the 1840s laws were passed across the United States criminalizing the act of appearing in public “in a dress not belonging to his or her sex" and the activities of this group of students would have still been illegal at this time. It is unclear if the people in the images are cross-dressing as a form of gender expression, entertainment or sexual fetish, or if they are transgender or gender non-conforming.

Klotzkopp Korrespondence, the letters of Joe Klotzkopp, Esq.

One scrapbook containing letters written by John A. Rittinger, newspaper editor, under the pseudonym "Joe Klotzkopp, supposedly a farmer in Bruce County. As Joe Klotzkopp he wrote many humorous letters to German-language dailies in the Pennsylvania-German dialect. According to the immediate donor this is the only complete collection of the "Klotzkopp Letters"as apparently not all of these appear in the translations by Herbert Kalbfleisch entitled "The Letters of Joe Klotzkopp, Esq." However, Rittinger supposedly invented Joe Klotzkopp ca. 1890, and the clippings in this scrapbook date from 1907 at the earliest. Later dates are also pencilled in so possibly Record reprinted these letters in 1924 - 1925. The scrapbook consists of original news clippings pasted into a scrapbook, and a published translation is already held in the Rare Book Room in H0748. Also present is a selection of Klotzkopp letters re-printed in the Record in 1967.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Dominion Tire Company factory album.

Album containing photographs of the construction of the Dominion Tire Company manufacturing plant in what was then Berlin, Ontario. Includes photographs of the construction process, the surrounding land, the interior and exterior of the building during construction, equipment used the tire manufacturing process and employees on the factory floor, etc. Although the majority of the people are unidentified the following people appear in the album: Talmon Henry Rieder (page 1), [Ed Cable?] and Irene Bain (page 3), Dr. Wood (page 6), and J.I. Franklin Anthes (page 9 and 53).

Rieder and Anthes family

Album 1.

File consists of an album compiled by Ella Anthes Cook, and including some additions probably by Martha Rieder. Includes snapshots of family members and friends and snapshots taken on Ella's trip to Europe, around Ontario, at Felsheim, and on her honeymoon. Includes a family photograph taken at Talmon Henry Rieder's 40th birthday, a snapshot taken when Earl Grey visited Berlin, a snapshot taken at the unveiling of Queen Victoria's monument at Victoria Park, and a photograph by Denton of the interior of Zion Evangelical Church.

Rieder and Anthes family

Botanical specimen album.

File consists of one ledger book used as a botanical specimen album maintained by an unknown collector. Includes approximately 94 flower and leaf samples from across the United States, Canada and Cuba including Quebec, British Columbia, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, Florida, Massachusetts, Arkansas and Georgia. Many of the samples are identified and also include information on where and when they were found.

Mabel E. Neiley collection.

  • SCA406-GA473
  • Collection
  • 1918-1920

Photograph album compiled by Mabel E. Neiley during her time working as a nurse in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps. Album reflects the life of a Canadian woman who emigrated to the United States in the early 20th Century and worked in the medical profession during the First World War and the 1918 Influenza pandemic.

Album includes photographs and postcards featuring photographs of the experiences of Mabel E. Neiley during her time as a U.S. Army nurse. Photographs capture nurses in uniform at the hospitals and barracks, nurses taking care of patients, nurses socializing with each other and with soldiers, and nursing posing in different areas of the hospital facilities. Album also contains photographs of soldiers by themselves and official visits (including one of possibly Edith and Woodrow Wilson).

According to annotations in some photographs, images were taken at Walter Reed hospital (Washinton DC, U.S.A), Camp Gordon (Georgia, U.S.A), and Columbus Barracks (Ohio, U.S.A).

Neiley, Mabel E.

Autograph album.

File consists of an autograph album signed by colleagues, patients, and friends of Catherine Taylor while nursing in England during First World War and in the US during the influenza epidemic as well as at summer camps. Album contains three photographs of American soldiers.

Taylor, Catherine

Buck family photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Buck family and their friends including Isabelle Alexandra Burt (nee Buck), Florence Mary Louise Middleton (nee Buck), Evelyn Alice Foster Ferguson (nee Buck), Kathleen Isabelle Cockshutt (nee Buck), George Philip Buck, Millicent Lyall Forbes, Ashton Cockshutt, and many others. Several photographs feature weddings, winter and camping scenes, St. Hilda’s College, sports, and picnics. In addition, a number of the photographs feature images related to the First World War including pictures of individuals in uniform and of Royal Military Collage cadets, the 84th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), the 125th Battalion (1st Overseas Battalion of 38th Regiment Dufferin Rifles), Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), and the 215th Battalion (2nd Overseas Battalion of 38th Regiment Dufferin Rifles), Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).

Some photographs are loose and were found tucked inside the album pages. Seven loose pages were reproduced, printed, and inserted into the album. These pages contain reproduced images. The album also includes a few press clippings. The album was possibly assembled by Millicent Lyall Forbes.

Forbes, Betty

Percy S. Keeting photograph album.

  • SCA283-GA318
  • Collection
  • 1897-1922

One photograph album owned by Percy S. Keeting with 120 photographs of daily life in Britain.

Keeting, Percy S.

Lily Dale scrapbooks.

  • SCA300-GA336
  • Collection
  • 1890-1925

Collection consists of two scrapbooks maintained by William Phillips. The first includes clippings from newspapers and magazines that date from 1890 to 1914. Included are articles on topics relating to spiritualism, advertisements for mediums, and advertising for spiritualism products including the Ouija board. These materials are glued into "A History of Europe" and most clippings feature underlining of important sections.

The second scrapbook includes both clippings as well as handwritten notes from the spirit world. The notes were sent from friends and family of William Phillips including his wife Elizabeth, sister Fanny, brother John Edward and father Joseph. The notes primarily came through medium P.L.O.A. Keeler at Lily Dale. Most of the clippings are advertisements for publications relating to spiritualism and the occult.

Phillips, William

Schneider, Jean May baby book.

Commercially-produced baby book regarding Jean May Schneider, daughter of Fred H. and Ella Schneider, born March 18, 1923. Includes 51 snapshots of Jean May and other infants including: Gwenith Washburn, "Bobbie" Menzies, David and Ruth Halliwell, Charles Bowman White, Mary Caroline Shupe, Katherine and John [Siegner?], Betsy and Tommy Koelher, Elaine Woolner. Some snapshots were taken at Clifton Cottage, Southampton, Ont. One snapshots includes a view of the house at 25 Courtland Ave. W. in Kitchener, Ont. Others show children playing outdoors in the winter.

Schneider family

Mabel Welma Fox scrapbook album.

  • SCA392-GA457
  • Collection
  • 1921-1923, 1925

Scrapbook album created by Mabel Welma Fox during her time at the University of Michigan (1921-1923).

Scrapbook is covered with correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, ephemera, physical objects, and annotations that guide the reader through Fox’s university life.
Photographs are of Fox’s house guests, parties, field trips, prom, graduation, and members of the Betsy Barbour women’s residence hall.
Newspaper clippings and full editions include Michigan Daily, College News, The Detroit News Mail edition, and Detroit Free Press, as well as others unidentified.
Ephemera includes posters, invitations, tickets, and programs for events; place, calling, membership, and business cards; envelopes with receipts (including for tuition, lodging and rent, transportation, raffle tickets, and memberships); report and grade cards; poetry clippings and pages stripped from books; notebooks with course notes; cards and napkins; materials related to 1923 Commencement; and booklets for the University of Michigan Women’s League.
Physical objects include decorations made with crepe paper for different events, a pencil tied to a notebook, and a mini frying pan from a dinner event, and rose leaves and petals.

Scrapbook is housed in a production scrapbook published by the College Memory Book Company from Chicago (Illinois, USA) with copyright from 1918, W.M.W. Clay, and with the title “National Memory and Fellowship Book.”
Fist 25 pages of scrapbook include pre-printed sections used by Fox and/or her colleagues. Preprinted sections include annotations, drawings, photographs and ephemera (by students from Michigan, the United States, Japan, and China).
Pre-printed sections are:

  • Register of friends,
  • Faculty and Campus,
  • Student Hall of Fame,
  • Comparative Athletic Record,
  • School and Social Functions,
  • My Favourites,
  • Entertainments, Lectures, Plays,
  • Memorable Trips,
  • Clubs and Societies,
  • Professors I Have Met,
  • Dates and Doings,
  • Things Worth-Wile Noting,
  • Lest you forget.

Rest of pages are part of the same production scrapbook but do not show section titles. Some pages are left unused. And some items look like they were clipped from another scrapbook (including several items that were inside an envelope pasted to backcover).

Fox, Mabel Welma


File consists of one scrapbook with reviews and articles on Mackay's book "Blencarrow." The reviews are pasted into a blank book that has the Blencarrow cover pasted on the front.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Diamond Jubilee of Confederation.

Scrapbook with newspaper clippings and the title “Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, 1927” possibly created by Hon. James Horace King, M. D. (Minister of Health at the time). Newspaper clippings about the Diamond Jubilee of the Confederation in 1927 in different media across Canada. Newspapers are:

  • Vancouver Star
  • Victoria Daily Times
  • Nelson News
  • Western Tribune, Vancouver
  • Ottawa Citizen
  • Nelson Daily News
  • Ottawa Journal
  • Montreal Daily Star
  • New York Times
  • Montreal Standard
  • London Free Press
  • Fredericton Daily Gleaner
  • Canadian National Railways Magazine
  • Victoria Colonist
  • Victoria Times
  • Vancouver Sun
  • Cranbrook Courier
  • Calgary Herald
  • Saskatoon Daily Star
  • Manitoba Free Press
  • Montreal Gazette
  • Daily Colonist

King, James Horace


File consists of one scrapbook compiled by an unknown person consisting of obituaries of Isabel Mackay. Also includes one photograph taken by Mackay on August 15, 1928 of Boundary Bay.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone


File consists of one bound scrapbook compiled by Isabel Mackay. The scrapbook includes clippings of Mackay's published works, reviews, and biographical sketches. Pages 278-286 consist of a partial index to the scrapbook.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Photograph Album #1.

One photograph album. Includes a list describing each photograph created by rych mills. Some of the photographs are hand-tinted. Most photographs are not identified. Identified photographs include:

Denton: "Suddaby School, Kitchener, Ont., Oct. 19, 1923: instructors", group portrait, includes Dorothy R.; Suddaby School, Kitchener, 1923", untitled view of Victoria Public School.

Snapshots: Victoria park activities: scenic views, bridge, pavilion, duck pen, swimming, skating carnival with races and pairs, athletic field, Highgate, Lake Erie, "Rondeau 1924", lake and beach scenes including cattle on the beach, canoeing and scenery such as lakes, rocks and pines.

Group and single portraits of friends and relatives including: Orpheus Moyer Schantz, Franklin Abram Schantz, Florence Annie Catherine Schantz, Sophie Emma Schantz, Mary Schantz, Flemming Clarke Russell, Dorothy Etta Russell, and people swimming at beach.

Grand River: in flood at Bridgeport upstream from bridge, views from Cressman's Woods.

St. Mary's Hospital.

Schantz Russell Family

Photographs : Album

Series consists of photographs originally contained in a photograph album created to demonstrate the activities of the Kaufman Rubber Co. Limited. It includes photographs of the general offices and production departments.

Kaufman Footwear

Scrapbook album.

Scrapbook album with correspondence written and received by Hon. Dr. James Horace King, photographs, invitations to events, and newspaper clippings related to King. Includes a copy of The King cabinet of 1929 at a glance by Gustave Lacasse, M.D.
Includes loose photographs (one of the persons in a photograph could be Hance James Logan). One of the photographs contains an annotation that reads: “Canadian Pavilion at the British Empire Exhibition, Wembly 1924.”

King, James Horace

Scrapbook album.

Scrapbook album with correspondence received by Hon. Dr. James Horace King, the Oath of the Members of the Privy Council, telegrams and invitations and programs to events received by King, newspaper clippings, and photographs. Some of the correspondence was sent by Lucien Turcotte Picaud (MP 1911-1922, and Secretary to Canadian High Commissioner at London from 1922-1931). One letter is in Dutch.

King, James Horace

K-W YMCA Physical Department

This scrapbook contains news clippings relating primarily to sports, with some additional topics covered. Included are athletics, volleyball, track (indoor and outdoor), Church League basketball, O.B.A. (Ontario Basketball Association) basketball, swimming, road racing, boxing, wrestling, bowling, Other activities covered include the Circus, minstrel shows, Junior Corps and Ranger-Tuxis activities, visitors, conventions, Y's Men's Club, Camp Tinawatawa news and Boys Work .

Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association

Schneider, Frederick Paul and Jean May with family.

Twenty-five snapshots of Jean May and Frederick Paul, children of Fred H. and Ella Schneider, in a green leather tooled album. Many are duplicates of snapshots found in Jean May's baby book. Includes snapshots taken at Southampton, Ont. and at 194 Weber St., Kitchener, Ont. and snapshots of the children playing outdoors, at the beach. in the winter, with toys and riding bicycles. Includes a snapshot of F.H. Schneider in a bathing suit.

Schneider family


Small account book containing news clippings relating primarily to the 1921 building campaign and progress 1920-1935, and includes 5 issues of the 1935 "Youth Booster and Backer".

Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association

1935 Federal Elections Campaign Speeches Collection

  • SCA40-GA22
  • Collection
  • 1935

Collection contains a scrapbook of newspaper clippings concerning the 1935 federal elections in Canada. They document the campaign in Kitchener-Waterloo and the surrounding area, along with other parts of Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Included is coverage of various political parties such as the Conservatives, Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (C.C.F.) and Liberals. Clippings predominantly originate from the Kitchener Daily Record, with others from the Mail and Empire, the Toronto Star, and Daily Star appearing throughout.

Scrapbook of spirit lectures.

A scrapbook with lectures on various topics given by the spirits White Brother and Amarai through the medium, Thomas Lacey. The scrapbook also holds a press clipping featuring a letter to the editor against capital punishment written by Thomas Lacey.

Lacey, Thomas

Scrapbook : birth control notes.

File consists of one scrapbook, possibly kept by Helen Mary Kaufman. The scrapbook includes images with typed captions relating to the Dorothea Palmer birth control trial.

Kaufman Family

Scrapbook : July.

File consists of one scrapbook, possibly kept by Helen Mary Kaufman. The scrapbook includes images with typed captions relating to the birth control debate in Canada.

Kaufman Family

Scrapbook : Ottawa.

File consists of one scrapbook, possibly kept by Helen Mary Kaufman. The scrapbook includes images with handwritten captions relating to birth control in Canada and the Dorothea Palmer birth control trial. Also includes topical pages on the abdication of Edward VIII and political notes on Mackenzie King and Mitchell Hepburn.

Kaufman Family

Birth control notes from the Toronto clinic, March addition[sic], in which the social worker attends parliament to observe the members attitude to the Separate School tax question so she will be prepared for the attitude of the different representatives when a bill for birth control comes up.

One typescript (26 leaves, original) pastiche of pasted-in illustrations and typewritten text on the subject of birth control. Illustrations are largely from published illustrations by Attilio Mussino of Pinocchio, but illustrations from other sources are also present.

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)

My Quints Sketch Book I.

This scrapbook contains newspaper and magazine clippings which trace the early years of the Dionne quintuplets who were born in Callander, Ont. Many of these clippings are undated and the source for them is unidentified. They reflect the high level of publicity surrounding the girls' lives. These clippings include information on the quints' birth and parentage, and trace their development as babies, and then as toddlers and young children while they were under the care of a government-run nursery in Callander, Ont. which was managed by Dr. Dafoe.

This scrapbook contains numerous reproductions of baby and childhood photographs of the quints which appeared in the press. The majority of these photographs were taken by Fred Davis, official photographer for the quints and employee of the Toronto Star. Many of these photographs were taken on occasions such as the quints' birthdays, or at Christmas or Easter. Photographs and profiles of Dr. Dafoe and of the nursing staff for the quints are also contained in this scrapbook. Some clippings report on the flood of tourists to Callander, Ont. to view the quints. Other clippings relate to a feature film entitled "The County Doctor" to be made about the quints.

Crnko, Yvonne

Augustine family photograph album.

An album containing snapshots of the Albert William Augustine family, their relatives and friends between 1931 and 1938, assembled by Edna Louise Augustine. Includes photographs taken at Jacob and Mary Kaufman's home at "Lexington," later known as "Kaufman's Flats." Also includes summer photographs taken in the Muskokas.

Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family

Augustine family photograph album.

An album containing eleven snapshots of the Augustine family. Includes snapshots of Mary Ham, Edna Louise Augustine, Albert William Augustine, Albert Jacob Augustine, and John Ross Augustine both at home and at "Hartman's, Georgian Bay. The album has the inititals M.C.A. embossed on the front cover.

Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family

Photograph album 5 : trip to England and Scotland.

Album containing snapshots and souvenir postcards from a trip to England and Scotland. The trip was probably taken by Margaret (Wilson) More and her husband William More [?], Richard S. Wilson, and other members of the Wilson family. Album also includes loose snapshots of members of the Wilson and Martin families and a photograph of Jamie Martin; a Christmas card; and an manuscript Poem.

Martin, John Gartshore

Album #2.

77 photographs, mostly snapshots.
p. 1, 3, 5, 7. "Dutch Company" ski photographs, including one "artistic" shot.
p. 11. Artistic shot of birch trees.
p. 12. Schneider, Norman C. : home at 76 Schneider Ave., Kitchener, Ont. : exterior.
p. 13. Skyscraper.
p. 14. Mrs. Keffer and girl with basin of Boston Terrier puppies. (1 of 2 lacking).
p. 17. "Canada at Work" (1 of 2 lacking).
p. 19. London Bridge?
p. 25. Ski jumping with spectators at Chicopee (1 of 2 lacking).
p. 27 Schneider, Norman C. : family portrait, Oct. 1935.
p. 28. Schneider family portrait : Norman & Ethel, Fred H. and Ella, Walter Siegner and Emma, four unidentified couples, taken in a living room.
p. 34. Canada at Work, 1938.
p. 35. Skiing, Huntsville?
p. 36-38. Schneider family snapshots, J.M. and Helena.
p. 39-39, 41, 43. Snapshots taken in Europe? One shows a border crossing on a path, several of a group of men and a pony.
p. 43-44. Men's fishing trip snapshots (1 of 5 lacking).
p. 46-47. Christmas at 76 Schneider Ave. Includes children with Christmas tree, Herbert, Howie and Don Daub playing with trains in the basement.
p. 48-53. Ski photographs, locations unknown. Includes posed groups, 1938, and candid shots.
p. 55. Church of the Good Shepherd.
p. 56-58. Schneider Stock Farm (2 of 11 lacking). Includes shots of children riding a pony.
p. 59-61. Wedding of unidentified couple. Includes bride and groom in sleigh outside Buena Vista, J.M. Sschneider's home at 272 Queen St. North.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Percival Horton-Smith Hartley scrapbooks.

  • SCA16-GA9
  • Collection
  • 1921-1939

Fonds contains two scrapbooks created by Sir Percival Hartley dating from 1921 to 1939. Both contain newspaper clippings and handwritten notes relating to a variety of topics in areas such as theology, physicians, poetry, and the history of England.

Hartley, Sir Percival Horton-Smith

Album #1.

p. 1-4. Niagara Falls, Buena Vista. Snapshots featuring Norman C. Schneider and Hyalie MacDondald, interspersed with shots of Niaga Falls and the cable car. Other shots of the two men, J. M Schneider and others are taken at Buena Vista, J.M. Schneider's home. Several feature Norman and Hyalie with pipes. Carl Ahrens(?) is also in several shots.
p. 5. Pope Hartford automobile.
p. 6. Schneider family snapshots ca. 1934: Howie sick in bed with nurse, Edith knitting, Keffer family visit, winter play.
p. 8-9. Schneider & Ahrens families at the beach, ca. 1927.
p. 10-11. Norman with a group of boys posed in front of car; Norman, Edith and friends, posed in front of a car; garden arch in winter.
p. 12 Family group on an outing, Norman and Edith with Siegners?), Shupes(?). All dressed in coats and hats, some fur collars, split rail fence.
p. 13-17. family snapshots at 76 Schneider Ave: house and garden exterior, Victoria park in winter, Herb, Howie and Brita, ca. 1934, family group with Emma Siegner.
p. 18. Schneider's(?) girl's baseball team. Women wearing "sailor" pants with two rows of buttons.
p. 19. J.M. Schneider in his office.
p. 19. Family snapshots at 176 Schneider Ave: "Europa Ping Pong, fireplace, Norman and Howie.
p. 20. "The twins, Leonard and Lorraine Pickard."
p. 21. Edith and Little Pal (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 22-23. Winter fun at Freeport, ca. 1934: family with skis, boys on toboggan, posed in front of car.
p. 23. Norman Schneider on the Duchess of Bedford, 1931.
p. 24-25. Family snapshots, 1934: children at Schneider Ave. and at Freeport.
p. 24. Schneiders Christmas boxes? Group of men in front of a store with boxes labelled "Merry Xmas".
p. 26. Herbert and Howie with false noses; Norman in deck chair with blanket and book on the Duchess of Bedford, 1931 (lacking 1 of 3).
p. 27. Norman in front of Cologne Cathedral, Nov., 1934; J.M. Schneider in his office, Dec. 22, 1934.
p. 28-29. Christmas 1934: Christmas tree, presents, Herb, Howie and Brita; Victoria Park 1934: hockey; Mary Jane Keffer, 1933; children on skis (at Freeport?), with unidentified man; J.M. Schneider and Helena with children, J.M. and sister Mary Alles (ther are negatives for these, 2 snaps of 14 lacking).p. 30-33. Keffer family visit (9 of 10 lacking). Includes one shot inside the Keffer home in Germany.
p. 34. Schneider plant, Dec. 1934: plant machinery, shipping Wiltshire sides.
p. 25. Skiing: Chicopee?
p. 36. Freeport cottage: swimming pool (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 37. All photos missing (3), one labelled Lexington Airport picture.
p. 38. Ethel at Freeport Cottage: "Poison ivy day, 1934"; Ethel and Brita, Victoria Park.
p. 39 family skiing at Chicopee, 1934.
p. 40. Family snapshots at 76 Schneider Ave: exterior at dusk; Children seated with Lapsley, Joachimi ladies.
p. 41-42. Schneider Plant: exterior; machinery; men working in office; man with truck "Sam Humphrey, 100,000 miles, 1936"; pigs, cows on ramp; steam shovel digging hole.
p. 44-45. Family snapshots: Schneider and Siegner group snapshots on outings, 1935, Herbert, Howie and Brita in new clothes?; children playing in winter: group shots including four girls in winter coats and leggings, two of boys and toboggan.
p. 46. Children fishing at Freeport, 1935; Norman in a train window, 1934 (lacking 1 of 6).
p. 47. Norman at the Keffer's home in Germany (lacking 1 of 4).
p. 48-54. Skiing at Chicopee: landscape, ski tracks, posed skiiers, skiier jumping with spectators (lacking 3 of 31).
p. 55. Schneider children: birthday party, boys collecting plants.
p. 56-57. Freeport Cottage: children fishing, playing baseball, family group with F.H. Schneider & Siegner families. Includes a shot of Mary Jane Keffer?
p. 58-59. Church of the New Jerusalem, interior and exterior (lacking 3 of 12).
p. 60: Norman, Ethel and Children: group shot at Freeport cottage; spring blooms, men at unidentified property (Sims at Chicopee?). Two of these are groups seen in a gazing ball.
p. 66. Ski Hill at Chicopee (lacking 2 of 3).
p. 62-64. Skiers: groups and individuals, both at Chicopee and elsewhere? Includes one summer shot of men digging ski slope (lacking 1 of 15).
p. 65. Ivan Keffer: winter portrait at Freeport?; Howie missing tooth.
p. 67. Construction photos: men working, shot taken high up (lacking 2 of 4).
p. 71. Horse drawing logs, trees in winter at Freeport?
p. 72-73: Norman Schneider on skis (lacking 2 of 4).
p. 74. Skiers in woods.
p. 75. Skiers in front of fireplace, including Norman Schneider (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 76. Dining room interior (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 77. Little Pal (lacking 1 of 2).
p. 78-80. Schneider stock farm: buildings, creek, boys fishing, collie dog, large tree.
p. 80-82. Spring at 76 Schneider Ave: house exterior, Victoria park entrance and pavilion, daffodils, Howie and Herb with bicycles, Brita with roller skates, group shots of children.
p. 83. Brock Monument and Queenston Heights, May 9, 1937, statue of soldiers labelled "Erie, Pa".
p. 84. Skiiers on grass.
p. 84-85. Keffer family.
p. 85. Norman Schneider with a group: "Europa, 1936".
p. 86-87. Schneider stock farm: family group, boys with pony, cows and large tree.
p. 87. Group of young women, 1936, possibly Schneider employees. They are all dressed for cool weather.
p. 87. Ceremony at Victoria School grounds: platform with speaker, scouts seated in foreground.
p. 88-93. Men's fishing trips (lacking 2 of 21).
p. 94-96. Rotary flag-raising at Chicopee.
p. 97. Norman, F.H. Schneider and Rotary: group portrait with large house in background (Sims home?).
p. 98. Rotary flag raising at Chicopee, 1935.
p. 98-100. Men's shenanigans: men playing outside in costume.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Photograph collection.

  • SCA83-GA53
  • Collection
  • [186-?]-[19--?]

Collection consists of 169 19th century American photographs. Included are 115 carte-de-visites, 40 cabinet portraits, 2 albums, 11 miscellaneous photographs and 1 envelope of miscellaneous business and greeting cards.

Most are albumen type photographs depicting various people including infants, children, and adults. The photographs come from various studios across the United States though the majority come from studios in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Illinois. The photographs, since rehoused, were originally housed in two albums decorated with an intricate relief on the cover and a metal clasp lock.

Autograph album.

File consists of one autograph album owned by Kay Rex featuring autographs from friends and family members.

Rex, Kay

Sims, Harvey J. : lawn bowling ephemera.

Scrapbook covering activities of the Canadian Lawn Bowling Association in general and H.J. Sims in particular from 1924 to 1941. Harvey J. Sims was on the Dominion Lawn Bowling Association Canadian team chosen to compete in Great Britain in 1924, and afterward continued to actively participate in the sport, winning many trophies. The scrapbook includes clippings, many with team photographs and portraits, drawings, schedules, itineraries relating to Harvey's involvement in lawn bowling events locally, in Ontario, the United States, and Great Britain.

Sims family

Betty Forbes's photograph album pages.

Loose album pages containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including George Alexander Forbes, Millicent Lyall Forbes, Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Isabelle Alexandra Burt (nee Buck), Judy Carter, John Freudeman, Bernice Adam, Segreant William Hartman, Russ Johnston, Robert Forbes, and many others. Several photographs feature sports, cars, planes, family pets as well as the Toronto Maple Leafs 1937-1938 hockey team, camping activities, the Hespeler Gun Club, Ridley College, Bishop Strachan School, Austin Airways, Lakeview Dancing Casino, Port Elgin, Puslinch Lake, Lake Tyson, and Niagara Falls. Also includes a press clipping and wedding invitation related to the wedding of Robert Forbes and Grace Bickford on April 19, 1941.

Forbes, Betty

The Lang Tanning Company, Ltd. photograph album.

Series consists of a collection of photographs originally contained in a photograph album created to showcase the activities of The Lang Tanning Company Limited. It tells the story of a three generation manufacturing company and depicts several steps in the leather tanning process. Each photo includes a typed caption indicating what is captured in the corresponding image. Employees, predominantly white men, appear throughout though a small number or photos include white women at work on various stages of leather processing. No employee identifications are included.

Lang Tanning Company, Ltd.

Scrapbook: K-W Record Advertising.

This scrapbook contains advertisements mostly from Marketing , promoting th Record and its advertisers. Of particular interest are the ads featuring images of local industries, businesses and portraits of businessmen. These include Schreiters, Bullas, Waterloo Trust and Savings, etc. The scrapbook also contains self-promotion items published in the Record.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record


File consists of one scrapbook with clippings, speeches and articles on Dana Porter, his work, life, and interests.

Porter, Dana Harris

Scrapbook album.

Scrapbook album created by Bettie Bernice Wilson with photographs, ephemera, and newspaper clippings related to her years in the Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division. Includes photographs of Wilson, Wilson and her colleagues training and socializing, as well as her graduating class from No. 6 "M." Depot in Toronto; newspaper clippings about the R.C.A.F., the R.C.A.F. Women's Division, and Wilson's colleges; and related ephemera, including dinner menus and health clearence cards.

Wilson, Bettie Bernice

Photograph album.

A photograph album containing photographs, postcards, press clippings, and greeting cards accumulated by the Bechler family.

Bechler family

Scrapbook 2.

Scrapbook created by an unknown party (probably a family member or close friend) containing clippings from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record relating to local men serving in the war. Clippings describe the postings, promotions, and activities of the soldiers and officers, honours received, and news about those injured, missing, or killed. Some clippings relate to John Gartshore Martin, Wilson Alexander Martin, and Muriel Clift (fiancee of William Jamieson Martin). Some clippings are loose between pages of the scrapbook.

Martin, John Gartshore

Camilla Young photograph album.

  • SCA393-GA458
  • Collection
  • 1946-[198-]

Photograph and scrapbook album containing photographs and other materials related to the early life of Camilla Young, an African American woman from New Jersey.

Photographs in album cover Young's life from her birth in 1946 to the early 1980s. First sheets include disbound pages from a commercial baby book written and illustrated by Tony Sarg (issued by New Library Inc. for Greenberg Publishers) filled in by Young's mother with Camilla Young's first photographs and baby accomplishments. Rest of sheets include photographs from Young's childhood, teenage, and adult years. Most photographs are ordered chronologically and range in fashion styles and locations. Photographs include family and friends gatherings, school events, celebrations and parties, holiday trips, and other moments in Young's life.

Album includes a newspaper clipping with an article about Young published in The News Tribune of Woodbridge Township (today the Central New Jersey Home News Tribune) from August 9, 1979, written by Donna Eastman. Also contains Young's certificate of merit for participation and outstanding performance in the Miss Black America Pageant of New Jersey.

Young, Camilla


File consists of one large scrapbook with pasted-in clippings on Porter, his life, and his work. Includes many clippings on the British immigration of 1947.

Porter, Dana Harris

Exhibit clippings

Series contains clippings documenting memorial exhibits for Homer Watson and articles reviewing his life. There are two scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings between 1936 and 1947. One scrapbook contains mostly newspaper memorabilia and exhibition advertisements, while the other contains clippings focused mainly on announcing exhibits throughout Ontario along with press and editorial comments. There are also files of clippings that discuss the closure of Watson’s art gallery and studio in 1947. One of the clippings is a print, from a magazine, depicting Homer Watson.


File consists of one scrapbook documenting the immigration of British and Dutch citizens to Canada following the Second World War, in which Porter was involved. Includes clippings and photographs, most of which have captions.

Porter, Dana Harris

Betty Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Millicent Lyall Forbes, Robert Forbes, Grace Forbes (nee Bickford), Judy Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Jim Johnson, Bill Stuart, Bob O’Connor, and others. Several photographs feature camping activities, cars, picnics, family pets, planes, parades, trips to British Columbia and Alaska, Lake Tyson, Puslinch Lake, Tobermory, Bishop Strachan School, St. George’s Nursery School, Thistletown, part of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, and Club Kingsway in Toronto. Also includes photographs of Betty and Forbes in their nursing uniforms and their graduation ceremonies, and images related to the World Wars including George Alexander Forbes in uniform, prisoner of war Jack Currie [?] and many other individuals in military uniform.

Forbes, Betty

Scrapbook 1.

Scrapbook created by John Gartshore Martin about his experiences in WWII. Includes snapshots, newspaper clippings, ephemera, and correspondence. Snapshots were taken during John's training in Canada and his time in Europe, and show sporting events; fellow officers and soldiers; towns, buildings, and countryside in Normandy, Belgium and Holland; tanks and other equipment; a post-war ceremony; and other subjects.

Scrapbook includes a telegram from John's parents informing him of his brother Jamie's death, ts. Information relating to battles, a letter to Jessie Martin regarding John's DSO, and other items. Clippings relate to John's involvement in the war and his decoration with the DSO by the Governor General Viscount Alexander. The scrapbook pages are not in order and have been left as found. Some pages contain identification for the photographs.

Martin, John Gartshore

G. Stommel portfolio.

Millinery design portfolio in black paper created by G. Stommel with handwritten annotations regarding types of ribbons, shapes of felts, wires, and straw fibres used in the making of hats; drawings and magazine clippings with different styles of hats and headcovers; and mounted fabric samples showing millinery materials and sample stitches. Portfolio was probably made as a result of a sewing course taken by Stommel, possibly in a junior college or high school.

Portfolio includes information on bonnets, fedoras, highlander hats, sailor hats, tophat hats, pancake hats, tricorns, berets, cartwheel hats, skull-caps, straw disk hats, toques, chechias, Brummell hats, stocking caps, hoods, derby hats, half hats, helmets, turbans, pottery hats, pilgrim's hat, Bretons, sky-scrapper hats, postilion hats, roller hats, gaucho hats, handkerchief hats, and caps.

Portfolio also mentions some millinery designers and stores such as: milliner and fashion merchandiser Lilly Daché, milliner and fashion designer Caroline Reboux, fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli, New York's luxury department store Bonwit Teller, California's high fashion and specialty goods luxury department store I. Magnin & Company, and New York's women's department store Henri Bendel.

Stommel, G.

Photograph album 3 : Martin family.

Album containing snapshots of John Alexander and Jessie Martin and their children as well as other relatives and family friends. Includes snapshots of Wilson in uniform posing with relatives, and of Jamie's grave at Beny-sur-mer, France.

Album also contains newspaper clippings and memorabilia, including the telegram from the Department of National Defence regarding Jamie's death and Jamie's last letter home. Clippings relate to Jamie's death, Wilson's wedding, John Alexander Martin's career (including his appointment to rubber controller for Canada), and news of relatives and friends.

Martin, John Gartshore


File consists of one scrapbook featuring a map of Germany on the cover. The scrapbook includes photographs of, and botanical specimens from, the Harburg district of Germany, particularly around Buchholz in der Nordheide and Lüneburger Heide. The scrapbook also includes photographs of young women and girls in Hitler Youth uniforms at what appears to be a camp. There are three quotes in the scrapbook which read:

  1. "Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit als hier das unsre weit und breit" [No prettier country at this time than ours here, wide and broad], a German folk song;
  2. "Auf Fahrt und Lager so lernen wir unsere Heimat kennen." [By riding and camping we get to know our native land].
  3. "Grösseres als mein Vaterland Deutschland kenne ich nicht!" [greater than my homeland Germany I know not], excerpt from a speech given by Adolf Hitler at the Sportpalast in Dresden on July 23, 1932.

Rowntree, Kenneth

Photograph album 1 : Martin family.

Album containing snapshots of Jessie and John Alexander Martin and their children, Wilson, Jamie, and John, as babies and young children. Other relative are included in some photographs. Album also includes later photographs of the three brothers in uniform, and a photograph of John Gartshore Martin and his father visiting Jamie's grave at Beny-sur-mer cemetery.

Also contained in the album are several press clippings relating to John's achievements in the war, John A. Wilson (cousin) who was killed in action, and the post-war careers of Wilson and John.

Martin, John Gartshore

Doris Schnelder portfolio.

Millinery design portfolio in brown paper created by Doris Schnelder with handwritten annotations regarding felt shapes, felt finishes, millinery principles, ribbons, wires, straws, straw fibres, straw hat seams, and places of origin of straws; magazine clippings with different styles of hats and headcovers; and mounted fabric samples showing millinery materials, types of braids and bows, and sample stitches. Portfolio was probably made as a result of a sewing course taken by Doris Schnelder, possibly in a junior college or high school.

Portfolio includes information on sailor hats, doll hats, tricornes, pillbox hats, postilion hats, berets, picture hats, toques, fedoras, calotte caps, alpine hats, turbans, half hats, Juliet caps, Scottish tam-o-shanter hats, casques, biggin caps, jockey caps, Dutch hats, cloches, Harlequin hats, mushroom hats, casquettes, blimper brim hats, snood caps, bowler hats, halo hats, bell boy caps, cowboy hats, Robin Hood hats, Eugenie hats, cartwheel hats, profile hats, postilian hats, coolie hats, and puritan hats.

Schnelder, Doris


Contains material relating to Nazla Dane's travel overseas as a delegate to the Fifth International Congress of Business and Professional Women, London, England, July 31-Aug. 5, 1950. Contains correspondence, ephemera, maps, photographs, postcards, tourist literature, etc. documenting the Congress and N. Dane's travels with a group from the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women through Scotland, England, France, Italy and Switzerland.

Dane, Nazla L.


Contains ephemera, correspondence, photographs relating to Nazla Dane's activities in connection with the Toronto Business and Professional Women's Club, including her presidency from 1949 to 1951.

Dane, Nazla L.


Contains ephemeral materials collected on a trip to Hawaii, including brochures, photograph, advertising ephemera, recipe booklets, and postcards.

Dane, Nazla L.

WAVES scrapbook.

  • SCA418-GA487
  • Collection
  • 1944-1953

One scrapbook kept by Ruth Beardsley, a member of the United States Naval Reserve, known as WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service). The album includes 86 photographs showing Ruth and classmates at training at Hunter College in New York a well as Oklahoma A&M College; Ruth with family and friends; the USS Woodworth; and a trip to Washington. Also included in the scrapbook are three wartime ration books from members of the Peterson family, two postcards to Edwin Peterson, a Petty Officer training manual for John Peterson from 1950, a clipping regarding Ruth visiting the factory where her father worked, an invitation to a party on the USS Kearsarge (CV-33) issued only to women, an Easter card, a certificate for Beardsley from the Maryland College of Engineering in Engineering Drawing, and a transcript of a broadcast given on CBS by Eric Sevareid on the day of the truce in the Korean War. The scrapbook itself features a drawing of WAVES on the cover.

Beardsley, Ruth

Scrapbook: K-W Record Advertising.

This scrapbook contains advertisements mostly from Marketing , promoting the Record and the stability of the local K-W market in post-war industrial conversion. Of particular interest are the full page ads featuring photographs of local industries and businesses such as Mutual Life, Electrohome, Burns, McBrine, and Snyder Furniture.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Betty Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Pamela Wilson, Ross Wilson, Margaret Neilson, Jean Lyttle, Isabel Taylor, Jane Drope, Betty Hall, Joan MacPhail, Joan Norwich, Jayne Clement, Jack Vincent, Betty and Lou Breithaupt, Eleanor Snyder, Jean Augustine, Patty Ann Augustine, Barbie Augustine, and many others. Several photographs feature Camp Forty at Lake Tyson, Thistletown (part of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto), Christmas celebrations, christenings, and trips to British Columbia, Arizona, California, Texas, South Carolina, and Yellowstone National Park. Also includes a ticket stub or name card for Millicent Lyall Forbes when she attended the Canadian Nurses Association 25th biennial meeting at the University of British Columbia between June 26-30, 1950.

Forbes, Betty

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